Jeff Sessions gunning for California re: Sanctuary Cities


Gold Member
Jun 18, 2014
Sessions Targets California Immigrants Using a Ruling That Protected Them

And Jerry Brown is not amused.

Any rate, California is going to fight back. BOOYAH!

“Both administrations claim that the state laws they challenge impermissibly interfere with the executive branch’s ability to enforce the immigration laws,” she said. “But both lawsuits are also clearly designed to take on visible and politically powerful local officials whose vision of immigration policy conflicts with the president’s and his supporters’.”

In a news conference on Wednesday, Xavier Becerra, the California attorney general, said he was ready for the fight. The state’s laws, he said, were “fully constitutional and provide for the safety and welfare of all our people.”

“California is in the business of public safety,” he said. “We are not in the business of deportations.”

I despise Sessions. Always have. He was too racist to be a federal judge, and it's only been downhill from here. And now, Trump hates Sessions for recusing himself. Unfortunately, the enemy of my enemy is not actually my friend. Not this time.

Harris/Kennedy 2020! <--- I'm watching Chris Hayes, Obvs.

Sanctuary Cities
The Corrupt Democrats are using non-citizens to cancel-out the votes of American citizens
The Democrats are pandering to the racist Aztlan Nationalist who do not accept that America is a sovereign country.
The Democrats are bad for America.
Tuesday, 3/6/2018 the DOJ filed a lawsuit against California immigrant sanctuary cities laws. jeff-sessions-doj-lawsuit.jpg
Personally, I'm disappointed in Sessions. He needs to grow a pair, man up, and send the federal marshals in there to arrest as many as those mayors as they can fit in a paddy wagon, including Governor Moonbeam.

And If California wants to further play like they're some 1860's Southern secessionist state, then Sessions should be saying "Ok California, you have 90 days to establish some borders, diplomatic and trade relations with this country, and establish your own currency and military.
Last April, U.S. District Judge William Orrick III of San Francisco barred the administration from carrying out Trump's threat to withdraw billions of dollars in federal funds from sanctuary cities...

March 2018:

Judge declines, for now, to halt part of Trump's anti-sanctuary city policy

Story Continued Below

"The issues in this case will benefit from further development," Orrick wrote. "I find that the State has not demonstrated that I should issue a preliminary injunction at this time."
However, Orrick said many of the legal issues involved were murky and did not tip so clearly in favor of the state as to warrant a preliminary injunction blocking the Justice Department from using the two-decade-old law known as Section 1373 to deny certain federal grants to localities and states seen to be in violation of the federal law.
Sessions Targets California Immigrants Using a Ruling That Protected Them

And Jerry Brown is not amused.

Any rate, California is going to fight back. BOOYAH!

“Both administrations claim that the state laws they challenge impermissibly interfere with the executive branch’s ability to enforce the immigration laws,” she said. “But both lawsuits are also clearly designed to take on visible and politically powerful local officials whose vision of immigration policy conflicts with the president’s and his supporters’.”

In a news conference on Wednesday, Xavier Becerra, the California attorney general, said he was ready for the fight. The state’s laws, he said, were “fully constitutional and provide for the safety and welfare of all our people.”

“California is in the business of public safety,” he said. “We are not in the business of deportations.”

I despise Sessions. Always have. He was too racist to be a federal judge, and it's only been downhill from here. And now, Trump hates Sessions for recusing himself. Unfortunately, the enemy of my enemy is not actually my friend. Not this time.

Harris/Kennedy 2020! <--- I'm watching Chris Hayes, Obvs.

How is Sessions racist?
Sessions Targets California Immigrants Using a Ruling That Protected Them

And Jerry Brown is not amused.

Any rate, California is going to fight back. BOOYAH!

“Both administrations claim that the state laws they challenge impermissibly interfere with the executive branch’s ability to enforce the immigration laws,” she said. “But both lawsuits are also clearly designed to take on visible and politically powerful local officials whose vision of immigration policy conflicts with the president’s and his supporters’.”

In a news conference on Wednesday, Xavier Becerra, the California attorney general, said he was ready for the fight. The state’s laws, he said, were “fully constitutional and provide for the safety and welfare of all our people.”

“California is in the business of public safety,” he said. “We are not in the business of deportations.”

I despise Sessions. Always have. He was too racist to be a federal judge, and it's only been downhill from here. And now, Trump hates Sessions for recusing himself. Unfortunately, the enemy of my enemy is not actually my friend. Not this time.

