Zone1 Jesus' truth

How do we know it's not YOU who lacks the "holy spirit"?
My religion is one. A worldwide brotherhood, in love, peace and unity of thought on all of Gods 1 truth. Refuse to kill their human family members that God created.

Which is the narrow gate which is the broad and spacious path? My 1 religion above or hundreds of trinity religions with hundreds of different truths? Disunified, kill each other in the wars of hatred, kill the members of their own religion in those wars as well, while they pray to the same God on both sides ( pure hypocrisy)

Its not a tough choice.
Actually it reads--YHVH(Jehovah) said to my Lord( Jesus)--proving Jesus is not YHVH(Jehovah)--All who use a translation that supports Gods will over satans will( removal of Gods name) knows its fact. His name was removed to mislead as it is doing to you and all who use satan willed translations with Gods name removed. Only the false religions use the altered translations.
youre so brainwashed, its sad. you have been warned multiple times you will have no excuse- you follow a cult.
My religion is one. A worldwide brotherhood, in love, peace and unity of thought on all of Gods 1 truth. Refuse to kill their human family members that God created.

Which is the narrow gate which is the broad and spacious path? My 1 religion above or hundreds of trinity religions with hundreds of different truths? Disunified, kill each other in the wars of hatred, kill the members of their own religion in those wars as well, while they pray to the same God on both sides ( pure hypocrisy)

Its not a tough choice.

WhatJehovah's Witness New Converts Have Not Been Told By Their OwnOrganization:​



We speak the truth inLove...


  1. When they translated their New World Translationthey deliberately altered almost every scripture on the deityof Christ, to make him only a creature.
  2. The Society used a translation by a SPIRIT MEDIUM,Johannes Greber, to support their rendering of John 1:1 with fullknowledge that his sources were DEMONIC. Greber was exposed inthe Feb. 15/56 Watchtower. However in 1961 they released a translationbased on his occult one, then denied they knew what they weredoing on page 31 of the Apr. 1, 1983 Watchtower!
  3. The identities of the translators of the NewWorld Translation are only a secret to Witnesses. Everyone elseknows who they were!
  4. None of the New World Translation "translatingcommittee" knew much Biblical Greek or Hebrew. No scholarsat all. And this is the reason why the identities of the translatorsare kept from the average Witness.
  5. The entire content of the 27 New Testament bookswere not originally intended to be applicable to the average Jehovah'sWitness, rather the 144,00 class only!
  6. The Organization once taught that the worshipof Jesus was OK.
  7. The Organization once taught that Jesus crucifiedon a cross not a stake. They even had pictures of Jesus hangingon crosses in their publications.
  8. The Organization once taught that celebratingChristmas and civil holidays was OK.
  9. The Organization once taught that serving inthe Military was OK.
  10. Judge Rutherford, president of the Society, wasan alcoholic.
  11. Fred Franz, who for many years headed the Society,perjured himself under oath in Scotland in a court trial, by sayinghe could read Hebrew, and then failing a simple Hebrew test.
  12. That there absolutely no evidence that Matthewwas ever written in Hebrew, much less that this "missingHebrew original" used the word "Jehovah" (YHWH)throughout. (Jw's love to claim that all other Bibles deletedYHWH, whereas their Bible added it without any support from theoriginal text.) In Aid to Bible Understanding page, 887, theyactually admit that there is absolutely no tangible evidence thatany of the NT writers ever used YHWH in their writings.
  13. Jw's own "Aid to Bible Understanding"book admits on pages 884 & 885 that the spelling of "Jehovah"originated with a Catholic monk named Raymundus Martini in the13th Century.!
  14. Watchtower organization prophesied that all churcheswould be destroyed in 1918
  15. Watchtower organization prophesied that world-wideanarchy would come in 1920
  16. Armageddon and Christ's second coming were foretoldto happen in 1874, 1914, 1925 and 1975 by this "non-prophet"organization.
  17. When Christ failed to show up physically in 1914as predicted, the Society claimed in later years that He had comeinvisibly--of course, and all Jehovah's Witnesses believe thistoday.
  18. The date 1874 was taught for Christ's invisiblepresence by the Society right up till 1929. (See their book, "Prophecy",page 65).
  19. The 144,000 originally included all the new convertsof Watchtower. However when they exceeded 144,000 new coverts,they invented the two class system only at that point.
  20. Top executives of the Society have admitted underoath that they forced their members to accept false propheciesor face disfellowshipping and be found worthy of death.
  21. Blood transfusions, vaccinations and organ transplantswere originally condemned because Jw's view man as wholly physicaland based upon the medical science of the 1800's, they fearedthat tendencies to sin could be transmitted like a disease througha transfusion or organ transplant. Is it only a matter of timeuntil they change their view on blood transfusions too? Give'sthe expression, "I can't help is in my blood"a whole new meaning!
  22. An early Watchtower publication called Zion'sWatchtower said that a new view of truth can never contradicta former truth. "New light" never extinguishes older"light" but merely adds to it. (Zion's Watchtower, February1881, page 3.)
My religion is one. A worldwide brotherhood, in love, peace and unity of thought on all of Gods 1 truth. Refuse to kill their human family members that God created.

