Jeb Bush's Foreign Policy Plan: More Military Spending Will 'Encourage Peace'

WASHINGTON -- Former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush will lay out a vision of American foreign policy on Wednesday aimed at pushing his nascent 2016 presidential campaign out of the shadow of his father and brother, two former presidents who waged overseas wars.

"I love my father and my brother … But I am my own man –- and my views are shaped by my own thinking and own experiences," Bush will say in a speech to the Chicago Council on Global Affairs, according to excerpts provided to reporters late Tuesday night.

In his first major foreign policy address, the likely 2016 Republican front-runner will make the case for increased military spending so America can "project power and enforce peaceful stability in far-off areas of the globe." He will also criticize President Barack Obama's foreign policy, calling it "inconsistent and indecisive."

"Having a military that is equal to any threat ... makes it less likely that we will need to put our men and women in uniform in harm’s way," Bush plans to tell attendees, adding that he believes "fundamentally, that weakness invites war… and strength encourages peace."

The idea that a bigger U.S. military would act as a bigger deterrent to potential foes is one that reached its apex during the Cold War, but has been repeatedly challenged in the 21st century by the rise of global terrorism and sectarian conflicts.

More: Jeb Bush's Foreign Policy Plan: More Military Spending Will 'Encourage Peace'

So, Jeb plans to ride the boogeyman to the White House. More Bush fearmongering and warmongering.

Goddam, the same exact failed policies of over a generation of establishment Republicans:

Increase military spending while cutting taxes, thus not paying for it, thus ballooning the deficit.

Intervention, entanglement, imperialism, foreign meddling. The perpetual war that will eventually destroy the US.
And the same tied rhetoric from Liberals.
Since 1964, Johnson's "Great Society" has cost us 22 trillion dollars or 3 times what we've spent on all wars since 1776.
Perpetual war is what you get when politicians are afraid to actually WIN a war.

Want perpetual war with zero chance of success? Fight a "War on Poverty" the way Liberals have been for the last 50 years. $22,000,000,000,000.00 and we have half again as many Americans living in poverty.

Things would be far worse without that war on poverty.
Let's see: Clinton cut the military and we ended up with 9/11 and al Qaeda. Bush restored the military and we had zero attacks on American soil. Obama cut the military and we have ISIS.
See a pattern here?
ah preaching more stupid i see rabbi..good job.
The truth is stupid now? How about you show us what is stupid about what the man said, boy.

When did 9-11 happen? who created the Aq? It wasnt Clinton. Spending your way via defense isnt the solution. You military industrial complex cons are an issue as much as big spending liberals are.
9/11 Congressional Report Faults F.B.I.-C.I.A. Lapses
Published: July 24, 2003

WASHINGTON, July 23— The Sept. 11 attacks were preventable, but the plot went undetected because of communications lapses between the F.B.I. and C.I.A., which failed to share intelligence related to two hijackers, a Congressional report to be released on Thursday says.

The report, by a joint committee of the House and Senate intelligence panels, found that for nearly two years before the attacks, the Central Intelligence Agency knew about the terror connections between the two men, Khalid al-Midhar and Nawaq Alhazmi, who in 2000 moved to San Diego, frequenting Muslim circles that the Federal Bureau of Investigation had infiltrated.

Then there's this:
In 1995, while America’s intelligence agencies were still investigating al Qaeda's 1993 terrorist bombing of the World Trade Center, the Clinton administration strengthened FISA to a degree that was unprecedented. Specifically, Deputy Attorney General Jamie Gorelick called for increased restrictions on information-sharing between intelligence (CIA) and law-enforcement (FBI) agencies. In a 1995 memo to then-FBI Director Louis Freeh and U.S. Attorney Mary Jo White, titled “Instructions on Separation of Certain Foreign Counterintelligence and Criminal Investigations,” Gorelick wrote the following:

“We believe that it is prudent to establish a set of instructions that will more clearly separate the counterintelligence investigation from the more limited, but continued, criminal investigations. These procedures, which go beyond what is legally required, will prevent any risk of creating an unwarranted appearance that FISA is being used to avoid procedural safeguards which would apply in a criminal investigation.”
Bush didn't create AQ, but clinton allowed it to grow unimpeded.
neat! Clinton is not the CIA fbi which havent been sharing for a long time before he was President. Thank you for proving you are wrong.
Let's see: Clinton cut the military and we ended up with 9/11 and al Qaeda. Bush restored the military and we had zero attacks on American soil. Obama cut the military and we have ISIS.
See a pattern here?
ah preaching more stupid i see rabbi..good job.
The truth is stupid now? How about you show us what is stupid about what the man said, boy.

