Jeb Bush Won't Talk About Wars His Brother Started

Don't worry Sheeple, it's already been determined. You'll be getting another NWO Globalist Elite President. The Clinton's and Bush's are Royal Families in the NWO. So just sit back and relax, there will be many more Wars coming. They're in the works as we speak. Clinton and Bush will carry on with Permanent War. Bet on that.
Which is why I'm so against Jeb Bush that I'll break ranks and vote for the Libertarian candidate again like I did in 2008 if he becomes the nominee. I'm tired of the interminable wars which are made even longer because we don't actually do anything to permanently cripple the enemy. We're playing Wack A Mole when we should be playing Nuke A Mole.

Yeah, both are NWO Global Elite Royals. They will certainly continue on with the Elite Permanent War agenda.
NOW, Jeb Bush is responsible for his brother's actiona as President??????

No, but as a strong supporter of his brother's decisions and actions he must take responsibility, and account for his colossal mistakes in judgement.

Can we blame Jack Kennedy for his brother Teddy-boy killing Mary-Jo by drowning??. Can we blame the whole Kennedy clan for Teddy Kennedy being being drunk when he caused Mary-Jo's death??
Don't go full retard.
Republicans didn't even want Georgie at their last two conventions for some odd reason. Perhaps they could explain?

Or perhaps you could explain your lies. GWB purposely stays out of politics to avoid undermining his successor, a consideration that no Democrat president ever gives. He has a terrible and mysterious thing that you people dread and will never understand.

He has a conscience.
Come on. You don't believe that. If Bush had successful presidency, he would help his party. But the only way he can help is party now is by hoping people forget.

You dumbass! Carter had a terrible presidency and he helps his party all the time. How stupid can you be?
In what way?
The lefties here well.
Don't worry Sheeple, it's already been determined. You'll be getting another NWO Globalist Elite President. The Clinton's and Bush's are Royal Families in the NWO. So just sit back and relax, there will be many more Wars coming. They're in the works as we speak. Clinton and Bush will carry on with Permanent War. Bet on that.
Which is why I'm so against Jeb Bush that I'll break ranks and vote for the Libertarian candidate again like I did in 2008 if he becomes the nominee. I'm tired of the interminable wars which are made even longer because we don't actually do anything to permanently cripple the enemy. We're playing Wack A Mole when we should be playing Nuke A Mole.

Yeah, both are NWO Global Elite Royals. They will certainly continue on with the Elite Permanent War agenda.
Said all I could possibly say at this point, America wants another war - despite what happened in Iraq. When it turns badly, and thousands come home in body bags (whether from the Middle East or Ukraine) - only then will they stop calling everyone against the war 'traitors'.

But, then again the war lobby just waits till memories fade and starts a war all over again.

We live in terrible times, on one hand atrocities and attempted genocide by ISIS and other Islamic groups, and on the other end blood letting and chaos in Ukraine. But a full scale confrontation won't generate a favorable outcome, any more than past attempts - ISIS is not a small country like Serbia, and Russia is no pushover.
Republicans didn't even want Georgie at their last two conventions for some odd reason. Perhaps they could explain?

Or perhaps you could explain your lies. GWB purposely stays out of politics to avoid undermining his successor, a consideration that no Democrat president ever gives. He has a terrible and mysterious thing that you people dread and will never understand.

He has a conscience.
Come on. You don't believe that. If Bush had successful presidency, he would help his party. But the only way he can help is party now is by hoping people forget.

You dumbass! Carter had a terrible presidency and he helps his party all the time. How stupid can you be?
In what way?
The economy, the disasterous foreign policy, the gas rationing, where should we start. If you're going to characterize Carter's presidency as successful, you win the biggest ass of the day award.
Republicans didn't even want Georgie at their last two conventions for some odd reason. Perhaps they could explain?

Or perhaps you could explain your lies. GWB purposely stays out of politics to avoid undermining his successor, a consideration that no Democrat president ever gives. He has a terrible and mysterious thing that you people dread and will never understand.

He has a conscience.
Come on. You don't believe that. If Bush had successful presidency, he would help his party. But the only way he can help is party now is by hoping people forget.

