Jesus on Marriage...

Any of you bible scholars want to adress this? Romans 1 and Homosexuality

I already did....a LONG time ago

Not with me. Romans 1:26-27 "Because of this, God gave them over to shameful lusts. Even their women exchanged natural sexual relations for unnatural ones. In the same way the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another. Men committed shameful acts with other men, and received in themselves the due penalty for their error."

Explain that to me.

I already did. Scroll back to previous pages. In fact I addressed it twice. Go look. It's not my problem if you ignored it the first two times.
I already did....a LONG time ago

Not with me. Romans 1:26-27 "Because of this, God gave them over to shameful lusts. Even their women exchanged natural sexual relations for unnatural ones. In the same way the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another. Men committed shameful acts with other men, and received in themselves the due penalty for their error."

Explain that to me.

I already did. Scroll back to previous pages. In fact I addressed it twice. Go look. It's not my problem if you ignored it the first two times.

You didn't address it with me. That passage is speaking of homosexiality. If you can't see that, then you're deceived.
You need to remember that the bible is rather poetic and makes extensive use of metaphors. Especially in this case... The third instance described ("there are eunuchs who have made themselves eunuchs for the sake of the kingdom of heaven") is mostly commonly thought as those choosing a life of celibacy. They're not literally eunuchs either... it's just a metaphor.

As I previously mentioned... it really just depends on one's own interpretation of certain texts.

Correct but we are talking to people who think that when it says Lot's wife was turned into "a pillar of salt" that she literally became a column of sodium chloride.

Oh I see so the Bible was being "poetic" and using a metaphor when using the word "eunuchs" to talk about homosexuals as well.

You people are so desperate to justify homosexuality. Why can't you queers just say you disagree with the Bible and leave it at that? Instead you have to lie about what is clearly stated in the Bible in order to try to convice us that what your abhorrent behavior perfectly normal and even moral.

Uh Hawk....I'm not gay. Hate to break this to you but just because someone opposes the hatred against humanity espoused by some members of the Christian faith it doesn't automatically mean they are homosexual. Some of us just abhor ignorance and the persecution of God's children based upon ignorance.
Not with me. Romans 1:26-27 "Because of this, God gave them over to shameful lusts. Even their women exchanged natural sexual relations for unnatural ones. In the same way the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another. Men committed shameful acts with other men, and received in themselves the due penalty for their error."

Explain that to me.

I already did. Scroll back to previous pages. In fact I addressed it twice. Go look. It's not my problem if you ignored it the first two times.

You didn't address it with me. That passage is speaking of homosexiality. If you can't see that, then you're deceived.

Yeah I addressed it twice very fucking specifically to everyone reading the thread and that includes you. I broke down every single verse mal quoted in his OP. It's all there in extreme detail. Go back and look it up yourself.
Which version? My English versions, my Greek version, or my Hebrew versions? They all say different things. That's the point you don't seem to grasp.

You can use whatever version you want. They all say the same thing, a man having sex with another man is a disgusting act. No amount of tapdancing that you do is ever going to change that.

No they fucking don't genius. They do NOT say the same thing so since you say I can use any version I want I will use the Hebrew Interlinear Version which says

"and male not you shall lie beds of women unclean he"

There you go.....makes a lot of fucking sense doesn't it?

Not to you. That doesn't mean it doesn't make sense, however.

I love the arrogance of pseudo intellectuals who think that if they can't make sense out of something that is beyond their capabilities and education to understand, why, then, it must not make sense! "If I can't understand it, NOBODY can!"
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Correct but we are talking to people who think that when it says Lot's wife was turned into "a pillar of salt" that she literally became a column of sodium chloride.

Oh I see so the Bible was being "poetic" and using a metaphor when using the word "eunuchs" to talk about homosexuals as well.

You people are so desperate to justify homosexuality. Why can't you queers just say you disagree with the Bible and leave it at that? Instead you have to lie about what is clearly stated in the Bible in order to try to convice us that what your abhorrent behavior perfectly normal and even moral.

Uh Hawk....I'm not gay. Hate to break this to you but just because someone opposes the hatred against humanity espoused by some members of the Christian faith it doesn't automatically mean they are homosexual. Some of us just abhor ignorance and the persecution of God's children based upon ignorance.

