Jesus Christ is BACK!


VIP Member
Nov 17, 2013
If you Christians don't believe it, you're not Christians, you are a fraud. Jesus Christ is forming a new world government, where the establishment can not manipulate elections, where people have the power and are not excluded from the decision making process. Jesus told me BURN all bibles, and all the historic books, because the time is here for the new age. Educate people from your heart for it is more powerful, it has grown. Do not worry about the ignorant for they are nothing more than the leaves in the fall, and spread the message about the for it is the bible of the new world politics, and the cult known as the former Christianity is just a bunch of racist swine who think they are better than the rest because they read a certain book written by certain people who crucified me. They want me dead because they want to be able to put words in my mouth and hide behind a man who can not talk back, but you, the spokesman of the new world government are a living god - lead your children home.
Matthew 24:23 Then if any man shall say unto you, Lo, here is Christ, or there; believe it not.

Matthew 24:24 For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect.

Matthew 24:25 Behold, I have told you before.

Matthew 24:26 Wherefore if they shall say unto you, Behold, he is in the desert; go not forth: behold, he is in the secret chambers; believe it not.
So, you chastise the "ignorant" yet espouse your intent to burn books.


We've suggested he educate himself about what the Bible says and he decided to just completely ignore it and went off on this "Im Jesus" tangent.
If you Christians don't believe it, you're not Christians, you are a fraud. Jesus Christ is forming a new world government, where the establishment can not manipulate elections, where people have the power and are not excluded from the decision making process. Jesus told me BURN all bibles, and all the historic books, because the time is here for the new age. Educate people from your heart for it is more powerful, it has grown. Do not worry about the ignorant for they are nothing more than the leaves in the fall, and spread the message about the for it is the bible of the new world politics, and the cult known as the former Christianity is just a bunch of racist swine who think they are better than the rest because they read a certain book written by certain people who crucified me. They want me dead because they want to be able to put words in my mouth and hide behind a man who can not talk back, but you, the spokesman of the new world government are a living god - lead your children home.

I just said a prayer for you.
Matthew 24:24 For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets,
Only the establishment who wrote Matthew knows the real Christ

You're not Jesus Christ.
That's right, and you are no Christian, and if you claim to be you are only a fraud.
Yeah, well I'm Batman!
That's still better than a fraud.

I am 100 percent certain that you ain't God, so your opinion matters none, to anyone except those that follow you, and they must be :cuckoo:
Matthew 24:24 For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets,
Only the establishment who wrote Matthew knows the real Christ

That's right, and you are no Christian, and if you claim to be you are only a fraud.
Yeah, well I'm Batman!
That's still better than a fraud.

I am 100 percent certain that you ain't God, so your opinion matters none, to anyone except those that follow you, and they must be :cuckoo:

Apparently he only has chickens following him. They made him a world leader. Really sad isn't it?
Matthew 24:24 For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets,
Only the establishment who wrote Matthew knows the real Christ

That's right, and you are no Christian, and if you claim to be you are only a fraud.
Yeah, well I'm Batman!
That's still better than a fraud.

I am 100 percent certain that you ain't God, so your opinion matters none, to anyone except those that follow you, and they must be :cuckoo:
Well I'm 100 percent certain that you were not a straight A student in school, because you can not read properly.
Only the establishment who wrote Matthew knows the real Christ

That's right, and you are no Christian, and if you claim to be you are only a fraud.
That's still better than a fraud.

I am 100 percent certain that you ain't God, so your opinion matters none, to anyone except those that follow you, and they must be :cuckoo:
Well I'm 100 percent certain that you were not a straight A student in school, because you can not read properly.

That's your Big comeback?
I am 100 percent certain that you ain't God, so your opinion matters none, to anyone except those that follow you, and they must be :cuckoo:
Well I'm 100 percent certain that you were not a straight A student in school, because you can not read properly.

That's your Big comeback?
The ridiculous part about you and a couple of your buddies in this thread is that I never claimed to be anything more than what I am, while you all began claiming to be batmen.
If you Christians don't believe it, you're not Christians, you are a fraud. Jesus Christ is forming a new world government, where the establishment can not manipulate elections, where people have the power and are not excluded from the decision making process. Jesus told me BURN all bibles, and all the historic books, because the time is here for the new age. Educate people from your heart for it is more powerful, it has grown. Do not worry about the ignorant for they are nothing more than the leaves in the fall, and spread the message about the for it is the bible of the new world politics, and the cult known as the former Christianity is just a bunch of racist swine who think they are better than the rest because they read a certain book written by certain people who crucified me. They want me dead because they want to be able to put words in my mouth and hide behind a man who can not talk back, but you, the spokesman of the new world government are a living god - lead your children home.

I just said a prayer for you.
I always appreciate a prayer, let us pray for world peace, for that is what all good people want.
If you Christians don't believe it, you're not Christians, you are a fraud. Jesus Christ is forming a new world government, where the establishment can not manipulate elections, where people have the power and are not excluded from the decision making process. Jesus told me BURN all bibles, and all the historic books, because the time is here for the new age. Educate people from your heart for it is more powerful, it has grown. Do not worry about the ignorant for they are nothing more than the leaves in the fall, and spread the message about the for it is the bible of the new world politics, and the cult known as the former Christianity is just a bunch of racist swine who think they are better than the rest because they read a certain book written by certain people who crucified me. They want me dead because they want to be able to put words in my mouth and hide behind a man who can not talk back, but you, the spokesman of the new world government are a living god - lead your children home.

That's Satan your talking to. You'll know when Christ comes back. :eusa_angel:

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