Jaynet Boyes, Former Lesbian: Obama should Listen to Voice of Ex-Homosexuals


Constitutionalist / Universalist
Jan 21, 2010
After the Court Ruling settles down, I think more stories like this will come out and studies on spiritual healing and its multiple applications. I put this under Current Events, since it follows the wave of publicity with the upcoming Court Ruling on gay marriage.
Former Lesbian to President Obama: Why Won’t You Listen to Voices of Ex-Homosexuals Jesus Set Free?

Although we people of faith in America are not yet being physically attacked in large numbers, there is a bully who would like to silence what we believe.

For years, the president of the United States has sat down with those in the LGBTQ community but has failed to hear the stories of those of us who have successfully left the homosexual lifestyle. As someone who spent 14 years in the homosexual lifestyle and then experienced the transforming power of Jesus Christ, I know it is possible to be set free. For 17 years, I have been living proof:

Ex-Lesbian Shares How She Discovered Freedom in Christ


Her Petition: Petition Barack Obama President of the United States Hear the voices of those who have left the homosexual lifestyle. Change.org
So what?

Who cares?

She can do what she likes. What does she expect Obama to do after he's heard her story? Ban homosexuality?
Please! Enough already. Gay and lesbian and now ex-lesbian!! Let's just have this alternative lifestyle shoved down our throats yet another time. It's called alternative because it isn't like the rest of us.
After the Court Ruling settles down, I think more stories like this will come out and studies on spiritual healing and its multiple applications. I put this under Current Events, since it follows the wave of publicity with the upcoming Court Ruling on gay marriage.
Former Lesbian to President Obama: Why Won’t You Listen to Voices of Ex-Homosexuals Jesus Set Free?

Although we people of faith in America are not yet being physically attacked in large numbers, there is a bully who would like to silence what we believe.

For years, the president of the United States has sat down with those in the LGBTQ community but has failed to hear the stories of those of us who have successfully left the homosexual lifestyle. As someone who spent 14 years in the homosexual lifestyle and then experienced the transforming power of Jesus Christ, I know it is possible to be set free. For 17 years, I have been living proof:

Ex-Lesbian Shares How She Discovered Freedom in Christ


Her Petition: Petition Barack Obama President of the United States Hear the voices of those who have left the homosexual lifestyle. Change.org
You need to get laid Emily.
"Although we people of faith in America are not yet being physically attacked in large numbers, there is a bully who would like to silence what we believe."


No one is seeking to 'silence' anyone.
I don't the Prez is interested in hearing from ANY "ex-homosexuals" if ya' know what I mean.
Please! Enough already. Gay and lesbian and now ex-lesbian!! Let's just have this alternative lifestyle shoved down our throats yet another time. It's called alternative because it isn't like the rest of us.
But you yourself are a bit alternative if taken at face value of your username.
Yeah, I'm not buying it.

I think most of these "former" homosexuals simply went back in the closet.
After the Court Ruling settles down, I think more stories like this will come out and studies on spiritual healing and its multiple applications. I put this under Current Events, since it follows the wave of publicity with the upcoming Court Ruling on gay marriage.
Former Lesbian to President Obama: Why Won’t You Listen to Voices of Ex-Homosexuals Jesus Set Free?

Although we people of faith in America are not yet being physically attacked in large numbers, there is a bully who would like to silence what we believe.

For years, the president of the United States has sat down with those in the LGBTQ community but has failed to hear the stories of those of us who have successfully left the homosexual lifestyle. As someone who spent 14 years in the homosexual lifestyle and then experienced the transforming power of Jesus Christ, I know it is possible to be set free. For 17 years, I have been living proof:

Ex-Lesbian Shares How She Discovered Freedom in Christ


Her Petition: Petition Barack Obama President of the United States Hear the voices of those who have left the homosexual lifestyle. Change.org
You need to get laid Emily.
You need to get a brain.
Yeah, I'm not buying it.

I think most of these "former" homosexuals simply went back in the closet.

If you listen to these people, especially the ex-ex gays...that's pretty much what they do. Even if they go "whole hog" and get with someone of the opposite sex, they are still attracted to members of the same gender. (It's why reparative therapy has a success rate of below 5%).
No such thing as an ex-homosexual, you are either bisexual or in self-denial established through brainwashing.

In the earlier case, you had a preference to the same sex, and were able to still be attracted to guys, so you only date guys. Some con-artist makes you believe otherwise.

In the later case you are trying abstinence until the control breaks (and it will), so it is more of the same BS.
If she thinks she is no longer attracted to women....good luck to her. But to say she is being silenced is ridiculous.
Yeah, I'm not buying it.

I think most of these "former" homosexuals simply went back in the closet.

If you listen to these people, especially the ex-ex gays...that's pretty much what they do. Even if they go "whole hog" and get with someone of the opposite sex, they are still attracted to members of the same gender. (It's why reparative therapy has a success rate of below 5%).
And the Homosexual population is less than 5%. But that doesn't stop the LGBT from demanding legal rights, where if you exclude this 4% then you are a bigot who gets boycotted, sued, and fined.

Why don't you treat these tiny percentages the same way you demand not to be excluded as a tiny percentage? Seawytch
Jesus set her free?
Found out that his penis was better than a strap-on?
How many more ex-homosexuals need to be exposed to prove they're full of it?
Just a s many homo haters that turn out to be ghey, even part time gheys..
Yep. There are plenty of self-hating gays, who either are taken advantage of or play the 'ex-gay' line.

If I had a quarter for every so-called 'ex-gay' lying out of their ass/for pay,etc or failing to abstain, then I would have enough money to fund a mission to Mars and back.
How many more ex-homosexuals need to be exposed to prove they're full of it?
Just a s many homo haters that turn out to be ghey, even part time gheys..
Yep. There are plenty of self-hating gays, who either are taken advantage of or play the 'ex-gay' line.

If I had a quarter for every so-called 'ex-gay' lying out of their ass/for pay,etc or failing to abstain, then I would have enough money to fund a mission to Mars and back.
Can you spare a fin? or a saw buck?

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