Jeb Bush: Let's Focus On Helping Christian Syrian Refugees, Rather Than Muslims

We shouldn't take any at all, period.

Make some "safe space" for them there, in their own region.

We've never before used a religious litmus test for refugees. Fuck that.
What the fuck are you going to do to verify their claims to be Christian? Sprinkle Holy Water on them and see if it burns?

You think anyone trapped in a Third World Shithole won't lie to get into the First World?
Now they become all Christian like you mention the Muslims. But then turn around and call them Extremist, piss and moan because they aren't for the killing of the unborn by abortions, blew a gasket over one not wanting to give out some stinking piece of paper to a couple of loser women, etc

nothing worse than a two faced hypocrite
Like it or not immigration is going to become a national security issue. It's unavoidable

It always has been.

Not to the degree it will be now. The FBI has admitted they don't have the resources to vet all the planned Syrian refuges. Given what happened in Paris this is a grave issue. Obama is not thinking clearly and anyone that supports this isn't either
Can you Constitutionally select immigrants on religious grounds?
Why are NaziCons so fearful of everything? They probably don't walk in sunlight for fear of seeing their shadow. It really is sadly funny how they want to spend nearly the entire U.S. budget on defense - while ignoring infrastructure and social issues.

Stop flapping your indian lips and adopt a family or two.

when they do that then they can come on here running other people down. until then they can go jump in the lake.
Bush said that the U.S. should use a careful screening process to ensure the refugees it accepts are Christian.

In the wake of the Paris terror attacks, former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush (R) said Sunday that American aid toward refugees should be geared toward Christians who are fleeing persecution in Syria, as opposed to those who are Muslim.

"I think we need to do thorough screening and take in a limited number," Bush said on CNN's "State of the Union" on Sunday. "There are a lot of Christians in Syria that have no place now. They'll be either executed or imprisoned, either by Assad or by ISIS. We should focus our efforts as it relates to the refugees for the Christians that are being slaughtered."

More: Jeb Bush: Let's Focus On Helping The Christian Syrian Refugees, Rather Than The Muslims

Religion should have nothing to do with which refugees are accepted - so long as they go through a careful screening process. Our "Godless" Constitution gives us a "secular" government that applies equally to all religions - and Atheists. To my knowledge - there has never been a religious test for previous refugees throughout American history. No preferential treatment for Christian refugees!
Jeb Bush is not going to win any delegates. He should just shut his mouth.
Careful screening process? Are you for real?...
Newsflash. This terror pussy cowards attack ( sorry to insult those with whom you sympathize) just closed the door to ANY refugees from that region of the Middle East.....NONE of them can be trusted. Ans what's to keep them from LYING about their religious affiliation?
Jeb Bush is an idiot. He's desperate. Now he's pandering to the "Save the Children" types....He's out.
We shouldn't take any at all, period.

Damn right. The super-rich leaders of these third world sewers tell their poor people "We're not gonna do a thing for you. Go to america and europe. The fools there will give you everything."

America is the laughingstock of the world.
Why would Jeb think Syrian Arab Christians are more worthy than Syrian Arab Muslims - if they can pass a careful screening process? Our "Godless" secular Constitution is indifferent to both.
What the fuck are you going to do to verify their claims to be Christian? Sprinkle Holy Water on them and see if it burns?

You think anyone trapped in a Third World Shithole won't lie to get into the First World?

Amen and thank you!
We shouldn't take any at all, period.

Make some "safe space" for them there, in their own region.

My, what a compassionate heart you have.
Yes. That IS compassion.. Compassion for Americans who would then be subject to the same attacks as those which occurred in Paris.
BTW, how many of these refugees( that's a hoot) live in YOUR neighborhood or better yet, your home?
Why are NaziCons so fearful of everything? They probably don't walk in sunlight for fear of seeing their shadow. It really is sadly funny how they want to spend nearly the entire U.S. budget on defense - while ignoring infrastructure and social issues.
Why do you want them here? What's in it for you?
We shouldn't take any at all, period.

Make some "safe space" for them there, in their own region.

My, what a compassionate heart you have.
Yes. That IS compassion.. Compassion for Americans who would then be subject to the same attacks as those which occurred in Paris.
BTW, how many of these refugees( that's a hoot) live in YOUR neighborhood or better yet, your home?

Hug your gun and look carefully under your bed before going to sleep.
Why are NaziCons so fearful of everything? They probably don't walk in sunlight for fear of seeing their shadow. It really is sadly funny how they want to spend nearly the entire U.S. budget on defense - while ignoring infrastructure and social issues.
Discretion is the better part of valor.
This is why banks have vaults. To keep out the bad guys

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