When did 9-11 happen? who created the Aq? It wasnt Clinton. Spending your way via defense isnt the solution. You military industrial complex cons are an issue as much as big spending liberals are.
9/11 Congressional Report Faults F.B.I.-C.I.A. Lapses
Published: July 24, 2003

WASHINGTON, July 23— The Sept. 11 attacks were preventable, but the plot went undetected because of communications lapses between the F.B.I. and C.I.A., which failed to share intelligence related to two hijackers, a Congressional report to be released on Thursday says.

The report, by a joint committee of the House and Senate intelligence panels, found that for nearly two years before the attacks, the Central Intelligence Agency knew about the terror connections between the two men, Khalid al-Midhar and Nawaq Alhazmi, who in 2000 moved to San Diego, frequenting Muslim circles that the Federal Bureau of Investigation had infiltrated.

Then there's this:
In 1995, while America’s intelligence agencies were still investigating al Qaeda's 1993 terrorist bombing of the World Trade Center, the Clinton administration strengthened FISA to a degree that was unprecedented. Specifically, Deputy Attorney General Jamie Gorelick called for increased restrictions on information-sharing between intelligence (CIA) and law-enforcement (FBI) agencies. In a 1995 memo to then-FBI Director Louis Freeh and U.S. Attorney Mary Jo White, titled “Instructions on Separation of Certain Foreign Counterintelligence and Criminal Investigations,” Gorelick wrote the following:

“We believe that it is prudent to establish a set of instructions that will more clearly separate the counterintelligence investigation from the more limited, but continued, criminal investigations. These procedures, which go beyond what is legally required, will prevent any risk of creating an unwarranted appearance that FISA is being used to avoid procedural safeguards which would apply in a criminal investigation.”
Bush didn't create AQ, but clinton allowed it to grow unimpeded.

you're a partisan hack and full of shit. Tell everyone how the republican congress held Clinton down when it came to the middle east, or STFU.

you idiot.
Right above, you have proof that bill clinton allowed 9/11 to happen, yet you call me a partisan hack.

When are you appearing on Comedy Central next?
WASHINGTON -- Former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush will lay out a vision of American foreign policy on Wednesday aimed at pushing his nascent 2016 presidential campaign out of the shadow of his father and brother, two former presidents who waged overseas wars.

"I love my father and my brother … But I am my own man –- and my views are shaped by my own thinking and own experiences," Bush will say in a speech to the Chicago Council on Global Affairs, according to excerpts provided to reporters late Tuesday night.

In his first major foreign policy address, the likely 2016 Republican front-runner will make the case for increased military spending so America can "project power and enforce peaceful stability in far-off areas of the globe." He will also criticize President Barack Obama's foreign policy, calling it "inconsistent and indecisive."

"Having a military that is equal to any threat ... makes it less likely that we will need to put our men and women in uniform in harm’s way," Bush plans to tell attendees, adding that he believes "fundamentally, that weakness invites war… and strength encourages peace."

The idea that a bigger U.S. military would act as a bigger deterrent to potential foes is one that reached its apex during the Cold War, but has been repeatedly challenged in the 21st century by the rise of global terrorism and sectarian conflicts.

More: Jeb Bush's Foreign Policy Plan: More Military Spending Will 'Encourage Peace'

So, Jeb plans to ride the boogeyman to the White House. More Bush fearmongering and warmongering.

Goddam, the same exact failed policies of over a generation of establishment Republicans:

Increase military spending while cutting taxes, thus not paying for it, thus ballooning the deficit.

Intervention, entanglement, imperialism, foreign meddling. The perpetual war that will eventually destroy the US.
And the same tied rhetoric from Liberals.
Since 1964, Johnson's "Great Society" has cost us 22 trillion dollars or 3 times what we've spent on all wars since 1776.
Perpetual war is what you get when politicians are afraid to actually WIN a war.

Want perpetual war with zero chance of success? Fight a "War on Poverty" the way Liberals have been for the last 50 years. $22,000,000,000,000.00 and we have half again as many Americans living in poverty.

Things would be far worse without that war on poverty.
George Washngton's condition would have been worse if his doctors hadnt bled him.
ah preaching more stupid i see rabbi..good job.
The truth is stupid now? How about you show us what is stupid about what the man said, boy.