I see what's going on here now. You are convinced that Christians who believe the Word of God are "Haters" when it comes to homosexuality, so you are doing all you can to undermine and plant doubt as to the authenticity of the Word of God regarding homosexuaility.

You're deceived.
Which version? My English versions, my Greek version, or my Hebrew versions? They all say different things. That's the point you don't seem to grasp.

You can use whatever version you want. They all say the same thing, a man having sex with another man is a disgusting act. No amount of tapdancing that you do is ever going to change that.

No they fucking don't genius. They do NOT say the same thing so since you say I can use any version I want I will use the Hebrew Interlinear Version which says

"and male not you shall lie beds of women unclean he"

There you go.....makes a lot of fucking sense doesn't it?

Read Leviticus 18:22 from the Bible you have in your Home...

And Post it. :thup:


Which version? My English versions, my Greek version, or my Hebrew versions? They all say different things. That's the point you don't seem to grasp.

You can use whatever version you want. They all say the same thing, a man having sex with another man is a disgusting act. No amount of tapdancing that you do is ever going to change that.

No they fucking don't genius. They do NOT say the same thing so since you say I can use any version I want I will use the Hebrew Interlinear Version which says

"and male not you shall lie beds of women unclean he"

There you go.....makes a lot of fucking sense doesn't it?

No you jackass, that is your idiotic translation of the Hebrew.

"22 Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind; it is abomination." is the most proper translation.

Even the jewish bibles in English translate it that way.

Keep on spinnin'
You can use whatever version you want. They all say the same thing, a man having sex with another man is a disgusting act. No amount of tapdancing that you do is ever going to change that.

No they fucking don't genius. They do NOT say the same thing so since you say I can use any version I want I will use the Hebrew Interlinear Version which says

"and male not you shall lie beds of women unclean he"

There you go.....makes a lot of fucking sense doesn't it?

No you jackass, that is your idiotic translation of the Hebrew.

"22 Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind; it is abomination." is the most proper translation.

Even the jewish bibles in English translate it that way.

Keep on spinnin'

No jackass...that's a word for word translation taken directly from my copy of the Hebrew Interlinear Version. What you are reading is an English translation where they are trying to force the verse to make sense by using Midrash to add words that are not in the actual text. But read according to what it actually says, it makes no sense. It has no discernible meaning. And whatever the hell it's talking about it's specifically in the context of ritual prescriptions to the Levites.
Correct but we are talking to people who think that when it says Lot's wife was turned into "a pillar of salt" that she literally became a column of sodium chloride.

Oh I see so the Bible was being "poetic" and using a metaphor when using the word "eunuchs" to talk about homosexuals as well.

You people are so desperate to justify homosexuality. Why can't you queers just say you disagree with the Bible and leave it at that? Instead you have to lie about what is clearly stated in the Bible in order to try to convice us that what your abhorrent behavior perfectly normal and even moral.

Uh Hawk....I'm not gay. Hate to break this to you but just because someone opposes the hatred against humanity espoused by some members of the Christian faith it doesn't automatically mean they are homosexual. Some of us just abhor ignorance and the persecution of God's children based upon ignorance.

What is this hatred against humanity you speak of?

Just because we hate a sin doesn't mean we "hate" humanity.

The Bible clearly tells us that homosexuality is a sin and is an abhorrent behavior. Can you provide one example of a homosexual marriage in the Bible? Can you show us an example of a homosexual act being told in a biblical story in a positive light?

You can't. All you can do is lie about translations.
No they fucking don't genius. They do NOT say the same thing so since you say I can use any version I want I will use the Hebrew Interlinear Version which says

"and male not you shall lie beds of women unclean he"

There you go.....makes a lot of fucking sense doesn't it?

No you jackass, that is your idiotic translation of the Hebrew.

"22 Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind; it is abomination." is the most proper translation.

Even the jewish bibles in English translate it that way.

Keep on spinnin'

No jackass...that's a word for word translation taken directly from my copy of the Hebrew Interlinear Version. What you are reading is an English translation where they are trying to force the verse to make sense by using Midrash to add words that are not in the actual text. But read according to what it actually says, it makes no sense. It has no discernible meaning. And whatever the hell it's talking about it's specifically in the context of ritual prescriptions to the Levites.

Got Link?...


You can use whatever version you want. They all say the same thing, a man having sex with another man is a disgusting act. No amount of tapdancing that you do is ever going to change that.

