JD Vance Just Kicked Tim Ryan's Ass In The Debate Tonight

Ryan, meanwhile, brought up a Youngstown rally Trump held for Vance last month in an effort to underscore the Republican’s fealty to the former president. During the rally, Trump said that Vance, his former critic, was “in love” with him and was “kissing my ass” for support.
“Here’s the thing that’s most troubling about this: lack of courage,” Ryan said on Tuesday, referring to Trump’s comments. “After Trump took J.D. Vance’s dignity from him on the stage in Youngstown, J.D. Vance got back up on stage and started shaking his hand, taking pictures.”
“I’m for Ohio. I don’t kiss anyone’s ass like him. Ohio needs an ass-kicker, not an ass-kisser,” the congressman said.
Ok... And?
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Somebody said the fbi is looking for Vance now, for homosexual rape. Apparently the public shit-dicking Ryan took was not appreciated, and will not be tolerated. I'd stay at a Holiday Inn Express for a while JD while your doors are getting kicked in.
Somebody said the fbi is looking for Vance now, for homosexual rape. Apparently the public shit-dicking Ryan took was not appreciated, and will not be tolerated. I'd stay at a Holiday Inn Express for a while JD while your doors are getting kicked in.
I only saw one clip, where Ryan tried to pin the 10yr old abortion girl on Vance.
If the rest of the debate went that way, I can see Ryan withdrawing from the 2nd.
The Left continues to deny how the "woke" issues (i.e., the weaponization of PC and Identity Politics) have played right into the hands of the GQP and even played a significant role in Trump's 2016 win and the growth of Trumpism.

As a result, the Dems can't take advantage of how repulsive the GQP is, since they're so unattractive themselves.
That's a good observation. These dems are just as repulsive as the right-wingers, if not more so to a certain extent. They might even plunge us into a nuclear war with Russia. They hate Russia because there aren't any rainbow flags flying over the Kremlin and the Russians aren't injecting their children with puberty blockers. Sick stuff, really. Not enough feminism in Russia, so let's destroy it and the whole world with it. That's essentially their motivation, even though most of them refuse to admit it. I've had a few of them admit to me, that they hate Russia because they don't allow gay pride parades in the streets of Moscow or gay couples to adopt children. They essentially hate Russia because it's perceived as being too socially conservative. They're willing to destroy the world, fighting a nuclear war with Russia over these issues. These liberals are disgusting and I say it as a Marxist, who is left of left. Marx, Engels, and Lenin, would want nothing to do with them. They wouldn't be allowed into the party, they would have to remain outside with their glowing dildos and pink unicorn hair.
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Vance opposes abortion and said a leaked U.S. Supreme Court opinion overturning Roe v. Wade "would be an amazing victory" if true.[48] When asked whether abortion laws should include exceptions for rape and incest, he argued against such exceptions, stating "two wrong don't make a right."[49] Ohio's largest anti-abortion group, Ohio Right to Life, endorsed Vance's U.S. Senate campaign.[50]

Same-sex marriage​

Vance has voiced opposition to same-sex marriage and the proposed Respect for Marriage Act.[51][52] In 2022, Vance said "I believe that marriage is between one man and one woman, but I don't think the gay marriage issue is alive right now. I'm not one of these guys who's looking to try to take people's families and rip them apart."[53]

Views on childlessness, divorce, and domestic abuse​

In a 2021 speech to the Intercollegiate Studies Institute, Vance blamed "the childless left" for America's woes. He praised far-right Hungarian president Viktor Orban for encouraging married couples to have children, and said non-parents should not have as much of a voice as parents, and that parents should "have a bigger say in how democracy functions."[54]

In September 2021, while speaking at Pacifica Christian High School in California, Vance said, "This is one of the great tricks that I think the sexual revolution pulled on the American populace, which is the idea that like, 'well, OK, these marriages were fundamentally, you know, they were maybe even violent, but certainly they were unhappy. And so getting rid of them and making it easier for people to shift spouses like they change their underwear, that's going to make people happier in the long term.'"[55] Vice wrote that Vance "seemed to suggest that in some cases, 'even violent' marriages should continue." In a response to Vice, Vance claimed that rates of domestic violence had "skyrocketed" in recent years due to what Vance described as "modern society's war on families". In recent decades, rates of domestic violence have decreased.[56][57] A strategist for Vance called Vice's characterization misleading and said Vance does not support individuals staying in abusive relationships.[58]


Ok... and?
Ohio is a solid red state - Trump won by >8 points in 2020.
Thus, Ryan needs Republicans to vote for him.
Given that Ryan voted in lock-step with Pelosi- why would they do that?
We will be holding our noses and voting for Vance, because he's not a demonic Democrat...
Well this totally went super dooper well for the Democrats! I'm sure Tim Ryan is only weeks away from being PA's next Senator!

Or maybe not.

Well rehearsed line, Tim.

The illusion of the Democrats having any chance of holding the Senate whatsoever is crumbling under the cruel spotlight of reality.

Ya got no bench Dems.

IE: Ya screwed.

Tim Ryan kicked the shit out of Vance, the Trump ass-kisser! In fact, my favorite line by Ryan, "People in this State want an ass-kicker, not an ass-kisser!"
Hardcore partisan ideologues from both ends always think their candidate kicked the other candidates ass.

Hardcore partisan ideologues from both ends see and perceive what they want to see and perceive.

Except one side always turns out to be right.

Helpful hint: It ain't gonna be yours.
Don't be afraid to answer the question.

I'm sorry. I can't help it.

Anonymous Lefties on message boards intimidate the hell out of me.

But you can always look at 2016 as the most paramount example.

"Hillary smoked Trump in the debates! Hillary has a 99% chance of winning!" So sayeth the Ministry of Truth at the NY Times, Huffpo and 538.

How'd that work out?

Pretty well if ya ask me. :)
I guess these rubes didn't see where this Vance character was dressed down by Trump (Trump said Vance was kissing his ass) and then he gets up on stage and poses with the guy who just degraded him in front of his family.

Ryan brought that up and Vance looked like he was about to vomit. It was hysterical.
Ryan brought that up and Vance looked like he was about to vomit. It was hysterical.

No he didn't. I posted the video in the OP genius.

Vance just said "Nice rehearsed line" or something to that affect.

Smooth as silk.

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