Zone1 Jared Taylor, On Orientals

Again, when we make up for 400 years of institutionalized racism, then you can come back to me and complain about your laundry list of prejudices.

If "400 years of institutionalized racism" are responsible for low IQ averages of blacks and high rates of crime and illegitimacy, How do you account for the facts that after nearly two thousand years of persecution culminating in the Holocaust, most Jews are intelligent, successful, and prosperous?
If "400 years of institutionalized racism" are responsible for low IQ averages of blacks and high rates of crime and illegitimacy, How do you account for the facts that after nearly two thousand years of persecution culminating in the Holocaust, most Jews are intelligent, successful, and prosperous?

Because the Holocaust was only six years. Racism in America is an ongoing travesty.

And sorry, two groups arguing over whether or not Jesus was the Messiah isn't "oppression".

I decline to get into an insult contest with JoeB131. His comments condemn him more than I could.
Your racism condemns you more than I could.
Except that's the future you have... if you are as old as you claim to be, you'll never see a day where your crackpot philosophy is accepted or tolerated.
As time goes on more genes will be discovered that influence intelligence and behavior. It will be discovered that Negroes tend to have more low IQ genes and more high crime genes.

It will also be found that Jews are loaded with high IQ genes.

Meanwhile, most blacks will continue to disappoint optimistic assumptions about their potential.

As intelligence becomes increasingly important to our economy the wealth and power of the Jews will increase.

The truth cannot be suppressed forever.
Because the Holocaust was only six years. Racism in America is an ongoing travesty.

And sorry, two groups arguing over whether or not Jesus was the Messiah isn't "oppression".

Your racism condemns you more than I could.
Nazi persecution of Jews began in 1932. A history major wouldl know that.

Jews succeed against the odds. Blacks fail despite affirmative action and fortunes in tax money spent to help them.
As time goes on more genes will be discovered that influence intelligence and behavior. It will be discovered that Negroes tend to have more low IQ genes and more high crime genes.
No, Eugenics was debunked as a science 100 years ago.

It will also be found that Jews are loaded with high IQ genes.
If there are any left. A lot of Jews are marrying Goyim and being non-religious.

Meanwhile, most blacks will continue to disappoint optimistic assumptions about their potential.

As intelligence becomes increasingly important to our economy the wealth and power of the Jews will increase.

If they don't completely wear out their welcome like they have everywhere else in the world.
Nazi persecution of Jews began in 1932. A history major wouldl know that.

Except the Holocaust didn't start until the war. Before the war, Jews in Germany before the war were "encouraged" to leave. (Which is why 75% of German and Austrian Jews survived the war, as opposed to 60% of Polish Jews who perished.)

Jews succeed against the odds. Blacks fail despite affirmative action and fortunes in tax money spent to help them.

Jews succeed because they can declare themselves White and join into all that sweet, sweet White privilege.
Nazi persecution of Jews began in 1932. A history major wouldl know that.

Jews succeed against the odds. Blacks fail despite affirmative action and fortunes in tax money spent to help them.
Joe needs to pay a visit the Holocaust Museum in DC. Maybe he’d learn something.
Joe needs to pay a visit the Holocaust Museum in DC. Maybe he’d learn something.

That the Jews are much better than whining about stuff than Cambodians, Armenians, Chinese, Native Americans, etc.

I already knew that.

The Holocaust was horrible. So are what the Zionists are doing in Gaza, right now. Only one of those things can we do something about.
Why would I? I haven't engaged in it?

Racism exists, and it's a problem.

Religion isn't race, it's a choice. Either the universe works a certain way, or it doesn't.
Actually, it’s an ethnicity, with genes passed down from generation to generation. A person is Jewish if his or her mother is Jewish, period.
Actually, it’s an ethnicity, with genes passed down from generation To generation. A person is Jewish if his or her mother is Jewish, period.
Then why do you have black Jews, near Eastern Jews, and European Jews?

If you believe the Mormons, the Native Americans were Jewish, too. As absurd as that sounds, no more absurd than any other religious nonsense.
Nazi persecution of Jews began in 1932. A history major wouldl know that.

Jews succeed against the odds. Blacks fail despite affirmative action and fortunes in tax money spent to help them.
Joe pretends that the bigotry Jews have suffered lasted only six years, when in fact they’ve been persecuted, expelled, murdered for 2,000 years - and antisemitism remains an ongoing, and recently increasing, problem.
Joe pretends that the bigotry Jews have suffered lasted only six years, when in fact they’ve been persecuted, expelled, murdered for 2,000 years - and antisemitism remains an ongoing, and recently increasing, problem.

Yeah, whatever, seems that if you've been murdered for 2000 years, there wouldn't be any of you left.

Jews and Christians fought for 2000 years over religion (with the Muslims joining in). I just can't get worked up about people murdering each other over superstitions.
Then why do you have black Jews, near Eastern Jews, and European Jews?

If you believe the Mormons, the Native Americans were Jewish, too. As absurd as that sounds, no more absurd than any other religious nonsense.
Your hateful bigotry will come back to bite you in the ass. Just wait. You won't admit it here, but it will.

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