When did 9-11 happen? who created the Aq? It wasnt Clinton. Spending your way via defense isnt the solution. You military industrial complex cons are an issue as much as big spending liberals are.
9/11 Congressional Report Faults F.B.I.-C.I.A. Lapses
Published: July 24, 2003

WASHINGTON, July 23— The Sept. 11 attacks were preventable, but the plot went undetected because of communications lapses between the F.B.I. and C.I.A., which failed to share intelligence related to two hijackers, a Congressional report to be released on Thursday says.

The report, by a joint committee of the House and Senate intelligence panels, found that for nearly two years before the attacks, the Central Intelligence Agency knew about the terror connections between the two men, Khalid al-Midhar and Nawaq Alhazmi, who in 2000 moved to San Diego, frequenting Muslim circles that the Federal Bureau of Investigation had infiltrated.

Then there's this:
In 1995, while America’s intelligence agencies were still investigating al Qaeda's 1993 terrorist bombing of the World Trade Center, the Clinton administration strengthened FISA to a degree that was unprecedented. Specifically, Deputy Attorney General Jamie Gorelick called for increased restrictions on information-sharing between intelligence (CIA) and law-enforcement (FBI) agencies. In a 1995 memo to then-FBI Director Louis Freeh and U.S. Attorney Mary Jo White, titled “Instructions on Separation of Certain Foreign Counterintelligence and Criminal Investigations,” Gorelick wrote the following:

“We believe that it is prudent to establish a set of instructions that will more clearly separate the counterintelligence investigation from the more limited, but continued, criminal investigations. These procedures, which go beyond what is legally required, will prevent any risk of creating an unwarranted appearance that FISA is being used to avoid procedural safeguards which would apply in a criminal investigation.”
Bush didn't create AQ, but clinton allowed it to grow unimpeded.

you're a partisan hack and full of shit. Tell everyone how the republican congress held Clinton down when it came to the middle east, or STFU.

you idiot.
Right above, you have proof that bill clinton allowed 9/11 to happen, yet you call me a partisan hack.

When are you appearing on Comedy Central next?
allowed to happen....Really..allowed...thats hilarious.
WASHINGTON -- Former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush will lay out a vision of American foreign policy on Wednesday aimed at pushing his nascent 2016 presidential campaign out of the shadow of his father and brother, two former presidents who waged overseas wars.

"I love my father and my brother … But I am my own man –- and my views are shaped by my own thinking and own experiences," Bush will say in a speech to the Chicago Council on Global Affairs, according to excerpts provided to reporters late Tuesday night.

In his first major foreign policy address, the likely 2016 Republican front-runner will make the case for increased military spending so America can "project power and enforce peaceful stability in far-off areas of the globe." He will also criticize President Barack Obama's foreign policy, calling it "inconsistent and indecisive."

"Having a military that is equal to any threat ... makes it less likely that we will need to put our men and women in uniform in harm’s way," Bush plans to tell attendees, adding that he believes "fundamentally, that weakness invites war… and strength encourages peace."

The idea that a bigger U.S. military would act as a bigger deterrent to potential foes is one that reached its apex during the Cold War, but has been repeatedly challenged in the 21st century by the rise of global terrorism and sectarian conflicts.

More: Jeb Bush's Foreign Policy Plan: More Military Spending Will 'Encourage Peace'

So, Jeb plans to ride the boogeyman to the White House. More Bush fearmongering and warmongering.

Goddam, the same exact failed policies of over a generation of establishment Republicans:

Increase military spending while cutting taxes, thus not paying for it, thus ballooning the deficit.

Intervention, entanglement, imperialism, foreign meddling. The perpetual war that will eventually destroy the US.
And the same tied rhetoric from Liberals.
Since 1964, Johnson's "Great Society" has cost us 22 trillion dollars or 3 times what we've spent on all wars since 1776.
Perpetual war is what you get when politicians are afraid to actually WIN a war.

Want perpetual war with zero chance of success? Fight a "War on Poverty" the way Liberals have been for the last 50 years. $22,000,000,000,000.00 and we have half again as many Americans living in poverty.

