Zone1 Jason Whitlock Hates on Blacks

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Diamond Member
Jun 5, 2008
Steven A Smith called him out.

Whitlock said Smith was an ESPN 'industry plant' and was purposely installed as a left-wing shill to push liberal agendas connected to stoking racial division and pushing the COVID-19 vaccine, in exchange for a lucrative career devoid of merit.

This guy is clearly a black Republican.

And what is Whitlock saying Steven A Smith lied about? Sounds to me like Steven said he only played one game in college and cracked his knee in half, this guy is claiming he played in 10 games? Is that it? This Jason Whitlock is just a black Aaron Rogers type. Conservative liar. Hater. Clearly his politics are controlling his life.
Steven A Smith called him out.

Whitlock said Smith was an ESPN 'industry plant' and was purposely installed as a left-wing shill to push liberal agendas connected to stoking racial division and pushing the COVID-19 vaccine, in exchange for a lucrative career devoid of merit.

This guy is clearly a black Republican.

And what is Whitlock saying Steven A Smith lied about? Sounds to me like Steven said he only played one game in college and cracked his knee in half, this guy is claiming he played in 10 games? Is that it? This Jason Whitlock is just a black Aaron Rogers type. Conservative liar. Hater. Clearly his politics are controlling his life.

Textbook example of a lefty (you AND Steven A) calling a black they disagree with an Uncle Tom without using the words Uncle Tom.
Smith has always been a hack with a chip on his shoulder....That he can occasionally swerve into the truth doesn't change that.
I love him. What's the problem? His swagger? That's what makes him popular. Reminds me of a bad guy on big time wrestling. Some people love the bad guy, some people love to hate the bad guy. But the bad guy is good.

Why is he a hack? He's the best in the business.
Textbook example of a lefty (you AND Steven A) calling a black they disagree with an Uncle Tom without using the words Uncle Tom.
Hey, I get it why Jason Whitlock sold out to the dark side. Same reason Bruce Jenner is a Republican. Jason is worth $10 million. Why else would he be a Republican?
Thread locked as no link supporting facts asserted in OP Thread Post of Whitlock story.
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