Jesus on Marriage...


I believe that he used a word that has no clear meaning and has been translated by others to suit their particular agenda.

You go ahead and believe that, although you haven't made that case here.

BP certainly has. There is no good translation for the word Paul used.

After revisiting some other threads with your input I've come to the conclusion that your confirmation bias rules your life.

Enjoy, and beware of the Negroes. :lol::lol:

Everyone can see that your final statement tells us all we need to know about who you really are.

I believe that he used a word that has no clear meaning and has been translated by others to suit their particular agenda.

You go ahead and believe that, although you haven't made that case here.

BP certainly has. There is no good translation for the word Paul used.

After revisiting some other threads with your input I've come to the conclusion that your confirmation bias rules your life.

Enjoy, and beware of the Negroes. :lol::lol:

Yeah you are starting to get it now. It's about fucking time.

So the part about Lying with an Animal... Translated Incorrectly also?...

You know, right there next to Homosexuality?...

Because God really LOVES Beastiality...



You are missing the point that it's highly doubtful that it references homosexuality in those areas, therefore your attempt to connect it to bestiality is invalid.

"Highly Doubtful"?... :rofl:

Holy Shit, you really believe this don't you?...

What was it speaking to in Leviticus again right there with Beastiality if not about Homosexuals?...


"Highly Doubtful"?... :rofl:

Holy Shit, you really believe this don't you?...

What was it speaking to in Leviticus again right there with Beastiality if not about Homosexuals?...



No one knows. That's the point and whatever they were referring to it was specifically in regard to pagan ritual anyhow. Good Lord how many times do we have to say this?
"Highly Doubtful"?... :rofl:

Holy Shit, you really believe this don't you?...

What was it speaking to in Leviticus again right there with Beastiality if not about Homosexuals?...



No one knows. That's the point and whatever they were referring to it was specifically in regard to pagan ritual anyhow. Good Lord how many times do we have to say this?

You can say it all you want but your only Evidence to counter ALL Translations is a Liguist with an Agenda. :thup:


"Highly Doubtful"?... :rofl:

Holy Shit, you really believe this don't you?...

What was it speaking to in Leviticus again right there with Beastiality if not about Homosexuals?...



No one knows. That's the point and whatever they were referring to it was specifically in regard to pagan ritual anyhow. Good Lord how many times do we have to say this?

You can say it all you want but your only Evidence to counter ALL Translations is a Liguist with an Agenda. :thup:



as opposed to a bigot with an agenda

No one knows. That's the point and whatever they were referring to it was specifically in regard to pagan ritual anyhow. Good Lord how many times do we have to say this?

You can say it all you want but your only Evidence to counter ALL Translations is a Liguist with an Agenda. :thup:



as opposed to a bigot with an agenda


Got a Bible in your Home del?...


Got a Bible in your Home del?...




they're all in good shape too, because i don't pull them out and thump on em for effect

you should try it :thup:

What's yours say in Leviticus 18:22?

Quote it from one of them.



do i look like a member of your staff, asshat?

BP is right in terms of various translations of the bible and the errata introduced thereby, but you keep screaming leviticus and flinging your own poop, if it makes you happy. :lol:

they're all in good shape too, because i don't pull them out and thump on em for effect

you should try it :thup:

What's yours say in Leviticus 18:22?

Quote it from one of them.



do i look like a member of your staff, asshat?

BP is right in terms of various translations of the bible and the errata introduced thereby, but you keep screaming leviticus and flinging your own poop, if it makes you happy. :lol:

BP is Selective and his Source is a Liguist with an Agenda that is in Contradiction to thousands of years of consistent Translations.

And Leviticus isn't the only place, but you know that.

Your Bible calls Man Laying with Man an Abomination and Sin if you have on in your House.


What's yours say in Leviticus 18:22?

Quote it from one of them.



do i look like a member of your staff, asshat?

BP is right in terms of various translations of the bible and the errata introduced thereby, but you keep screaming leviticus and flinging your own poop, if it makes you happy. :lol:

BP is Selective and his Source is a Liguist with an Agenda that is in Contradiction to thousands of years of consistent Translations.

And Leviticus isn't the only place, but you know that.

Your Bible calls Man Laying with Man an Abomination and Sin if you have on in your House.



Good Lord, mal. It's not just ONE linguist with an agenda. This information is pretty easily accessible. Are you so threatened that you can't even do a google search?

If translated word for word, Leviticus 18:22 is roughly ‘And with mankind you shall not lie beds (plural noun) a woman/wife (singular noun).’ This final two-noun phrase is unclear in the original Hebrew; it is shared with Leviticus 20:13 (yet sometimes translated differently in the two verses), and it doesn’t occur anywhere else in the Bible. Although ‘beds of a woman’ seems to be the consensus for its meaning, other prepositions and relationships are also possible. The obscurity of this phrase opens the way for a wealth of different translations among which, out of tradition, a single basic line of thought characterizes English translations....It is hard to avoid the conclusion that the term ‘abomination’ was an intentionally bad translation, given how far it differs from the meaning of the original Hebrew....Both this verse and the other from Leviticus (see below) appear in a holiness code that applied to Israel rather than to gentile Christians in an age of grace. Both occur in the clear context of opposition to the practices of the local fertility god Moloch

Leviticus - Bible Abuse Directed at Homosexuals

What you have to realize is these laws were designed to have priests distinguish themselves from the practices of the religions of the peoples around Israel in other parts of Canaan, especially those east of Jordan. These people were involved in the worship of Moloch and Baal and other gods and goddesses. One of the common practices were for the heterosexual priests of Moloch to dress up as women as part of their rituals and have sex with men who came to worship. Hence the prohibition of laying with men as with women - it was part of the religious worship, not with other men as in natural homosexuality...Lev 20:13 is giving the penalties for the Lev 18:22 "abomination" or in the Hebrew "toevah". Unlike what the English translation implies, toevah did not usually signify something intrinsically evil, but something which is ritually unclean for Jews.