I also want my tax dollars to go to help my fellow Americans who are less fortunate than I am. I have no problem with that. I would rather take care of our poor people here in our country than send BILLIONS of dollars to foreign countries that hate us. Our fellow Americans deserve our help and compassion. If you don't take care of the poor, they will turn to crime because that is what desperate people do. Example . . . Nigeria, Liberia, and many other countries in Africa where they have no social service programs.
The truth is stupid now? How about you show us what is stupid about what the man said, boy.

When did 9-11 happen? who created the Aq? It wasnt Clinton. Spending your way via defense isnt the solution. You military industrial complex cons are an issue as much as big spending liberals are.
9/11 Congressional Report Faults F.B.I.-C.I.A. Lapses
Published: July 24, 2003

WASHINGTON, July 23— The Sept. 11 attacks were preventable, but the plot went undetected because of communications lapses between the F.B.I. and C.I.A., which failed to share intelligence related to two hijackers, a Congressional report to be released on Thursday says.

The report, by a joint committee of the House and Senate intelligence panels, found that for nearly two years before the attacks, the Central Intelligence Agency knew about the terror connections between the two men, Khalid al-Midhar and Nawaq Alhazmi, who in 2000 moved to San Diego, frequenting Muslim circles that the Federal Bureau of Investigation had infiltrated.

Then there's this:
In 1995, while America’s intelligence agencies were still investigating al Qaeda's 1993 terrorist bombing of the World Trade Center, the Clinton administration strengthened FISA to a degree that was unprecedented. Specifically, Deputy Attorney General Jamie Gorelick called for increased restrictions on information-sharing between intelligence (CIA) and law-enforcement (FBI) agencies. In a 1995 memo to then-FBI Director Louis Freeh and U.S. Attorney Mary Jo White, titled “Instructions on Separation of Certain Foreign Counterintelligence and Criminal Investigations,” Gorelick wrote the following:

“We believe that it is prudent to establish a set of instructions that will more clearly separate the counterintelligence investigation from the more limited, but continued, criminal investigations. These procedures, which go beyond what is legally required, will prevent any risk of creating an unwarranted appearance that FISA is being used to avoid procedural safeguards which would apply in a criminal investigation.”
Bush didn't create AQ, but clinton allowed it to grow unimpeded.

you're a partisan hack and full of shit. Tell everyone how the republican congress held Clinton down when it came to the middle east, or STFU.

you idiot.
Right above, you have proof that bill clinton allowed 9/11 to happen, yet you call me a partisan hack.

When are you appearing on Comedy Central next?
allowed to happen....Really..allowed...thats hilarious.
Not hilarious at all. I'd call it tragic.
WASHINGTON -- Former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush will lay out a vision of American foreign policy on Wednesday aimed at pushing his nascent 2016 presidential campaign out of the shadow of his father and brother, two former presidents who waged overseas wars.

"I love my father and my brother … But I am my own man –- and my views are shaped by my own thinking and own experiences," Bush will say in a speech to the Chicago Council on Global Affairs, according to excerpts provided to reporters late Tuesday night.

In his first major foreign policy address, the likely 2016 Republican front-runner will make the case for increased military spending so America can "project power and enforce peaceful stability in far-off areas of the globe." He will also criticize President Barack Obama's foreign policy, calling it "inconsistent and indecisive."

"Having a military that is equal to any threat ... makes it less likely that we will need to put our men and women in uniform in harm’s way," Bush plans to tell attendees, adding that he believes "fundamentally, that weakness invites war… and strength encourages peace."

The idea that a bigger U.S. military would act as a bigger deterrent to potential foes is one that reached its apex during the Cold War, but has been repeatedly challenged in the 21st century by the rise of global terrorism and sectarian conflicts.

More: Jeb Bush's Foreign Policy Plan: More Military Spending Will 'Encourage Peace'

So, Jeb plans to ride the boogeyman to the White House. More Bush fearmongering and warmongering.

Goddam, the same exact failed policies of over a generation of establishment Republicans:

Increase military spending while cutting taxes, thus not paying for it, thus ballooning the deficit.

Intervention, entanglement, imperialism, foreign meddling. The perpetual war that will eventually destroy the US.
And the same tied rhetoric from Liberals.
Since 1964, Johnson's "Great Society" has cost us 22 trillion dollars or 3 times what we've spent on all wars since 1776.
Perpetual war is what you get when politicians are afraid to actually WIN a war.

Want perpetual war with zero chance of success? Fight a "War on Poverty" the way Liberals have been for the last 50 years. $22,000,000,000,000.00 and we have half again as many Americans living in poverty.