Which is the narrow gate which is the broad and spacious path? My 1 religion above or hundreds of trinity religions with hundreds of different truths? Disunified, kill each other in the wars of hatred, kill the members of their own religion in those wars as well, while they pray to the same God on both sides ( pure hypocrisy)

Its not a tough choice.

How many in your religion? One person?

Who refuses to kill others?

I mean, GOD said "So God said to Noah, “I have decided to destroy all living creatures,"

That's what God's all about. Death, destruction whenever he has a hissy fit.

So, I doubt yours is the "one true religion"
Its 100% fact. The word is not called God capitol G in the Greek lexicons. Every trinity scholar knows its fact, they say nothing because those religions would all be proven false, billions of dollars lost year after year, and 2 billion suing those religions for taking their money because they do know. I pray you find out before its to late Cougarbear.
You are really a ditz. No one is saying “I am” is God. It’s his name bonehead. Jehovah was asked for his name. He told Abraham “I am.” Then, Jesus told the people his name is “I am.” He didn’t say he was God. You are foolish.
youre so brainwashed, its sad. you have been warned multiple times you will have no excuse- you follow a cult.
Sad for you. In Ezekial it says about 20 x--They will have to know i am YHVH(Jehovah)--many Jaws will drop when that occurs.

WhatJehovah's Witness New Converts Have Not Been Told By Their OwnOrganization:​



We speak the truth inLove...


  1. When they translated their New World Translationthey deliberately altered almost every scripture on the deityof Christ, to make him only a creature.
  2. The Society used a translation by a SPIRIT MEDIUM,Johannes Greber, to support their rendering of John 1:1 with fullknowledge that his sources were DEMONIC. Greber was exposed inthe Feb. 15/56 Watchtower. However in 1961 they released a translationbased on his occult one, then denied they knew what they weredoing on page 31 of the Apr. 1, 1983 Watchtower!
  3. The identities of the translators of the NewWorld Translation are only a secret to Witnesses. Everyone elseknows who they were!
  4. None of the New World Translation "translatingcommittee" knew much Biblical Greek or Hebrew. No scholarsat all. And this is the reason why the identities of the translatorsare kept from the average Witness.
  5. The entire content of the 27 New Testament bookswere not originally intended to be applicable to the average Jehovah'sWitness, rather the 144,00 class only!
  6. The Organization once taught that the worshipof Jesus was OK.
  7. The Organization once taught that Jesus crucifiedon a cross not a stake. They even had pictures of Jesus hangingon crosses in their publications.
  8. The Organization once taught that celebratingChristmas and civil holidays was OK.
  9. The Organization once taught that serving inthe Military was OK.
  10. Judge Rutherford, president of the Society, wasan alcoholic.
  11. Fred Franz, who for many years headed the Society,perjured himself under oath in Scotland in a court trial, by sayinghe could read Hebrew, and then failing a simple Hebrew test.
  12. That there absolutely no evidence that Matthewwas ever written in Hebrew, much less that this "missingHebrew original" used the word "Jehovah" (YHWH)throughout. (Jw's love to claim that all other Bibles deletedYHWH, whereas their Bible added it without any support from theoriginal text.) In Aid to Bible Understanding page, 887, theyactually admit that there is absolutely no tangible evidence thatany of the NT writers ever used YHWH in their writings.
  13. Jw's own "Aid to Bible Understanding"book admits on pages 884 & 885 that the spelling of "Jehovah"originated with a Catholic monk named Raymundus Martini in the13th Century.!
  14. Watchtower organization prophesied that all churcheswould be destroyed in 1918
  15. Watchtower organization prophesied that world-wideanarchy would come in 1920
  16. Armageddon and Christ's second coming were foretoldto happen in 1874, 1914, 1925 and 1975 by this "non-prophet"organization.
  17. When Christ failed to show up physically in 1914as predicted, the Society claimed in later years that He had comeinvisibly--of course, and all Jehovah's Witnesses believe thistoday.
  18. The date 1874 was taught for Christ's invisiblepresence by the Society right up till 1929. (See their book, "Prophecy",page 65).
  19. The 144,000 originally included all the new convertsof Watchtower. However when they exceeded 144,000 new coverts,they invented the two class system only at that point.
  20. Top executives of the Society have admitted underoath that they forced their members to accept false propheciesor face disfellowshipping and be found worthy of death.
  21. Blood transfusions, vaccinations and organ transplantswere originally condemned because Jw's view man as wholly physicaland based upon the medical science of the 1800's, they fearedthat tendencies to sin could be transmitted like a disease througha transfusion or organ transplant. Is it only a matter of timeuntil they change their view on blood transfusions too? Give'sthe expression, "I can't help is in my blood"a whole new meaning!
  22. An early Watchtower publication called Zion'sWatchtower said that a new view of truth can never contradicta former truth. "New light" never extinguishes older"light" but merely adds to it. (Zion's Watchtower, February1881, page 3.)
I know 100% for sure, that is a bunch of crap written by those who follow false religion. God will be showing this world soon.
How many in your religion? One person?

