JD Vance Just Kicked Tim Ryan's Ass In The Debate Tonight

Ryan, meanwhile, brought up a Youngstown rally Trump held for Vance last month in an effort to underscore the Republican’s fealty to the former president. During the rally, Trump said that Vance, his former critic, was “in love” with him and was “kissing my ass” for support.

“Here’s the thing that’s most troubling about this: lack of courage,” Ryan said on Tuesday, referring to Trump’s comments. “After Trump took J.D. Vance’s dignity from him on the stage in Youngstown, J.D. Vance got back up on stage and started shaking his hand, taking pictures.”

“I’m for Ohio. I don’t kiss anyone’s ass like him. Ohio needs an ass-kicker, not an ass-kisser,” the congressman said.

No one cares about this except the few people STILL afflicted with TDS and obsessed with Trump. They're all on your side, pal, and never were gonna vote Vance anyway.

You're gonna lose.
Ryan, meanwhile, brought up a Youngstown rally Trump held for Vance last month in an effort to underscore the Republican’s fealty to the former president. During the rally, Trump said that Vance, his former critic, was “in love” with him and was “kissing my ass” for support.

“Here’s the thing that’s most troubling about this: lack of courage,” Ryan said on Tuesday, referring to Trump’s comments. “After Trump took J.D. Vance’s dignity from him on the stage in Youngstown, J.D. Vance got back up on stage and started shaking his hand, taking pictures.”

“I’m for Ohio. I don’t kiss anyone’s ass like him. Ohio needs an ass-kicker, not an ass-kisser,” the congressman said.
Ryan wants to exterminate Republican voters. Calls them extremists. It seems calm and caring neighborhoods we just can't have.
Very similar to 99% of the exchanges on this forum. Leftist twats getting bitch slapped with facts and reality by conservatives!!!

I've been noticing that. Lefties are getting hammered. The arrogant fucks are finally experiencing popular displeasure.

Well, I will continue helping to expose them.

And, I think many of them realize by now, the law isn't going to help them if the SHTF.

The lefties around here seem to get their jollies by being dumbass little trolls, whereas the rest of us actually take the condition of our country seriously.

I will say this: lack of confidence in elections is a VERY SERIOUS national security problem.

The dumbass leftist morons who refuse to allow this issue to be examined and discussed are sticking a knife right into the gut of America

This issue WILL be discussed. A LOT.

Any libtard that doesn't want to examine it can take a fucking hike. We don't need those kinds of voices in the investigative process. And we don't need the bullshit from the MSM.

Voting is a SECURITY issue. Being ancy about your vote is the same as being ancy about your paycheck.
Hardcore partisan ideologues from both ends always think their candidate kicked the other candidates ass.

Hardcore partisan ideologues from both ends see and perceive what they want to see and perceive.

From the other end:

Hardcore partisan ideologues from both ends always think their candidate kicked the other candidates ass.

Hardcore partisan ideologues from both ends see and perceive what they want to see and perceive.

From the other end:

Dude - you don't have to be a hardcore partisan ideologue to expose leftards for who and what they are.

You just have to be a human being.

JD Vance made it very fucking clear he wasn't going to take any shit from anyone to the left of a RINO.

And for that I commend him, and I'd vote for him if I could.

This country needs LESS tolerance, not more. Because you get more of what you tolerate. And right now, this country has had ENOUGH of leftist ideas.

And if you're a Liz Cheney claiming to be a rightie but harboring leftist ideas, you'll be exposed and called out for your lack of character. Sorry, but that's the way it is.

Simple equation: the crap coming out of leftists today will NOT BE TOLERATED. Not at all. Not by extremists, and not by soccer moms. And NOT BY THE PEOPLE WHO PAY THE BILLS. Facebook took a dump, now PayPal is taking a dump. The bullshit from these people will NOT be tolerated.

Hey - I'm an equal opportunity hater. I hate ALL political parties. Democrats, Republicans, Libertarians with a big L.... got no use for any of them.

Therefore I am by definition "not" a partisan extremist.

