Jeb Bush Won't Talk About Wars His Brother Started

Bush and Cheney should be thankful that Nancy Pelosi was Speaker of the House when she said "impeachment is off the table". Although they certainly deserved impeachment, she did the right thing for the country at that time.

BTW, Bush and Cheney refused to answer any questions "under oath". They knew better...
Oh yeah, they really dodged a bullet!
911 was a random attack. It could have happened to anyone.

But it DIDN'T happen to everyone did it? How fortunate for Dick Cheney and the Halliburton Corp. They apparently won the lottery! YIPPIE!!!!

Since Cheney donated all of his Halliburton stock to charity, they are who won the lottery. Of course I couldn't expect you do know that. he did not. He put his stock in the custody of a lawyer to separate himself from the appearance of in-propitiatory. What he did was make his closest associates filthy rich. Only a fool believes Cheney did not reap fabulous financial reward for pursuing his agenda for the New American Century which he could get no interest in before he became Vice President. 9/11 was what Cheney dreamed of to finally make his dream reality.

I can get a link to what I posted. Let me see a credible link to the BS you just posted.

You have obviously already chosen to disregard history like a good little RW puppet. I am not going to play some stupid game with you. My posts are not really just to you personally as much as to call you out for the benefit of others. I am not in the business of trying to reach out to the willfully ignorant and purposefully deceitful.

What people like you do is wrong. You know it is wrong and do it anyway because you have been convinced by traitorous snakes like Newt Gingrich and Karl Rove that the way to succeed is to admit nothing and accuse everything. have made your bed. You have already said enough that I am convinced you are a lying weasel with no conscience.

If it's OK with you I will just continue to remind others of your moral vacancy and anti American activities through the posts you make here at USMB.
Jeb Bush is an elitist Republican favorite! I am not for another Bush!!! I will vote Republican, because after 8 years of a total failure "Dictator Socialist Democrat" in the White House, its never to late to fix the plumbing! We just need a Republican with some "BALLS" and not a Tiny Tim Obama wannabe! Hillary Clinton is the spitting image of Obama, she can look dead in the camera and LIE her ass off, plus she had another good teacher, Bill Clinton!!! If you vote for a Democrat, you are voting for the total destruction of the U.S.A.!!!

Thank you for this post. American really needs to see what kind of people Rove, Gingrich and the Koch brothers have created.
An entire thread dedicated to the irony impaired far left drones and their inability to protest Obama's illegal wars..
If I were Jeb Bush I would tell reporters that he'll answer questions about his brother's Presidency when and only when reporters grill Hillary about her husband's Presidency including his affair with Lewinsky if she jumps in the race.

In other words, Jeb would only have to answer those questions when pigs fly and/or when hell freezes over.
His role in the 2000 presidential election?! Yikes!

It was not George Bush's fault, nor Jeb's, that so many Gore voters in Florida were too stupid to figure out how to properly mark a ballot. That's what it all boils down to. And if they were so dumb that they couldn't manage to cast their vote correctly, maybe they should not have been voting in the first place.
What is needed is literacy tests.
Jebby being considered a front runner for the R nomination and receiving large campaign contributions, is proof this country is really f**ked up.
once again the OP is a liar
Iraq invaded Kuwait
Iraq breaks terms of peace treaty

W started no wars

chief sitting bullshit speak with forked tongue
once again the OP is a liar
Iraq invaded Kuwait
Iraq breaks terms of peace treaty

W started no wars

chief sitting bullshit speak with forked tongue

As usual the puppets from the party of liars distorts the truth. Kuwait was stealing oil from Iraq. They got caught and wouldn't pony up reparations. The US Ambassador to Iraq gave Saddam the green light. Iraq was 100% justified in settling accounts with the thieving Kuwaitis but as usual the Jews got their dirty hands in it and screamed like the little bitches that they are. The Saudis took the side of the Kuwaitis also because they are related. We had NO business getting involved. It WAS a Bush blunder. It was illegal and immoral to get our troops involved. The Iraq invasion of Kuwait would have stopped at Kuwait borders but we will never know will we. We certainly didn't get all upset when Iraq and Iran were going at it. So saying that the invasion of Kuwait was a disruption of peace in the Mideast was shear bullshit. We had no business defending Kuwait.
once again the OP is a liar
Iraq invaded Kuwait
Iraq breaks terms of peace treaty

W started no wars

chief sitting bullshit speak with forked tongue

As usual the puppets from the party of liars distorts the truth. Kuwait was stealing oil from Iraq. They got caught and wouldn't pony up reparations. The US Ambassador to Iraq gave Saddam the green light. Iraq was 100% justified in settling accounts with the thieving Kuwaitis but as usual the Jews got their dirty hands in it and screamed like the little bitches that they are. The Saudis took the side of the Kuwaitis also because they are related. We had NO business getting involved. It WAS a Bush blunder. It was illegal and immoral to get our troops involved. The Iraq invasion of Kuwait would have stopped at Kuwait borders but we will never know will we. We certainly didn't get all upset when Iraq and Iran were going at it. So saying that the invasion of Kuwait was a disruption of peace in the Mideast was shear bullshit. We had no business defending Kuwait.

using your logic the US should never have gotten involved in two world wars

but I agree in one sense. Now that Saddam is gone, there is a power vacuum. We see the results.
once again the OP is a liar
Iraq invaded Kuwait
Iraq breaks terms of peace treaty

W started no wars

chief sitting bullshit speak with forked tongue

As usual the puppets from the party of liars distorts the truth. Kuwait was stealing oil from Iraq. They got caught and wouldn't pony up reparations. The US Ambassador to Iraq gave Saddam the green light. Iraq was 100% justified in settling accounts with the thieving Kuwaitis but as usual the Jews got their dirty hands in it and screamed like the little bitches that they are. The Saudis took the side of the Kuwaitis also because they are related. We had NO business getting involved. It WAS a Bush blunder. It was illegal and immoral to get our troops involved. The Iraq invasion of Kuwait would have stopped at Kuwait borders but we will never know will we. We certainly didn't get all upset when Iraq and Iran were going at it. So saying that the invasion of Kuwait was a disruption of peace in the Mideast was shear bullshit. We had no business defending Kuwait.

using your logic the US should never have gotten involved in two world wars

but I agree in one sense. Now that Saddam is gone, there is a power vacuum. We see the results.

