Jeffery Epstein reportedly arrested for sex trafic

The locals have tons of dirt on Pedocrat Island, BikerSailor.

Got links?
Knowing that it has been mentioned that the locals call the island "Pedophile Island" in damn near every article about this topic...I don't think you actually read anything but headlines, so I will not provide a link...I will take a picture of an article Where it says exactly what I said...for your dumb ass.
Never say I haven't done something nice for you:
View attachment 269188 1

Really? A screen shot of something that you could have made yourself? Shoot, you didn't even include the link so I could check your screenshot for myself.
Youre a retard. That same article is on the current events board. I posted it.

You are really, really slow on the uptake aren't ya? Stop huffing your hog's fumes,brother.
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He didn't even have to register as a sex offender.Now we know why the Governor of New Mexico dislike Pres.Trump

Also drawing scrutiny is a New Mexico law that allowed Epstein to avoid having to register as a sex offender in the state.

New Mexico Governor Pulls National Guard From Border, Rejects Trump’s ‘Fear-Mongering’ | HuffPost
The locals have tons of dirt on Pedocrat Island, BikerSailor.

Got links?
Knowing that it has been mentioned that the locals call the island "Pedophile Island" in damn near every article about this topic...I don't think you actually read anything but headlines, so I will not provide a link...I will take a picture of an article Where it says exactly what I said...for your dumb ass.
Never say I haven't done something nice for you:
View attachment 269188 1

Really? A screen shot of something that you could have made yourself? Shoot, you didn't even include the link so I could check your screenshot for myself.
Youre a retard. That same article is on the current events board. I posted it.

You are really, really sliw on the uptake aren't ya? Stop huffing your hog's fumes,brother.

You take a "picture" of an article, yet you can't link to the article itself so I can verify its veracity? You haven't got anything in the proof department.
The locals have tons of dirt on Pedocrat Island, BikerSailor.

Got links?
Knowing that it has been mentioned that the locals call the island "Pedophile Island" in damn near every article about this topic...I don't think you actually read anything but headlines, so I will not provide a link...I will take a picture of an article Where it says exactly what I said...for your dumb ass.
Never say I haven't done something nice for you:
View attachment 269188 1

Really? A screen shot of something that you could have made yourself? Shoot, you didn't even include the link so I could check your screenshot for myself.
Youre a retard. That same article is on the current events board. I posted it.

You are really, really sliw on the uptake aren't ya? Stop huffing your hog's fumes,brother.

You take a "picture" of an article, yet you can't link to the article itself so I can verify its veracity? You haven't got anything in the proof department.
You don't read articles obviously. And like I just said....The article is a topic on this board. Look up Epstein's Sex Temple.
Got links?
Knowing that it has been mentioned that the locals call the island "Pedophile Island" in damn near every article about this topic...I don't think you actually read anything but headlines, so I will not provide a link...I will take a picture of an article Where it says exactly what I said...for your dumb ass.
Never say I haven't done something nice for you:
View attachment 269188 1

Really? A screen shot of something that you could have made yourself? Shoot, you didn't even include the link so I could check your screenshot for myself.
Youre a retard. That same article is on the current events board. I posted it.

You are really, really sliw on the uptake aren't ya? Stop huffing your hog's fumes,brother.

You take a "picture" of an article, yet you can't link to the article itself so I can verify its veracity? You haven't got anything in the proof department.
You don't read articles obviously. And like I just said....The article is a topic on this board. Look up Epstein's Sex Temple.

I've already told you, I'd read the article if you had a link to it and not some screen shot that you could have made up in photoshop.
Knowing that it has been mentioned that the locals call the island "Pedophile Island" in damn near every article about this topic...I don't think you actually read anything but headlines, so I will not provide a link...I will take a picture of an article Where it says exactly what I said...for your dumb ass.
Never say I haven't done something nice for you:
View attachment 269188 1

Really? A screen shot of something that you could have made yourself? Shoot, you didn't even include the link so I could check your screenshot for myself.
Youre a retard. That same article is on the current events board. I posted it.

You are really, really sliw on the uptake aren't ya? Stop huffing your hog's fumes,brother.

You take a "picture" of an article, yet you can't link to the article itself so I can verify its veracity? You haven't got anything in the proof department.
You don't read articles obviously. And like I just said....The article is a topic on this board. Look up Epstein's Sex Temple.

I've already told you, I'd read the article if you had a link to it and not some screen shot that you could have made up in photoshop.

Damn dude all you have to do is google the first 5 words in the article and the fucking article is the first thing on the list.

What’s the Deal with the Bizarre Temple-Like Structure on Jeffrey Epstein’s Private Island?
Really? A screen shot of something that you could have made yourself? Shoot, you didn't even include the link so I could check your screenshot for myself.
Youre a retard. That same article is on the current events board. I posted it.

You are really, really sliw on the uptake aren't ya? Stop huffing your hog's fumes,brother.

