Jeb Bush Won't Talk About Wars His Brother Started

I'm sure Jeb can also expect questions about his role as Governor of Florida regarding the 2000 presidential election.

The one where the ballots in palm beach county were designed and approved by democrats? That election. Thank Christ Gore did not steal that election. Thank God.

Thank God? Who told you that God exists?
Did Jeb star
Former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush (R) has no interest in "re-litigating" the costly wars in Iraq and Afghanistan which began under his brother's administration.

"I won't talk about the past," Bush said at a Friday press conference when asked how he would have handled the conflicts differently, according to The Washington Post. "I'll talk about the future. If I'm in the process of considering the possibility of running, it's not about re-litigating anything in the past. It's about trying to create a set of ideas and principles that will help us move forward."

The governor, who is almost certain to jump into the 2016 race, said that instead he would focus on a positive vision for the country that revolved around the future. He will elaborate on that vision when he delivers what his aides are describing as a major foreign policy address in Chicago next week.

It's unlikely Bush will be able to avoid the subject for long. Democrats are already pointing to his brother's legacy, which has left U.S. forces in the Middle East more than a decade after their initial deployment. Both the Iraq and Afghanistan wars remain unpopular -- with a 2013 poll finding majorities that said the campaigns were not worth the tremendous sacrifice. Some Republicans, too, are likely to criticize Bush over the matter. Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.), another would-be presidential candidate with libertarian leanings, has spoken out against false pretenses used to justify the war.

More: Jeb Bush Won't Talk About Wars His Brother Started

"I won't talk about the past." Of course Jeb doesn't want to talk about the wars his brother started. Is he ashamed? However, if those wars had been popular - he wouldn't stop talking about them. Jeb has a rough row to hoe.

Did jeb start the war? Did hilary vote for the war? You'll cast your vote for the one who voted to go to war.
Former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush (R) has no interest in "re-litigating" the costly wars in Iraq and Afghanistan which began under his brother's administration.

"I won't talk about the past," Bush said at a Friday press conference when asked how he would have handled the conflicts differently, according to The Washington Post. "I'll talk about the future. If I'm in the process of considering the possibility of running, it's not about re-litigating anything in the past. It's about trying to create a set of ideas and principles that will help us move forward."

The governor, who is almost certain to jump into the 2016 race, said that instead he would focus on a positive vision for the country that revolved around the future. He will elaborate on that vision when he delivers what his aides are describing as a major foreign policy address in Chicago next week.

It's unlikely Bush will be able to avoid the subject for long. Democrats are already pointing to his brother's legacy, which has left U.S. forces in the Middle East more than a decade after their initial deployment. Both the Iraq and Afghanistan wars remain unpopular -- with a 2013 poll finding majorities that said the campaigns were not worth the tremendous sacrifice. Some Republicans, too, are likely to criticize Bush over the matter. Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.), another would-be presidential candidate with libertarian leanings, has spoken out against false pretenses used to justify the war.

More: Jeb Bush Won't Talk About Wars His Brother Started

"I won't talk about the past." Of course Jeb doesn't want to talk about the wars his brother started. Is he ashamed? However, if those wars had been popular - he wouldn't stop talking about them. Jeb has a rough row to hoe.
I'd rather he talk about the battles obama has lost.
Did Jeb star
Former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush (R) has no interest in "re-litigating" the costly wars in Iraq and Afghanistan which began under his brother's administration.

"I won't talk about the past," Bush said at a Friday press conference when asked how he would have handled the conflicts differently, according to The Washington Post. "I'll talk about the future. If I'm in the process of considering the possibility of running, it's not about re-litigating anything in the past. It's about trying to create a set of ideas and principles that will help us move forward."

The governor, who is almost certain to jump into the 2016 race, said that instead he would focus on a positive vision for the country that revolved around the future. He will elaborate on that vision when he delivers what his aides are describing as a major foreign policy address in Chicago next week.

It's unlikely Bush will be able to avoid the subject for long. Democrats are already pointing to his brother's legacy, which has left U.S. forces in the Middle East more than a decade after their initial deployment. Both the Iraq and Afghanistan wars remain unpopular -- with a 2013 poll finding majorities that said the campaigns were not worth the tremendous sacrifice. Some Republicans, too, are likely to criticize Bush over the matter. Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.), another would-be presidential candidate with libertarian leanings, has spoken out against false pretenses used to justify the war.

More: Jeb Bush Won't Talk About Wars His Brother Started

"I won't talk about the past." Of course Jeb doesn't want to talk about the wars his brother started. Is he ashamed? However, if those wars had been popular - he wouldn't stop talking about them. Jeb has a rough row to hoe.

Did jeb start the war? Did hilary vote for the war? You'll cast your vote for the one who voted to go to war.

Jeb's daddy and brother both invaded Iraq based on lies and misinformation. That family is really fucked up.

You are denying Clinton signed the Iraq liberation act for wmds and the democrats promulgated the existence of wmds before booooooosh took office and the very democrats you proudly support now voted for the war?

