Jeb Bush Won't Talk About Wars His Brother Started

The ghosts of the family wars will haunt Jeb's presidential campaign.

I wish the strongest sentiment of opposition to Jeb is America's intrinsic distrust of royalty and dynasties. American exceptionalism is based on being distinctly different than the way nations have been ruled for thousands of years. We don't have kings, we don't have dynasties, and we ought by all right despise them. But here we are considering having both sons of a president elected president and the wife of a president elected president. Have we no other options that we're forced to keep it in the family?

Where is America's historic contempt for monarchs and aristocracies?

There is some sanity in your post. Here's some more food for thought:

Jeb Bush was not shy about using his white house connections.

As Dynasty’s Son, Jeb Bush Used His Connections Freely - The New York Times
The ghosts of the family wars will haunt Jeb's presidential campaign.

I wish the strongest sentiment of opposition to Jeb is America's intrinsic distrust of royalty and dynasties. American exceptionalism is based on being distinctly different than the way nations have been ruled for thousands of years. We don't have kings, we don't have dynasties, and we ought by all right despise them. But here we are considering having both sons of a president elected president and the wife of a president elected president. Have we no other options that we're forced to keep it in the family?

Where is America's historic contempt for monarchs and aristocracies?

There is some sanity in your post. Here's some more food for thought:

Jeb Bush was not shy about using his white house connections.

As Dynasty’s Son, Jeb Bush Used His Connections Freely - The New York Times

But of course he isn't. That's what happens when one's personal ambitions outweigh concern over what's best for the country.

For that reason, Hillary should step out of the way too.
Did Jeb star
Former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush (R) has no interest in "re-litigating" the costly wars in Iraq and Afghanistan which began under his brother's administration.

"I won't talk about the past," Bush said at a Friday press conference when asked how he would have handled the conflicts differently, according to The Washington Post. "I'll talk about the future. If I'm in the process of considering the possibility of running, it's not about re-litigating anything in the past. It's about trying to create a set of ideas and principles that will help us move forward."

The governor, who is almost certain to jump into the 2016 race, said that instead he would focus on a positive vision for the country that revolved around the future. He will elaborate on that vision when he delivers what his aides are describing as a major foreign policy address in Chicago next week.

It's unlikely Bush will be able to avoid the subject for long. Democrats are already pointing to his brother's legacy, which has left U.S. forces in the Middle East more than a decade after their initial deployment. Both the Iraq and Afghanistan wars remain unpopular -- with a 2013 poll finding majorities that said the campaigns were not worth the tremendous sacrifice. Some Republicans, too, are likely to criticize Bush over the matter. Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.), another would-be presidential candidate with libertarian leanings, has spoken out against false pretenses used to justify the war.

More: Jeb Bush Won't Talk About Wars His Brother Started

"I won't talk about the past." Of course Jeb doesn't want to talk about the wars his brother started. Is he ashamed? However, if those wars had been popular - he wouldn't stop talking about them. Jeb has a rough row to hoe.

Did jeb start the war? Did hilary vote for the war? You'll cast your vote for the one who voted to go to war.

Jeb's daddy and brother both invaded Iraq based on lies and misinformation. That family is really fucked up.

Bush 1 went in to kick hussein out of kuwait after he invaded a sovereign country. You'll still vote for hilary after she voted for war.
Republicans didn't even want Georgie at their last two conventions for some odd reason. Perhaps they could explain?
Republicans didn't even want Georgie at their last two conventions for some odd reason. Perhaps they could explain?

Or perhaps you could explain your lies. GWB purposely stays out of politics to avoid undermining his successor, a consideration that no Democrat president ever gives. He has a terrible and mysterious thing that you people dread and will never understand.

He has a conscience.
I thought Repub-voters on this board conveniently forgot about Bu$h II ? Now they're falling-over themselves to defend him & his bro. :eusa_think:
911 was a random attack. It could have happened to anyone.

But it DIDN'T happen to everyone did it? How fortunate for Dick Cheney and the Halliburton Corp. They apparently won the lottery! YIPPIE!!!!

Since Cheney donated all of his Halliburton stock to charity, they are who won the lottery. Of course I couldn't expect you do know that. he did not. He put his stock in the custody of a lawyer to separate himself from the appearance of in-propitiatory. What he did was make his closest associates filthy rich. Only a fool believes Cheney did not reap fabulous financial reward for pursuing his agenda for the New American Century which he could get no interest in before he became Vice President. 9/11 was what Cheney dreamed of to finally make his dream reality.

