Jeb Bush calls Trump “a buffoon,” “clown” and “a##hole.” was that the wrong name?

Jeb is a NWO pusher, at the expense of America.
Trump is an American advocate. He wants to see the US prosper. Let's prosper for a change.

Spot On. Both Bush and Clinton are NWO Globalists. They don't have American Citizens' best interests at heart. They work to weaken our Sovereignty. They want their New World Order. Trump's being honest and straight forward. But that can get you in a lot of trouble. The NWO Elites want someone who'll go along with the plan. And they can't count on Trump to do that. He's a bit of a wildcard to them. So they'd like to play it safe and get a Bush or Clinton in there.

But as with Barack Hussein Obama, they can throw a curve ball at ya. He was their perfect Trojan Horse. Trump's definitely not their top choice. A whole lot of very powerful Globalist Elites around the world are aligned against him. I guess we'll see how he deals with that. Stay tuned.

I hope you guys are right,that he is different than the Bushs,clintons,and Obomination but power corrupts.You dont get to be that rich and powerful if you havent sold your soul down the drain.

Libtarded bullshit. You can get rich and powerful without being a criminally insane totalitarian sociopath.

Jeb is a NWO pusher, at the expense of America.
Trump is an American advocate. He wants to see the US prosper. Let's prosper for a change.

I dont believe that for a minute the fact he is there schmoozing with the clintons.I wouldnt go anywhere near those mass murderering bastards if I was not part of the new world order.

Thats why i knew obozo was no different than the clintons or bushs.He should have given Bush the middle finger when he got elected,instead he goes around hugging him and Trump is doing the same thing here. doesnt sound any different to me than those clowns.
Jeb is a NWO pusher, at the expense of America.
Trump is an American advocate. He wants to see the US prosper. Let's prosper for a change.

Spot On. Both Bush and Clinton are NWO Globalists. They don't have American Citizens' best interests at heart. They work to weaken our Sovereignty. They want their New World Order. Trump's being honest and straight forward. But that can get you in a lot of trouble. The NWO Elites want someone who'll go along with the plan. And they can't count on Trump to do that. He's a bit of a wildcard to them. So they'd like to play it safe and get a Bush or Clinton in there.

But as with Barack Hussein Obama, they can throw a curve ball at ya. He was their perfect Trojan Horse. Trump's definitely not their top choice. A whole lot of very powerful Globalist Elites around the world are aligned against him. I guess we'll see how he deals with that. Stay tuned.

I hope you guys are right,that he is different than the Bushs,clintons,and Obomination but power corrupts.You dont get to be that rich and powerful if you havent sold your soul down the drain.

Libtarded bullshit. You can get rich and powerful without being a criminally insane totalitarian sociopath.

yeah but you dont pal around with mass murderers if you want to clean up

I wish this was a fake photo,but its not.its the real mccoy.

Did Bill Clinton encourage Trump to run for president US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
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There is no New World Order

Then what is Bush talking about? Kissinger talking about? Soros talking about?
Who are those guys in Brussels making decisions for Greece and others? And did you hear Bush touting a responsible UN to lead the charge?

There is no responsible UN. There certainly is a NWO. Obama just took his plan to the NWO instead of Congress, and you can't even see it coming. Amazing.
Look out, incoming... :tomato:
Jeb is a NWO pusher, at the expense of America.
Trump is an American advocate. He wants to see the US prosper. Let's prosper for a change.

I dont believe that for a minute the fact he is there schmoozing with the clintons.I wouldnt go anywhere near those mass murderering bastards if I was not part of the new world order.

Thats why i knew obozo was no different than the clintons or bushs.He should have given Bush the middle finger when he got elected,instead he goes around hugging him and Trump is doing the same thing here. doesnt sound any different to me than those clowns.

There is no difference between our political parties. Obama is a brother from another mother to Bush because they both share the same goals. Getting us to play the party divide game keeps our eyes off of what both parties are actually up to. And that is a global governance.

  1. Jeb Bush calls Trump “a buffoon,” “clown” and “a##hole.” was that the wrong name?
I can't get to the transcript of it. But I hope it's false, or distorted.
a) The Bush family isn't merely a well respected name in this country, even a dyed in the wool Democrat like President Clinton parties with the elder President Bush.

b) Of all the Bush's of my generation or older, I like JEB! the best, BY FAR!!

But one of the things I like about him is what I thought was even-temperament and sensible conservatism. It's not conservative to cuss like a liberal, a hippie.

Doesn't mean JEB! is factually wrong.
It means he's POLITICALLY wrong.

We're in a presidential political election campaign. JEB! is obliged to behave with presidential demeanor. If JEB! were ahead, and Trump was an also-ran with <1%, there might be some leeway to excuse JEB!
But Trump leads the pack!!