I also want my tax dollars to go to help my fellow Americans who are less fortunate than I am. I have no problem with that. I would rather take care of our poor people here in our country than send BILLIONS of dollars to foreign countries that hate us. Our fellow Americans deserve our help and compassion. If you don't take care of the poor, they will turn to crime because that is what desperate people do. Example . . . Nigeria, Liberia, and many other countries in Africa where they have no social service programs.
No one is stopping you from writing a check to your favorite charity. Go for it.
Republicans watered down the 1996 omnibus anti-terrorism bill proposed by Clinton to the point of worthlessness, with Senators Hatch and Jesse Helms were openly contemptuous of the bill's contents along with other congressional Republicans.

Right Ernastene ?
WASHINGTON -- Former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush will lay out a vision of American foreign policy on Wednesday aimed at pushing his nascent 2016 presidential campaign out of the shadow of his father and brother, two former presidents who waged overseas wars.

"I love my father and my brother … But I am my own man –- and my views are shaped by my own thinking and own experiences," Bush will say in a speech to the Chicago Council on Global Affairs, according to excerpts provided to reporters late Tuesday night.

In his first major foreign policy address, the likely 2016 Republican front-runner will make the case for increased military spending so America can "project power and enforce peaceful stability in far-off areas of the globe." He will also criticize President Barack Obama's foreign policy, calling it "inconsistent and indecisive."

"Having a military that is equal to any threat ... makes it less likely that we will need to put our men and women in uniform in harm’s way," Bush plans to tell attendees, adding that he believes "fundamentally, that weakness invites war… and strength encourages peace."

The idea that a bigger U.S. military would act as a bigger deterrent to potential foes is one that reached its apex during the Cold War, but has been repeatedly challenged in the 21st century by the rise of global terrorism and sectarian conflicts.

More: Jeb Bush's Foreign Policy Plan: More Military Spending Will 'Encourage Peace'

So, Jeb plans to ride the boogeyman to the White House. More Bush fearmongering and warmongering.

Goddam, the same exact failed policies of over a generation of establishment Republicans:

Increase military spending while cutting taxes, thus not paying for it, thus ballooning the deficit.

Intervention, entanglement, imperialism, foreign meddling. The perpetual war that will eventually destroy the US.
And the same tied rhetoric from Liberals.
Since 1964, Johnson's "Great Society" has cost us 22 trillion dollars or 3 times what we've spent on all wars since 1776.
Perpetual war is what you get when politicians are afraid to actually WIN a war.

Want perpetual war with zero chance of success? Fight a "War on Poverty" the way Liberals have been for the last 50 years. $22,000,000,000,000.00 and we have half again as many Americans living in poverty.

Things would be far worse without that war on poverty.
George Washngton's condition would have been worse if his doctors hadnt bled him.

Okay then prove it. Prove that the millions of Americans who have had financial help from Medicaid over the last 50 years would all be better off today if they had had no such help.

Entertain us with another of your cockeyed rants.
WASHINGTON -- Former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush will lay out a vision of American foreign policy on Wednesday aimed at pushing his nascent 2016 presidential campaign out of the shadow of his father and brother, two former presidents who waged overseas wars.

"I love my father and my brother … But I am my own man –- and my views are shaped by my own thinking and own experiences," Bush will say in a speech to the Chicago Council on Global Affairs, according to excerpts provided to reporters late Tuesday night.

In his first major foreign policy address, the likely 2016 Republican front-runner will make the case for increased military spending so America can "project power and enforce peaceful stability in far-off areas of the globe." He will also criticize President Barack Obama's foreign policy, calling it "inconsistent and indecisive."

"Having a military that is equal to any threat ... makes it less likely that we will need to put our men and women in uniform in harm’s way," Bush plans to tell attendees, adding that he believes "fundamentally, that weakness invites war… and strength encourages peace."

The idea that a bigger U.S. military would act as a bigger deterrent to potential foes is one that reached its apex during the Cold War, but has been repeatedly challenged in the 21st century by the rise of global terrorism and sectarian conflicts.

More: Jeb Bush's Foreign Policy Plan: More Military Spending Will 'Encourage Peace'

So, Jeb plans to ride the boogeyman to the White House. More Bush fearmongering and warmongering.

Goddam, the same exact failed policies of over a generation of establishment Republicans:

Increase military spending while cutting taxes, thus not paying for it, thus ballooning the deficit.