I can get a link to what I posted. Let me see a credible link to the BS you just posted.

You have obviously already chosen to disregard history like a good little RW puppet. I am not going to play some stupid game with you. My posts are not really just to you personally as much as to call you out for the benefit of others. I am not in the business of trying to reach out to the willfully ignorant and purposefully deceitful.

What people like you do is wrong. You know it is wrong and do it anyway because you have been convinced by traitorous snakes like Newt Gingrich and Karl Rove that the way to succeed is to admit nothing and accuse everything. have made your bed. You have already said enough that I am convinced you are a lying weasel with no conscience.

If it's OK with you I will just continue to remind others of your moral vacancy and anti American activities through the posts you make here at USMB.

I will conclude that you just make things up and expect people that know better to believe you. Thanks for verifying that in this post.
I have noticed not one liberal has told us what the second war they are always claiming Bush started is. We know why of course the question is who among you is honest enough to admit the truth?
I have noticed not one liberal has told us what the second war they are always claiming Bush started is. We know why of course the question is who among you is honest enough to admit the truth?

They won't answer that because saying that Bush started Afghanistan would reveal them for the loonies they are.
Oh I know but as long as they keep making the claim I will keep asking the question until they either stop saying it or say Afghanistan and show themselves for the loons they are.
Republicans didn't even want Georgie at their last two conventions for some odd reason. Perhaps they could explain?

Or perhaps you could explain your lies. GWB purposely stays out of politics to avoid undermining his successor, a consideration that no Democrat president ever gives. He has a terrible and mysterious thing that you people dread and will never understand.

He has a conscience.
Come on. You don't believe that. If Bush had successful presidency, he would help his party. But the only way he can help is party now is by hoping people forget.
Or perhaps you could explain your lies. GWB purposely stays out of politics to avoid undermining his successor, a consideration that no Democrat president ever gives. He has a terrible and mysterious thing that you people dread and will never understand.

He has a conscience.[/QUOTE]

Really? Is that something new? Did he get it after the first couple thousand deaths in Iraq? Was it after he sent troops riding around in Humvees waiting to get blown up by a road side bomb?

When did George get his conscience?
Former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush (R) has no interest in "re-litigating" the costly wars in Iraq and Afghanistan which began under his brother's administration.

"I won't talk about the past," Bush said at a Friday press conference when asked how he would have handled the conflicts differently, according to The Washington Post. "I'll talk about the future. If I'm in the process of considering the possibility of running, it's not about re-litigating anything in the past. It's about trying to create a set of ideas and principles that will help us move forward."

The governor, who is almost certain to jump into the 2016 race, said that instead he would focus on a positive vision for the country that revolved around the future. He will elaborate on that vision when he delivers what his aides are describing as a major foreign policy address in Chicago next week.

It's unlikely Bush will be able to avoid the subject for long. Democrats are already pointing to his brother's legacy, which has left U.S. forces in the Middle East more than a decade after their initial deployment. Both the Iraq and Afghanistan wars remain unpopular -- with a 2013 poll finding majorities that said the campaigns were not worth the tremendous sacrifice. Some Republicans, too, are likely to criticize Bush over the matter. Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.), another would-be presidential candidate with libertarian leanings, has spoken out against false pretenses used to justify the war.

More: Jeb Bush Won't Talk About Wars His Brother Started

"I won't talk about the past." Of course Jeb doesn't want to talk about the wars his brother started. Is he ashamed? However, if those wars had been popular - he wouldn't stop talking about them. Jeb has a rough row to hoe.
NOW, Jeb Bush is responsible for his brother's actiona as President??????
Can we blame Jack Kennedy for his brother Teddy-boy killing Mary-Jo by drowning??. Can we blame the whole Kennedy clan for Teddy Kennedy being being drunk when he caused Mary-Jo's death??
Are they going to ask Hilary about the war? She voted for it. Are they going to ask her about the trash in the White House? Are they going to ask her why her husband is on the plane of a sex offender?
Republicans didn't even want Georgie at their last two conventions for some odd reason. Perhaps they could explain?

Or perhaps you could explain your lies. GWB purposely stays out of politics to avoid undermining his successor, a consideration that no Democrat president ever gives. He has a terrible and mysterious thing that you people dread and will never understand.

He has a conscience.
Come on. You don't believe that. If Bush had successful presidency, he would help his party. But the only way he can help is party now is by hoping people forget.

You dumbass! Carter had a terrible presidency and he helps his party all the time. How stupid can you be?

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