Jeb Bush's Foreign Policy Plan: More Military Spending Will 'Encourage Peace'

Look at Liberia . . . because THIS is what happens when you have destitute people. Watch it and learn something about poverty and it's long-term effects.

Begging the question

Did you watch the video? It is just an example of how extreme poverty and hunger turns your country into a shit hole.

Do you know what begging the question means? I didn't dispute that. You are assuming that government redistribution of wealth is the only solution to the problem, that is what I am disagreeing with.
Look at Liberia . . . because THIS is what happens when you have destitute people. Watch it and learn something about poverty and it's long-term effects.

Begging the question

Did you watch the video? It is just an example of how extreme poverty and hunger turns your country into a shit hole.

Do you know what begging the question means? I didn't dispute that. You are assuming that government redistribution of wealth is the only solution to the problem, that is what I am disagreeing with.

Yes it is. People are NOT generous by nature. It's about time you realized that. People are inherently selfish creatures.
Look at Liberia . . . because THIS is what happens when you have destitute people. Watch it and learn something about poverty and it's long-term effects.

Begging the question

Did you watch the video? It is just an example of how extreme poverty and hunger turns your country into a shit hole.

Do you know what begging the question means? I didn't dispute that. You are assuming that government redistribution of wealth is the only solution to the problem, that is what I am disagreeing with.

Yes it is. People are NOT generous by nature. It's about time you realized that. People are inherently selfish creatures.

I totally disagree with that and the facts show the reverse, how generous Americans are.

And the biggest things we can do to reduce poverty aren't charity, they are eliminating job killing corporate and progressive taxes that take most federal taxes directly from job creators. The next thing is free as well, having all able bodied people work for their government checks instead of doing nothing for them. The Fair Tax would dramatically reduce unemployment if not eliminate it.

Make government the last step, not the first. Then make it as local as possible to achieve accountability. Keep the Feds out entirely. Go to local then State.
Look at Liberia . . . because THIS is what happens when you have destitute people. Watch it and learn something about poverty and it's long-term effects.

Begging the question

Did you watch the video? It is just an example of how extreme poverty and hunger turns your country into a shit hole.

Do you know what begging the question means? I didn't dispute that. You are assuming that government redistribution of wealth is the only solution to the problem, that is what I am disagreeing with.

It is not "redistribution of wealth." It is government based, large-scale charity. We could not POSSIBLY take care of all the poor without it. It would be literally impossible to get all of the resources together and to make sure everyone is cared for. I don't trust the government at ALL, as many people here know, but this is the ONE thing they do right, taking care of the people who need it the most.

Do you actually think that we will do away with welfare and other social service programs for the poor because it makes some of you unhappy? And then what? Give your tax money to you? Lol.
Look at Liberia . . . because THIS is what happens when you have destitute people. Watch it and learn something about poverty and it's long-term effects.

Begging the question

Did you watch the video? It is just an example of how extreme poverty and hunger turns your country into a shit hole.

Do you know what begging the question means? I didn't dispute that. You are assuming that government redistribution of wealth is the only solution to the problem, that is what I am disagreeing with.

Yes it is. People are NOT generous by nature. It's about time you realized that. People are inherently selfish creatures.

I totally disagree with that and the facts show the reverse, how generous Americans are

No, people are just animals and when they are hungry and cold, they will do what they have to do to survive. And people obviously do not like to part with their money, as is clearly indicated in this thread. Unless they SEE and experience it for themselves, they don't understand and they don't care, as long as they are warm and cozy and fed.
Look at Liberia . . . because THIS is what happens when you have destitute people. Watch it and learn something about poverty and it's long-term effects.

Begging the question

Did you watch the video? It is just an example of how extreme poverty and hunger turns your country into a shit hole.

Do you know what begging the question means? I didn't dispute that. You are assuming that government redistribution of wealth is the only solution to the problem, that is what I am disagreeing with.

It is not "redistribution of wealth." It is government based, large-scale charity. We could not POSSIBLY take care of all the poor without it. It would be literally impossible to get all of the resources together and to make sure everyone is cared for. I don't trust the government at ALL, as many people here know, but this is the ONE thing they do right, taking care of the people who need it the most.

