Jesse Ventura talks 9/11 makes fox news stooge walk off stage.

Jesse said he blew up a lot of stuff as a demolition guy with seals.
Yet he can't fathom how the WTC was so finely destroyed into many small fragments.. as if there were planted explosives.

So Jesse.. when did these explosives get planted?
Remember Rosie couldn't understand how steel could melt?
Guess she never saw a steel mill.

Jesse also thinks bush/Cheney went and planted all that C-4 in their spare time....
That's why most rationale people who saw the planes on TV and the people that were there seem to have a good perspective that the WTC didn't need explosives when you consider there was
thousands of gallons of Jet A!
Jesse said he blew up a lot of stuff as a demolition guy with seals.
Yet he can't fathom how the WTC was so finely destroyed into many small fragments.. as if there were planted explosives.

So Jesse.. when did these explosives get planted?
Remember Rosie couldn't understand how steel could melt?
Guess she never saw a steel mill.

Jesse also thinks bush/Cheney went and planted all that C-4 in their spare time....
That's why most rationale people who saw the planes on TV and the people that were there seem to have a good perspective that the WTC didn't need explosives when you consider there was
thousands of gallons of Jet A!

Please don't play 'debunker' in this thread, you'll get it moved to Conspiracy Theories.

But just so you know, jet fuel doesn't burn hot enough to create molten steel, even if there is enough of it to burn for a WEEK.
I pitied the man who is Jesse Venture until I meet the man who believed his conspiracy theories.
I pitied the man who is Jesse Venture until I meet the man who believed his conspiracy theories.

When does a 'conspiracy theory' cross the line and become a 'conspiracy fact'?

No idea my best guess would be when enough people start to believe it despite the absence of any real facts to support it the second gunman on the grassy knoll comes to mind.
Jesse said he blew up a lot of stuff as a demolition guy with seals.
Yet he can't fathom how the WTC was so finely destroyed into many small fragments.. as if there were planted explosives.

So Jesse.. when did these explosives get planted?
Remember Rosie couldn't understand how steel could melt?
Guess she never saw a steel mill.

Jesse also thinks bush/Cheney went and planted all that C-4 in their spare time....
That's why most rationale people who saw the planes on TV and the people that were there seem to have a good perspective that the WTC didn't need explosives when you consider there was
thousands of gallons of Jet A!

Jessie lied. He was never a SEAL. He was a UDT, which was morphed into the SEAL's AFTER he retired.

I trust nothing he says.
I pitied the man who is Jesse Venture until I meet the man who believed his conspiracy theories.

When does a 'conspiracy theory' cross the line and become a 'conspiracy fact'?

No idea my best guess would be when enough people start to believe it despite the absence of any real facts to support it the second gunman on the grassy knoll comes to mind.

Gulf of Tonkin incident, USS Liberty, Agenda 21, Operation Northwoods. All of these were at one time called 'conspiracy theories', and now they are accepted as conspiracy fact. The truth finally came out.

The truth of the Kennedy assassination was SUPPOSED to come out in 1992, but the powers that be decided it should be hidden for ANOTHER 25 years.
The President John F. Kennedy Assassination Records Collection Act of 1992, or the JFK Records Act, is a public law passed by the United States Congress, effective October 26, 1992.

The Act requires that each assassination record be publicly disclosed in full, and be available in the collection no later than the date that is 25 years after the date of enactment of the Act (i.e., October 26, 2017), unless the President of the United States certifies that: (1) continued postponement is made necessary by an identifiable harm to the military defense, intelligence operations, law enforcement, or conduct of foreign relations; and (2) the identifiable harm is of such gravity that it outweighs the public interest in disclosure.

As of 2012 there are 50,000 pages of government documents relating to the assassination that have not been released.

It'll be awhile before we know what happened on 9/11...
Not even sure Bin Laden did it. If he did Mossad and the Bush admin knew about it and planted explosives to make sure the buildings came down.

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