Jesus on Marriage...

What does Leviticus REALLY say about homosexuality?

There are twelve mentions of homosexual acts in the Bible:

2 refer to rape (Genesis 19:5, Judges 19:22)
5 refer to cult prostitution (Deuteronomy 23:17-18, 1 Kings 14:23-24, 15:12-13, 22:46, 2 Kings 23:6-8)
1 refers to prostitution and pederasty (1 Corinthians 6:9-10)
4 are nonspecific (Leviticus 18:21-22, Leviticus 20:13, Romans 1:26-27, 1 Timothy 1:8-10)

What you just posted says that what's in Leviticus IS about Homosexuality...

I Thought you said it's not and it was incorrectly Translated?...

Contradicting Source is Contradicting... :lol:

Everyone knows how to cut and past from Google Searches and Linking Activist Sites is less than Impressive. :thup:



Nice twist. It says NONSPECIFIC. In one ear and out the other. Predictable really. All you are doing, brother is sticking your fingers in your ears and humming.

Nonspecific... :lol:

In your Convenient Reality. :thup:



they're all in good shape too, because i don't pull them out and thump on em for effect

you should try it :thup:

What's yours say in Leviticus 18:22?

Quote it from one of them.



do i look like a member of your staff, asshat?

BP is right in terms of various translations of the bible and the errata introduced thereby, but you keep screaming leviticus and flinging your own poop, if it makes you happy. :lol:

Well there's nothing else they can do, del. When faced with this, all they have to rely on is the very Bible passages that we have shown to be at the very least questionable as far as accuracy if not completely in doubt. Lacking any way to combat it they resort to reemphasizing the very thing that has been brought to question, character attacks, accusations of hidden agendas, etc. The reality is that that stuff is to be looked upon with pity, because it shows a tremendous lack of faith. If they truly had faith they would not fear such challenges and respond so defensively; they would say "ok well let's have an honest look" and have faith that they would be guided according to the wisdom of God. Lacking that faith they stick their fingers in their ears and hum.
What does Leviticus REALLY say about homosexuality?

There are twelve mentions of homosexual acts in the Bible:

2 refer to rape (Genesis 19:5, Judges 19:22)
5 refer to cult prostitution (Deuteronomy 23:17-18, 1 Kings 14:23-24, 15:12-13, 22:46, 2 Kings 23:6-8)
1 refers to prostitution and pederasty (1 Corinthians 6:9-10)
4 are nonspecific (Leviticus 18:21-22, Leviticus 20:13, Romans 1:26-27, 1 Timothy 1:8-10)

What you just posted says that what's in Leviticus IS about Homosexuality...

I Thought you said it's not and it was incorrectly Translated?...

Contradicting Source is Contradicting... :lol:

Everyone knows how to cut and past from Google Searches and Linking Activist Sites is less than Impressive. :thup:



Nice twist. It says NONSPECIFIC. In one ear and out the other. Predictable really. All you are doing, brother is sticking your fingers in your ears and humming.
I went and looked up all the passages you listed and it is pretty obvious, when read in context, they are all about rape, prostitution, etc.

But when taken out of context they take on a life of their own and are used to bash homosexuals and in fact used to try to convince people that homosexuals are equal to a great evil in God's eyes.

Why are people so intent on perverting the intent of the bible?
What does Leviticus REALLY say about homosexuality?

There are twelve mentions of homosexual acts in the Bible:

2 refer to rape (Genesis 19:5, Judges 19:22)
5 refer to cult prostitution (Deuteronomy 23:17-18, 1 Kings 14:23-24, 15:12-13, 22:46, 2 Kings 23:6-8)
1 refers to prostitution and pederasty (1 Corinthians 6:9-10)
4 are nonspecific (Leviticus 18:21-22, Leviticus 20:13, Romans 1:26-27, 1 Timothy 1:8-10)

What you just posted says that what's in Leviticus IS about Homosexuality...

I Thought you said it's not and it was incorrectly Translated?...