Serious Hebrew Study Of Leviticus "Abomination"

Both Leviticus 18 and Leviticus 20 are concerned with the ritual practices of the neighboring Canaanite people, principally the cult of Molekh and Ashtoreth...toebah is often translated as abhorrence or abomination in English, for the lack of a better word, but it is more accurately translated as bdelygmia in Greek, in early translations. Both toebah (Hebrew) and bdelygmia (Greek) carry connotations of idolatrous or ritually impure forms of detestable practices...If someone is willing to delve into the original language, and understand the pattern of repetition of the Bible, instead of accepting without question the translation of modern English interpreters, you are drawn to a very different conclusions: 1) Leviticus does not prohibit—or even address—homosexuality. 2) Leviticus 18:22 and Leviticus 20:13 prohibit male temple prostitution, as is clear from examining the pattern of repetition in Deuteronomy. 3) The death penalty for Leviticus 20:13 is for a crime of idolatry, not a crime of injustice or wickedness.

What does Leviticus REALLY say about homosexuality?

There are twelve mentions of homosexual acts in the Bible:

2 refer to rape (Genesis 19:5, Judges 19:22)
5 refer to cult prostitution (Deuteronomy 23:17-18, 1 Kings 14:23-24, 15:12-13, 22:46, 2 Kings 23:6-8)
1 refers to prostitution and pederasty (1 Corinthians 6:9-10)
4 are nonspecific (Leviticus 18:21-22, Leviticus 20:13, Romans 1:26-27, 1 Timothy 1:8-10)

In Old Testament times, homosexual activity was strongly associated with idolatrous cult prostitution as in 1 Kings 14:24, 15:12. (There was also cult prostitution by females.) In fact, the word "abomination," used in both mentions of homosexual acts in Leviticus, is a translation of the Hebrew word tow' ebah which, according to Strong's Greek/Hebrew Dictionary, means something morally disgusting, but it also has a strong implication of idolatry. Thus, many Bible scholars believe the condemnations in Leviticus are more a condemnation of the idolatry than of the homosexual acts themselves.

What does the Bible say about homosexuality?

The introduction to Leviticus states,"The name "Leviticus" was bestowed on the third book of the Pentateuch by the ancient Greek translators because a good part of this book consists of sacrificial and other ritual laws prescribed for the priests of the tribe of Levi." was referring to the practices of other Nations priests. And the practice of these priests that entailed sexual fertility rites with effiminates((of a man or boy) Having behaviour or mannerismsconsidered unmasculine or typical of a woman or girl; feminine. Also referred to as Catamites.

Truth Seekers - "Homosexuality" banned in the bible?Wrong translation and context and I'll prove it .

It's not just "one linguist with an agenda". It's the view that is generally held by Biblical scholars instead of Bible thumping extremists. Unfuckingreal. Hell even the Greek/Hebrew Linear Bible has stopped translating Leviticus as referring to homosexuality. Don't believe me? Look it up yourself.
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I love it when pervs start attacking the bible, claiming they have a better understanding of what it means than the rest of the world.

Cuz we all know that being a sexual deviant makes you think more clearly when it comes to biblical interpretationl.
What does Leviticus REALLY say about homosexuality?

There are twelve mentions of homosexual acts in the Bible:

2 refer to rape (Genesis 19:5, Judges 19:22)
5 refer to cult prostitution (Deuteronomy 23:17-18, 1 Kings 14:23-24, 15:12-13, 22:46, 2 Kings 23:6-8)
1 refers to prostitution and pederasty (1 Corinthians 6:9-10)
4 are nonspecific (Leviticus 18:21-22, Leviticus 20:13, Romans 1:26-27, 1 Timothy 1:8-10)

What you just posted says that what's in Leviticus IS about Homosexuality...

I Thought you said it's not and it was incorrectly Translated?...

Contradicting Source is Contradicting... :lol:

Everyone knows how to cut and past from Google Searches and Linking Activist Sites is less than Impressive. :thup:



they're all in good shape too, because i don't pull them out and thump on em for effect

you should try it :thup:

What's yours say in Leviticus 18:22?

Quote it from one of them.



do i look like a member of your staff, asshat?

BP is right in terms of various translations of the bible and the errata introduced thereby, but you keep screaming leviticus and flinging your own poop, if it makes you happy. :lol:

People have been saying the same thing for thousands of years. Nothing new under the sun.
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What does Leviticus REALLY say about homosexuality?

There are twelve mentions of homosexual acts in the Bible:

2 refer to rape (Genesis 19:5, Judges 19:22)
5 refer to cult prostitution (Deuteronomy 23:17-18, 1 Kings 14:23-24, 15:12-13, 22:46, 2 Kings 23:6-8)
1 refers to prostitution and pederasty (1 Corinthians 6:9-10)
4 are nonspecific (Leviticus 18:21-22, Leviticus 20:13, Romans 1:26-27, 1 Timothy 1:8-10)

What you just posted says that what's in Leviticus IS about Homosexuality...

I Thought you said it's not and it was incorrectly Translated?...

Contradicting Source is Contradicting... :lol:

Everyone knows how to cut and past from Google Searches and Linking Activist Sites is less than Impressive. :thup:



Nice twist. It says NONSPECIFIC. In one ear and out the other. Predictable really. All you are doing, brother is sticking your fingers in your ears and humming.

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