Intervention, entanglement, imperialism, foreign meddling. The perpetual war that will eventually destroy the US.
And the same tied rhetoric from Liberals.
Since 1964, Johnson's "Great Society" has cost us 22 trillion dollars or 3 times what we've spent on all wars since 1776.
Perpetual war is what you get when politicians are afraid to actually WIN a war.

Want perpetual war with zero chance of success? Fight a "War on Poverty" the way Liberals have been for the last 50 years. $22,000,000,000,000.00 and we have half again as many Americans living in poverty.

I also want my tax dollars to go to help my fellow Americans who are less fortunate than I am. I have no problem with that. I would rather take care of our poor people here in our country than send BILLIONS of dollars to foreign countries that hate us. Our fellow Americans deserve our help and compassion. If you don't take care of the poor, they will turn to crime because that is what desperate people do. Example . . . Nigeria, Liberia, and many other countries in Africa where they have no social service programs.
No one is stopping you from writing a check to your favorite charity. Go for it.

I already do, but I'm not rich and there are not enough generous people who care that willingly give away money to help those less fortunate. Most of them, especially the ones who claim to be religious on this forum, are very selfish people who don't care at all about the poor and will even try to dehumanize them. Yes, our tax dollars should go to help out our fellow Americans who need help or else we could end up with "terrorists" of our own creation. Smarten up.
WASHINGTON -- Former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush will lay out a vision of American foreign policy on Wednesday aimed at pushing his nascent 2016 presidential campaign out of the shadow of his father and brother, two former presidents who waged overseas wars.

"I love my father and my brother … But I am my own man –- and my views are shaped by my own thinking and own experiences," Bush will say in a speech to the Chicago Council on Global Affairs, according to excerpts provided to reporters late Tuesday night.

In his first major foreign policy address, the likely 2016 Republican front-runner will make the case for increased military spending so America can "project power and enforce peaceful stability in far-off areas of the globe." He will also criticize President Barack Obama's foreign policy, calling it "inconsistent and indecisive."

"Having a military that is equal to any threat ... makes it less likely that we will need to put our men and women in uniform in harm’s way," Bush plans to tell attendees, adding that he believes "fundamentally, that weakness invites war… and strength encourages peace."

The idea that a bigger U.S. military would act as a bigger deterrent to potential foes is one that reached its apex during the Cold War, but has been repeatedly challenged in the 21st century by the rise of global terrorism and sectarian conflicts.

More: Jeb Bush's Foreign Policy Plan: More Military Spending Will 'Encourage Peace'

So, Jeb plans to ride the boogeyman to the White House. More Bush fearmongering and warmongering.

Goddam, the same exact failed policies of over a generation of establishment Republicans:

Increase military spending while cutting taxes, thus not paying for it, thus ballooning the deficit.

Intervention, entanglement, imperialism, foreign meddling. The perpetual war that will eventually destroy the US.
And the same tied rhetoric from Liberals.
Since 1964, Johnson's "Great Society" has cost us 22 trillion dollars or 3 times what we've spent on all wars since 1776.
Perpetual war is what you get when politicians are afraid to actually WIN a war.

Want perpetual war with zero chance of success? Fight a "War on Poverty" the way Liberals have been for the last 50 years. $22,000,000,000,000.00 and we have half again as many Americans living in poverty.

I also want my tax dollars to go to help my fellow Americans who are less fortunate than I am. I have no problem with that. I would rather take care of our poor people here in our country than send BILLIONS of dollars to foreign countries that hate us. Our fellow Americans deserve our help and compassion. If you don't take care of the poor, they will turn to crime because that is what desperate people do. Example . . . Nigeria, Liberia, and many other countries in Africa where they have no social service programs.
We are the most generous people on earth. We have social programs to cover every need, every person who needs anything.
I really have no problem giving people help when they lose a job or are disabled, but generational welfare puts the working, tax paying public in servitude to the lazy.
I'd much rather administer my own charity, thanks.
How do you defeat an enemy who isn't afraid of dying? It's hard.
You kill them all and make their would be replacements afraid of dying. Rinse, repeat, ad infinitum.

Just like most of the other shit you post - distorted and untrue. Try giving us some "credible" sources to back up your claims.
Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Credible enough for you?

No, that's just a retarded deflection.

No, its game. set. and match.
Republicans watered down the 1996 omnibus anti-terrorism bill proposed by Clinton to the point of worthlessness, with Senators Hatch and Jesse Helms were openly contemptuous of the bill's contents along with other congressional Republicans.

