Jeb Bush's Foreign Policy Plan: More Military Spending Will 'Encourage Peace'

Rich people like to privatize their profits and socialize their losses while dodging taxes - leaving the poor and middle class to pay their bills.
Everyone likes to do that, idiot. Except the poor have been espeically good at it: socializing the costs of their irresponsible personal behavior while exempting themselves from paying taxes.

Ah, this is what it's about. Punishing the poor.
Conservative people are far more generous than liberals.
Religious people are far more generous than non religious ones.
Bill Gates and Warren Buffet have given away tens of billions of dollars. And they are just two guys among many many rich people donating.
But nice of you to volunteer others' tax money for your priorities. Scumbag.

Not from what I've seen and witnessed. Why don't you just admit that you don't care about poor people and only about yourself.
LOL! You might have seen a rich person on TV once. Why dont you just admit you're an envious scumbag who is generous with other people's money?

I think you are the scumbag, referring to yourself as a "rabbi." Bullshit.
Resort to ad hominem in the course of losing argument noted.
Face it, you want others to pay for your shit so you can feel good about yourself. That is the sum of your "gnenerosity."

Maybe you should learn how to spell before posting? Dumbass. I don't need anyone to "pay for my shit." I pay for my own things. I also pay my taxes and like it when they help out others less fortunate than I am.
Deflection to minutiae noted. You really are melting down. Next you need to post a cartoon or meme or something.
Rich people like to privatize their profits and socialize their losses while dodging taxes - leaving the poor and middle class to pay their bills.
Everyone likes to do that, idiot. Except the poor have been espeically good at it: socializing the costs of their irresponsible personal behavior while exempting themselves from paying taxes.

The tax code exempts them - if they qualify. We are a nation of laws.
Rich people like to privatize their profits and socialize their losses while dodging taxes - leaving the poor and middle class to pay their bills.
Everyone likes to do that, idiot. Except the poor have been espeically good at it: socializing the costs of their irresponsible personal behavior while exempting themselves from paying taxes.

Ah, this is what it's about. Punishing the poor.
Irrational bumper sticker slogan noted.
A lot of "religious" (and take that term for what it's worth which is not much) think because they attend church on Sunday, they have a key into Heaven . . . well guess again.
Your deflection to bigotry is noted.

Oh, isn't this what YOU accuse the leftists of? Greedy hypocritical fake rabbi. A rabbi would gladly give ALL of his money to help those less fortunate. You are a greedy fuck who gives all real religious people a terrible name. Shame on you.
Your ignorance of the rabbinate is noted.
Yes I accuse leftists of deflection to bigotry because they do it all the time.

You are doing the same thing, hypocrite. And YOU are no rabbi.
Rich people like to privatize their profits and socialize their losses while dodging taxes - leaving the poor and middle class to pay their bills.
Everyone likes to do that, idiot. Except the poor have been espeically good at it: socializing the costs of their irresponsible personal behavior while exempting themselves from paying taxes.

Ah, this is what it's about. Punishing the poor.
Irrational bumper sticker slogan noted.

Oh, how impressive. You spelled everything correctly. Lol.
Rich people like to privatize their profits and socialize their losses while dodging taxes - leaving the poor and middle class to pay their bills.
Everyone likes to do that, idiot. Except the poor have been espeically good at it: socializing the costs of their irresponsible personal behavior while exempting themselves from paying taxes.

The tax code exempts them - if they qualify. We are a nation of laws.
LOL! Who do you think wrote the tax code, genius? Pols elected by large numbers of poor people. You're not real bright, are you?
Rich people like to privatize their profits and socialize their losses while dodging taxes - leaving the poor and middle class to pay their bills.
Everyone likes to do that, idiot. Except the poor have been espeically good at it: socializing the costs of their irresponsible personal behavior while exempting themselves from paying taxes.

Ah, this is what it's about. Punishing the poor.
Irrational bumper sticker slogan noted.

Oh, how impressive. You spelled everything correctly. Lol.
Where's that internet meme I know is coming? Scumbag.
Rich people like to privatize their profits and socialize their losses while dodging taxes - leaving the poor and middle class to pay their bills.
Everyone likes to do that, idiot. Except the poor have been espeically good at it: socializing the costs of their irresponsible personal behavior while exempting themselves from paying taxes.

The tax code exempts them - if they qualify. We are a nation of laws.
LOL! Who do you think wrote the tax code, genius? Pols elected by large numbers of poor people. You're not real bright, are you?

Only poor people vote? :cuckoo: MOST people in America want to help their less fortunate fellow Americans and aren't bothered by that. It is a good way to spend the money, rather than sending it to Pakistan, Afghanistan, etc.
Rich people like to privatize their profits and socialize their losses while dodging taxes - leaving the poor and middle class to pay their bills.
Everyone likes to do that, idiot. Except the poor have been espeically good at it: socializing the costs of their irresponsible personal behavior while exempting themselves from paying taxes.

The tax code exempts them - if they qualify. We are a nation of laws.
LOL! Who do you think wrote the tax code, genius? Pols elected by large numbers of poor people. You're not real bright, are you?

Aw, so now you don't want poor people to even vote? You are one really sick and evil little piece of shit.
Rich people like to privatize their profits and socialize their losses while dodging taxes - leaving the poor and middle class to pay their bills.
Everyone likes to do that, idiot. Except the poor have been espeically good at it: socializing the costs of their irresponsible personal behavior while exempting themselves from paying taxes.

Ah, this is what it's about. Punishing the poor.
Irrational bumper sticker slogan noted.

Oh, how impressive. You spelled everything correctly. Lol.
Where's that internet meme I know is coming? Scumbag.

