Jesus making a presence and appearing to me

I saw Jesus and the 12 disciples in a giant toaster car with a banana trailer last week
parked at my neighbor's fishing in their pond.

Judas showed up later on a bike.
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Not anymore. But I did. The video is 2 months old.
Mortimer, Anglo society is very anti-religious. To illustrate, I bought some T-shirts online back in the 1990's because I liked thhe style, and one of them had on the back the crucifixion of Jesus depicted. It was beautiful art, and most cultures dont have a problem with putting the crucifix on art of all kinds. But not Anglos.

I wore it one day to mass without really thinking about it. I just wanted something clean that didnt have holes in it because I am a certified slob.

On the way out of mass, the white old priest said to me, 'How wonderful, you wear the Mystery of Christ on your T-Shirt like an advertisement!'

I said 'I am advertising Christ? Well someone has to.'

I bring this up because few if any Anglos are going to return your sincere posts with anything other than scorn. Anglos do not like seeing religion on display, as the old Anglican Church hated such things due to the religious wars fought in the years following the death of Henry VIII. IT is frowned on and considered at the level of selling snake oil.

I met some Polish migrants who were amazed at the hostility to Christian expression here in the US. I told them to say that they were Eastern Catholics and then you get more of a pass since you are not Protestant.

In a nation where abortion on demand is legally regarded as a constitutional right, religion is looked upon with suspicion and hatred by our Oligarchs.
Not anymore. But I did. The video is 2 months old.
Mortimer, Anglo society is very anti-religious. To illustrate, I bought some T-shirts online back in the 1990's because I liked thhe style, and one of them had on the back the crucifixion of Jesus depicted. It was beautiful art, and most cultures dont have a problem with putting the crucifix on art of all kinds. But not Anglos.

I wore it one day to mass without really thinking about it. I just wanted something clean that didnt have holes in it because I am a certified slob.

On the way out of mass, the white old priest said to me, 'How wonderful, you wear the Mystery of Christ on your T-Shirt like an advertisement!'

I said 'I am advertising Christ? Well someone has to.'

I bring this up because few if any Anglos are going to return your sincere posts with anything other than scorn. Anglos do not like seeing religion on display, as the old Anglican Church hated such things due to the religious wars fought in the years following the death of Henry VIII. IT is frowned on and considered at the level of selling snake oil.

I met some Polish migrants who were amazed at the hostility to Christian expression here in the US. I told them to say that they were Eastern Catholics and then you get more of a pass since you are not Protestant.

In a nation where abortion on demand is legally regarded as a constitutional right, religion is looked upon with suspicion and hatred by our Oligarchs.

Christians or Religion has it hard in many countries though. I think France calls itself laicistic and they forbid crosses and such. Recently also burqa but first crosses.
Christians or Religion has it hard in many countries though. I think France calls itself laicistic and they forbid crosses and such. Recently also burqa but first crosses.
The French have been a nation of losers since Verdun. The Germans bled their souls dry.
Not anymore. But I did. The video is 2 months old.
Mortimer, Anglo society is very anti-religious. To illustrate, I bought some T-shirts online back in the 1990's because I liked thhe style, and one of them had on the back the crucifixion of Jesus depicted. It was beautiful art, and most cultures dont have a problem with putting the crucifix on art of all kinds. But not Anglos.

I wore it one day to mass without really thinking about it. I just wanted something clean that didnt have holes in it because I am a certified slob.

On the way out of mass, the white old priest said to me, 'How wonderful, you wear the Mystery of Christ on your T-Shirt like an advertisement!'

I said 'I am advertising Christ? Well someone has to.'

I bring this up because few if any Anglos are going to return your sincere posts with anything other than scorn. Anglos do not like seeing religion on display, as the old Anglican Church hated such things due to the religious wars fought in the years following the death of Henry VIII. IT is frowned on and considered at the level of selling snake oil.

I met some Polish migrants who were amazed at the hostility to Christian expression here in the US. I told them to say that they were Eastern Catholics and then you get more of a pass since you are not Protestant.

In a nation where abortion on demand is legally regarded as a constitutional right, religion is looked upon with suspicion and hatred by our Oligarchs.
You are dreaming. The US is about as religious as Anglo countries get.
Yeashua was always one to be able to blend in completely with the crowds of the day. That's why Jude had to out him when that days Owners band of Nazi meatheads were hunting him down.
Did you see something like this ?

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