Jeb Bush's great NEW idea. Ready? "Let's phase out Medicare!"

...We need another Bush like we need another damned Clinton.

You might want to keep in mind that many seniors get Medicaid too. Make Medicare coverage more expensive for seniors and you'll just push lots of them into Medicaid.
The easiest way to tell that GOP plans for Medicare won't make it better for seniors is that they always concoct a plan that exempts current and near-seniors from having to participate in it.
How bout you uninformed idiots look up the details of his idea before spouting off like retards

don't need to. This is a clueless rich guy telling other clueless rich guys we need to cheat the elderly before they have to give up their dressage horses.

Enough is enough. The GOP needs to spend 20 years sitting in the corner thinking about what they did wrong.
...Enough is enough. The GOP needs to spend 20 years sitting in the corner thinking about what they did wrong.
Unfortunately, there is more right than wrong in what you are saying here.

Trouble is, 20 years with the Democrats in-charge, unchallenged, would leave the United States bankrupt, and a weak shadow of its former glory.

So, I guess we'll just have to muddle-along with another period of Republicans-in-charge, to offset the damage of the past 6 (soon to be 8) years.

Then we can let the Dems back in, to un-do the damage that the Pubs are going to do, and the whole insane cycle starts all over again.

Perhaps it's time for the American People to go sit in the corner for 20 years and think about what they've done wrong, with respect to governance, and this farce of a two-party system that is no longer working as intended, or as it once did, and to drum-up a handful of new political parties that can be made viable, as a countering political force.
Unfortunately, there is more right than wrong in what you are saying here.

Trouble is, 20 years with the Democrats in-charge, unchallenged, would leave the United States bankrupt, and a weak shadow of its former glory.

Gee, I don't know. things were pretty awesome after 8 years of Bill Clinton. Imagine if we got AL Gore in 2000 and Hillary in 2008... how awesome things would be now.

But instead your boy Bush stole the election, gave away the surplus to the rich, started a war on a credit card and let a major city get washed out to sea.

But they kept the fags from getting married for a couple years, that was the important thing.

Perhaps it's time for the American People to go sit in the corner for 20 years and think about what they've done wrong, with respect to governance, and this farce of a two-party system that is no longer working as intended, or as it once did, and to drum-up a handful of new political parties that can be made viable, as a countering political force.

Uh, no we need to get two parties that work for the American people. Not one working for them and another working for corporate america while appealing to the racism and homophobia of stupid people... like you.
Unfortunately, there is more right than wrong in what you are saying here.

Trouble is, 20 years with the Democrats in-charge, unchallenged, would leave the United States bankrupt, and a weak shadow of its former glory.

Gee, I don't know. things were pretty awesome after 8 years of Bill Clinton. Imagine if we got AL Gore in 2000 and Hillary in 2008... how awesome things would be now.

But instead your boy Bush stole the election, gave away the surplus to the rich, started a war on a credit card and let a major city get washed out to sea.

But they kept the fags from getting married for a couple years, that was the important thing.

Perhaps it's time for the American People to go sit in the corner for 20 years and think about what they've done wrong, with respect to governance, and this farce of a two-party system that is no longer working as intended, or as it once did, and to drum-up a handful of new political parties that can be made viable, as a countering political force.

Uh, no we need to get two parties that work for the American people. Not one working for them and another working for corporate america while appealing to the racism and homophobia of stupid people... like you.
Awwwwww... I take it that you didn't like my agreeing with you, in part, and disagreeing with you, in part... tsk, tsk, tsk... don't get your panties in a bunch, Princess.

Perhaps after you grow up a little more, you'll stop calling people names, just because they maintain a stance that differs from yours.

And, given your present estimated age, that should probably happen sometime around your 120th birthday or so.

But I won't hold my breath over you attaining the requisite level of maturity to accompany your advancing age.

The Democrats of our present age are every bit as toxic to America as are the Republicans.

It's just that their poison has a different flavor.

But, partisan hacks and useful idiots and parrots such as yourself can hardly be expected to discern such obvious states of affairs.

Now... are we done throwing rocks yet?
Any senior citizen who is on Medicare (and collects Social Security) and votes republican is a fool of the highest order.
The real problem is that just like so many others, Jeb says we need to phase it out and come up with something better.

Jeb may have missed that the largest Medicare reforms in over 30 years just passed in 2010 and the last 5+ years have been spent implementing the changes.

Medicare Cost Projections Are Down Stunningly in 2015 Report

Ten years ago, Medicare was a runaway freight train. Spending was projected to increase indefinitely, rising to 13 percent of GDP by 2080. This year, spending is projected to slow down around 2040, and reaches only 6 percent of GDP by 2090.

