Jennifer Rubin promotes regime change in Iran

The Atlanta Jewish times told us that a decade ago...

Have US based Mossad agents take out a President - homO - deemed unfriendly to Israel so that Biden could forcefully dictate US foreign policy to help Israel obliterate its enemies.

CRANK UP THE WAR MACHINE! The lefties want war.

Umm...Jennifer Rubin is a life-long conservative and defender of Israel, friend to Bibi and W. Bush and National Review and everything that was Republican until Trump hijacked the Party.

She's definitely not a "leftie".


She is 100% a leftie.


CRANK UP THE WAR MACHINE! The lefties want war.

Umm...Jennifer Rubin is a life-long conservative and defender of Israel, friend to Bibi and W. Bush and National Review and everything that was Republican until Trump hijacked the Party.

She's definitely not a "leftie".


Translation - Rubin is a Zionist who cares only about Israel and was 100 percent for the Dems prior to the hijacking of the Republican part by big spending, big government Zionist traitors led by W and Fox News in the late 1990's. There is absolutely nothing conservative about Rubin. There was absolutely nothing conservative about the eight years of Zionist treason and bible thumping socialism that was the W presidency. W is the worst traitor in US history, and Rubin made a fortune on 911 investing in oil, gold, defense stocks, and the long bond will full knowledge that the Mossad would succeed with the 911 false flag attack on 911 because the W administration was chock full of Zionist traitors.

Biden and Rubin are ideological clones, disagree on nothing.
Trump did not hijack the party.

Trump tried to unhijack it, but stupidly appointed too many Zionist traitors to too many positions, and all of them stabbed trump in the back during the steal.

CRANK UP THE WAR MACHINE! The lefties want war.

Umm...Jennifer Rubin is a life-long conservative and defender of Israel, friend to Bibi and W. Bush and National Review and everything that was Republican until Trump hijacked the Party.

She's definitely not a "leftie".


Being a supporter of W, Israel, and Bibi makes one the same as

Ed Koch
Dick Morris
Rupert Murdoch - Biden's biggest supporter
FFS! Not again.
I'm as much a patriot as anyone else but Iran is NOT the same as Iraq. We may be forced to choose to allow the most dangerous nation on the planet to have nukes OR use nukes to keep them from possessing them. Trump's pressure was WORKING. The day we attack Iran, the SAME DAY, Americans at home will be dying from Iranian terror cells. IF we HAVE to fight that country, they need to be devastated IN DETAIL, in a couple of days. END the MULLAHOCRACY FOREVER.
Yes, indeed, you are 100 percent patriotic....

To Israel and only Israel.
Translation - Rubin is a Zionist who cares only about Israel and was 100 percent for the Dems
No, Rubin is a Zionist who cares only about Israel and was 100 percent for the Republicans. Stop talking out of your ass, especially when her columns throughout the Obama years are readily available to prove you wrong.

Yep, then she went to the WAPO.

What, specifically, are her right wing leanings now?
HomO was AFTER the W presidency.

The GOO was hijacked by Zionists under W. It ceased being anything conservative after W.

Try to grow a few working brain cells before getting that completely wrong again...
HomO was AFTER the W presidency.

The GOO was hijacked by Zionists under W. It ceased being anything conservative after W.

Try to grow a few working brain cells before getting that completely wrong again...

Bush just said the other day that we should not leave Afghanistan because of women’s rights.

Fuck him. 20 years isnt enough?

Afghanistan is a lost cause.

Can you imagine how the world would be different if Clinton took Bin Ladin?

Why doesnt this bitch get a rifle and attack Iran?

Talk about tone deaf.

USA has war fatigue. No more fucking regime change wars to make Raytheon executives rich while killing millions of brown people.

Translation - Rubin is a Zionist who cares only about Israel and was 100 percent for the Dems
No, Rubin is a Zionist who cares only about Israel and was 100 percent for the Republicans. Stop talking out of your ass, especially when her columns throughout the Obama years are readily available to prove you wrong.

Yep, then she went to the WAPO.

What, specifically, are her right wing leanings now?
The same ones espoused by Republicans since Reagan, then abandoned with Trump.

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