The first WW was the result of in breading in European Royalty. There was no good reason for the U S to have gotten involved.

As for WWII..that was a horse of a different color. We HAD to eventually take sides in that one. The Nazis and the Axis had to be stopped. Japan had over reached and even though the territory's they invaded were mostly countries that were ruthlessly being sucked dry by earlier invasions by Europeans we could not have a world run by Japan's Emperor either. Colonialism was bad enough. WWII was actually not a bad bet for the US. We never really got invaded and ended up in pretty good shape with enough world clout to help shape the future of the planet rather than have all terms dictated to us.

We lost a lot more tonnage in trying to help the British than what happened at Pearl Harbor. The only difference was that we lost war ships instead of cargo carrying ships. Attacking our territory of Hawaii was Japan's huge miscalculation. They totally underestimated what we were capable of.
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Are there any relatives of Harry Truman and LBJ in politics? Harry Truman's little war in Korea got 50,000 Americans killed in three years and N.K. is still a threat. LBJ's fake crisis set the stage for a decade long war in Vietnam that the radical left managed to blame on Nixon. Democrats authorized Bush to use combat troops and then they undermined the conflict every way they could with border line treason.
911 was a random attack. It could have happened to anyone.

But it DIDN'T happen to everyone did it? How fortunate for Dick Cheney and the Halliburton Corp. They apparently won the lottery! YIPPIE!!!!

Since Cheney donated all of his Halliburton stock to charity, they are who won the lottery. Of course I couldn't expect you do know that. he did not. He put his stock in the custody of a lawyer to separate himself from the appearance of in-propitiatory. What he did was make his closest associates filthy rich. Only a fool believes Cheney did not reap fabulous financial reward for pursuing his agenda for the New American Century which he could get no interest in before he became Vice President. 9/11 was what Cheney dreamed of to finally make his dream reality.

I can get a link to what I posted. Let me see a credible link to the BS you just posted.

You have obviously already chosen to disregard history like a good little RW puppet. I am not going to play some stupid game with you. My posts are not really just to you personally as much as to call you out for the benefit of others. I am not in the business of trying to reach out to the willfully ignorant and purposefully deceitful.

What people like you do is wrong. You know it is wrong and do it anyway because you have been convinced by traitorous snakes like Newt Gingrich and Karl Rove that the way to succeed is to admit nothing and accuse everything. have made your bed. You have already said enough that I am convinced you are a lying weasel with no conscience.

If it's OK with you I will just continue to remind others of your moral vacancy and anti American activities through the posts you make here at USMB.
In other words you have nothing to offer but slander and arrogance. How the fuck can anyone stand to be around you?

We haven't learned our lesson YET????
I'm sure Jeb can also expect questions about his role as Governor of Florida regarding the 2000 presidential election.

The one where the ballots in palm beach county were designed and approved by democrats? That election. Thank Christ Gore did not steal that election. Thank God.
Are there any relatives of Harry Truman and LBJ in politics? Harry Truman's little war in Korea got 50,000 Americans killed in three years and N.K. is still a threat. LBJ's fake crisis set the stage for a decade long war in Vietnam that the radical left managed to blame on Nixon. Democrats authorized Bush to use combat troops and then they undermined the conflict every way they could with border line treason.

Please... Nixon had his fake "Secret" path to victory that he with held till after his election. Nixon deserved what he got. I was a republican at the time and that guy gave me the creeps. I was in Seattle watching the undercover FBI plants throwing bricks through bank windows and at the regular police. Nixon WAS a jack boot thug. I was THERE and saw it with my own eyes. Four dead in O-Hi-O wasn't just words in an CSN song.
But it DIDN'T happen to everyone did it? How fortunate for Dick Cheney and the Halliburton Corp. They apparently won the lottery! YIPPIE!!!!

Since Cheney donated all of his Halliburton stock to charity, they are who won the lottery. Of course I couldn't expect you do know that. he did not. He put his stock in the custody of a lawyer to separate himself from the appearance of in-propitiatory. What he did was make his closest associates filthy rich. Only a fool believes Cheney did not reap fabulous financial reward for pursuing his agenda for the New American Century which he could get no interest in before he became Vice President. 9/11 was what Cheney dreamed of to finally make his dream reality.

I can get a link to what I posted. Let me see a credible link to the BS you just posted.

You have obviously already chosen to disregard history like a good little RW puppet. I am not going to play some stupid game with you. My posts are not really just to you personally as much as to call you out for the benefit of others. I am not in the business of trying to reach out to the willfully ignorant and purposefully deceitful.

What people like you do is wrong. You know it is wrong and do it anyway because you have been convinced by traitorous snakes like Newt Gingrich and Karl Rove that the way to succeed is to admit nothing and accuse everything. have made your bed. You have already said enough that I am convinced you are a lying weasel with no conscience.

If it's OK with you I will just continue to remind others of your moral vacancy and anti American activities through the posts you make here at USMB.
In other words you have nothing to offer but slander and arrogance. How the fuck can anyone stand to be around you?

I'm quite entertaining actually and I do bath regularly.

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