You take a "picture" of an article, yet you can't link to the article itself so I can verify its veracity? You haven't got anything in the proof department.
You don't read articles obviously. And like I just said....The article is a topic on this board. Look up Epstein's Sex Temple.

I've already told you, I'd read the article if you had a link to it and not some screen shot that you could have made up in photoshop.

Damn dude all you have to do is google the first 5 words and the fucking article is the first thing on the list.

What’s the Deal with the Bizarre Temple-Like Structure on Jeffrey Epstein’s Private Island?
Leftists....always wanting the work done for them while claiming to be workers themselves.
Youre a retard. That same article is on the current events board. I posted it.

You are really, really sliw on the uptake aren't ya? Stop huffing your hog's fumes,brother.

You take a "picture" of an article, yet you can't link to the article itself so I can verify its veracity? You haven't got anything in the proof department.
You don't read articles obviously. And like I just said....The article is a topic on this board. Look up Epstein's Sex Temple.

I've already told you, I'd read the article if you had a link to it and not some screen shot that you could have made up in photoshop.

Damn dude all you have to do is google the first 5 words and the fucking article is the first thing on the list.

What’s the Deal with the Bizarre Temple-Like Structure on Jeffrey Epstein’s Private Island?
Leftists....always wanting the work done for them while claiming to be workers themselves.

Rightists.....always unable to do work themselves and relying on others to do it for them.
You take a "picture" of an article, yet you can't link to the article itself so I can verify its veracity? You haven't got anything in the proof department.
You don't read articles obviously. And like I just said....The article is a topic on this board. Look up Epstein's Sex Temple.

I've already told you, I'd read the article if you had a link to it and not some screen shot that you could have made up in photoshop.

Damn dude all you have to do is google the first 5 words and the fucking article is the first thing on the list.

What’s the Deal with the Bizarre Temple-Like Structure on Jeffrey Epstein’s Private Island?
Leftists....always wanting the work done for them while claiming to be workers themselves.

Rightists.....always unable to do work themselves and relying on others to do it for them.
I did plenty of work for him. WTF are you even babbling about? All I told him was to google the article because he seems to only read headlines. The fact locals call Epstein's island "Pedo Island" has been in damn near every article on the topic.
You don't read articles obviously. And like I just said....The article is a topic on this board. Look up Epstein's Sex Temple.

I've already told you, I'd read the article if you had a link to it and not some screen shot that you could have made up in photoshop.

Damn dude all you have to do is google the first 5 words and the fucking article is the first thing on the list.

What’s the Deal with the Bizarre Temple-Like Structure on Jeffrey Epstein’s Private Island?
Leftists....always wanting the work done for them while claiming to be workers themselves.

Rightists.....always unable to do work themselves and relying on others to do it for them.
I did plenty of work for him. WTF are you even babbling about? All I told him was to google the article because he seems to only read headlines. The fact locals call Epstein's island "Pedo Island" has been in damn near every article on the topic.

I'm "babbling" because you're embarrassing yourself and the right in general. I got tired of reading your replies where all you did was say "give me a link" when the guy gave you a screenshot of the article with PLENTY of information where you could find the article on your own.

So I stepped up and did the work for you to shut you up.
I've already told you, I'd read the article if you had a link to it and not some screen shot that you could have made up in photoshop.

Damn dude all you have to do is google the first 5 words and the fucking article is the first thing on the list.

What’s the Deal with the Bizarre Temple-Like Structure on Jeffrey Epstein’s Private Island?
Leftists....always wanting the work done for them while claiming to be workers themselves.

Rightists.....always unable to do work themselves and relying on others to do it for them.
I did plenty of work for him. WTF are you even babbling about? All I told him was to google the article because he seems to only read headlines. The fact locals call Epstein's island "Pedo Island" has been in damn near every article on the topic.

I'm "babbling" because you're embarrassing yourself and the right in general. I got tired of reading your replies where all you did was say "give me a link" when the guy gave you a screenshot of the article with PLENTY of information where you could find the article on your own.

So I stepped up and did the work for you to shut you up.
I am the guy who took the screenshot. You must be confused.




This is why Hollywood hates Trump.
They are trying to quietly remove him from out of the spotlight, so that the people will not know that this kinda stuff has been going on before Pres.Trump has stepped into office sticking him in a coutroom to testify in a very public trial

Oooooooookay... *cuckoo*
theories on how Epstein become a billionaire:


They agree to invest, and maybe don’t demand a return on their investment. Problem: There can’t be that many billionaires interested in underage sex. And if there were, it would be very hard to blackmail that many of them and get away with it without someone blowing the whistle or retaliating in, um, other ways. It’s a pretty confrontational lifestyle … Plus: Why would Epstein want to have parties filled with boring businessmen when he could have parties filled with movie stars, directors, Nobel physicists and other celebrities (who aren’t typically rich enough to be lucrative blackmail targets). Caveat: I’m not saying Epstein didn’t collect kompromat in his CD collection. Always comes in handy. I’m saying if he did it’s probably not how he got his money.