Contradicting Source is Contradicting... :lol:

Everyone knows how to cut and past from Google Searches and Linking Activist Sites is less than Impressive. :thup:



Nice twist. It says NONSPECIFIC. In one ear and out the other. Predictable really. All you are doing, brother is sticking your fingers in your ears and humming.

Romans 1 and Corinthians 6:9-10 are very clear about God condemning homosexuality.
What you just posted says that what's in Leviticus IS about Homosexuality...

I Thought you said it's not and it was incorrectly Translated?...

Contradicting Source is Contradicting... :lol:

Everyone knows how to cut and past from Google Searches and Linking Activist Sites is less than Impressive. :thup:



Nice twist. It says NONSPECIFIC. In one ear and out the other. Predictable really. All you are doing, brother is sticking your fingers in your ears and humming.
I went and looked up all the passages you listed and it is pretty obvious, when read in context, they are all about rape, prostitution, etc.

But when taken out of context they take on a life of their own and are used to bash homosexuals and in fact used to try to convince people that homosexuals are equal to a great evil in God's eyes.

Why are people so intent on perverting the intent of the bible?

Why are people so intent on perverting the intent of the bible?
What you just posted says that what's in Leviticus IS about Homosexuality...

I Thought you said it's not and it was incorrectly Translated?...

Contradicting Source is Contradicting... :lol:

Everyone knows how to cut and past from Google Searches and Linking Activist Sites is less than Impressive. :thup:



Nice twist. It says NONSPECIFIC. In one ear and out the other. Predictable really. All you are doing, brother is sticking your fingers in your ears and humming.
I went and looked up all the passages you listed and it is pretty obvious, when read in context, they are all about rape, prostitution, etc.

But when taken out of context they take on a life of their own and are used to bash homosexuals and in fact used to try to convince people that homosexuals are equal to a great evil in God's eyes.

Why are people so intent on perverting the intent of the bible?

Because an authority figure told them what to believe and told them that if they questioned it they would go to hell and they bought it. In a nutshell that's pretty much it. Frankly, I would lay hard money that Buford, Koshergirl, Hawk, etc don't even know who the Levites were and what their role was, let alone why Moses was writing to them in the first place.
Nice twist. It says NONSPECIFIC. In one ear and out the other. Predictable really. All you are doing, brother is sticking your fingers in your ears and humming.
I went and looked up all the passages you listed and it is pretty obvious, when read in context, they are all about rape, prostitution, etc.

But when taken out of context they take on a life of their own and are used to bash homosexuals and in fact used to try to convince people that homosexuals are equal to a great evil in God's eyes.

Why are people so intent on perverting the intent of the bible?

Because an authority figure told them what to believe and told them that if they questioned it they would go to hell and they bought it. In a nutshell that's pretty much it. Frankly, I would lay hard money that Buford, Koshergirl, Hawk, etc don't even know who the Levites were and what their role was, let alone why Moses was writing to them in the first place.

Note the big pause while they all look it up on Wikipedia. :lmao:
The thing is they can't attack parts of the Bible that deals with homosexuality because in every instance homosexuality is mentioned it is condemned as a sin. They have to resort to lies like claiming "Jesus didn't say he hates homosexuals, so that must mean he accepts them".

But, as the OP has pointed out, Jesus clearly spoke of marriage being when a man leaves his parents for a woman, not a another man.

Jesus did not teach us to accept sins, he taught us to reject them. But that is something the liberals and homo-enablers will never admit, because they expend all their energy trying to get the rest of us to accept their sins like homosexuality and abortion.

You mentioned about Jesus' take on marriage, if you continued to read through that segment, you'll find that he also spoke of the exceptions of this kind of marriage in Matthew 19:12

"For there are eunuchs who have been so from birth, and there are eunuchs who have been made eunuchs by men, and there are eunuchs who have made themselves eunuchs for the sake of the kingdom of heaven. Let the one who is able to receive this receive it.”