Who refuses to kill others?

I mean, GOD said "So God said to Noah, “I have decided to destroy all living creatures,"

That's what God's all about. Death, destruction whenever he has a hissy fit.

So, I doubt yours is the "one true religion"
Those people were wicked to the core. Very violent the bible says. constant wicked thoughts.
You are really a ditz. No one is saying “I am” is God. It’s his name bonehead. Jehovah was asked for his name. He told Abraham “I am.” Then, Jesus told the people his name is “I am.” He didn’t say he was God. You are foolish.
Hebrew scholars say that phrase in the OT does not translate--i am that i am they are correct.
My religion is one. A worldwide brotherhood, in love, peace and unity of thought on all of Gods 1 truth. Refuse to kill their human family members that God created.

Which is the narrow gate which is the broad and spacious path? My 1 religion above or hundreds of trinity religions with hundreds of different truths? Disunified, kill each other in the wars of hatred, kill the members of their own religion in those wars as well, while they pray to the same God on both sides ( pure hypocrisy)

Its not a tough choice.
Christians have no moral high ground when it comes to fighting wars, killing people, worshiping and serving mammon, and killing in its name in pursuit of profits and power. You're no better than the Muslims or Zionist Jews. Christians are just as racist, and prone to violence as anyone else. Two world wars were started in Christian Europe, and there is plenty of violence and perversion in the Christian USA, so you're being highly selective in your criticism of other religions.

Buddhism and Hinduism haven't set out to conquer the world and convert it to their religion, as Christians and Muslims did. If Christianity is true or the religion that is closest to the truth, it's not because Christians are peaceful or innocent. Such conditions are arbitrary and have no basis in reality. A religion can be violent and true. The Biblical Israelites were violent, haven't you read the Bible?
Christians have no moral high ground when it comes to fighting wars, killing people, worshiping and serving mammon, and killing in its name in pursuit of profits and power. You're no better than the Muslims or Zionist Jews. Christians are just as racist, and prone to violence as anyone else. Two world wars were started in Christian Europe, and there is plenty of violence and perversion in the Christian USA, so you're being highly selective in your criticism of other religions.

Buddhism and Hinduism haven't set out to conquer the world and convert it to their religion, like Christians and Muslims. If Christianity is true or the religion that is closest to the truth, it's not because Christians are peaceful or innocent. Such conditions are arbitrary and have no basis in reality. A religion can be violent and true. The Biblical Israelites were violent, haven't you read the Bible?
The JW,s went to prision, concentration camps in ww1,ww2, refusing to stand on both sides killing each other, it took applying Jesus to do that. The false religions stood on both sides killing each other while the blind guides prayed to the same God on both sides and told both sides God was on their side.
No real christians would ever stand on both sides. Ones lead by these-(2Cor 11:12-15) did.
The JW,s went to prision, concentration camps in ww1,ww2, refusing to stand on both sides killing each other, it took applying Jesus to do that. The false religions stood on both sides killing each other while the blind guides prayed to the same God on both sides and told both sides God was on their side.
No real christians would ever stand on both sides. Ones lead by these-(2Cor 11:12-15) did.
Are you a JW? I love this song from the JWs:

Hebrew scholars say that phrase in the OT does not translate--i am that i am they are correct.
Well, whatever it said, Jesus repeated the same thing. Your Hebrew scholars are blinding you to this fact that Jesus stated the same name. It’s funny how your Hebrew Scholars say it’s not but every one else’s say it is. And it was yours that gave a false translation of the date for the end of days.
The JW,s went to prision, concentration camps in ww1,ww2, refusing to stand on both sides killing each other, it took applying Jesus to do that. The false religions stood on both sides killing each other while the blind guides prayed to the same God on both sides and told both sides God was on their side.
No real christians would ever stand on both sides. Ones lead by these-(2Cor 11:12-15) did.

Greg Stafford, unitarian apologist debunks Sam Shamoun:


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