Jesse the Body Ventura considering 2020 run

that would make for an interesting debate,,,Jesse the Body VS Biden the Feeler
He did such a good job as governor.

I have a list of his accomplishments right here.


Oh, wait...…...
The legislature was adversarial towards him...The press treated him nearly as poorly and Cheeto is treated... Hods the record for most overridden vetoes in state history.

But instead of sucking it up with the knowledge he was governing uphill and against the wind, he turned into a bug fat whiny little bitch.
Squeked by on a technicality with the help of a little treason but whatevs
What I find interesting about Ventura is that he ran for office and served under his wrestling moniker instead of his legal, given name.

Contrasts with the mayor of Knox County, Glenn Jacobs who is serving under his legal name instead of as Kane Bearer, his WWE identity or Isaac Yankem, his previous wrestling persona.
He did such a good job as governor.

I have a list of his accomplishments right here.


Oh, wait...…...
The legislature was adversarial towards him...The press treated him nearly as poorly and Cheeto is treated... Hods the record for most overridden vetoes in state history.

But instead of sucking it up with the knowledge he was governing uphill and against the wind, he turned into a bug fat whiny little bitch.

The legislature was adversarial towards him...

Well, yeah, he was a loon.
He guarantees that if he runs, he will beat President Trump easily.

Porn star Melvin Slapinbootey is considering a run in 2020.

His platform is the following :

  • He believes everything should be free
  • He likes to ski naked
  • He knows where to get the best dope
  • Sometimes he likes to put on women's clothing
  • He believes in open borders
  • He hates white people
  • He thinks Trump should be impeached
  • He wants our guns
  • He's 1/1024th native American
  • He likes beer
  • He likes blowjobs, giving and receiving
He has a great chance of winning the nomination

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