Do you actually think that we will do away with welfare and other social service programs for the poor because it makes some of you unhappy? And then what? Give your tax money to you? Lol.

I just addressed this. I realize we may have cross posted, just directing you to it
Begging the question

Did you watch the video? It is just an example of how extreme poverty and hunger turns your country into a shit hole.

Do you know what begging the question means? I didn't dispute that. You are assuming that government redistribution of wealth is the only solution to the problem, that is what I am disagreeing with.

Yes it is. People are NOT generous by nature. It's about time you realized that. People are inherently selfish creatures.

I totally disagree with that and the facts show the reverse, how generous Americans are

No, people are just animals and when they are hungry and cold, they will do what they have to do to survive. And people obviously do not like to part with their money, as is clearly indicated in this thread. Unless they SEE and experience it for themselves, they don't understand and they don't care, as long as they are warm and cozy and fed.

You must be a fun person to know to have such a low opinion of your fellow man. Apparently when they go into government and have no accountability they suddenly start caring? No? no
Rich people like to privatize their profits and socialize their losses while dodging taxes - leaving the poor and middle class to pay their bills.
Everyone likes to do that, idiot. Except the poor have been espeically good at it: socializing the costs of their irresponsible personal behavior while exempting themselves from paying taxes.

Ah, this is what it's about. Punishing the poor.
No one wants to punish poor people. We'd prefer every poor person in the whole bloody world was well off. Poor people make piss poor customers and tend to vote for whoever gives them the most free shit.

If there's any punishment to be handed out, it should come in the form of, "You've been getting a hand out long enough. Get a JOB. Justify your existence. Face your responsibilities."

That is really silly because there are NOT enough jobs for everyone. Not everyone can afford college here in America because it is outrageously expensive. With the prices of everything rising, especially food and utilities, a person can work 2 and 3 jobs and STILL have to rely on food stamps and Medicaid in order to just survive. We are a country of 318.9 MILLION people. Do you think there are THAT many jobs?
If you think you need college to make decent money, that's just crazy.
I have 3 children from 36 to 30. My daughter is the only one with a degree and while she does quite well, (low 6 figures) she earns less than her brothers. Incidentally, the one who dropped out of High School to pursue an art career earns more than his siblings combined.

If there are not enough jobs out there, what's to stop anyone from creating a job. Hell a friend of mine goes to a produce distributor and buys veggies. He sets up a tent and some tables and makes a killing selling produce grown in Alabama. He does quite well.

Another friend lost his job in '09 and has been working odd jobs to feed his family ever since. Lately, he found a good deal on a mobile welder and has set up his own shop. He's doing pretty well too.

Anyone can do it. All it takes is some self control in order to save a few bucks to get a business off the ground. You don't "need" the latest iphone or a 60" TV or a new Prius. Make do with less in order to get more down the road.

Most anyone who wants a college education bad enough can get one. Maybe not Yale or Princeton, but a 2 year community college for next to nothing followed by night courses is how I did it.

Of course, if I had worked harder in high school, I could have gotten scholarships that would have covered most, if not all of MIT.
A high school classmate of mine did the work expected and swore off the beer and pot I didn't avoid and got a full ride to Cooper Union.
Rich people like to privatize their profits and socialize their losses while dodging taxes - leaving the poor and middle class to pay their bills.
Everyone likes to do that, idiot. Except the poor have been espeically good at it: socializing the costs of their irresponsible personal behavior while exempting themselves from paying taxes.

Ah, this is what it's about. Punishing the poor.
No one wants to punish poor people. We'd prefer every poor person in the whole bloody world was well off. Poor people make piss poor customers and tend to vote for whoever gives them the most free shit.

If there's any punishment to be handed out, it should come in the form of, "You've been getting a hand out long enough. Get a JOB. Justify your existence. Face your responsibilities."

