Jenner - Theory on Sex Change......

... did he do it in hopes to lessen his manslaughter charges?
Because now he's a girl...and they go easier on girls?

That, and, being no a "sympathetic" figure....
Also now the talk is that he's mentally unstable.....
Not sure... someone said this happened after he did his thing, but, I thought the manslaughter incident happened in Feb.
Mental illness is obvious.


Jenner is considerably more sane than you appear to be judging by your hate filled posts.

Oh, and is this a good time to point out that none of your predictions have come true?

Mental illness is obvious.


Jenner is considerably more sane than you appear to be judging by your hate filled posts.

Oh, and is this a good time to point out that none of your predictions have come true?

Nope, he's mentally ill. Anyone who thinks/encourages-inadvertently stereotyped gender roles so rigid that if you experience a normal range outside of them, you "resolve" that by hacking off your body parts to play-act a fabricated farcical charade, needs to be in a rubber room.

Those promoting "trandgenderism" are the most rigid and unhealthy definers of gender there are.
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The sex change was in the works long before the accident. The accident was caused by self-absorption(texting while driving) brought on by long-time contact with the Kardashians.

My understanding was that the accident occurred because he was drag racing. A tranny problem with his vehicle may have contributed to the mishap as well.

drag racing at 39 mph on the highway while pulling an trainer with SUV???

“Drag”, as in a man dressed up as, and pretending to be, a woman.

It is not a pretense, Jenner has been a woman trapped in a man's body his whole life. He has been what everyone else wanted him to be and now he the woman he felt he should have been.

His transition had nothing to do with the accident. The first two cars were driven by women, the lexus by an unlicensed driver. Jenner was not racing, nor in 'drag'.

Jenner is finally becoming comfortable in her own skin. Why does that bother so many people? It is her body and her life. She at least is using her process in a way to educate and help others. Jenner still has a final GRS yet t complete, but legally she is a woman now. It is not drag.

Mr. Jenner has XY chromosomes, and was born with “boy parts”. He has even fathered several children.

By any rational definition, Mr. Jenner is male. To claim that he is female is simply nonsense.
... did he do it in hopes to lessen his manslaughter charges?
Because now he's a girl...and they go easier on girls?

That, and, being no a "sympathetic" figure....
Also now the talk is that he's mentally unstable.....
Not sure... someone said this happened after he did his thing, but, I thought the manslaughter incident happened in Feb.
Umm, he started his hormone therapies back in the 80's.

How's that factor into your theory.
Mr. Jenner has XY chromosomes, and was born with “boy parts”. He has even fathered several children. By any rational definition, Mr. Jenner is male. To claim that he is female is simply nonsense.
Genetics aren't everything. I hope you're not saying someone would actually choose to go through all that shit.
Yeah. I can't understand such vitriolic animosity toward people who are different, who don't fit in with the average patten society expects of people. The post above by Silhouette is a perfect example. Why does he/she care so much what another adult does regarding his or her sexuality? Why such an extreme amount of vitriol and anger? Why not just live and let live? It seems to me, those who get so upset about it are as bad off emotionally as those who struggle with gender identity.

It is not “vitriol” nor “anger” to call a blatant falsehood for what it is.

Mr. Jenner is not, has never been, and will never be female. That is a solid, unalterable, scientific fact. Those who insist on claiming that he is female are simply wrong.
... did he do it in hopes to lessen his manslaughter charges?
Because now he's a girl...and they go easier on girls?

That, and, being no a "sympathetic" figure....
Also now the talk is that he's mentally unstable.....
Not sure... someone said this happened after he did his thing, but, I thought the manslaughter incident happened in Feb.

That really goes without saying. A man who thinks that he's a woman, and who seeks to undergo ghoulish medical procedures to alter himself to be more in line with this delusion—to suggest that such a man is “mentally unstable” is a rather serious understatement.
Mr. Jenner has XY chromosomes, and was born with “boy parts”. He has even fathered several children. By any rational definition, Mr. Jenner is male. To claim that he is female is simply nonsense.
Genetics aren't everything. I hope you're not saying someone would actually choose to go through all that shit.

One doesn't necessarily choose to be mentally-ill.

But sex is a biological trait. One who is biologically male cannot become “female” just because he “feels” like he should be female. No matter what he claims, and no matter what surgical and chemical mutilation Mr. Jenner may undertake, he will always be male.
... did he do it in hopes to lessen his manslaughter charges?
Because now he's a girl...and they go easier on girls?

That, and, being no a "sympathetic" figure....
Also now the talk is that he's mentally unstable.....
Not sure... someone said this happened after he did his thing, but, I thought the manslaughter incident happened in Feb.

That really goes without saying. A man who thinks that he's a woman, and who seeks to undergo ghoulish medical procedures to alter himself to be more in line with this delusion—to suggest that such a man is “mentally unstable” is a rather serious understatement.
Yea, sure, if youre not bright enough to seperate thoughts from feelings....

Which adequately ignores reality, and attempts to shut down discovery into what's causing the phenomena.

Thats goofy.
Yea, sure, if youre [sic] not bright enough to seperate [sic] thoughts from feelings....

Which adequately ignores reality, and attempts to shut down discovery into what's causing the phenomena.

Thats goofy.

Being male or female is not a matter of thoughts nor feelings. It's a matter of biology, of hard, objective science. That is the reality, and I'm not the one who is ignoring it.
Yea, sure, if youre [sic] not bright enough to seperate [sic] thoughts from feelings....

Which adequately ignores reality, and attempts to shut down discovery into what's causing the phenomena.

Thats goofy.

Being male or female is not a matter of thoughts nor feelings. It's a matter of biology, of hard, objective science. That is the reality, and I'm not the one who is ignoring it.
Being by definition doesnt preclude a chemical/hormonal misfire/wire completely independant of mental health....and the bet are magically NOT a doctor nor a geneticist....not even a hormone specialist or anyone who should be within 6million miles of being some authority on the subject.

Youre out to be hardheaded, contrarian & simple minded.
One doesn't necessarily choose to be mentally-ill.
But sex is a biological trait. One who is biologically male cannot become “female” just because he “feels” like he should be female. No matter what he claims, and no matter what surgical and chemical mutilation Mr. Jenner may undertake, he will always be male.
Genetics isn't everything and you are in no position to discount what someone else feels. As for mental illness, I'd like a rundown on your qualifications to make that diagnosis.
Genetics isn't everything and you are in no position to discount what someone else feels. As for mental illness, I'd like a rundown on your qualifications to make that diagnosis.
But you are in position to defend how someone feels. Your qualifications are, an expert, maybe?
Genetics isn't everything and you are in no position to discount what someone else feels. As for mental illness, I'd like a rundown on your qualifications to make that diagnosis.
But you are in position to defend how someone feels. Your qualifications are, an expert, maybe?
No qualifications needed to be compassionate.

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