Jeff found dead

He was a pimp....and he got in with the wrong type of people. Bill & Hillary.
Pimp or no pimp, I think the Attorney General made the right call to investigate this suicide for the reason you state and for the loyal opposition's postulation I read somewhere online that Trump did it. Barr has proven he has the better interest of the American people to dig down and find either proof or its absence.That's the best gift we could have right now--to know the truth.
After letting Comey slide on his leading classified info to the press...I have serious doubts that any truth will come to light.
Bill & Hillary wouldn't try this unless they were sure they could get away with it.
There is one difference. I've seen no credible evidence that Attorney General Barr is for sale to either side, even if he seems to be a conservative. What I've so far seen is a man belittled for who his boss is, not what he did. And I think he will serve his sentence out with honor and truth. I don't know what the outcome will be, but my money's on this being a true suicide. The man was a coward for using nubile women for servicing wealthy mens' needs for excessive lust fulfillment, and I think he's a good candidate for being the coward that didn't want to go to court where he would be convicted of the very crimes he perpetrated. Attorney General Barr is stuck with all official pronouncements being without prejudice, and his boss should not be tweeting about unproven theories online, albeit he has a habit of tweeting what is true, this particular item also has him pinned to the tail of the donkey because the left has thrown more accusations at him than I care to reread and bring here. And they are particularly avaricious in their postulations and consequent denials when a Donald tweet, God love him, is made. :rolleyes:

If I had influence, I would beg President Trump to cool it. But I don't.
The left is playing us for fools.
They criticized Bush.....but now he's their best buddy.....because he was in on it all along.
I have to agree with some of that, but I don't think Bush was or is deep state. As I recollect from his administration, any time he did a good thing and the left lowered the boom on him, his wife threw her 2 cents in too, and it did not reflect well on President Bush. Right now, he's just a family man, and if it seems he has jumped ship, I'm not sure he has. As I recollect there were Democrats kissing Saddam's ass in Iraq less than a week before our military entered Iraq to stop Saddam's safe shelter to Bin Laden's associates who were more than responsible for 9/11. And a lesser known fact that the leftist press does not want people to know about was the evidence of WOMDs that our servicemen found in Iraq that Saddam had hidden from the UN inspections. It's been a long time ago, but that's my recollection of the matter of George W. Bush's presidency. He fought against evil people who had no compunctions about trying to kill his father who was in the Middle East to receive some kind of meritorious service award from one of the grateful leaders whose country was benefitted by Bush I. I was thinking Saudis, but it may have been Jordan. Not for certain, but Saddam was out for blood with regards to one or more of our presidents.
Bush's father was an entrenched member of the Deep State. The Globalists
Jeffrey Epstein Was Left All Alone as a Security Lapse Occurred Before His Alleged Suicide, Report Says - Big League Politics

He just so happened to be found on a Saturday morning when it is the slowest time for news.

He just so happened to be found on a Saturday morning when it is the slowest time for news.

Haha, thats one of the better nutball posts in this thread. Btw, dumber = better, in that respect. wanted him dead so he couldn't testify....and you make fun of anyone who isn't happy about his death.
Yet you buy into every fucking hoax the media feeds your dumb ass.Like everyone is a White Supremacist that doesn't agree with you.
What was the fucking hoax before this one?
  • 4 racist bitches that are too dumb to keep their mouths shut about America. Anyone who feels they're full of shit is a racist.
  • Russian Collusion was real.
  • Trump discussing firing Mueller was obstruction of justice.
All of the above hoaxes blew up in their faces.
Clearly this suicide is just one more you're willing to swallow.
Have you seen the one that claims Trump flew the flags at half staff until august 8th to say Heil Hitler
Thats not what was said, so no, i havent seen the fantasy put into your head by some rightwing blogger.

The commentator was saying that trump is getting no advice or bad advice.
There's a lot of interesting stuff, when you start digging into all this. One thing is for sure, the world elites are a sick evil bunch, who think they're above the law.

Epstein's ex-partner, who reportedly has also been accused of sexual assault / pedophilia attended Chelsea Clinton's wedding. Hmmm.... apparently she's a friend of the family.

After letting Comey slide on his leading classified info to the press...I have serious doubts that any truth will come to light.
Bill & Hillary wouldn't try this unless they were sure they could get away with it.
There is one difference. I've seen no credible evidence that Attorney General Barr is for sale to either side, even if he seems to be a conservative. What I've so far seen is a man belittled for who his boss is, not what he did. And I think he will serve his sentence out with honor and truth. I don't know what the outcome will be, but my money's on this being a true suicide. The man was a coward for using nubile women for servicing wealthy mens' needs for excessive lust fulfillment, and I think he's a good candidate for being the coward that didn't want to go to court where he would be convicted of the very crimes he perpetrated. Attorney General Barr is stuck with all official pronouncements being without prejudice, and his boss should not be tweeting about unproven theories online, albeit he has a habit of tweeting what is true, this particular item also has him pinned to the tail of the donkey because the left has thrown more accusations at him than I care to reread and bring here. And they are particularly avaricious in their postulations and consequent denials when a Donald tweet, God love him, is made. :rolleyes:

If I had influence, I would beg President Trump to cool it. But I don't.
The left is playing us for fools.
They criticized Bush.....but now he's their best buddy.....because he was in on it all along.
I have to agree with some of that, but I don't think Bush was or is deep state. As I recollect from his administration, any time he did a good thing and the left lowered the boom on him, his wife threw her 2 cents in too, and it did not reflect well on President Bush. Right now, he's just a family man, and if it seems he has jumped ship, I'm not sure he has. As I recollect there were Democrats kissing Saddam's ass in Iraq less than a week before our military entered Iraq to stop Saddam's safe shelter to Bin Laden's associates who were more than responsible for 9/11. And a lesser known fact that the leftist press does not want people to know about was the evidence of WOMDs that our servicemen found in Iraq that Saddam had hidden from the UN inspections. It's been a long time ago, but that's my recollection of the matter of George W. Bush's presidency. He fought against evil people who had no compunctions about trying to kill his father who was in the Middle East to receive some kind of meritorious service award from one of the grateful leaders whose country was benefitted by Bush I. I was thinking Saudis, but it may have been Jordan. Not for certain, but Saddam was out for blood from one of our presidents.

Bush is a known globalist, just like his father.

The problem with this site is that too many here are still stuck in the "Democrat vs Republican" mindset, which misleads people and causes a misplaced loyalty, just because someone has the right letter next to their name.

Bush is a "known globalist"?

Yes. His family has long associations with the internationalist banker set, the Council On Foreign Relations, international 'business, like being a front man for the Carlyle Group and others, and of course the oil biz. they love scams like NAFTA and the other trade deals, since it subsidizes their own investments to the tune of hundreds of billions. They also love those slave labor camps run by the Red Chinese.
There's a lot of interesting stuff, when you start digging into all this. One thing is for sure, the world elites are a sick evil bunch, who think they're above the law.

they think that because they are above the law, and both Parties establishments pander to them.

As for the idiots running around babbling nonsense all about how 'da convicts are gonna kill him n stuff', that isn't likely, since every gang running prisons pimps underage teenage girls like no tomorrow, it's their second biggest business after selling dope to Democrats. He would have been a celebrity pimp in prison, one of the 'elite' among shitheads and scum, i.e. the Democratic Party's heroes.

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