If you are right about being on the wrong side of every single issue, then you are truly right.

As it turns out we have been 100% correct about every single issue. From man made global warming being a fucking lie, to obamacare being a fucking lie and a disaster, to every other issue we can think of.

Left wingers are nothing but water carrying tool bags for their democrat Marxist/socialist democrat dumbocrats. You are nothing but a bandwagon pile of arrogant, ignorant shit. Not to mention a patronizing racist.

Fuck every left wing lying scumbag.
why do you keep proving to us that you're a idiot??? we all knew under Clinton they had wmds ... not one american question it ... the problem you republicans have is you're a bunch of fucking liars... with the UN and their inspector, Clinton had them all the wmd's removed ... then under Clinton, he had them all distroyed .... under Bush he had to lie to us to go to war over oil not Wmd's ...he had to use information that was a lie to get the american people to buy his fuck ups to go to war by his lying ... when you have something about clintion that is factul I let ya know ... after all, dumb fuck ,you never were too bright....

Finally found out how to turn the caps off, huh? That's quite an accomplishment for you. You must be proud.
Don't worry Sheeple, it's already been determined. You'll be getting another NWO Globalist Elite President. The Clinton's and Bush's are Royal Families in the NWO. So just sit back and relax, there will be many more Wars coming. They're in the works as we speak. Clinton and Bush will carry on with Permanent War. Bet on that.
Which is why I'm so against Jeb Bush that I'll break ranks and vote for the Libertarian candidate again like I did in 2008 if he becomes the nominee. I'm tired of the interminable wars which are made even longer because we don't actually do anything to permanently cripple the enemy. We're playing Wack A Mole when we should be playing Nuke A Mole.
Former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush (R) has no interest in "re-litigating" the costly wars in Iraq and Afghanistan which began under his brother's administration

Why should he? I'm no Jeb supporter, but sounds pretty reasonable to me. I don't support Jeb because he shares his brother's lack of grasp that money he spends was earned by someone. HW apparently didn't instill that value in his children.
"Former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush (R) has no interest in "re-litigating" the costly wars in Iraq and Afghanistan which began under his brother's administration."

Too bad.

Such questions are perfectly appropriate and legitimate to ask of a presidential candidate, particularly given the fact the candidate's brother started two failed, illegal wars as president.
Maybe he is applying strategic patience.

Can you show where Republicans lied about them and impeded investigating them?

Or where he ignored requests for reinforcements in anticipation of an attack?

But as usual, Lakhota is trolling the internet looking for pictures that make Bush look bad without even understanding the content. The attack in Istanbul for instance I looked up myself, and three of the 6 claimed killed were the terrorist gunmen themselves. And that was just one. They're probably all bullshit, but I don't have the inclination to go after all of them.

You are denying Clinton signed the Iraq liberation act for wmds and the democrats promulgated the existence of wmds before booooooosh took office and the very democrats you proudly support now voted for the war?

If you are right about being on the wrong side of every single issue, then you are truly right.

As it turns out we have been 100% correct about every single issue. From man made global warming being a fucking lie, to obamacare being a fucking lie and a disaster, to every other issue we can think of.

Left wingers are nothing but water carrying tool bags for their democrat Marxist/socialist democrat dumbocrats. You are nothing but a bandwagon pile of arrogant, ignorant shit. Not to mention a patronizing racist.

Fuck every left wing lying scumbag.
why do you keep proving to us that you're a idiot??? we all knew under Clinton they had wmds ... not one american question it ... the problem you republicans have is you're a bunch of fucking liars... with the UN and their inspector, Clinton had them all the wmd's removed ... then under Clinton, he had them all distroyed .... under Bush he had to lie to us to go to war over oil not Wmd's ...he had to use information that was a lie to get the american people to buy his fuck ups to go to war by his lying ... when you have something about clintion that is factul I let ya know ... after all, dumb fuck ,you never were too bright....

You are the miserable fucking liar. Being wrong is not the same thing as lying you unreal useless piece of socialist shit. You have no fucking what you are talking about.

You are nothing but a fucking ball of socialist Obama Marxist cliches.

You fucking double talking piece of shit hypocritical douche bag.
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I'm sure Jeb can also expect questions about his role as Governor of Florida regarding the 2000 presidential election.
There will be some looney from the left that will ask the stupid question and you and other lefty wingnuts will some how think it's relevant. The rest of America will ignore your nonsense and laugh at you.

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The ghosts of the family wars will haunt Jeb's presidential campaign.
The ghosts of the family wars will haunt Jeb's presidential campaign.

I wish the strongest sentiment of opposition to Jeb is America's intrinsic distrust of royalty and dynasties. American exceptionalism is based on being distinctly different than the way nations have been ruled for thousands of years. We don't have kings, we don't have dynasties, and we ought by all right despise them. But here we are considering having both sons of a president elected president and the wife of a president elected president. Have we no other options that we're forced to keep it in the family?

Where is America's historic contempt for monarchs and aristocracies?

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