Jeff Sessions firing alert source reveals when Trump will can the useless attorney general

I'm beginning to think that Sessions is the left's secret weapon. They couldn't ask for a more accommodating AG. Having said that, I don't think Trump will fire him before the midterms because not only would he not get a new one confirmed, it would also be giving the left ammo for the election. But if the Republicans hold onto the House, there'll be Hell to pay in the DOJ and FBI.

Listen you won't believe it now, but i'm listening to ALex now.

They are abou tto move against Trump Jr. and indict him, , now that they are playing bs lies and games on his son Trump now has NO CHOICE but to start firing these assholes. Sessions included.

Trump is gonna get Sessions out there watch for it this week coming.

STAY ALERT, the globalist might pull a false flag for distraction ( 'im saying that not alex jones, the stay alert part).

I think that would be a major mistake...... going after the President's son? Really? They think that is the great move?
Oh they have him ,,,only a matter of time Maybe tell moron to step down or else ?
The Dims are picking a fight they ain't gonna win
Trump threw Donald Jr. under the bus so, expect Don Jr. to face the prosecution, soon; immunity? LOL

Must be great FUN to throw your own blood under the bus; that is the sign of a GREAT Father

Make Parenting Great Again
Trump threw Donald Jr. under the bus so, expect Don Jr. to face the prosecution, soon; immunity? LOL

Must be great FUN to throw your own blood under the bus; that is the sign of a GREAT Father

Make Parenting Great Again
Jeff Sessions fires back at Trump: DOJ won't 'be improperly influenced' by politics
  • Attorney General Jeff Sessions pushes back against President Trump, saying in a statement that the Department of Justice will not be "improperly influenced by political considerations."
  • "I took control of the Department of Justice the day I was sworn in, which is why we have had unprecedented success at effectuating the President's agenda," Sessions says.
  • In a Fox interview that aired hours earlier, Trump said Sessions "never took control of the Justice Department."
  • Sessions' statement was released as the attorney general headed to the White House to discuss criminal sentencing reform with the president and Jared Kushner, the president's son-in-law and senior advisor.
Trump threw Donald Jr. under the bus so, expect Don Jr. to face the prosecution, soon; immunity? LOL

Must be great FUN to throw your own blood under the bus; that is the sign of a GREAT Father

Make Parenting Great Again
Jeff Sessions fires back at Trump: DOJ won't 'be improperly influenced' by politics
  • Attorney General Jeff Sessions pushes back against President Trump, saying in a statement that the Department of Justice will not be "improperly influenced by political considerations."
  • "I took control of the Department of Justice the day I was sworn in, which is why we have had unprecedented success at effectuating the President's agenda," Sessions says.
  • In a Fox interview that aired hours earlier, Trump said Sessions "never took control of the Justice Department."
  • Sessions' statement was released as the attorney general headed to the White House to discuss criminal sentencing reform with the president and Jared Kushner, the president's son-in-law and senior advisor.

He is and idiot who is sitting there claiming he, personally will not bow to political pressure as his FBI and Department of justice is being used for a political prosecution of the President.....
Fire Sessions, appoint Jr as AG

They are going to indict Trump Jr. seems they are going to use some bs bogus process crime charge. The deep state is pulling this one.
An independent council needs to be appointed immediately to investigate the investigators. This will be the balance of power expected in all of this, and it will place the checks and balances needed in all of this. To have a one sided politically biased investigation of a Presidency is just wrong, and to allow it to keep going without the other crimes being investigated in an equal balance of justice is an outrage.

No party should have a monopoly on this nation like the Demon-crats were attempting to have, and still think that they have.

It's a sickening situation really.
Were you sickened when repub scum got on Bills case or the many years the same scum have tried to take down his wife Hillary?
There needs to be an equal balance of justice in this country, and we don't have that anymore in this country.

Bill Clinton's bullcrap with Monica didn't really bother alot of voters that bad, because it was consentual in what took place (even though it made alot of people surprised by his actions), because those actions were disrespectful of the Whitehouse, his job, his position of power while on the job, and then included the other situations in which harbored charges of an alledged rape even, and etc.

America gave him a pass on his impeachment, on Monica, on his botching the terrorist threat, and even his wife excused his behavior because of his popularity at the time.... Why ? It's because they figured he had single handedly saved America's economy during the eighties, even though years later the opposite would be realized as the true result of it all.
Fire Sessions, appoint Jr as AG

They are going to indict Trump Jr. seems they are going to use some bs bogus process crime charge. The deep state is pulling this one.
An independent council needs to be appointed immediately to investigate the investigators. This will be the balance of power expected in all of this, and it will place the checks and balances needed in all of this. To have a one sided politically biased investigation of a Presidency is just wrong, and to allow it to keep going without the other crimes being investigated in an equal balance of justice is an outrage.

No party should have a monopoly on this nation like the Demon-crats were attempting to have, and still think that they have.

