Jesus on Marriage...

^20:13 ain't agreeing with your Theory Holmes... :thup:



well here's what i got when I clicked your link

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Let me look it up myself

ok 20:13

אֲשֶׁ ר
יִשְׁ כַּ ב
אֶ ת
זָכָ ר
מִ שְׁ כְּ בֵ י
אִ שָּׁ ה
תּעֵבָ ה
שְׁ נֵיהֶ ם

so let's get rid of the stuff added in because of Midrash and we have:

"and man who he is lying male beds of women abhorrence he two of (indiscernible)"

Like I said....20:13 is almost an identical copy to 18:22....neither of them make any sense. Only when you add words as you can see VERY clearly in that link from what is in bold and what is not do those verses make sense. As the verses are written they are completely incomprehensible. Now if after all this, you still don't understand that those verses are completely screwed up in the English translations, then I don't what to tell you anymore. if after all this you still don't get it, then the simple fact is that you are never going to break out of the indoctrination of your mind and it's pointless to continue.
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^20:13 ain't agreeing with your Theory Holmes... :thup:



well here's what i got when I clicked your link

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Let me look it up myself

ok 20:13

אֲשֶׁ ר
יִשְׁ כַּ ב
אֶ ת
זָכָ ר
מִ שְׁ כְּ בֵ י
אִ שָּׁ ה
תּעֵבָ ה
שְׁ נֵיהֶ ם

so let's get rid of the stuff added in because of Midrash and we have:

"and man who he is lying male beds of women abhorrence he two of (indiscernible)"

Like I said....20:13 is almost an identical copy to 18:22....neither of them make any sense. Only when you add words as you can see VERY clearly in that link from what is in bold and what is not do those verses make sense. As the verses are written they are completely incomprehensible. Now if after all this, you still don't understand that those verses are completely screwed up in the English translations, then I don't what to tell you anymore. if after all this you still don't get it, then the simple fact is that you are never going to break out of the indoctrination of your mind and it's pointless to continue.

Wow... Just wow.

I don't Think you are aware of how Dishonest you are being.


Lev 20:13, my literal rendition:

And a man who lies down with a male in a woman's place of copulation makes an abomination, the two of them must be totally killed, thier blood is on them.

"And a man who lies down with a male" is straightforward Hebrew. The "in a woman's place of copulation" is just like I said before. "Makes an abomination" is straightforward Hebrew, with "a man" being the subject. The two of them must be killed" is straightforward Hebrew again, as the verb "to kill" is Hophal, meaning causative (IIRC) and often imperative. The "totally" comes from a Hebrew grammar quirk that when a verb is being stressed, the infinitive will be attached to the finite use of the verb. In other words, a word for word rendering would be "must be killed to die," which really does not make a lot of sense. This type of grammatical thing is, as I said, all over the Hebrew OT. "Their blood is on them" is a typical copulative phrase.


A copulative phrase is a phrase wherein only nouns occur but a form of the verb "to be" must be inserted due to the grammatical construct. Almost all languages have some sort of copulative phrase.

Leviticus 18:22 and 20:13 - Translation Help, Please!
well here's what i got when I clicked your link

Let me look it up myself

ok 20:13

אֲשֶׁ ר
יִשְׁ כַּ ב
אֶ ת
זָכָ ר
מִ שְׁ כְּ בֵ י
אִ שָּׁ ה
תּעֵבָ ה
שְׁ נֵיהֶ ם

so let's get rid of the stuff added in because of Midrash and we have:

"and man who he is lying male beds of women abhorrence he two of (indiscernible)"

Like I said....20:13 is almost an identical copy to 18:22....neither of them make any sense. Only when you add words as you can see VERY clearly in that link from what is in bold and what is not do those verses make sense. As the verses are written they are completely incomprehensible. Now if after all this, you still don't understand that those verses are completely screwed up in the English translations, then I don't what to tell you anymore. if after all this you still don't get it, then the simple fact is that you are never going to break out of the indoctrination of your mind and it's pointless to continue.

Wow... Just wow.

I don't Think you are aware of how Dishonest you are being.



He is aware. Deviants are always aware..they're manipulators, it's what they do. You will never see a more corrupt or convoluted mind.
Lev 20:13, my literal rendition:

And a man who lies down with a male in a woman's place of copulation makes an abomination, the two of them must be totally killed, thier blood is on them.

"And a man who lies down with a male" is straightforward Hebrew. The "in a woman's place of copulation" is just like I said before. "Makes an abomination" is straightforward Hebrew, with "a man" being the subject. The two of them must be killed" is straightforward Hebrew again, as the verb "to kill" is Hophal, meaning causative (IIRC) and often imperative. The "totally" comes from a Hebrew grammar quirk that when a verb is being stressed, the infinitive will be attached to the finite use of the verb. In other words, a word for word rendering would be "must be killed to die," which really does not make a lot of sense. This type of grammatical thing is, as I said, all over the Hebrew OT. "Their blood is on them" is a typical copulative phrase.