No they fucking don't genius. They do NOT say the same thing so since you say I can use any version I want I will use the Hebrew Interlinear Version which says

"and male not you shall lie beds of women unclean he"

There you go.....makes a lot of fucking sense doesn't it?

Read Leviticus 18:22 from the Bible you have in your Home...

And Post it. :thup:



I just did. I used my copy of the Hebrew Interlinear Version and wrote it word for word.
No they fucking don't genius. They do NOT say the same thing so since you say I can use any version I want I will use the Hebrew Interlinear Version which says

"and male not you shall lie beds of women unclean he"

There you go.....makes a lot of fucking sense doesn't it?

Read Leviticus 18:22 from the Bible you have in your Home...

And Post it. :thup:



I just did. I used my copy of the Hebrew Interlinear Version and wrote it word for word.

Take a Picture and Post it. :thup:


No you jackass, that is your idiotic translation of the Hebrew.

"22 Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind; it is abomination." is the most proper translation.

Even the jewish bibles in English translate it that way.

Keep on spinnin'

No jackass...that's a word for word translation taken directly from my copy of the Hebrew Interlinear Version. What you are reading is an English translation where they are trying to force the verse to make sense by using Midrash to add words that are not in the actual text. But read according to what it actually says, it makes no sense. It has no discernible meaning. And whatever the hell it's talking about it's specifically in the context of ritual prescriptions to the Levites.

Got Link?...



You want me to link to a book I am holding in my hand? I am starting to see why you are struggling to grasp this concept, mal. Hold on...let me try to find an internet version
No jackass...that's a word for word translation taken directly from my copy of the Hebrew Interlinear Version. What you are reading is an English translation where they are trying to force the verse to make sense by using Midrash to add words that are not in the actual text. But read according to what it actually says, it makes no sense. It has no discernible meaning. And whatever the hell it's talking about it's specifically in the context of ritual prescriptions to the Levites.

Got Link?...



You want me to link to a book I am holding in my hand? I am starting to see why you are struggling to grasp this concept, mal. Hold on...let me try to find an internet version

Can you give us the Greek version of Romans 1:26-27?
No jackass...that's a word for word translation taken directly from my copy of the Hebrew Interlinear Version. What you are reading is an English translation where they are trying to force the verse to make sense by using Midrash to add words that are not in the actual text. But read according to what it actually says, it makes no sense. It has no discernible meaning. And whatever the hell it's talking about it's specifically in the context of ritual prescriptions to the Levites.

Got Link?...



You want me to link to a book I am holding in my hand? I am starting to see why you are struggling to grasp this concept, mal. Hold on...let me try to find an internet version

Done... I want to see a Picture of YOUR Book. :thup:


No jackass...that's a word for word translation taken directly from my copy of the Hebrew Interlinear Version. What you are reading is an English translation where they are trying to force the verse to make sense by using Midrash to add words that are not in the actual text. But read according to what it actually says, it makes no sense. It has no discernible meaning. And whatever the hell it's talking about it's specifically in the context of ritual prescriptions to the Levites.

Got Link?...



You want me to link to a book I am holding in my hand? I am starting to see why you are struggling to grasp this concept, mal. Hold on...let me try to find an internet version

זָכָ ר
ל ֹא
תִ שְׁ כַּ ב
מִ שְׁ כְּ בֵ י
אִ שָּׁ ה
תּ.עֵבָ ה
הִ וא

Now you will note that on the page under the Hebrew, there are words in bold and words that are not in bold. The words and letters that are not in bold I have put into parentheses and underlined. Those are not words in the actual text. Those are words that have been added using the Rabbinical tradition of Midrash in order to force the verse to make sense. This online version has one difference and that is "unclean" in my version vs. "abhorrence" in the online version. That coincides with the word "thuobe" as it is written in the online version or "toebeh" as it is commonly written in English. It's the same word, just a different spelling depending on whether the reader is using modern English or modern Hebrew. The debate between "abhorrence" and "unclean" has already been well discussed and documented on this thread.
Speaking to Men: and with male not you shall lie down beds...



Actually Moses is speaking to the priests. The Levites were the Rabbinical class of the Israelites. Leviticus is Moses writing to the priests and telling them how to behave and by what standards they should live. Some of it details lessons to teach the rest of the Israelites, but Leviticus itself is directed toward the priests.

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