Jeb Bush has an e-mail problem also

good , get rid of that bush guy , clintoon and bush's be gone !!
They are ALL corrupt. ALL of them. Get someone new. Someone never in the senate or congress. Someone with some smarts, knows the constitution, RESPECTS what our founding fathers wanted for this country. Enough with the bullshit lying assholes.
Jeb's problem is immigration. The far right will never accept him.
right on 'jimh' , right on !! Might as well have Hilary or mrobama !! In fact , if the bush is the nominee some will vote Hilary or whoever the dem is just to help the dems and try to hurt moderate repub rino bush voters ,
Jeb Bush Is Facing E-Mail Questions Too - Bloomberg Politics

People who live in glass houses should not throw stones....

I'm not sure the comparison is valid.

There appear to be gaps in Hillary's communication records relating to Benghazi, even though we have videos/photos of her using handheld devices (cell or iPod) at the time, and even though her subordinates were relaying her orders (which they must have received from her via phone, e-mail, or text).

As I've said before, I don't see a major issue with her use of a private e-mail account while she was Secretary of State per se, but the apparent sizable gaps in her Benghazi-related communication documentation raises some serious questions.

But, of course, I know most Democrats don't care what she did as long as she still has a D after her name when she's running against the GOP nominee.
Does Jeb Bush have a Bengahzi investigation hanging over his head? Is his foreign donations being looked into? I don't even like Jeb Bush but this is apples and oranges
Jeb Bush was SecState? Wow, who knew?
I love how libs spin adverse information by trying to equate it with something Republicans do. Like that somehow makes it OK.
Hillary is toast, for the record. The Democrats are toast. They have no one else. No_One.Else.
Jeb Bush was SecState? Wow, who knew?
I love how libs spin adverse information by trying to equate it with something Republicans do. Like that somehow makes it OK.
Hillary is toast, for the record. The Democrats are toast. They have no one else. No_One.Else.

Yeah, cause Obama, a two term President was marked as the probable candidate. Long time for people to emerge. But even now Hillary can beat any of the gop clowns.

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