2. Maitre D’ of a sex club: In this, seemingly more plausible theory, rich people aren’t blackmailed into giving Epstein money. They’ve voluntarily set him up to look rich while he procures young women (and men?) for them. Problem: Seems like a lot for a rich person to pay just to get laid, unless Epstein could somehow spread the cost over a (secret) subscriber list the size of Joe Rogan’s. If he’s catering to niche tastes—eg. “tweens and teens” — how many ultra-rich people are there who are also into that?

3. Ponzi Scheme: Theory given credence by Epstein’s association with Steven Hoffenberg, an actual convicted Ponzi schemer whom Epstein worked for, and who has since accused Epstein of being “totally in the mix” of his fraud. Problem: Ponzi schemes need to attract a constant stream of new investors (their money is then used to pay the “returns” to earlier investors). When they don’t get new recruits, they die. Is there any evidence that Epstein was desperately drumming up new (sucker) investors? Maybe he got his initial nest egg from Hoffenberg (as some, such as Entylawyer, have claimed). But after that, this seems an unlikely fortune-builder.

4, Money Laundering: You can make a lot of money laundering money — 10% of the amount laundered or more, they say. Until recently, Epstein had a working relationship with Deutsche Bank, which has some experience in this lucrative specialty. The main problem with this (unproven) money laundering scenario, as far as the sensational Epstein scandal goes, is that it’s wildly boring.
They are trying to quietly remove him from out of the spotlight, so that the people will not know that this kinda stuff has been going on before Pres.Trump has stepped into office sticking him in a coutroom to testify in a very public trial

Oooooooookay... *cuckoo*

The House Intelligence Committee is investigating alleged Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election and invited Stone to testify behind closed doors, despite Stone’s requests for an open hearing.
Stone Releases His Opening Statement Before House Intel Committee Appearance

Roger Stone, through his attorneys on Tuesday, said he was not withdrawing his demand that he see redacted portions of special counsel Robert Mueller’s report now that a public version has been published.

Stone and his legal team appeared at a status conference in a federal courthouse in Washington, D.C. on Tuesday — his first court appearance since the release public version of the report, which redacted the details about his case.

The government — represented by Jonathan Kravis, a lawyer in the D.C. U.S. Attorney’s office, which is taking over Stone’s case now that the Mueller probe has concluded — said Tuesday it opposes revealing to Stone the redacted portions of Mueller’s report related to his case. Prosecutors will flesh out that opposition in a filing due Friday, but Kravis said that the redacted portions deal with the prosecutors’ “mental impressions” and “conclusions” that they are not obligated to turn over in discovery. Prosecutors Oppose Showing Stone Redacted Details On His Case In Mueller Report

Judge issues gag order in Roger Stone case after Instagram post controversy
He will no longer be permitted to speak publicly about his case.
Judge issues gag order in Roger Stone case after Instagram post controversy
They are trying to quietly remove him from out of the spotlight, so that the people will not know that this kinda stuff has been going on before Pres.Trump has stepped into office sticking him in a coutroom to testify in a very public trial

Oooooooookay... *cuckoo*

The House Intelligence Committee is investigating alleged Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election and invited Stone to testify behind closed doors, despite Stone’s requests for an open hearing.
Stone Releases His Opening Statement Before House Intel Committee Appearance

Roger Stone, through his attorneys on Tuesday, said he was not withdrawing his demand that he see redacted portions of special counsel Robert Mueller’s report now that a public version has been published.

Stone and his legal team appeared at a status conference in a federal courthouse in Washington, D.C. on Tuesday — his first court appearance since the release public version of the report, which redacted the details about his case.

The government — represented by Jonathan Kravis, a lawyer in the D.C. U.S. Attorney’s office, which is taking over Stone’s case now that the Mueller probe has concluded — said Tuesday it opposes revealing to Stone the redacted portions of Mueller’s report related to his case. Prosecutors will flesh out that opposition in a filing due Friday, but Kravis said that the redacted portions deal with the prosecutors’ “mental impressions” and “conclusions” that they are not obligated to turn over in discovery. Prosecutors Oppose Showing Stone Redacted Details On His Case In Mueller Report

Judge issues gag order in Roger Stone case after Instagram post controversy
He will no longer be permitted to speak publicly about his case.
Judge issues gag order in Roger Stone case after Instagram post controversy
And yet still the courtroom testimony will become public. My point stands.

Furthermore, could you have picked a worse example? Stone has violated his gag order repeatedly. And what has he produced? Nothing bit laughable content designed to keep people like you in a state of agitation.

On top of that, it was Stone who used encrypted communications amd then deleted them. No need to keep stone quiet...he destroyed the evidence himself...

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