Jenner - Theory on Sex Change......

Yeah. I can't understand such vitriolic animosity toward people who are different, who don't fit in with the average patten society expects of people. The post above by Silhouette is a perfect example. Why does he/she care so much what another adult does regarding his or her sexuality? Why such an extreme amount of vitriol and anger? Why not just live and let live? It seems to me, those who get so upset about it are as bad off emotionally as those who struggle with gender identity.

It is not “vitriol” nor “anger” to call a blatant falsehood for what it is.

Mr. Jenner is not, has never been, and will never be female. That is a solid, unalterable, scientific fact. Those who insist on claiming that he is female are simply wrong.

Legally she is female
Genetics isn't everything and you are in no position to discount what someone else feels. As for mental illness, I'd like a rundown on your qualifications to make that diagnosis.
But you are in position to defend how someone feels. Your qualifications are, an expert, maybe?
No qualifications needed to be compassionate.

Compassion does not require playing along with the delusions of a madman, and treating them as if they have any useful basis in reality.
Legally she is female

Law does not trump science.

The Supreme Court once ruled that a tomato was not a fruit. That ruling notwithstanding, there is a clear, botanical definition of what a fruit is, and tomato undeniably meets that definition. By ruling that a tomato is not a fruit, the court did not cause the tomato to cease to be a fruit; it only demonstrated how foolish it is possible for a legal system to become.

The same is true of any legal ruling that holds Mr. Jenner to be female. The science is long-settled on that matter.
Compassion does not require playing along with the delusions of a madman, and treating them as if they have any useful basis in reality.
Perhaps, but I figure I'll just keep talking to you and hope for the best. Even madmen can have moments of lucidity. Here's hoping yours comes soon.
Yeah. I can't understand such vitriolic animosity toward people who are different, who don't fit in with the average patten society expects of people. The post above by Silhouette is a perfect example. Why does he/she care so much what another adult does regarding his or her sexuality? Why such an extreme amount of vitriol and anger? Why not just live and let live? It seems to me, those who get so upset about it are as bad off emotionally as those who struggle with gender identity.

It is not “vitriol” nor “anger” to call a blatant falsehood for what it is.

Mr. Jenner is not, has never been, and will never be female. That is a solid, unalterable, scientific fact. Those who insist on claiming that he is female are simply wrong.
Only if you are completely and totally incapable of thinking outside the box. Those with limited intuition, limited vision, limited awareness that there is more to the human species than what makes up your biological chemical details, such people cannot imagine that someone can be male or female biologically but have mental and emotional components that are the opposite of their biology.

Also, we don't know everything yet. Anything we know about science, biology, the soul and the spirit--it's all limited. We are not all knowing, we are not fully informed about the entire essense of life. So, we truly have no way of fully knowing or understanding such things as gender identity. Too many people are homosexual, and knew it since childhood, to say they are mentally ill or purposly perverse. Too many people have gender identity conflicts to say they are all mentally ill.

When people like you say either you are like me or your are mentally ill, what you show is a limited understanding of the complexity of the human body and mind. And you use this limitation in an angry, bigoted way. You have nothing to be arrogant about because your belief in your perspective is only that: a belief in one perspective. Your perspective does not represent fact; it represents a limited view and understanding.
Or let's do,this scientifically like you dems always clamor for. People who do what Jenner did are twenty times more likely to commit suicide. So this stuff is bad for your health. Hello!
They are more likely to commit suicide because of people like you who don't accept them, who taunt and ridicule them, who treat them like they are crazy and sick, etc. It's people like you who cause their suicides, not transgendering.
It is not “vitriol” nor “anger” to call a blatant falsehood for what it is.

Mr. Jenner is not, has never been, and will never be female. That is a solid, unalterable, scientific fact. Those who insist on claiming that he is female are simply wrong.

Legally she is female

If one can legally change gender, then one can legally become a dog.

I wonder can I legally become black.
It is not “vitriol” nor “anger” to call a blatant falsehood for what it is.

Mr. Jenner is not, has never been, and will never be female. That is a solid, unalterable, scientific fact. Those who insist on claiming that he is female are simply wrong.

Only if you are completely and totally incapable of thinking outside the box. Those with limited intuition, limited vision, limited awareness that there is more to the human species than what makes up your biological chemical details, such people cannot imagine that someone can be male or female biologically but have mental and emotional components that are the opposite of their biology.

Also, we don't know everything yet. Anything we know about science, biology, the soul and the spirit--it's all limited. We are not all knowing, we are not fully informed about the entire essense [sic] of life. So, we truly have no way of fully knowing or understanding such things as gender identity. Too many people are homosexual, and knew it since childhood, to say they are mentally ill or purposly [sic] perverse. Too many people have gender identity conflicts to say they are all mentally ill.

When people like you say either you are like me or your are mentally ill, what you show is a limited understanding of the complexity of the human body and mind. And you use this limitation in an angry, bigoted way. You have nothing to be arrogant about because your belief in your perspective is only that: a belief in one perspective. Your perspective does not represent fact; it represents a limited view and understanding.