Six percent! That's half what we thought a mere decade ago. If that isn't spectacular, I don't know what is.

But of course we need another Bush to rescue us from this turnabout, the way Jeb rescued his state's Medicaid program as governor: Jeb Bush and Florida's Medicaid Meltdown
The state's data renders a different verdict. In 2013, the latest year for which numbers are available, the plans taking part in Bush's reform program ranked below the national Medicaid average on 21 of the 32 quality indicators reported by the state. In some cases, those results were dramatically worse than in other states:

-- Almost one-third of pregnant women got no care within their first trimester, and just 1 in 2 women had a postpartum visit between three and eight weeks after giving birth. Those figures put Florida in the bottom 25 percent of Medicaid ratings nationwide.

-- Less than two-thirds of adolescents got their required immunizations or lead screening. Fewer than half the children covered by the plans saw a dentist.

-- Half of adults age 46 to 85 who were diagnosed with high blood pressure weren't getting it adequately treated. More than half of those with diabetes, a leading cause of adult blindness, failed to get an annual eye exam. Two-thirds of diabetics weren't getting adequate treatment for cholesterol, and just 45 percent had their blood-glucose levels under control.

Those results aren't just the product of a few lousy plans. The chart below shows the number of indicators that were better or worse than the national average for plans that took part in Florida's Medicaid reform program in 2013:


What makes those numbers interesting isn't just that they trail most other states. In many cases, they also trail the Medicaid program that Bush wanted to replace, which continued to operate in most of the state until last year.

Either we have Medicare and Social Security or millions of destitute poor people living out in the streets. Why does the second seem so very attractive to Republicans. Don't they make up the bulk of those on Medicare and Social Security????

Hello, the party you vote for is coming after you.​

An absolutely awful idea. End it now. Completely and decisively. In one fell swoop.
'Jeb Bush's great NEW idea. Ready? "Let's phase out Medicare!"'

As is the case with the ACA, Bush and other republicans have nothing to replace Medicare with that will accomplish the same results and achieve the same goals.
As Special Ed says "get the government out of healthcare and costs will go down by 80%."

Either we have Medicare and Social Security or millions of destitute poor people living out in the streets. Why does the second seem so very attractive to Republicans. Don't they make up the bulk of those on Medicare and Social Security????

Hello, the party you vote for is coming after you.​

I'm all for it if they can get it done in two years.

All for what? Screwing over millions of Americans? Republicans do that now in everything they do. Want a list?
As Special Ed says "get the government out of healthcare and costs will go down by 80%."
Under Bush that clearly wasn't the case. Medical bills the number one cause of bankruptcy. Using expensive emergency rooms for primary health care. Those are terrible ideas. How come right wing Republicans can't see that?

Either we have Medicare and Social Security or millions of destitute poor people living out in the streets. Why does the second seem so very attractive to Republicans. Don't they make up the bulk of those on Medicare and Social Security????

Hello, the party you vote for is coming after you.​

I'm all for it if they can get it done in two years.

All for what? Screwing over millions of Americans? Republicans do that now in everything they do. Want a list?

Medicare will cost me a butt load of money that I would not otherwise spend, the same applies to millions of others, it's bullshit.
Awwwwww... I take it that you didn't like my agreeing with you, in part, and disagreeing with you, in part... tsk, tsk, tsk... don't get your panties in a bunch, Princess.

Perhaps after you grow up a little more, you'll stop calling people names, just because they maintain a stance that differs from yours.

And, given your present estimated age, that should probably happen sometime around your 120th birthday or so.

But I won't hold my breath over you attaining the requisite level of maturity to accompany your advancing age.

The Democrats of our present age are every bit as toxic to America as are the Republicans.

It's just that their poison has a different flavor.

But, partisan hacks and useful idiots and parrots such as yourself can hardly be expected to discern such obvious states of affairs.

Now... are we done throwing rocks yet?

NO, just trying to get done reasoning with you.

Hey, I'd love to have the Toxic days of hte 1990's back, when the worst thing I had to worry about was whether Clinton lied about a blow job.

Either we have Medicare and Social Security or millions of destitute poor people living out in the streets. Why does the second seem so very attractive to Republicans. Don't they make up the bulk of those on Medicare and Social Security????

Hello, the party you vote for is coming after you.​

I'm all for it if they can get it done in two years.

All for what? Screwing over millions of Americans? Republicans do that now in everything they do. Want a list?

Medicare will cost me a butt load of money that I would not otherwise spend, the same applies to millions of others, it's bullshit.

What costs less, paying for a 60 dollar visit to a clinic or paying for Emergency Room Care as primary health care? "Let him die" is legally not an option.

Fox s Bolling Emergency Rooms Will Take Care Of Those In Medical Need Crooks and Liars

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