
Sherri, do you really believe that G-d is going to reject someone who was obeying Torah scripture not to add or take away from scriptures - in order to obey Him - because they didn't recognize Messiah? If they honestly do not recognize Jesus as Messiah then how can they be judged for it? Answer: They can't be.

Jesus said if you didn't know it was a sin it wouldn't be held against you.

You don't know the future. You don't know anything. What you should know as you claim you are a christian is the scripture : All Israel shall be saved. That settles it.

For God so loved the world that He gave His only Begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. John 3:16

No one comes through the Father except through Me. John 14:16

Do you reject these words of Jesus?

If a Jew dies today and they have not accepted Jesus, shall you be saving them?

Shall Jesus return and save the dead, the dead who rejected Jesus and who never in their lives believed in Jesus?

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sherri ---is, according to consensus of pyschiatrists world wide ----NOT PSYCHOTIC-----nor was Adolf abu ali------in past times her condition was
called a "personality disorder"-----there are newer terminolgies for the
filth which she is-----in general ----a useful term is BITCH
Sherri, do you really believe that G-d is going to reject someone who was obeying Torah scripture not to add or take away from scriptures - in order to obey Him - because they didn't recognize Messiah? If they honestly do not recognize Jesus as Messiah then how can they be judged for it? Answer: They can't be.

Jesus said if you didn't know it was a sin it wouldn't be held against you.

You don't know the future. You don't know anything. What you should know as you claim you are a christian is the scripture : All Israel shall be saved. That settles it.

For God so loved the world that He gave His only Begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. John 3:16

No one comes through the Father except through Me. John 14:16

Do you reject these words of Jesus?

If a Jew dies today and they have not accepted Jesus, shall you be saving them?

Shall Jesus return and save the dead, the dead who rejected Jesus and who never in their lives believed in Jesus?


Will the LORD abandon His People? No. Not ever. I do not believe it. I'm not discussing this with you, Sherri, because I don't believe you are a sincere Christian. Your motives are evil. - Jeremiah
sherri ---is, according to consensus of pyschiatrists world wide ----NOT PSYCHOTIC-----nor was Adolf abu ali------in past times her condition was
called a "personality disorder"-----there are newer terminolgies for the
filth which she is-----in general ----a useful term is BITCH

Rosie, you have my sincerist apology for this individual named Sherri. She does not represent what I believe at all but still I feel the need to apologise for her. Because she claims to be Christian and her behavior reflects on the rest of us. Unfortunately. - J.
Jews today should not be blamed for what their ancestors may, or may not have done, to a man named Jesus, many centuries ago. First of all, it's obvious from a reading of the Christian Bible, that Jesus was a Jew, so Christians should thank us for simply breeding their god in the first place. His followers called him "King of Israel", not King of Palestine. Secondly, from a Christian theological viewpoint, their god came down to earth as a man to suffer and die, in order to "save" mankind from their sins. This was supposedly pre-ordained from the beginning, so how could Jews even be blamed? Thirdly, from a logical viewpoint, if Jesus was actually a god, he could have saved himself anytime from his oppressors. Fourthly, it was the Romans who actually crucified him, which was their own unique form of execution. Blaming Jews alive today for his death, or especially relating it in any way to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict as Sherry always does, is completely unfair. :cuckoo:
If Gawd had only one son, then he is more impotent than omnipotent

Any old or young fool can breed more extra terrestrials than this phoney jealous genocidal racist all male god of the mythical make believe Abraham

if you want REAL Gods and Goddesses, then join me in India where sacred truth was revealed in the vedas and upanishads long before those pesky jews were even a twinkle in the fake abrahamic god's eyes

But Jesus did say some good Hindu things like "The Kingdom of God is within you"

Many people think he visited this sacred land as a youth before his baptism and there is a tomb of Jesus in Kashmir where many believe he retired after his cruci-fiction

If Jesus studied Yoga in India as a young man then 3 days on a cross would be no problem..just like a bed of nails......
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sherri ---is, according to consensus of pyschiatrists world wide ----NOT PSYCHOTIC-----nor was Adolf abu ali------in past times her condition was
called a "personality disorder"-----there are newer terminolgies for the
filth which she is-----in general ----a useful term is BITCH

Rosie, you have my sincerist apology for this individual named Sherri. She does not represent what I believe at all but still I feel the need to apologise for her. Because she claims to be Christian and her behavior reflects on the rest of us. Unfortunately. - J.
Jerry Mire you are a thousand times worse than Sherri knows how to be........

The worst so called Christian on this or any board............
sherri ---is, according to consensus of pyschiatrists world wide ----NOT PSYCHOTIC-----nor was Adolf abu ali------in past times her condition was
called a "personality disorder"-----there are newer terminolgies for the
filth which she is-----in general ----a useful term is BITCH
Hey babe

The mad dogs and english bitch appreciation society strongly objects to you comparing our gorgeous female cannines with that witch....

Kindly switch metaphores

Love you

Your Mamzer..xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

now with pukka internet in his room...better and cheaper than dismal old London.....
Sherri, do you really believe that G-d is going to reject someone who was obeying Torah scripture not to add or take away from scriptures - in order to obey Him - because they didn't recognize Messiah? If they honestly do not recognize Jesus as Messiah then how can they be judged for it? Answer: They can't be.

Jesus said if you didn't know it was a sin it wouldn't be held against you.

You don't know the future. You don't know anything. What you should know as you claim you are a christian is the scripture : All Israel shall be saved. That settles it.
Jerry and Sherry...not as good as Tom and Jerry but still............



