Jeb Bush Quits Firm That Profited From Obamacare


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
Native America
MIAMI (AP) — As he takes steps toward a presidential run, Jeb Bush is resigning from the board of Tenet Healthcare Corp.

The health care company said in a regulatory filing Wednesday that the former Florida governor told Tenet's board of directors that he would step down at the end of the year. Bush has been a director since 2007.

The move comes as Bush explores a presidential run and unwinds some of his business commitments. A Bush spokesman said last week that the potential Republican contender will leave his advisory role with British banking giant Barclays by Dec. 31.

Bush's ties to Tenet, as well as other financial firms, could complicate a potential campaign. The health care giant supported and promoted President Barack Obama's health care law, which remains deeply unpopular among the conservative activists who play an outsized role in presidential primaries.

Jeb Bush Quits Firm That Profited From Obamacare

Conservatives must be very proud of ole Jeb - as he tries to hide his Liberal roots.
Poor Repubs.

Even Mittens had to fire his illegal gardeners.

And just like Mitt, I bet Jeb thinks his past will just - POOF! - disappear.
So a libtard is me telling not to support a guy that worked for a company that supported a libtard. That's about par for the average post today. Very slow day
He also forbid offshore drilling in Florida. Truth be told though, he has little to fear from the Republican Voter, who tends to support leaders over principles. This is why they trusted Bush when he and his party spent like drunken sailors, and it's also why they trusted him when he said Washington had the competence to remake the Arab world into a modern, free market democracy. An earlier generation of Republican voters would have stopped the big spending and prevented its party from letting Washington do such big things. The plain simple fact is that the current Republican voter simply doesn't have the intellectual resources to oppose his party.
The plain simple fact is that the current Republican voter simply doesn't have the intellectual resources to oppose his party.
And most Republicans AND Democrats don't bother listening to any conflicting evidence, either. "Choosing" between Republican OR Democrat in the voting booth is a waste of Democracy.
Ole Jeb may be a RINO - but so far he's the only sane one in the GOP clown car.

I don't think any of the Republicans who make it through the general election are the ultra crazy wingnut ideologues, like the ones who appeal to the talk radio base (i.e., no post high school education). Jebby comes off as more grounded and intelligent than his brother, kind of like his father. Unfortunately, any Republican that wins the presidency has to play ball with the money that got him elected. And we are going to see a return of the War on Terrorism and a huge increase in the surveillance powers of the state (to protected the propertied class from the poor) along with a new wave of financial deregulation so that banks can give mortgages to dead people . . . so Wall Street can make derivative fool's gold...

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