I don't think you know what a "scumbag" is either. If anyone is a contemptible person, it would be yourself with your disgusting greed. I am quite sure God would NOT approve.
Rich people like to privatize their profits and socialize their losses while dodging taxes - leaving the poor and middle class to pay their bills.
Everyone likes to do that, idiot. Except the poor have been espeically good at it: socializing the costs of their irresponsible personal behavior while exempting themselves from paying taxes.

The tax code exempts them - if they qualify. We are a nation of laws.
LOL! Who do you think wrote the tax code, genius? Pols elected by large numbers of poor people. You're not real bright, are you?

Only poor people vote? :cuckoo: MOST people in America want to help their less fortunate fellow Americans and aren't bothered by that. It is a good way to spend the money, rather than sending it to Pakistan, Afghanistan, etc.
Rich people like to privatize their profits and socialize their losses while dodging taxes - leaving the poor and middle class to pay their bills.
Everyone likes to do that, idiot. Except the poor have been espeically good at it: socializing the costs of their irresponsible personal behavior while exempting themselves from paying taxes.

The tax code exempts them - if they qualify. We are a nation of laws.
LOL! Who do you think wrote the tax code, genius? Pols elected by large numbers of poor people. You're not real bright, are you?

Aw, so now you don't want poor people to even vote? You are one really sick and evil little piece of shit.
Please post where I wrote anyting of the sort.
I know, it was right under where you claimed we should abort all black babies, you racist asshole.
Everyone likes to do that, idiot. Except the poor have been espeically good at it: socializing the costs of their irresponsible personal behavior while exempting themselves from paying taxes.

Ah, this is what it's about. Punishing the poor.
Irrational bumper sticker slogan noted.

Oh, how impressive. You spelled everything correctly. Lol.
Where's that internet meme I know is coming? Scumbag.

I don't think you know what a "scumbag" is either. If anyone is a contemptible person, it would be yourself with your disgusting greed. I am quite sure God would NOT approve.
You want to force people to spend their own money to support your agenda and you dont think that's greed?? Just how stupid are you??
Rich people like to privatize their profits and socialize their losses while dodging taxes - leaving the poor and middle class to pay their bills.
Everyone likes to do that, idiot. Except the poor have been espeically good at it: socializing the costs of their irresponsible personal behavior while exempting themselves from paying taxes.

The tax code exempts them - if they qualify. We are a nation of laws.
LOL! Who do you think wrote the tax code, genius? Pols elected by large numbers of poor people. You're not real bright, are you?

Aw, so now you don't want poor people to even vote? You are one really sick and evil little piece of shit.

A lot of religious conservative have nothing but disdain for the poor. A lot of them were probably born with a silver spoon in their mouths and are incredibly spoiled and have absolutely no idea what it's like to have to struggle. The economy is tough right now. There are still not a lot of jobs out there. Times are tough for everyone, but they will continue to try and dehumanize poor people. Then have the nerve to call themselves "religious." They are just rotten and greedy people who don't care about anyone else but themselves and their money. Not very GODLY, are they?
Ah, this is what it's about. Punishing the poor.
Irrational bumper sticker slogan noted.

Oh, how impressive. You spelled everything correctly. Lol.
Where's that internet meme I know is coming? Scumbag.

I don't think you know what a "scumbag" is either. If anyone is a contemptible person, it would be yourself with your disgusting greed. I am quite sure God would NOT approve.
You want to force people to spend their own money to support your agenda and you dont think that's greed?? Just how stupid are you??

My agenda? Helping the less fortunate is an agenda now? Good Lord. Aren't you supposed to WANT to help the poor, being a rabbi. Wouldn't you give a poor person the shirt off your back? Are you rich?
Rich people like to privatize their profits and socialize their losses while dodging taxes - leaving the poor and middle class to pay their bills.
Everyone likes to do that, idiot. Except the poor have been espeically good at it: socializing the costs of their irresponsible personal behavior while exempting themselves from paying taxes.

The tax code exempts them - if they qualify. We are a nation of laws.
LOL! Who do you think wrote the tax code, genius? Pols elected by large numbers of poor people. You're not real bright, are you?

Aw, so now you don't want poor people to even vote? You are one really sick and evil little piece of shit.

A lot of religious conservative have nothing but disdain for the poor. A lot of them were probably born with a silver spoon in their mouths and are incredibly spoiled and have absolutely no idea what it's like to have to struggle. The economy is tough right now. There are still not a lot of jobs out there. Times are tough for everyone, but they will continue to try and dehumanize poor people. Then have the nerve to call themselves "religious." They are just rotten and greedy people who don't care about anyone else but themselves and their money. Not very GODLY, are they?

Rich people like to privatize their profits and socialize their losses while dodging taxes - leaving the poor and middle class to pay their bills.
Everyone likes to do that, idiot. Except the poor have been espeically good at it: socializing the costs of their irresponsible personal behavior while exempting themselves from paying taxes.

The tax code exempts them - if they qualify. We are a nation of laws.
LOL! Who do you think wrote the tax code, genius? Pols elected by large numbers of poor people. You're not real bright, are you?

Only poor people vote? :cuckoo: MOST people in America want to help their less fortunate fellow Americans and aren't bothered by that. It is a good way to spend the money, rather than sending it to Pakistan, Afghanistan, etc.

Not at all. I just think you are a selfish, uneducated, greedy ass.
We are going to pay taxes REGARDLESS. It might as well go to help our fellow Americans. It makes our country better. Unless you want to create unrest because poverty is the root cause of all those types of problems that you see in other countries without social services for the poor. Do some research and learn.

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