Jeb Bush's Foreign Policy Plan: More Military Spending Will 'Encourage Peace'

So, Jeb plans to ride the boogeyman to the White House. More Bush fearmongering and warmongering.

You have some serious butt lust for the guy, don't you?

Yes, I do!

Here are the main topics that I hope Jeb is repeatedly grilled on:

1. His brother's wars.

2. His father's war (suckering Saddam into Kuwait).

3. Terri Schiavo.

4. His role in the 2000 Florida presidential election.
Only poor people vote? :cuckoo: MOST people in America want to help their less fortunate fellow Americans and aren't bothered by that. It is a good way to spend the money, rather than sending it to Pakistan, Afghanistan, etc.
Not at all. I just think you are a selfish, uneducated, greedy ass.
That's not true, Rabbi isn't uneducated...

I agree with what you said Chris regarding wanting to help people, but government does a terrible job at that. It rewards dependency, not what we want to incent.
Only poor people vote? :cuckoo: MOST people in America want to help their less fortunate fellow Americans and aren't bothered by that. It is a good way to spend the money, rather than sending it to Pakistan, Afghanistan, etc.
Not at all. I just think you are a selfish, uneducated, greedy ass.
That's not true, Rabbi isn't uneducated...

I agree with what you said Chris regarding wanting to help people, but government does a terrible job at that. It rewards dependency, not what we want to incent.

Do you really think that many people WANT to be collecting welfare? There maybe a few, but they are not the norm. It is not an EASY life.
You have some serious butt lust for the guy, don't you?
Yes, I do!

Here are the main topics that I hope Jeb is repeatedly grilled on:

1. His brother's wars.

2. His father's war (suckering Saddam into Kuwait).
So when Hillary runs for President you endorse grilling her on Obama's failures? I want to know his views. I know what his father and brother's were.

3. Terri Schiavo.
I'm against him on Terri Schiavo, but it's a non-starter as an issue and something he has virtually zero control over as President anyway.

4. His role in the 2000 Florida presidential election.
He helped stop the Democrats from overturning the election with overt fraud, one of the few check marks he has in the positive column.

I don't think much of the guy either, but I'd prefer to beat him with relevant positions.
Only poor people vote? :cuckoo: MOST people in America want to help their less fortunate fellow Americans and aren't bothered by that. It is a good way to spend the money, rather than sending it to Pakistan, Afghanistan, etc.
Not at all. I just think you are a selfish, uneducated, greedy ass.
That's not true, Rabbi isn't uneducated...

I agree with what you said Chris regarding wanting to help people, but government does a terrible job at that. It rewards dependency, not what we want to incent.

Just how much money do you think a person gets from welfare? Certainly not enough to live comfortably.
Only poor people vote? :cuckoo: MOST people in America want to help their less fortunate fellow Americans and aren't bothered by that. It is a good way to spend the money, rather than sending it to Pakistan, Afghanistan, etc.
Not at all. I just think you are a selfish, uneducated, greedy ass.
That's not true, Rabbi isn't uneducated...

I agree with what you said Chris regarding wanting to help people, but government does a terrible job at that. It rewards dependency, not what we want to incent.

Do you really think that many people WANT to be collecting welfare? There maybe a few, but they are not the norm. It is not an EASY life.

Many of them, yes. But that doesn't contradict what I said, I said what welfare rewards

I don't want another chicken hawk dunce in the White House!
Only poor people vote? :cuckoo: MOST people in America want to help their less fortunate fellow Americans and aren't bothered by that. It is a good way to spend the money, rather than sending it to Pakistan, Afghanistan, etc.
Not at all. I just think you are a selfish, uneducated, greedy ass.
That's not true, Rabbi isn't uneducated...

I agree with what you said Chris regarding wanting to help people, but government does a terrible job at that. It rewards dependency, not what we want to incent.

Do you really think that many people WANT to be collecting welfare? There maybe a few, but they are not the norm. It is not an EASY life.

Many of them, yes. But that doesn't contradict what I said, I said what welfare rewards

Welfare is just charity on a larger scale because we do NOT have enough generous people who would willingly part with their dollars. Look around.

If we were to ignore them, what do you think would happen? Do you think that is the best thing for America as a country? No, it would have terrible long-term consequences to do away with social services.
Only poor people vote? :cuckoo: MOST people in America want to help their less fortunate fellow Americans and aren't bothered by that. It is a good way to spend the money, rather than sending it to Pakistan, Afghanistan, etc.
Not at all. I just think you are a selfish, uneducated, greedy ass.
That's not true, Rabbi isn't uneducated...