Right Ernastene ?
I'd have to read the bill.... The fact remains that the wall between the CIA and the FBI that Gorelick erected kept the FBI in the dark about at least 2 of the 9/11 hijackers.
WASHINGTON -- Former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush will lay out a vision of American foreign policy on Wednesday aimed at pushing his nascent 2016 presidential campaign out of the shadow of his father and brother, two former presidents who waged overseas wars.

"I love my father and my brother … But I am my own man –- and my views are shaped by my own thinking and own experiences," Bush will say in a speech to the Chicago Council on Global Affairs, according to excerpts provided to reporters late Tuesday night.

In his first major foreign policy address, the likely 2016 Republican front-runner will make the case for increased military spending so America can "project power and enforce peaceful stability in far-off areas of the globe." He will also criticize President Barack Obama's foreign policy, calling it "inconsistent and indecisive."

"Having a military that is equal to any threat ... makes it less likely that we will need to put our men and women in uniform in harm’s way," Bush plans to tell attendees, adding that he believes "fundamentally, that weakness invites war… and strength encourages peace."

The idea that a bigger U.S. military would act as a bigger deterrent to potential foes is one that reached its apex during the Cold War, but has been repeatedly challenged in the 21st century by the rise of global terrorism and sectarian conflicts.

More: Jeb Bush's Foreign Policy Plan: More Military Spending Will 'Encourage Peace'

So, Jeb plans to ride the boogeyman to the White House. More Bush fearmongering and warmongering.

Goddam, the same exact failed policies of over a generation of establishment Republicans:

Increase military spending while cutting taxes, thus not paying for it, thus ballooning the deficit.

Intervention, entanglement, imperialism, foreign meddling. The perpetual war that will eventually destroy the US.
And the same tied rhetoric from Liberals.
Since 1964, Johnson's "Great Society" has cost us 22 trillion dollars or 3 times what we've spent on all wars since 1776.
Perpetual war is what you get when politicians are afraid to actually WIN a war.

Want perpetual war with zero chance of success? Fight a "War on Poverty" the way Liberals have been for the last 50 years. $22,000,000,000,000.00 and we have half again as many Americans living in poverty.

I also want my tax dollars to go to help my fellow Americans who are less fortunate than I am. I have no problem with that. I would rather take care of our poor people here in our country than send BILLIONS of dollars to foreign countries that hate us. Our fellow Americans deserve our help and compassion. If you don't take care of the poor, they will turn to crime because that is what desperate people do. Example . . . Nigeria, Liberia, and many other countries in Africa where they have no social service programs.
We are the most generous people on earth. We have social programs to cover every need, every person who needs anything.
I really have no problem giving people help when they lose a job or are disabled, but generational welfare puts the working, tax paying public in servitude to the lazy.
I'd much rather administer my own charity, thanks.

People are too greedy nowadays. That is the bottom line. People would STARVE without public assistance. Besides, the government would not decrease your taxes. They would just send it to Pakistan.
WASHINGTON -- Former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush will lay out a vision of American foreign policy on Wednesday aimed at pushing his nascent 2016 presidential campaign out of the shadow of his father and brother, two former presidents who waged overseas wars.

"I love my father and my brother … But I am my own man –- and my views are shaped by my own thinking and own experiences," Bush will say in a speech to the Chicago Council on Global Affairs, according to excerpts provided to reporters late Tuesday night.

In his first major foreign policy address, the likely 2016 Republican front-runner will make the case for increased military spending so America can "project power and enforce peaceful stability in far-off areas of the globe." He will also criticize President Barack Obama's foreign policy, calling it "inconsistent and indecisive."

"Having a military that is equal to any threat ... makes it less likely that we will need to put our men and women in uniform in harm’s way," Bush plans to tell attendees, adding that he believes "fundamentally, that weakness invites war… and strength encourages peace."

The idea that a bigger U.S. military would act as a bigger deterrent to potential foes is one that reached its apex during the Cold War, but has been repeatedly challenged in the 21st century by the rise of global terrorism and sectarian conflicts.

More: Jeb Bush's Foreign Policy Plan: More Military Spending Will 'Encourage Peace'

So, Jeb plans to ride the boogeyman to the White House. More Bush fearmongering and warmongering.