A copulative phrase is a phrase wherein only nouns occur but a form of the verb "to be" must be inserted due to the grammatical construct. Almost all languages have some sort of copulative phrase.

Leviticus 18:22 and 20:13 - Translation Help, Please!

It's not Worth it... :thup:

They are Violating a Warning in Revelations all to make Homosexuals Feel Good about their Sin...

They will be Judged.


well here's what i got when I clicked your link

Let me look it up myself

ok 20:13

אֲשֶׁ ר
יִשְׁ כַּ ב
אֶ ת
זָכָ ר
מִ שְׁ כְּ בֵ י
אִ שָּׁ ה
תּעֵבָ ה
שְׁ נֵיהֶ ם

so let's get rid of the stuff added in because of Midrash and we have:

"and man who he is lying male beds of women abhorrence he two of (indiscernible)"

Like I said....20:13 is almost an identical copy to 18:22....neither of them make any sense. Only when you add words as you can see VERY clearly in that link from what is in bold and what is not do those verses make sense. As the verses are written they are completely incomprehensible. Now if after all this, you still don't understand that those verses are completely screwed up in the English translations, then I don't what to tell you anymore. if after all this you still don't get it, then the simple fact is that you are never going to break out of the indoctrination of your mind and it's pointless to continue.

Wow... Just wow.

I don't Think you are aware of how Dishonest you are being.



I'm being dishonest? Dude I gave you links to the verse in fucking Hebrew? Translated word for word and not translated by me but by someone who is completely detached from this discussion....and you are still grasping for everything you can find. DUDE...enough is enough, man. I have given you link after to link to literal translations, people with doctorates in theology, linguists, historians, link to books so you can research it yourself....Jesus H. Christ what more do I have to do?

Why are you so threatened by the idea that the English translation you are used to reading may in fact be wrong?
  • Thanks
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Lev 20:13, my literal rendition:

And a man who lies down with a male in a woman's place of copulation makes an abomination, the two of them must be totally killed, thier blood is on them.

"And a man who lies down with a male" is straightforward Hebrew. The "in a woman's place of copulation" is just like I said before. "Makes an abomination" is straightforward Hebrew, with "a man" being the subject. The two of them must be killed" is straightforward Hebrew again, as the verb "to kill" is Hophal, meaning causative (IIRC) and often imperative. The "totally" comes from a Hebrew grammar quirk that when a verb is being stressed, the infinitive will be attached to the finite use of the verb. In other words, a word for word rendering would be "must be killed to die," which really does not make a lot of sense. This type of grammatical thing is, as I said, all over the Hebrew OT. "Their blood is on them" is a typical copulative phrase.


A copulative phrase is a phrase wherein only nouns occur but a form of the verb "to be" must be inserted due to the grammatical construct. Almost all languages have some sort of copulative phrase.

Leviticus 18:22 and 20:13 - Translation Help, Please!

A link to a fucking blog? Good Christ almighty. It's astonishing....and disturbing. VERY disturbing. It's shit like this that gives Christians a bad name.
No, it really doesn't.

It's a blog where educated people discuss biblical languages.

I'll take their educated explanations of the text over yours any day of the week.

So what exactly was your major?
Lev 20:13, my literal rendition:

And a man who lies down with a male in a woman's place of copulation makes an abomination, the two of them must be totally killed, thier blood is on them.

"And a man who lies down with a male" is straightforward Hebrew. The "in a woman's place of copulation" is just like I said before. "Makes an abomination" is straightforward Hebrew, with "a man" being the subject. The two of them must be killed" is straightforward Hebrew again, as the verb "to kill" is Hophal, meaning causative (IIRC) and often imperative. The "totally" comes from a Hebrew grammar quirk that when a verb is being stressed, the infinitive will be attached to the finite use of the verb. In other words, a word for word rendering would be "must be killed to die," which really does not make a lot of sense. This type of grammatical thing is, as I said, all over the Hebrew OT. "Their blood is on them" is a typical copulative phrase.


A copulative phrase is a phrase wherein only nouns occur but a form of the verb "to be" must be inserted due to the grammatical construct. Almost all languages have some sort of copulative phrase.

Leviticus 18:22 and 20:13 - Translation Help, Please!

It's not Worth it... :thup:

They are Violating a Warning in Revelations all to make Homosexuals Feel Good about their Sin...

They will be Judged.



Revelations?!?!?!? :lmao: Do you even realize that Revelations was only added to the Bible because they needed a way to end the whole thing with a bang? The canon was set for almost 100 years before Revelations was added and it was controversial even then. Even Martin Luther said Revelations should be completely ignored and has no business in the Bible. Revelations is a coded political pamphlet that essentially says "Down with Caesar. Death to Rome." Of course you wouldn't know that would you. I mean....I am almost 100% sure you didn't even know the Levites were priests and Leviticus was written for the priests. Why the hell would you understand that Revelations was written to stir up resentment against Caligula (or Nero depending on which version you read)
Major? Come, share with us your creds that show us why we should take anything you say about this topic seriously...?
Lev 20:13, my literal rendition:

And a man who lies down with a male in a woman's place of copulation makes an abomination, the two of them must be totally killed, thier blood is on them.