It's a sickening situation really.
Were you sickened when repub scum got on Bills case or the many years the same scum have tried to take down his wife Hillary?
There needs to be an equal balance of justice in this country, and we don't have that anymore in this country.

Bill Clinton's bullcrap with Monica didn't really bother alot of voters that bad, because it was consentual in what took place (even though it made alot of people surprised by his actions), because those actions were disrespectful of the Whitehouse, his job, his position of power while on the job, and then included the other situations in which harbored charges of an alledged rape even, and etc.

America gave him a pass on his impeachment, on Monica, on his botching the terrorist threat, and even his wife excused his behavior because of his popularity at the time.... Why ? It's because they figured he had single handedly saved America's economy during the eighties, even though years later the opposite would be realized as the true result of it all.

Sorry, the problem wasn't the sex..... that was the clinton propaganda machine hiding the real problem.... he committed perjury under oath in front of a Federal judge and got his subordinates to commit perjury and obstruct justice, nothing in the impeachment charges are about sex...they are about lying under oath, abuse of power and obstruction of justice.
Fire Sessions, appoint Jr as AG

They are going to indict Trump Jr. seems they are going to use some bs bogus process crime charge. The deep state is pulling this one.
An independent council needs to be appointed immediately to investigate the investigators. This will be the balance of power expected in all of this, and it will place the checks and balances needed in all of this. To have a one sided politically biased investigation of a Presidency is just wrong, and to allow it to keep going without the other crimes being investigated in an equal balance of justice is an outrage.

No party should have a monopoly on this nation like the Demon-crats were attempting to have, and still think that they have.

It's a sickening situation really.
Were you sickened when repub scum got on Bills case or the many years the same scum have tried to take down his wife Hillary?
There needs to be an equal balance of justice in this country, and we don't have that anymore in this country.

Bill Clinton's bullcrap with Monica didn't really bother alot of voters that bad, because it was consentual in what took place (even though it made alot of people surprised by his actions), because those actions were disrespectful of the Whitehouse, his job, his position of power while on the job, and then included the other situations in which harbored charges of an alledged rape even, and etc.

America gave him a pass on his impeachment, on Monica, on his botching the terrorist threat, and even his wife excused his behavior because of his popularity at the time.... Why ? It's because they figured he had single handedly saved America's economy during the eighties, even though years later the opposite would be realized as the true result of it all.

Sorry, the problem wasn't the sex..... that was the clinton propaganda machine hiding the real problem.... he committed perjury under oath in front of a Federal judge and got his subordinates to commit perjury and obstruct justice, nothing in the impeachment charges are about sex...they are about lying under oath, abuse of power and obstruction of justice.
What did he lie about ,,,,,and how far did they go for what he was originally charged with ? A land deal?
Trump threw Donald Jr. under the bus so, expect Don Jr. to face the prosecution, soon; immunity? LOL

Must be great FUN to throw your own blood under the bus; that is the sign of a GREAT Father

Make Parenting Great Again

I wouldn't get to happy thinking Trump Jr. will be prosecuted lmao. Gawd if you idiots only knew the criminals you vote in assholes like Obama and Clinton. If you took off the rose colored glasses it's not hard to see. They sold their souls and they feed of dumbasses who can't pick up on their mind ganes used to get votes.
If Mueller or one of his lackeys decide to go after one of Trump's kids, you'll see him, Rosenstein, and Sessions out the door in a second.
If Mueller or one of his lackeys decide to go after one of Trump's kids, you'll see him, Rosenstein, and Sessions out the door in a second.

well, That would sure make Trump look innocent. :206:

He already threw Jr. under the bus. :2up:
President Trump has made it no secret that he regrets putting Jeff Sessions in charge of his Justice Department. At least once a week, Trump will voice his grievance with the former Alabama senator, wishing he had nominated someone more loyal to him.

Jeff Sessions FIRING Alert - Source Reveals When Trump Will CAN the Useless Attorney General!

We told yah Jeff Sessions is about to be fired, we'll see what kind of bs is flung at him, Trump wants him gone too . Sessions tried to screw Trump.

Sessions needs to go he's a globalist prick!!

Alex told us earlier this week talk is swirling about Sessions and the firing we're suppose to hear something this week.

View attachment 213100

EXCLUSIVE! Trump Set To Fire Sessions, Purge Deep State Moles, Declassify Bombshell Info

Sessions is refusing to allow the Justice Department to become an attack wing for the White House. Nor will he be party to the President's attempts to prosecute and imprison his political rivals.

Thus to Trump.....Session is 'useless'.
President Trump has made it no secret that he regrets putting Jeff Sessions in charge of his Justice Department. At least once a week, Trump will voice his grievance with the former Alabama senator, wishing he had nominated someone more loyal to him.

Jeff Sessions FIRING Alert - Source Reveals When Trump Will CAN the Useless Attorney General!

