Jeb Bush's Foreign Policy Plan: More Military Spending Will 'Encourage Peace'

Rich people like to privatize their profits and socialize their losses while dodging taxes - leaving the poor and middle class to pay their bills.
Everyone likes to do that, idiot. Except the poor have been espeically good at it: socializing the costs of their irresponsible personal behavior while exempting themselves from paying taxes.

Ah, this is what it's about. Punishing the poor.
No one wants to punish poor people. We'd prefer every poor person in the whole bloody world was well off. Poor people make piss poor customers and tend to vote for whoever gives them the most free shit.

If there's any punishment to be handed out, it should come in the form of, "You've been getting a hand out long enough. Get a JOB. Justify your existence. Face your responsibilities."

I don't want another chicken hawk dunce in the White House!
So you oppose Hillary, who voted for the Iraq War?
Look at Liberia . . . because THIS is what happens when you have destitute people. Watch it and learn something about poverty and it's long-term effects.

So we're going to turn into Liberia? Seriousl? That's your argument??
Loads of Dems voted for those wars.

Guess Shitting Bull will have to find one that didn't so he/she/it can vote for em.
Look at Liberia . . . because THIS is what happens when you have destitute people. Watch it and learn something about poverty and it's long-term effects.

So we're going to turn into Liberia? Seriousl? That's your argument??

That video is just an example of the effects of long-term poverty and when the poor are left to rely upon the "generosity" and "charity" of others.

And YES, if we didn't have social services programs, poor people would resort to doing TERRIBLE things to survive.

I don't want another chicken hawk dunce in the White House!
So you oppose Hillary, who voted for the Iraq War?

Why don't you NaziCon retards start a Hillary thread if you're so obsessed with her?

You're the one who is going to vote for her after she voted for the war.

You really have the hots for Hillary, don't you! Are you gay?

No hots nor am I gay. I thought ya'll were tolerant.
Loads of Dems voted for those wars.

Guess Shitting Bull will have to find one that didn't so he/she/it can vote for em.

Yes, they did, because fear and patriotism were running at a fever pitch after 9/11 - and Bush abused American trust by conjuring up lies to invade Iraq. Bush was planning to invade Iraq before 9/11. BTW, why the racist name-calling?

The Downing Street Memo
Rich people like to privatize their profits and socialize their losses while dodging taxes - leaving the poor and middle class to pay their bills.
Everyone likes to do that, idiot. Except the poor have been espeically good at it: socializing the costs of their irresponsible personal behavior while exempting themselves from paying taxes.

Ah, this is what it's about. Punishing the poor.
No one wants to punish poor people. We'd prefer every poor person in the whole bloody world was well off. Poor people make piss poor customers and tend to vote for whoever gives them the most free shit.

If there's any punishment to be handed out, it should come in the form of, "You've been getting a hand out long enough. Get a JOB. Justify your existence. Face your responsibilities."

That is really silly because there are NOT enough jobs for everyone. Not everyone can afford college here in America because it is outrageously expensive. With the prices of everything rising, especially food and utilities, a person can work 2 and 3 jobs and STILL have to rely on food stamps and Medicaid in order to just survive. We are a country of 318.9 MILLION people. Do you think there are THAT many jobs?
Look at Liberia . . . because THIS is what happens when you have destitute people. Watch it and learn something about poverty and it's long-term effects.

So we're going to turn into Liberia? Seriousl? That's your argument??

I would be willing to bet that you didn't even bother to watch the video. You just want to stay in your warm comfortable little corner of the world and preach about how horrible poor people are for taking all of your money. WTH kind of rabbi ARE you?
Look at Liberia . . . because THIS is what happens when you have destitute people. Watch it and learn something about poverty and it's long-term effects.

Begging the question

Did you watch the video? It is just an example of how extreme poverty and hunger turns your country into a shit hole.
Walmart proves that workers can't survive on wages alone - without taxpayers subsidizing their existence.
They fight and have civil wars because of civil unrest because the people are STARVING and can't find JOBS, and their government offers them NO help and just basically ignores their plight. Do you people think anyone WANTS to live like that?
A lot of "religious" (and take that term for what it's worth which is not much) think because they attend church on Sunday, they have a key into Heaven . . . well guess again.
Your deflection to bigotry is noted.

Oh, isn't this what YOU accuse the leftists of? Greedy hypocritical fake rabbi. A rabbi would gladly give ALL of his money to help those less fortunate. You are a greedy fuck who gives all real religious people a terrible name. Shame on you.
The difference is, Chris, when the Rabbi gladly gives away all his money, it is his to give. THAT is charity. Giving away other people's money is theft.
The left is generous to a fault with money that is not theirs. Most of us would rather pick and choose who benefits from out time and money.

Well, I'm sorry Ernie, but unless you want our country to turn into Detroit, then your judgments on the poor are rather irrelevant.
Jeb wins the Right with talk of increasing military spending. Another Bush presidency will be a repeat of what we've seen before.
This isn't fucking Candy Land. We HAVE to take care of our poor people.
Jeb wins the Right with talk of increasing military spending. Another Bush presidency will be a repeat of what we've seen before.

Yes, we can cut out many wasteful and redundant government "offices" and such. There are a lot of ways we could save some money, but the politicians don't give a rat's ass. They don't even TRY.

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