"And a man who lies down with a male" is straightforward Hebrew. The "in a woman's place of copulation" is just like I said before. "Makes an abomination" is straightforward Hebrew, with "a man" being the subject. The two of them must be killed" is straightforward Hebrew again, as the verb "to kill" is Hophal, meaning causative (IIRC) and often imperative. The "totally" comes from a Hebrew grammar quirk that when a verb is being stressed, the infinitive will be attached to the finite use of the verb. In other words, a word for word rendering would be "must be killed to die," which really does not make a lot of sense. This type of grammatical thing is, as I said, all over the Hebrew OT. "Their blood is on them" is a typical copulative phrase.


A copulative phrase is a phrase wherein only nouns occur but a form of the verb "to be" must be inserted due to the grammatical construct. Almost all languages have some sort of copulative phrase.

Leviticus 18:22 and 20:13 - Translation Help, Please!

A link to a fucking blog? Good Christ almighty. It's astonishing....and disturbing. VERY disturbing. It's shit like this that gives Christians a bad name.

What Gives Christians and Jesus a bad name are people who twist the Scriptures to fit their own personal beliefs. Is your conscience that seared that you can't see what you're doing?
Lev 20:13, my literal rendition:

And a man who lies down with a male in a woman's place of copulation makes an abomination, the two of them must be totally killed, thier blood is on them.

"And a man who lies down with a male" is straightforward Hebrew. The "in a woman's place of copulation" is just like I said before. "Makes an abomination" is straightforward Hebrew, with "a man" being the subject. The two of them must be killed" is straightforward Hebrew again, as the verb "to kill" is Hophal, meaning causative (IIRC) and often imperative. The "totally" comes from a Hebrew grammar quirk that when a verb is being stressed, the infinitive will be attached to the finite use of the verb. In other words, a word for word rendering would be "must be killed to die," which really does not make a lot of sense. This type of grammatical thing is, as I said, all over the Hebrew OT. "Their blood is on them" is a typical copulative phrase.


A copulative phrase is a phrase wherein only nouns occur but a form of the verb "to be" must be inserted due to the grammatical construct. Almost all languages have some sort of copulative phrase.

Leviticus 18:22 and 20:13 - Translation Help, Please!

A link to a fucking blog? Good Christ almighty. It's astonishing....and disturbing. VERY disturbing. It's shit like this that gives Christians a bad name.

What Gives Christians and Jesus a bad name are people who twist the Scriptures to fit their own personal beliefs. Is your conscience that seared that you can't see what you're doing?

ironic post is ironic
Major? Come, share with us your creds that show us why we should take anything you say about this topic seriously...?

1) I already addressed that a LONG time ago. Start scrolling.

2) The only one who cares about your opinion or lends you any credibility is you so you will forgive me if I don't waste my time writing it all out again.

3) You know....Mal and I may disagree, even passionately. But I am pretty sure he's not insane. You on the other hand, KG....I am pretty certain you are clinically insane. i don't mean that figuratively....I mean I really think you are a clinical psychopath. So again, forgive me if I don't waste my time arguing with a lunatic. Mal...he's worth the discussion.
A link to a fucking blog? Good Christ almighty. It's astonishing....and disturbing. VERY disturbing. It's shit like this that gives Christians a bad name.

What Gives Christians and Jesus a bad name are people who twist the Scriptures to fit their own personal beliefs. Is your conscience that seared that you can't see what you're doing?

ironic post is ironic

Extremely ironic. Unbelievably ironic. :lmao:
Oh, it's the old "I told you long ago" schtick.

That's what Dragon, and Jakey use as well. It's standard material for fake scholars. As is posting links to "forbidden access" sites.
Major? Come, share with us your creds that show us why we should take anything you say about this topic seriously...?

1) I already addressed that a LONG time ago. Start scrolling.

2) The only one who cares about your opinion or lends you any credibility is you so you will forgive me if I don't waste my time writing it all out again.

3) You know....Mal and I may disagree, even passionately. But I am pretty sure he's not insane. You on the other hand, KG....I am pretty certain you are clinically insane. i don't mean that figuratively....I mean I really think you are a clinical psychopath. So again, forgive me if I don't waste my time arguing with a lunatic. Mal...he's worth the discussion.

Deviants always accuse everybody else of being crazy, and out to get them.

I've worked with them enough of them to know. :eusa_whistle:

You do know that I spent some years of my life writing reports for the courts to use when determining what to do with committed deviants...right?
Oh, it's the old "I told you long ago" schtick.

That's what Dragon, and Jakey use as well. It's standard material for fake scholars. As is posting links to "forbidden access" sites.

it's on this thread..go look it up. I am talking to mal. I prefer to talk to people who at least have the capacity for intelligent thought, hence the reason why I am not bothering with you. Bye bye KG....give the little bluebirds around your comfy padded cell a hug and kiss for me.

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