Jerrad and Ivanka security documents leaked to Dem Congress

Our wonderful Pres.Trump and his loving family are the best thing to happen to this country in decades.

He deserves to be praised and adored by all citizens for his unselfish service and dedication to the nation.

Only miscreants and malcontents will deny this fact. .... :cool:
Our wonderful Pres.Trump and his loving family are the best thing to happen to this country in decades.

He deserves to be praised and adored by all citizens for his unselfish service and dedication to the nation.

Only miscreants and malcontents will deny this fact. .... :cool:
Wow. Get your nose out of the giant orange ass, man.

That's just..unseemly... to be kind
how terrible of someone to do! :laughing0301::laughing0301:

Maybe the staff has finally realized they are working for an asshole?
I'd guess it's one thing for a POTUS to decide he wants people related to him to be advisors even it they legally can't be in the cabinet, or possibly even employed in the exec branch, and it's even one thing if the Potus decides they get a clearance because he can, and if Congress has a problem, congress can raise it.

But when the boychins start meeting privately with the Saudis and Russians without any record of what's said, or even a heads up to US natl defense ... and Jared got at least one bailout from ME potentates ......
White House Source Leaks Ivanka/Jared Clearance Docs to House Dems: Report

Ha Ha! The POS president is being screwed by his own staff....
Good. Let’s find out how a woman who’s life work is a fashion brand gifted to her by daddy and her husband, a corrupt son of a mobster, neither of whom have any qualifications or ability worthy of ANY security clearance, obtained the right to negotiate on behalf of America. In secret, even.

Your obviously had no idea how security clearances are given. You don’t need to “qualify” for them. They look at your history to see if you are a risk for giving out secrets or betraying the country. If you rant against the US government, if you do drugs, if you are in financial trouble, are all warning signs.
White House Source Leaks Ivanka/Jared Clearance Docs to House Dems: Report

Ha Ha! The POS president is being screwed by his own staff....
Good. Let’s find out how a woman who’s life work is a fashion brand gifted to her by daddy and her husband, a corrupt son of a mobster, neither of whom have any qualifications or ability worthy of ANY security clearance, obtained the right to negotiate on behalf of America. In secret, even.

Your obviously had no idea how security clearances are given. You don’t need to “qualify” for them. They look at your history to see if you are a risk for giving out secrets or betraying the country. If you rant against the US government, if you do drugs, if you are in financial trouble, are all warning signs.
Trump regularly ranted against the US government and has been in financial trouble for a long time.

He's such a huge risk that American banks won't even touch him. He had to turn to Russian mobsters for cash.
As has been said....trump is the greatest risk to this country since the Civil War.

Forcing security clearance to risks such as the Kushner couple us putting the nation at risk.

Hell! Most security experts would not even give trump himself clearance...if he hadn't benefited from Putin's trolls in 2016.

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