Jesus Not Welcome in Colorado Springs

God is a figment of the imagination of the gullible. Fearing a sign with his name on it is even dumber than a belief in him. Nuts on both sides.

Seriously people, get over yourselves.
Just curious - what's the downside to believing everyone was born equal in the image of God?
Believe whatever you like. Why would I care?
Is it crazy to love your neighbor as yourself? That there is no greater love than laying down your life for someone? The greatest commandment is to take care of widows and orphans?
What exactly is your beef?
My "beef" is the asinine fight over stupid shit. Who cares if JESUS is painted on the bench..... But at the same time who cares if it is removed.....

Waste of energy and intolerance by BOTH sides. You can believe in unicorns for all I care
God is a figment of the imagination of the gullible. Fearing a sign with his name on it is even dumber than a belief in him. Nuts on both sides.

Seriously people, get over yourselves.
Just curious - what's the downside to believing everyone was born equal in the image of God?
Believe whatever you like. Why would I care?
Is it crazy to love your neighbor as yourself? That there is no greater love than laying down your life for someone? The greatest commandment is to take care of widows and orphans?
What exactly is your beef?
My "beef" is the asinine fight over stupid shit. Who cares if JESUS is painted on the bench..... But at the same time who cares if it is removed.....

Waste of energy and intolerance by BOTH sides. You can believe in unicorns for all I care
America was founded on one concept - freedom.
So yes, it is a big deal when the government starts limiting freedoms.
Standing for freedom is never a waste of time.
God is a figment of the imagination of the gullible. Fearing a sign with his name on it is even dumber than a belief in him. Nuts on both sides.

Seriously people, get over yourselves.
Just curious - what's the downside to believing everyone was born equal in the image of God?
Believe whatever you like. Why would I care?
Is it crazy to love your neighbor as yourself? That there is no greater love than laying down your life for someone? The greatest commandment is to take care of widows and orphans?
What exactly is your beef?
My "beef" is the asinine fight over stupid shit. Who cares if JESUS is painted on the bench..... But at the same time who cares if it is removed.....

Waste of energy and intolerance by BOTH sides. You can believe in unicorns for all I care
America was founded on one concept - freedom.
So yes, it is a big deal when the government starts limiting freedoms.
Standing for freedom is never a waste of time.
The government removed the sign via imposed restrictions on freedom?

Complete bullshit and exactly what I ment by asinine arguments. IT'S A FUCKING BUS STOP
Just curious - what's the downside to believing everyone was born equal in the image of God?
Believe whatever you like. Why would I care?
Is it crazy to love your neighbor as yourself? That there is no greater love than laying down your life for someone? The greatest commandment is to take care of widows and orphans?
What exactly is your beef?
My "beef" is the asinine fight over stupid shit. Who cares if JESUS is painted on the bench..... But at the same time who cares if it is removed.....

Waste of energy and intolerance by BOTH sides. You can believe in unicorns for all I care
America was founded on one concept - freedom.
So yes, it is a big deal when the government starts limiting freedoms.
Standing for freedom is never a waste of time.
The government removed the sign via imposed restrictions on freedom?

Complete bullshit and exactly what I ment by asinine arguments. IT'S A FUCKING BUS STOP
Yes, that is why the ACLU has jumped in.
Why do you support the restriction of liberties that have existed since the founding of this nation?
The government shall be on his shoulders....

One person complained, so Jesus is not allowed. Nation is run by haters.

View attachment 79908

City tries to curtail use of Jesus in ads on bus benches
That person is free to leave whenever they want if they don't like what is in their face.

God bless you and them always!!!

Atheists aren't like that. They believe in God, in spite of what they claim, and are angry at him, like an estranged child. Any sign that reminds them of God sends them into fits of rage and they have to obliterate it. If only they could just jump into the ocean and make peace with God like Lieutenant Dan did.
I could be wrong, but I think what brought Lieutenant Dan to the Lord was the fact that him and Forest Gump survived that storm when all of the other boats were destroyed and if a moment like that is what it takes to get an Atheist to know that the Lord really does exist, well then so be it.

God bless you and them always!!!


P.S. That situation, to me, is one of the best parts of the Forest Gump film. :) :) :)
The city expressed concern that it would be forced to allow "hate speech" on its bus benches. The city can solve its problem by not allowing advertising from anyone. But that would mean giving up on making money, so they take the less principled approach of trying to censor advertisers.

The city is on shaky ground. Should the deny commercial activity based on the religion of those engaging, they face civil rights charges on a federal level. No different than if the city prohibited buying danish from a bakery because the owner was Muslim.

The Weinstein clown might hate Christians, but he has no legal foundation for his idiocy.
Who cares if JESUS is painted on the bench
Only you Democrats are.
It's your fascist nature.
Another right winger who doesn't understand Fascism.
Fascism: a political philosophy, movement, or regime (as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition.

Like a government singling out individuals to suppress their Constitutional Liberties.
Who cares if JESUS is painted on the bench
Only you Democrats are.
It's your fascist nature.
Another right winger who doesn't understand Fascism.
Fascism: a political philosophy, movement, or regime (as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition.

Like a government singling out individuals to suppress their Constitutional Liberties.
Yes, like the Right.
Who cares if JESUS is painted on the bench
Only you Democrats are.
It's your fascist nature.
Another right winger who doesn't understand Fascism.
Fascism: a political philosophy, movement, or regime (as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition.

Like a government singling out individuals to suppress their Constitutional Liberties.
Yes, like the Right.
More lies, but it's your nature.

Only one group has made a big deal about the sign and wants to eliminate the Constitutional Rights of people.
Who cares if JESUS is painted on the bench
Only you Democrats are.
It's your fascist nature.
Another right winger who doesn't understand Fascism.
Ignorant progressive fascists seem to think fascism is only a by product of right wing politics.

They fail to comprehend that right/left wing is completely relative to the era and the country in which you live...and that fascists will adopt the culture of right OR left, as it suits them to gain power.

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