That is really silly because there are NOT enough jobs for everyone. Not everyone can afford college here in America because it is outrageously expensive. With the prices of everything rising, especially food and utilities, a person can work 2 and 3 jobs and STILL have to rely on food stamps and Medicaid in order to just survive. We are a country of 318.9 MILLION people. Do you think there are THAT many jobs?
If you think you need college to make decent money, that's just crazy.
I have 3 children from 36 to 30. My daughter is the only one with a degree and while she does quite well, (low 6 figures) she earns less than her brothers. Incidentally, the one who dropped out of High School to pursue an art career earns more than his siblings combined.

If there are not enough jobs out there, what's to stop anyone from creating a job. Hell a friend of mine goes to a produce distributor and buys veggies. He sets up a tent and some tables and makes a killing selling produce grown in Alabama. He does quite well.

Another friend lost his job in '09 and has been working odd jobs to feed his family ever since. Lately, he found a good deal on a mobile welder and has set up his own shop. He's doing pretty well too.

Anyone can do it. All it takes is some self control in order to save a few bucks to get a business off the ground. You don't "need" the latest iphone or a 60" TV or a new Prius. Make do with less in order to get more down the road.

Most anyone who wants a college education bad enough can get one. Maybe not Yale or Princeton, but a 2 year community college for next to nothing followed by night courses is how I did it.

Of course, if I had worked harder in high school, I could have gotten scholarships that would have covered most, if not all of MIT.
A high school classmate of mine did the work expected and swore off the beer and pot I didn't avoid and got a full ride to Cooper Union.

How do you expect a person who is on welfare to afford ANY college? So . . . you support government funded student loans then?
They fight and have civil wars because of civil unrest because the people are STARVING and can't find JOBS, and their government offers them NO help and just basically ignores their plight. Do you people think anyone WANTS to live like that?
Hell no. They are not my responsibility either.
Walmart proves that workers can't survive on wages alone - without taxpayers subsidizing their existence.
Walmart workers are free to achieve skills and education that will qualify them for higher paying jobs, Mr Walmart greeter.

Look Ernie, maybe life has been easy for you, but it is just not that way for a lot of people. Like I said, which you didn't address, there are over 300,000 million people in this country, and counting. Where are all these jobs?
They fight and have civil wars because of civil unrest because the people are STARVING and can't find JOBS, and their government offers them NO help and just basically ignores their plight. Do you people think anyone WANTS to live like that?
Hell no. They are not my responsibility either.

Yes, as a country, we pull together to make things work. It is everyone's responsibility, and if the poor are not cared for, then it will become everyone's problem. It doesn't really matter what you think of them or their lifestyle. It is what it is.
Everyone likes to do that, idiot. Except the poor have been espeically good at it: socializing the costs of their irresponsible personal behavior while exempting themselves from paying taxes.

Ah, this is what it's about. Punishing the poor.
No one wants to punish poor people. We'd prefer every poor person in the whole bloody world was well off. Poor people make piss poor customers and tend to vote for whoever gives them the most free shit.

If there's any punishment to be handed out, it should come in the form of, "You've been getting a hand out long enough. Get a JOB. Justify your existence. Face your responsibilities."

That is really silly because there are NOT enough jobs for everyone. Not everyone can afford college here in America because it is outrageously expensive. With the prices of everything rising, especially food and utilities, a person can work 2 and 3 jobs and STILL have to rely on food stamps and Medicaid in order to just survive. We are a country of 318.9 MILLION people. Do you think there are THAT many jobs?
If you think you need college to make decent money, that's just crazy.
I have 3 children from 36 to 30. My daughter is the only one with a degree and while she does quite well, (low 6 figures) she earns less than her brothers. Incidentally, the one who dropped out of High School to pursue an art career earns more than his siblings combined.

If there are not enough jobs out there, what's to stop anyone from creating a job. Hell a friend of mine goes to a produce distributor and buys veggies. He sets up a tent and some tables and makes a killing selling produce grown in Alabama. He does quite well.

Another friend lost his job in '09 and has been working odd jobs to feed his family ever since. Lately, he found a good deal on a mobile welder and has set up his own shop. He's doing pretty well too.