Harris/Kennedy 2020! <--- I'm watching Chris Hayes, Obvs.

How is Sessions racist?

For instance:

The allegation that Sessions has said racially insensitive things has haunted him throughout his career.

The accusations back in 1986 mostly came from (but were not limited to) Sessions's former deputy, Thomas Figures. He sent a letter to the Senate and reporters claiming his boss said insensitive things about black people, at times directly to him.

Figures, who is black, said Sessions told him to be careful about what he said ''to white folks” after Figures got into a heated argument with a white colleague. And Figures testified Sessions called him “boy” on multiple occasions.

Figures also said Sessions had joked about the Ku Klux Klan, saying he thought its members were “okay, until he learned that they smoked marijuana.”

A Justice Department lawyer, J. Gerald Hebert, testified that Sessions had described the NAACP and the American Civil Liberties Union as “un-American” and “Communist-inspired.”
Sessions Targets California Immigrants Using a Ruling That Protected Them

And Jerry Brown is not amused.

Any rate, California is going to fight back. BOOYAH!

“Both administrations claim that the state laws they challenge impermissibly interfere with the executive branch’s ability to enforce the immigration laws,” she said. “But both lawsuits are also clearly designed to take on visible and politically powerful local officials whose vision of immigration policy conflicts with the president’s and his supporters’.”

In a news conference on Wednesday, Xavier Becerra, the California attorney general, said he was ready for the fight. The state’s laws, he said, were “fully constitutional and provide for the safety and welfare of all our people.”

“California is in the business of public safety,” he said. “We are not in the business of deportations.”

I despise Sessions. Always have. He was too racist to be a federal judge, and it's only been downhill from here. And now, Trump hates Sessions for recusing himself. Unfortunately, the enemy of my enemy is not actually my friend. Not this time.

Harris/Kennedy 2020! <--- I'm watching Chris Hayes, Obvs.

How is Sessions racist?

For instance:

The allegation that Sessions has said racially insensitive things has haunted him throughout his career.

The accusations back in 1986 mostly came from (but were not limited to) Sessions's former deputy, Thomas Figures. He sent a letter to the Senate and reporters claiming his boss said insensitive things about black people, at times directly to him.

Figures, who is black, said Sessions told him to be careful about what he said ''to white folks” after Figures got into a heated argument with a white colleague. And Figures testified Sessions called him “boy” on multiple occasions.

Figures also said Sessions had joked about the Ku Klux Klan, saying he thought its members were “okay, until he learned that they smoked marijuana.”

A Justice Department lawyer, J. Gerald Hebert, testified that Sessions had described the NAACP and the American Civil Liberties Union as “un-American” and “Communist-inspired.”

Never been down South much? That's what commonly referred to as "locker room talk." White folks do it, black folks do it too.

Besides, the NAACP and the ACLU are un-American and Communist-inspired. You haven't figured that out yet? So is the SPLC.
‘Senate Bill 54, one of the laws being challenged, did not in any way prevent federal immigration agents from doing their job, but does prevent them from entering sensitive spaces like hospitals, churches, courthouses and public schools.

"If they have a judicial warrant they may move forward," de León said. "But we don't want them raiding schools and churches. We don't want them going to emergency room centers, which they did in the state of Texas, where they pulled out a woman who was there for chemotherapy. That just demonstrates the cruelness and inhumanity of an administration that one would expect from a rogue nation, not the greatest nation."

The anti-Trump fight California wants - CNNPolitics

The cruelness and inhumanity of the Trump ‘administration,’ indeed.
‘Senate Bill 54, one of the laws being challenged, did not in any way prevent federal immigration agents from doing their job, but does prevent them from entering sensitive spaces like hospitals, churches, courthouses and public schools.

"If they have a judicial warrant they may move forward," de León said. "But we don't want them raiding schools and churches. We don't want them going to emergency room centers, which they did in the state of Texas, where they pulled out a woman who was there for chemotherapy. That just demonstrates the cruelness and inhumanity of an administration that one would expect from a rogue nation, not the greatest nation."

The anti-Trump fight California wants - CNNPolitics

The cruelness and inhumanity of the Trump ‘administration,’ indeed.

He's so horrible, he's gunning for puppies. :(


Trump blocks access to puppy mill inspections as Florida weighs dog store legislation

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