I agree with what you said Chris regarding wanting to help people, but government does a terrible job at that. It rewards dependency, not what we want to incent.

Just how much money do you think a person gets from welfare? Certainly not enough to live comfortably.

Not to you or me, no. So you seriously think everyone on welfare is working their asses to get off it? I wish I had your innocent view of the world.
Not at all. I just think you are a selfish, uneducated, greedy ass.
That's not true, Rabbi isn't uneducated...

I agree with what you said Chris regarding wanting to help people, but government does a terrible job at that. It rewards dependency, not what we want to incent.

Do you really think that many people WANT to be collecting welfare? There maybe a few, but they are not the norm. It is not an EASY life.

Many of them, yes. But that doesn't contradict what I said, I said what welfare rewards

Welfare is just charity on a larger scale because we do NOT have enough generous people who would willingly part with their dollars. Look around.

If we were to ignore them, what do you think would happen? Do you think that is the best thing for America as a country? No, it would have terrible long-term consequences to do away with social services.

I didn't say to "ignore" it, I said government sucks at it. They do. Can you think of no solution but forced redistribution of wealth by politicians and bureaucrats who care about no one but themselves?
WASHINGTON -- Former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush will lay out a vision of American foreign policy on Wednesday aimed at pushing his nascent 2016 presidential campaign out of the shadow of his father and brother, two former presidents who waged overseas wars.

"I love my father and my brother … But I am my own man –- and my views are shaped by my own thinking and own experiences," Bush will say in a speech to the Chicago Council on Global Affairs, according to excerpts provided to reporters late Tuesday night.

In his first major foreign policy address, the likely 2016 Republican front-runner will make the case for increased military spending so America can "project power and enforce peaceful stability in far-off areas of the globe." He will also criticize President Barack Obama's foreign policy, calling it "inconsistent and indecisive."

"Having a military that is equal to any threat ... makes it less likely that we will need to put our men and women in uniform in harm’s way," Bush plans to tell attendees, adding that he believes "fundamentally, that weakness invites war… and strength encourages peace."

The idea that a bigger U.S. military would act as a bigger deterrent to potential foes is one that reached its apex during the Cold War, but has been repeatedly challenged in the 21st century by the rise of global terrorism and sectarian conflicts.

More: Jeb Bush's Foreign Policy Plan: More Military Spending Will 'Encourage Peace'

So, Jeb plans to ride the boogeyman to the White House. More Bush fearmongering and warmongering.
Not mongering fear OR war.
Just common sense.
Just like the bar/restaurant where all the employees carry guns and there's no fear of getting robbed.

Yeah, that really scares ISIS.
Not the bar, dembulb.
If we were to show the world that we're armed and not afraid to use it, a lot of our troublemakers would sit down and shut up.

Really? Like Bush showed them? ISIS isn't even afraid of our nukes. They aren't afraid of death.

God you're naive.

But the comedy is free
A lot of "religious" (and take that term for what it's worth which is not much) think because they attend church on Sunday, they have a key into Heaven . . . well guess again.
Your deflection to bigotry is noted.

Oh, isn't this what YOU accuse the leftists of? Greedy hypocritical fake rabbi. A rabbi would gladly give ALL of his money to help those less fortunate. You are a greedy fuck who gives all real religious people a terrible name. Shame on you.
The difference is, Chris, when the Rabbi gladly gives away all his money, it is his to give. THAT is charity. Giving away other people's money is theft.
The left is generous to a fault with money that is not theirs. Most of us would rather pick and choose who benefits from out time and money.
Walk softly and carry a big stick.

That big stick = Strong Defense. You can never spend to much for that.
Irrational bumper sticker slogan noted.

Oh, how impressive. You spelled everything correctly. Lol.
Where's that internet meme I know is coming? Scumbag.

I don't think you know what a "scumbag" is either. If anyone is a contemptible person, it would be yourself with your disgusting greed. I am quite sure God would NOT approve.
You want to force people to spend their own money to support your agenda and you dont think that's greed?? Just how stupid are you??

My agenda? Helping the less fortunate is an agenda now? Good Lord. Aren't you supposed to WANT to help the poor, being a rabbi. Wouldn't you give a poor person the shirt off your back? Are you rich?
That is not your agenda. Your agenda is to make other people support the poor with their hard earned money while you feel good about yourself for supporting more welfare and higher taxes.

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