Some people believe the first instance ("eunuchs who have been so from birth") might have been a way of referring to homosexuals. It really just dwindles down to one's own interpretation To me personally, I don't care if people accept my sexuality or not, and I don't really feel the need to convince them through a way that doesn't apply to me (biblical scripture).

Eunuchs are not homosexuals, not by a long shot.

You need to remember that the bible is rather poetic and makes extensive use of metaphors. Especially in this case... The third instance described ("there are eunuchs who have made themselves eunuchs for the sake of the kingdom of heaven") is most commonly thought as those choosing a life of celibacy. They're not literally eunuchs either... it's just a metaphor.

As I previously mentioned... it really just depends on one's own interpretation of certain texts.
Last edited:
You mentioned about Jesus' take on marriage, if you continued to read through that segment, you'll find that he also spoke of the exceptions of this kind of marriage in Matthew 19:12

Some people believe the first instance ("eunuchs who have been so from birth") might have been a way of referring to homosexuals. It really just dwindles down to one's own interpretation To me personally, I don't care if people accept my sexuality or not, and I don't really feel the need to convince them through a way that doesn't apply to me (biblical scripture).

Eunuchs are not homosexuals, not by a long shot.

You need to remember that the bible is rather poetic and makes extensive use of metaphors. Especially in this case... The third instance described ("there are eunuchs who have made themselves eunuchs for the sake of the kingdom of heaven") is mostly commonly thought as those choosing a life of celibacy. They're not literally eunuchs either... it's just a metaphor.

As I previously mentioned... it really just depends on one's own interpretation of certain texts.
And that's a good thing. Imagine if this passage was taken literally. All priests would have to go under the knife. That would surely cut down on religious leaders, lol.
What's yours say in Leviticus 18:22?

Quote it from one of them.



do i look like a member of your staff, asshat?

BP is right in terms of various translations of the bible and the errata introduced thereby, but you keep screaming leviticus and flinging your own poop, if it makes you happy. :lol:

Well there's nothing else they can do, del. When faced with this, all they have to rely on is the very Bible passages that we have shown to be at the very least questionable as far as accuracy if not completely in doubt. Lacking any way to combat it they resort to reemphasizing the very thing that has been brought to question, character attacks, accusations of hidden agendas, etc. The reality is that that stuff is to be looked upon with pity, because it shows a tremendous lack of faith. If they truly had faith they would not fear such challenges and respond so defensively; they would say "ok well let's have an honest look" and have faith that they would be guided according to the wisdom of God. Lacking that faith they stick their fingers in their ears and hum.


What does the Bible at your House say in Leviticus 18:22?... :thup:


Nice twist. It says NONSPECIFIC. In one ear and out the other. Predictable really. All you are doing, brother is sticking your fingers in your ears and humming.
I went and looked up all the passages you listed and it is pretty obvious, when read in context, they are all about rape, prostitution, etc.

But when taken out of context they take on a life of their own and are used to bash homosexuals and in fact used to try to convince people that homosexuals are equal to a great evil in God's eyes.

Why are people so intent on perverting the intent of the bible?

Why are people so intent on perverting the intent of the bible? Romans 1 and Homosexuality

Consider who we are Talking about... :thup:


You mentioned about Jesus' take on marriage, if you continued to read through that segment, you'll find that he also spoke of the exceptions of this kind of marriage in Matthew 19:12

Some people believe the first instance ("eunuchs who have been so from birth") might have been a way of referring to homosexuals. It really just dwindles down to one's own interpretation To me personally, I don't care if people accept my sexuality or not, and I don't really feel the need to convince them through a way that doesn't apply to me (biblical scripture).

Eunuchs are not homosexuals, not by a long shot.

You need to remember that the bible is rather poetic and makes extensive use of metaphors. Especially in this case... The third instance described ("there are eunuchs who have made themselves eunuchs for the sake of the kingdom of heaven") is mostly commonly thought as those choosing a life of celibacy. They're not literally eunuchs either... it's just a metaphor.