Anyone can do it. All it takes is some self control in order to save a few bucks to get a business off the ground. You don't "need" the latest iphone or a 60" TV or a new Prius. Make do with less in order to get more down the road.

Most anyone who wants a college education bad enough can get one. Maybe not Yale or Princeton, but a 2 year community college for next to nothing followed by night courses is how I did it.

Of course, if I had worked harder in high school, I could have gotten scholarships that would have covered most, if not all of MIT.
A high school classmate of mine did the work expected and swore off the beer and pot I didn't avoid and got a full ride to Cooper Union.

How do you expect a person who is on welfare to afford ANY college? So . . . you support government funded student loans then?
Government funded? NO! I do support student loans at prevailing interest rates that will be repaid by those that entered into the contracts.

Of course you can't afford college on welfare. Welfare isn't supposed to provide for your every wish. It's to assist you while you get your shit together and work to get off the government's teat.
Not at all. I just think you are a selfish, uneducated, greedy ass.
That's not true, Rabbi isn't uneducated...

I agree with what you said Chris regarding wanting to help people, but government does a terrible job at that. It rewards dependency, not what we want to incent.

Do you really think that many people WANT to be collecting welfare? There maybe a few, but they are not the norm. It is not an EASY life.

Many of them, yes. But that doesn't contradict what I said, I said what welfare rewards

Welfare is just charity on a larger scale because we do NOT have enough generous people who would willingly part with their dollars. Look around.

If we were to ignore them, what do you think would happen? Do you think that is the best thing for America as a country? No, it would have terrible long-term consequences to do away with social services.

I didn't say to "ignore" it, I said government sucks at it. They do. Can you think of no solution but forced redistribution of wealth by politicians and bureaucrats who care about no one but themselves?

When has anything else worked?
Ah, this is what it's about. Punishing the poor.
No one wants to punish poor people. We'd prefer every poor person in the whole bloody world was well off. Poor people make piss poor customers and tend to vote for whoever gives them the most free shit.

If there's any punishment to be handed out, it should come in the form of, "You've been getting a hand out long enough. Get a JOB. Justify your existence. Face your responsibilities."

That is really silly because there are NOT enough jobs for everyone. Not everyone can afford college here in America because it is outrageously expensive. With the prices of everything rising, especially food and utilities, a person can work 2 and 3 jobs and STILL have to rely on food stamps and Medicaid in order to just survive. We are a country of 318.9 MILLION people. Do you think there are THAT many jobs?
If you think you need college to make decent money, that's just crazy.
I have 3 children from 36 to 30. My daughter is the only one with a degree and while she does quite well, (low 6 figures) she earns less than her brothers. Incidentally, the one who dropped out of High School to pursue an art career earns more than his siblings combined.

If there are not enough jobs out there, what's to stop anyone from creating a job. Hell a friend of mine goes to a produce distributor and buys veggies. He sets up a tent and some tables and makes a killing selling produce grown in Alabama. He does quite well.

Another friend lost his job in '09 and has been working odd jobs to feed his family ever since. Lately, he found a good deal on a mobile welder and has set up his own shop. He's doing pretty well too.

Anyone can do it. All it takes is some self control in order to save a few bucks to get a business off the ground. You don't "need" the latest iphone or a 60" TV or a new Prius. Make do with less in order to get more down the road.

Most anyone who wants a college education bad enough can get one. Maybe not Yale or Princeton, but a 2 year community college for next to nothing followed by night courses is how I did it.

Of course, if I had worked harder in high school, I could have gotten scholarships that would have covered most, if not all of MIT.
A high school classmate of mine did the work expected and swore off the beer and pot I didn't avoid and got a full ride to Cooper Union.

How do you expect a person who is on welfare to afford ANY college? So . . . you support government funded student loans then?
Government funded? NO! I do support student loans at prevailing interest rates that will be repaid by those that entered into the contracts.

Of course you can't afford college on welfare. Welfare isn't supposed to provide for your every wish. It's to assist you while you get your shit together and work to get off the government's teat.

And where are the jobs going to come from?

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