Goddam, the same exact failed policies of over a generation of establishment Republicans:

Increase military spending while cutting taxes, thus not paying for it, thus ballooning the deficit.

Intervention, entanglement, imperialism, foreign meddling. The perpetual war that will eventually destroy the US.
And the same tied rhetoric from Liberals.
Since 1964, Johnson's "Great Society" has cost us 22 trillion dollars or 3 times what we've spent on all wars since 1776.
Perpetual war is what you get when politicians are afraid to actually WIN a war.

Want perpetual war with zero chance of success? Fight a "War on Poverty" the way Liberals have been for the last 50 years. $22,000,000,000,000.00 and we have half again as many Americans living in poverty.

I also want my tax dollars to go to help my fellow Americans who are less fortunate than I am. I have no problem with that. I would rather take care of our poor people here in our country than send BILLIONS of dollars to foreign countries that hate us. Our fellow Americans deserve our help and compassion. If you don't take care of the poor, they will turn to crime because that is what desperate people do. Example . . . Nigeria, Liberia, and many other countries in Africa where they have no social service programs.
We are the most generous people on earth. We have social programs to cover every need, every person who needs anything.
I really have no problem giving people help when they lose a job or are disabled, but generational welfare puts the working, tax paying public in servitude to the lazy.
I'd much rather administer my own charity, thanks.

No, unfortunately, we are NOT the most generous people. Not even CLOSE. Just read some posts from some of the conservatives here. They are just fucking asshole hypocrites.
Republicans watered down the 1996 omnibus anti-terrorism bill proposed by Clinton to the point of worthlessness, with Senators Hatch and Jesse Helms were openly contemptuous of the bill's contents along with other congressional Republicans.

Right Ernastene ?
You mean a bill to strip citizens of constitutional rights? Yeah thats a problem. Please show how passig the bill as proposed would have prevented 9/11.
To those of you who would like another major U.S. ground war in the Middle East - I ask you the following questions: Who pays for it? Who suffers economically? Who fights it? You? Your children? Your grandchildren?
WASHINGTON -- Former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush will lay out a vision of American foreign policy on Wednesday aimed at pushing his nascent 2016 presidential campaign out of the shadow of his father and brother, two former presidents who waged overseas wars.

"I love my father and my brother … But I am my own man –- and my views are shaped by my own thinking and own experiences," Bush will say in a speech to the Chicago Council on Global Affairs, according to excerpts provided to reporters late Tuesday night.

In his first major foreign policy address, the likely 2016 Republican front-runner will make the case for increased military spending so America can "project power and enforce peaceful stability in far-off areas of the globe." He will also criticize President Barack Obama's foreign policy, calling it "inconsistent and indecisive."

"Having a military that is equal to any threat ... makes it less likely that we will need to put our men and women in uniform in harm’s way," Bush plans to tell attendees, adding that he believes "fundamentally, that weakness invites war… and strength encourages peace."

The idea that a bigger U.S. military would act as a bigger deterrent to potential foes is one that reached its apex during the Cold War, but has been repeatedly challenged in the 21st century by the rise of global terrorism and sectarian conflicts.

More: Jeb Bush's Foreign Policy Plan: More Military Spending Will 'Encourage Peace'

So, Jeb plans to ride the boogeyman to the White House. More Bush fearmongering and warmongering.

Goddam, the same exact failed policies of over a generation of establishment Republicans:

Increase military spending while cutting taxes, thus not paying for it, thus ballooning the deficit.

Intervention, entanglement, imperialism, foreign meddling. The perpetual war that will eventually destroy the US.
And the same tied rhetoric from Liberals.
Since 1964, Johnson's "Great Society" has cost us 22 trillion dollars or 3 times what we've spent on all wars since 1776.
Perpetual war is what you get when politicians are afraid to actually WIN a war.

Want perpetual war with zero chance of success? Fight a "War on Poverty" the way Liberals have been for the last 50 years. $22,000,000,000,000.00 and we have half again as many Americans living in poverty.

Things would be far worse without that war on poverty.
George Washngton's condition would have been worse if his doctors hadnt bled him.

Okay then prove it. Prove that the millions of Americans who have had financial help from Medicaid over the last 50 years would all be better off today if they had had no such help.

Entertain us with another of your cockeyed rants.
Take the sum total of money collected for medicaid. Compare it to the costs incurred by recipients. See that people would have been better off saving for their own medical care or getting voluntary contributions from orgs set up todo that.

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