But I still hate leftard commie guts. With a passion. I'll work hard to destroy the Democrats - not because I'm a Republican, but because THEY are a bunch of un-American Stalinist asswipes and the planet would be better off without them.
No one cares about this except the few people STILL afflicted with TDS and obsessed with Trump. They're all on your side, pal, and never were gonna vote Vance anyway.

You're gonna lose.
And Vance investing in Chinese companies?

You don't care about that either?
And Vance investing in Chinese companies?

You don't care about that either?

Gawd you people are nutty


Fucking Biden's kid WORKS for them.

Fucking Pelosi makes money insider trading in them.

Oh but Orange Man Bad!
Dude - you don't have to be a hardcore partisan ideologue to expose leftards for who and what they are.

You just have to be a human being.

JD Vance made it very fucking clear he wasn't going to take any shit from anyone to the left of a RINO.

And for that I commend him, and I'd vote for him if I could.

This country needs LESS tolerance, not more. Because you get more of what you tolerate. And right now, this country has had ENOUGH of leftist ideas.

And if you're a Liz Cheney claiming to be a rightie but harboring leftist ideas, you'll be exposed and called out for your lack of character. Sorry, but that's the way it is.

Simple equation: the crap coming out of leftists today will NOT BE TOLERATED. Not at all. Not by extremists, and not by soccer moms. And NOT BY THE PEOPLE WHO PAY THE BILLS. Facebook took a dump, now PayPal is taking a dump. The bullshit from these people will NOT be tolerated.

Hey - I'm an equal opportunity hater. I hate ALL political parties. Democrats, Republicans, Libertarians with a big L.... got no use for any of them.

Therefore I am by definition "not" a partisan extremist.

But I still hate leftard commie guts. With a passion. I'll work hard to destroy the Democrats - not because I'm a Republican, but because THEY are a bunch of un-American Stalinist asswipes and the planet would be better off without them.
We`re well into the 21st century and you`re still hunting commies. :laughing0301:
Gawd you people are nutty


Fucking Biden's kid WORKS for them.

Fucking Pelosi makes money insider trading in them.

Oh but Orange Man Bad!
You refuse to see the insane hypocrisy there huh?
Oh, but you do, every time you buy something that has Made in China on the bottom...
There is not a lot of choice there. I buy American where I can.

But to claim that there is nowhere to invest but in Chinese companies is fucking stupid
Hardcore partisan ideologues from both ends always think their candidate kicked the other candidates ass.

Hardcore partisan ideologues from both ends see and perceive what they want to see and perceive.

From the other end:

The MAGA candidate was actually right on the issue of the gay marriage bill. Homosexuals can already get married in this country, so him not being in favor of this new bill, doesn't threaten gay marriage, it simply protects religious organizations from being sued by homosexuals who demand these religious institutions adopt their views on homosexuality. I'm completely against the now common practice of "woke liberals" bullying Christians and people of faith in general, with their godless, nihilistic, hedonistic worldview. Even far-left communists like me are against the "woke" liberals that are constantly harassing everyone who doesn't "fall in line" with their opinions. To hell with them.
The MAGA candidate was actually right on the issue of the gay marriage bill. Homosexuals can already get married in this country, so him not being in favor of this new bill, doesn't threaten gay marriage, it simply protects religious organizations from being sued by homosexuals who demand these religious institutions adopt their views on homosexuality. I'm completely against the now common practice of "woke liberals" bullying Christians and people of faith in general, with their godless, nihilistic, hedonistic worldview. Even far-left communists like me are against the "woke" liberals that are constantly harassing everyone who doesn't "fall in line" with their opinions. To hell with them.
The Left continues to deny how the "woke" issues (i.e., the weaponization of PC and Identity Politics) have played right into the hands of the GQP and even played a significant role in Trump's 2016 win and the growth of Trumpism.

As a result, the Dems can't take advantage of how repulsive the GQP is, since they're so unattractive themselves.
Ohio is a solid red state - Trump won by >8 points in 2020.
Thus, Ryan needs Republicans to vote for him.
Given that Ryan voted in lock-step with Pelosi- why would they do that?

(I've asked this on FB and Twitter innumerable times; most Ryan supporters don't understand the question)

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