You dumbass! Carter had a terrible presidency and he helps his party all the time. How stupid can you be?
In what way?
The economy, the disasterous foreign policy, the gas rationing, where should we start. If you're going to characterize Carter's presidency as successful, you win the biggest ass of the day award.
Still rated better than the Bush presidency by a big margin, so if Carter was a disaster, what do you think that makes Bush? Have to say a total catastrophe.
Or perhaps you could explain your lies. GWB purposely stays out of politics to avoid undermining his successor, a consideration that no Democrat president ever gives. He has a terrible and mysterious thing that you people dread and will never understand.

He has a conscience.
Come on. You don't believe that. If Bush had successful presidency, he would help his party. But the only way he can help is party now is by hoping people forget.

You dumbass! Carter had a terrible presidency and he helps his party all the time. How stupid can you be?
In what way?
The economy, the disasterous foreign policy, the gas rationing, where should we start. If you're going to characterize Carter's presidency as successful, you win the biggest ass of the day award.
Still rated better than the Bush presidency by a big margin, so if Carter was a disaster, what do you think that makes Bush? Have to say a total catastrophe.
You're too young. You don't remember the Carter days like those of us who lived through it. You didn't see the hopelessness and despair, high unemployment and trucks stuck unable to transport goods because there was no fuel. Carter caused the Reagan landslide win.
The ChristoFascists hope the work they do dumbing down the electorate will pay off as it has over the last few decades.

Unfortunately for them their lies are easily checked unlike in the past where mud slinging and outright lying to the public was more useful.

Even the Gingrich name calling campaign and the Karl Rove dirty tricks have lost their effectiveness. Whether they like it or not the public is gradually but surely getting better informed.

Their base of sociopaths is still rock hard solid and just as stupid but fortunately for the nation they are dwindling. They can still win regional elections through Gerrymandering and rigging small elections but I can't see a WrongWing president ever slithering into the White House again in what's left of my lifetime. Eventually even the congress of NO will be replaced because people just don't hate the way they do. People are just plain tired of crumbling bridges and highways. The excuse that it is important to make the black guy have a bad presidency won't cut it after the next presidential election.

It really doesn't matter what Bush or any of these republican A-Holes say or don't say. They are ALL unelectable into the White House. In the real world the effects of what they did and didn't do to make Obama look bad doesn't feed the bulldog when that huge pothole ruins your axle.

Two terms of chaos and wars vs two terms with relative peace and prosperity. It is pretty hard to tell folks they do a better job.
Republicans didn't even want Georgie at their last two conventions for some odd reason. Perhaps they could explain?

Or perhaps you could explain your lies. GWB purposely stays out of politics to avoid undermining his successor, a consideration that no Democrat president ever gives. He has a terrible and mysterious thing that you people dread and will never understand.

He has a conscience.
Come on. You don't believe that. If Bush had successful presidency, he would help his party. But the only way he can help is party now is by hoping people forget.

You dumbass! Carter had a terrible presidency and he helps his party all the time. How stupid can you be?
In what way?
The economy, the disasterous foreign policy, the gas rationing, where should we start. If you're going to characterize Carter's presidency as successful, you win the biggest ass of the day award.
No, dumbass. In what way does Carter "helps his party all the time"?

He couldn't even get his grandson elected Governor in Georgia, his old job that he did extremely well.
Come on. You don't believe that. If Bush had successful presidency, he would help his party. But the only way he can help is party now is by hoping people forget.

You dumbass! Carter had a terrible presidency and he helps his party all the time. How stupid can you be?
In what way?
The economy, the disasterous foreign policy, the gas rationing, where should we start. If you're going to characterize Carter's presidency as successful, you win the biggest ass of the day award.
Still rated better than the Bush presidency by a big margin, so if Carter was a disaster, what do you think that makes Bush? Have to say a total catastrophe.
You're too young. You don't remember the Carter days like those of us who lived through it. You didn't see the hopelessness and despair, high unemployment and trucks stuck unable to transport goods because there was no fuel. Carter caused the Reagan landslide win.
Fuck you. There was no "hopelessness and despair", you little drama queen.

  • Gas was expensive, due to OPEC, not Carter.
  • We had high inflation, inherited from Republicans Nixon and Ford, not Carter. Remember Ford's "WIN" buttons? "Whip Inflation Now".
  • We had an embassy of 250 people taken hostage. Also not Carter's fault.
  • We had a botched military rescue, which was the military's fault, not Carter's.

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