Koresh was different by waging war against the government while surrounding himself with babies/children/noncombatants than Islamofascists HOW exactly?
He was a citizen of the United States.
GunnyL said:Do you have a different standard for domestic noncombatants than foreign ones?
GunnyL said:I don't have any particular trust in our government; however, when someone openly defies the US government and threaten violence, I don't see why they think they gov't is going to back down to one dipstick with a rifle or a commune leader with an arsenal of weapons at his disposal.
That's apparently the way Bill Clinton saw it, too. And, it's become all too obvious, he did not take kindly to what he saw as affronts to his power as the head of the federal government. But, even kooks - if they're American kooks - enjoy the protection of the U.S. Constitution - or should. And Bill Clinton would just as soon wipe his ass on the Constitution. When he perceived a slight to HIS PERSONAL POWER, God help anyone who got in his way - ESPECIALLY noncombatants.
As far as Elian Gonzalez - I don't know how the whole thing would have played out if done properly. But, Clinton ARBITRARILY submitted the life of a U.S. citizen to the will of a foreign power - and was happy to do it. I can never forgive him; America must never forget his tyrannies.