We told yah Jeff Sessions is about to be fired, we'll see what kind of bs is flung at him, Trump wants him gone too . Sessions tried to screw Trump.

Sessions needs to go he's a globalist prick!!

Alex told us earlier this week talk is swirling about Sessions and the firing we're suppose to hear something this week.

View attachment 213100

EXCLUSIVE! Trump Set To Fire Sessions, Purge Deep State Moles, Declassify Bombshell Info

Sessions is refusing to allow the Justice Department to become an attack wing for the White House. Nor will he be party to the President's attempts to prosecute and imprison his political rivals.

Thus to Trump.....Session is 'useless'.
The moron doesn't realize the AG is loyal to the people not the president
If Mueller or one of his lackeys decide to go after one of Trump's kids, you'll see him, Rosenstein, and Sessions out the door in a second.

That is why they are talking about Sessions, because now they're messing with his son and it's using some BS LIES all their schemes failed , " Russia" , Trump chating, rape accusing it all failed........... they assholes dont' see the lies nor why. Meaning the sheep, antifa's those idiots.
President Trump has made it no secret that he regrets putting Jeff Sessions in charge of his Justice Department. At least once a week, Trump will voice his grievance with the former Alabama senator, wishing he had nominated someone more loyal to him.

Jeff Sessions FIRING Alert - Source Reveals When Trump Will CAN the Useless Attorney General!

We told yah Jeff Sessions is about to be fired, we'll see what kind of bs is flung at him, Trump wants him gone too . Sessions tried to screw Trump.

Sessions needs to go he's a globalist prick!!

Alex told us earlier this week talk is swirling about Sessions and the firing we're suppose to hear something this week.

View attachment 213100

EXCLUSIVE! Trump Set To Fire Sessions, Purge Deep State Moles, Declassify Bombshell Info

Sessions is refusing to allow the Justice Department to become an attack wing for the White House. Nor will he be party to the President's attempts to prosecute and imprison his political rivals.

Thus to Trump.....Session is 'useless'.
The moron doesn't realize the AG is loyal to the people not the president

no asshole he is not for the peopel yah fkd up moron.

Why in the hell do you think that SOB wants to take your property for some bs crime you didn't even do asshole.
Trump threw Donald Jr. under the bus so, expect Don Jr. to face the prosecution, soon; immunity? LOL

Must be great FUN to throw your own blood under the bus; that is the sign of a GREAT Father

Make Parenting Great Again
Jeff Sessions fires back at Trump: DOJ won't 'be improperly influenced' by politics
  • Attorney General Jeff Sessions pushes back against President Trump, saying in a statement that the Department of Justice will not be "improperly influenced by political considerations."
  • "I took control of the Department of Justice the day I was sworn in, which is why we have had unprecedented success at effectuating the President's agenda," Sessions says.
  • In a Fox interview that aired hours earlier, Trump said Sessions "never took control of the Justice Department."
  • Sessions' statement was released as the attorney general headed to the White House to discuss criminal sentencing reform with the president and Jared Kushner, the president's son-in-law and senior advisor.


The Obama-ran sector of the shadow government is making moves against Trump and his allies.

Meanwhile, Apple’s Tim Cook and Virginia Senator Mark Warner have chosen Alex Jones as the main target to serve as a smokescreen while they begin mass censorship.

EXCLUSIVE! Trump Firing Of Sessions Imminent! 45 To Declassify Deep State Treason

President Trump is poised to launch his counterattack against the establishment, where he will fire inept Attorney General Jeff Sessions, purge the traitorous moles within the Deep State and declassify the much sought-after redacted information pertaining to Hillary Clinton’s email investigation and the phony “Russia collusion” probe.

AND this is reality
If Mueller or one of his lackeys decide to go after one of Trump's kids, you'll see him, Rosenstein, and Sessions out the door in a second.

That is why they are talking about Sessions, because now they're messing with his son and it's using some BS LIES all their schemes failed , " Russia" , Trump chating, rape accusing it all failed........... they assholes dont' see the lies nor why. Meaning the sheep, antifa's those idiots.
JR is a f-ing liar and he's lied to the wrong people A real pos made in the image of his pos father
If Mueller or one of his lackeys decide to go after one of Trump's kids, you'll see him, Rosenstein, and Sessions out the door in a second.

well, That would sure make Trump look innocent. :206:

He already threw Jr. under the bus. :2up:

I would like to know what you are talking about. How and when did he "throw Jr. under the bus?"

Trump's Tweet from August 5, 2018 (SEE BELOW) implicates Jr. in the Trump Tower meeting, seeking dirt on HRC, from the Russians.
AMAZING!!! Trump admits Jr. went to the Trump Tower meeting to get dirt on HRC, from Russians.
Of course, the 'story' offered by Trump & those within Trump's orbit concerning the Trump Tower meeting has (already) changed at least a dozen times.
Criminals typically act like criminals because they are criminals.
It's kinda like that duck walking like a duck thing.

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