If JEB! actually did do this, I sure hope he can find a way to unring the bell. But I suspect, if he said it, the damage is already done.

  1. Jeb Bush calls Trump “a buffoon,” “clown” and “a##hole.” was that the wrong name?
I can't get to the transcript of it. But I hope it's false, or distorted.
a) The Bush family isn't merely a well respected name in this country, even a dyed in the wool Democrat like President Clinton parties with the elder President Bush.

b) Of all the Bush's of my generation or older, I like JEB! the best, BY FAR!!

But one of the things I like about him is what I thought was even-temperament and sensible conservatism. It's not conservative to cuss like a liberal, a hippie.

Doesn't mean JEB! is factually wrong.
It means he's POLITICALLY wrong.

We're in a presidential political election campaign. JEB! is obliged to behave with presidential demeanor. If JEB! were ahead, and Trump was an also-ran with <1%, there might be some leeway to excuse JEB!
But Trump leads the pack!!

If JEB! actually did do this, I sure hope he can find a way to unring the bell. But I suspect, if he said it, the damage is already done.

If you had to deal with Trump, you would lose your cool too.
poor little Jeb, he's getting desperate. He thought everyone would be throwing themselves at his feet. sorta like Hillary thought.
The difference between George W. Bush and Jebama Bush is, GWB is smarter than he was given credit for, and Jebama is a lot dumber than people realize. Jebama is seriously the dumbest candidate to ever run for president.
"The difference between George W. Bush and Jebama Bush is, GWB is smarter than he was given credit for, and Jebama is a lot dumber than people realize. Jebama is seriously the dumbest candidate to ever run for president." L1

"... history takes a long time ..." U.S. President Bush speaking to Chris Wallace, broadcast on FNS 08/02/10

"... I've decided to work with our State governors ... to move 6,000 National Guard troops on the border, to help the current border patrol do the job until the new agents are trained. That makes sense to me, doesn't it?" U.S. President Bush (younger)

"There's an ol' saying in Tennessee, I know it's in Texas, probably it's in Tennessee that says: Fool me once, shame on ... shame on you ...
fool me ... y'can't get fooled again." U.S. President Bush (the younger)

"I looked the man in the eye. I found him to be very straight forward and trustworthy. We had a very good dialogue. I was able to uhm, get a sense of his soul; a man deeply committed to his country, and the best interests of his country." U.S. President Bush (the younger) assessing Russia's Vlad Putin in June, 2001

"Our enemies are innovative and resourceful, and so are we. They never stop thinking about new ways to harm our country and our people, and neither do we," U.S. President Bush ~Aug. 5, 2004

Well spotted L1.
Obviously sheer unbridled genius! Imagine what a fantastic president he'd make!
"The difference between George W. Bush and Jebama Bush is, GWB is smarter than he was given credit for, and Jebama is a lot dumber than people realize. Jebama is seriously the dumbest candidate to ever run for president." L1
"... history takes a long time ..." U.S. President Bush speaking to Chris Wallace, broadcast on FNS 08/02/10

"... I've decided to work with our State governors ... to move 6,000 National Guard troops on the border, to help the current border patrol do the job until the new agents are trained. That makes sense to me, doesn't it?" U.S. President Bush (younger)

"There's an ol' saying in Tennessee, I know it's in Texas, probably it's in Tennessee that says: Fool me once, shame on ... shame on you ...
fool me ... y'can't get fooled again." U.S. President Bush (the younger)

"I looked the man in the eye. I found him to be very straight forward and trustworthy. We had a very good dialogue. I was able to uhm, get a sense of his soul; a man deeply committed to his country, and the best interests of his country." U.S. President Bush (the younger) assessing Russia's Vlad Putin in June, 2001

"Our enemies are innovative and resourceful, and so are we. They never stop thinking about new ways to harm our country and our people, and neither do we," U.S. President Bush ~Aug. 5, 2004

Well spotted L1.
Obviously sheer unbridled genius! Imagine what a fantastic president he'd make!

Barack Obama:

Referred to the Prime Minister of Canada as the President of Canada, thinks we have 57 states, has had to be reminded of his Christian faith multiple times after stating "my Muslim faith", calling the British Embassy the English Embassy, "intercontinental railroad", Navy corpse-men, on Memorial Day Obama said, “I see many of the fallen heroes in the audience here today as we celebrate Memorial Day”

Unless Jeb becomes president, Barack Odumbo will easily go down as the dumbest president ever. It's hilarious listening to Odumbo stutter and make idiotic statements, it's even funnier when he's off teleprompter, then his true idiocy really shows.

I'm not saying GWB is smart, I'm just saying GWB is smarter than given credit for. Definitely smarter than Odumbo and Jeb.

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