When I discuss this topic, I am very much reminded of the classic tale of The Emperor's New Clothes.

The story tells us of the Emperor being approached by a group of men who offer to create, for him, a spectacular new outfit. They claim to have the ability to create a cloth that has the magical property of being invisible to anyone who is either unpardonably stupid, or else unfit for his post.

I'm sure you know how the story goes. The Emperor himself cannot see these clothes. He suspects that he's been duped, but he dares not say so, for fear that he will be judged to be stupid or incompetent. The same is true of all the members of his household and staff.

The Emperor has the tailors dress him in these clothes, and he parades about his Kingdom. All the people gush and fawn over how spectacular His Majesty's new outfit is, also being afraid to admit what they can clearly see, for nobody wants to be thought to be stupid or incompetent.

In the story, it takes a young, innocent child, who does not understand what he is supposed to be afraid of, to speak up and say what everyone can see, but nobody will admit—that His Majesty is parading before them stark naked.

We, as a society, have been lied to. This notion of “transgenderism” or “gender fluidity” is absurd on its face, and none of us have a good excuse not to see that. From an early age, we all come to understand that there are essential differences between boys and girls; and by adulthood, we understand the significance and immutability of these differences. This lie has been pushed on us, with the claim that if we do not accept it, then we are “hateful”, “bigoted”, “ignorant”, that we have “a limited understanding”, that “we are not fully informed about the entire essense [sic] of life”, and that we “use this limitation in an angry, bigoted way.” Foolishly, too many of us allow ourselves to be intimidated by such threats, into playing along with what we can clearly see is a lie. Some of us even go so far as to convince themselves to believe the lie, in order to avoid being all the adverse things that they've been told they must be to reject it.

Anything we know about science, biology, the soul and the spirit--it's all limited.

We know enough about science and biology to clearly and unambiguously know what male and female mean. If you reject this knowledge, in favor of nonsensical wrong-wing psychobabble, then the error is on you.
If one can legally change gender, then one can legally become a dog.

I wonder can I legally become black.

Rachel Dolezal and Shaun King seem to think so. Neither of them is as dissimilar from the black persons that they claimed to be, as Bruce Jenner is dissimilar from a genuine woman; so if we are to accept Mr. Jenner's claim that he is a woman, then we have no excuse not to accept Ms. Dolezal's and Mr. King's claims that they are black.
If one can legally change gender, then one can legally become a dog.

I wonder can I legally become black.

Rachel Dolezal and Shaun King seem to think so. Neither of them is as dissimilar from the black persons that they claimed to be, as Bruce Jenner is dissimilar from a genuine woman; so if we are to accept Mr. Jenner's claim that he is a woman, then we have no excuse not to accept Ms. Dolezal's and Mr. King's claims that they are black.
Exactly because "The Law of Equality" + "New Vogue of Un-Making Reality" = Anyone can claim they are anything they are clearly not.

And I still say that the most rigid sterotyping people of gender roles on the planet are those so fixated on taboo boundaries for "what constitutes normal male emotional range" and "what constitutions normal female emotional range" that they prescribe anyone crossing those boundaries as needing to have their genitals surgically removed.

That's three dimensional insanity. That's insanity justifying insanity justifying insanity.

And we're all supposed to go along with that?

It is not “vitriol” nor “anger” to call a blatant falsehood for what it is.

Mr. Jenner is not, has never been, and will never be female. That is a solid, unalterable, scientific fact. Those who insist on claiming that he is female are simply wrong.

Legally she is female

If one can legally change gender, then one can legally become a dog.

I wonder can I legally become black.

some dogs have been registered to vote

Would you feel the same about a hermaphrodite? Jenner was born with the brain of a women and a the body of a man. The brain rules the body. Why should jenner not have the right to choose which gender to be? it is not so different from having both male and female body parts.

Men are born with both X and Y chromosomes. They are both male and female. For jenner, her brain has told her she is female despite the fact she had a male body.
If one can legally change gender, then one can legally become a dog.

I wonder can I legally become black.

Rachel Dolezal and Shaun King seem to think so. Neither of them is as dissimilar from the black persons that they claimed to be, as Bruce Jenner is dissimilar from a genuine woman; so if we are to accept Mr. Jenner's claim that he is a woman, then we have no excuse not to accept Ms. Dolezal's and Mr. King's claims that they are black.
Bruce officially changed his name to Caitlyn and went to physical transformation from male to female.
Dolezal and King both did not make any changes to become black.
They did not even bother to buy a black spray paint but they claimed they are black. Is that make any sense?
Or let's do,this scientifically like you dems always clamor for. People who do what Jenner did are twenty times more likely to commit suicide. So this stuff is bad for your health. Hello!
If you tattooed forehead and your lower head PRICK.
Who am I to question you what you want with your body?
Do you have link where these 20x that you mentioned?

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