As I previously mentioned... it really just depends on one's own interpretation of certain texts.

Correct but we are talking to people who think that when it says Lot's wife was turned into "a pillar of salt" that she literally became a column of sodium chloride.
do i look like a member of your staff, asshat?

BP is right in terms of various translations of the bible and the errata introduced thereby, but you keep screaming leviticus and flinging your own poop, if it makes you happy. :lol:

Well there's nothing else they can do, del. When faced with this, all they have to rely on is the very Bible passages that we have shown to be at the very least questionable as far as accuracy if not completely in doubt. Lacking any way to combat it they resort to reemphasizing the very thing that has been brought to question, character attacks, accusations of hidden agendas, etc. The reality is that that stuff is to be looked upon with pity, because it shows a tremendous lack of faith. If they truly had faith they would not fear such challenges and respond so defensively; they would say "ok well let's have an honest look" and have faith that they would be guided according to the wisdom of God. Lacking that faith they stick their fingers in their ears and hum.


What does the Bible at your House say in Leviticus 18:22?... :thup:



Which version? My English versions, my Greek version, or my Hebrew versions? They all say different things. That's the point you don't seem to grasp.
Eunuchs are not homosexuals, not by a long shot.

You need to remember that the bible is rather poetic and makes extensive use of metaphors. Especially in this case... The third instance described ("there are eunuchs who have made themselves eunuchs for the sake of the kingdom of heaven") is mostly commonly thought as those choosing a life of celibacy. They're not literally eunuchs either... it's just a metaphor.

As I previously mentioned... it really just depends on one's own interpretation of certain texts.

Correct but we are talking to people who think that when it says Lot's wife was turned into "a pillar of salt" that she literally became a column of sodium chloride.

Oh I see so the Bible was being "poetic" and using a metaphor when using the word "eunuchs" to talk about homosexuals as well.

You people are so desperate to justify homosexuality. Why can't you queers just say you disagree with the Bible and leave it at that? Instead you have to lie about what is clearly stated in the Bible in order to try to convice us that what your abhorrent behavior perfectly normal and even moral.
Any of you bible scholars want to adress this? Romans 1 and Homosexuality

I already did....a LONG time ago

Not with me. Romans 1:26-27 "Because of this, God gave them over to shameful lusts. Even their women exchanged natural sexual relations for unnatural ones. In the same way the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another. Men committed shameful acts with other men, and received in themselves the due penalty for their error."

Explain that to me.
Well there's nothing else they can do, del. When faced with this, all they have to rely on is the very Bible passages that we have shown to be at the very least questionable as far as accuracy if not completely in doubt. Lacking any way to combat it they resort to reemphasizing the very thing that has been brought to question, character attacks, accusations of hidden agendas, etc. The reality is that that stuff is to be looked upon with pity, because it shows a tremendous lack of faith. If they truly had faith they would not fear such challenges and respond so defensively; they would say "ok well let's have an honest look" and have faith that they would be guided according to the wisdom of God. Lacking that faith they stick their fingers in their ears and hum.


What does the Bible at your House say in Leviticus 18:22?... :thup:



Which version? My English versions, my Greek version, or my Hebrew versions? They all say different things. That's the point you don't seem to grasp.

You can use whatever version you want. They all say the same thing, a man having sex with another man is a disgusting act. No amount of tapdancing that you do is ever going to change that.

What does the Bible at your House say in Leviticus 18:22?... :thup:



Which version? My English versions, my Greek version, or my Hebrew versions? They all say different things. That's the point you don't seem to grasp.

You can use whatever version you want. They all say the same thing, a man having sex with another man is a disgusting act. No amount of tapdancing that you do is ever going to change that.

No they fucking don't genius. They do NOT say the same thing so since you say I can use any version I want I will use the Hebrew Interlinear Version which says

"and male not you shall lie beds of women unclean he"

There you go.....makes a lot of fucking sense doesn't it?

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