How many Jewish THIEVES and their deluded supporters like you have to be crucified along with the next Jesus to be saved like Barabus????

Are you volunteering????
Sherri, do you really believe that G-d is going to reject someone who was obeying Torah scripture not to add or take away from scriptures - in order to obey Him - because they didn't recognize Messiah? If they honestly do not recognize Jesus as Messiah then how can they be judged for it? Answer: They can't be.

Jesus said if you didn't know it was a sin it wouldn't be held against you.

You don't know the future. You don't know anything. What you should know as you claim you are a christian is the scripture : All Israel shall be saved. That settles it.

For God so loved the world that He gave His only Begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. John 3:16

No one comes through the Father except through Me. John 14:16

Do you reject these words of Jesus?

If a Jew dies today and they have not accepted Jesus, shall you be saving them?

Shall Jesus return and save the dead, the dead who rejected Jesus and who never in their lives believed in Jesus?


Will the LORD abandon His People? No. Not ever. I do not believe it. I'm not discussing this with you, Sherri, because I don't believe you are a sincere Christian. Your motives are evil. - Jeremiah

WE know who you are, the one who says they are first and foremost a Zionist! Christians are first and foremost Christians, followers of Christ!
sherri ---is, according to consensus of pyschiatrists world wide ----NOT PSYCHOTIC-----nor was Adolf abu ali------in past times her condition was
called a "personality disorder"-----there are newer terminolgies for the
filth which she is-----in general ----a useful term is BITCH

Rosie, you have my sincerist apology for this individual named Sherri. She does not represent what I believe at all but still I feel the need to apologise for her. Because she claims to be Christian and her behavior reflects on the rest of us. Unfortunately. - J.
Jerry Mire you are a thousand times worse than Sherri knows how to be........

The worst so called Christian on this or any board............

That is a relief. Thank you for letting me know. My bible says I am supposed to be hated by the world and your confirmation has a triple A rating. :eusa_angel: - Jeri
For God so loved the world that He gave His only Begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. John 3:16

No one comes through the Father except through Me. John 14:16

Do you reject these words of Jesus?

If a Jew dies today and they have not accepted Jesus, shall you be saving them?

Shall Jesus return and save the dead, the dead who rejected Jesus and who never in their lives believed in Jesus?


Will the LORD abandon His People? No. Not ever. I do not believe it. I'm not discussing this with you, Sherri, because I don't believe you are a sincere Christian. Your motives are evil. - Jeremiah

WE know who you are, the one who says they are first and foremost a Zionist! Christians are first and foremost Christians, followers of Christ!

.........who support Israel and bless the Jewish people. Yes. When will you get around to supporting Israel and blessing the Jewish people instead of attacking them all day long, Sherri? Any ideas on that? - Jeri
Sherri, do you really believe that G-d is going to reject someone who was obeying Torah scripture not to add or take away from scriptures - in order to obey Him - because they didn't recognize Messiah? If they honestly do not recognize Jesus as Messiah then how can they be judged for it? Answer: They can't be.

Jesus said if you didn't know it was a sin it wouldn't be held against you.

You don't know the future. You don't know anything. What you should know as you claim you are a christian is the scripture : All Israel shall be saved. That settles it.
Jerry and Sherry...not as good as Tom and Jerry but still............



How many Jewish THIEVES and their deluded supporters like you have to be crucified along with the next Jesus to be saved like Barabus????

Are you volunteering????

I HAVE never supported the ethnic cleansing and land thefts. WHAT is it you are asking if I am volunteering for?
will the lord abandon his people? No. Not ever. I do not believe it. I'm not discussing this with you, sherri, because i don't believe you are a sincere christian. Your motives are evil. - jeremiah

we know who you are, the one who says they are first and foremost a zionist! Christians are first and foremost christians, followers of christ!

.........who support israel and bless the jewish people. Yes. When will you get around to supporting israel and blessing the jewish people instead of attacking them all day long, sherri? Any ideas on that? - jeri

where does jesus say that? IS that what Jesus was doing in Matthew 23?
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The Jews have not stolen 94% of Palestine. Are you insane??!! The land of Israel belongs to the Israelis - the history of the Jews and Israel is over 4,000 years old! Islam didn't even exist 4,000 years ago. Muhammad was born in 570 A.D. - do the math! The arabs own 99.4% of middle east while the Jews own .06% of the middle east. A literal dot on the map over there. ........and you are accusing who of being thieves??? OPEN YOUR EYES!!! - Jeri
THE problem is not what happened 2000 years ago, they shall be judged for what they do today, for rejecting Him as the Messiah today!

You mean " Jesus" doesn't believe in Freedom of Religion? Does"Jesus" hate Muslims, Hindus, and others? How does"Jesus" feel about Muslims killing Christians? Aren't you the Christian Hypocrite who quotes the Bible? Where does it say "Jesus" wanted those to suffer the " consequences" for not believing in "Jesus?" You learned your religion well

I believe in the truth of what is written in John 3:16, what those written words fully mean only God knows!

We have Freedom to choose to believe in Jesus, once the Holy Spirit convicts us of our sin and shows us our need for Jesus and who Jesus is, and there are consequences that flow from our choices.

Jesus does not hate any person.

Jesus hates all killing!

Hypocrite is defined by Matthew 23.


The " Christian" Hypocrite speaks again; She first states that " Jesus" does not hate anybody. However in her prior post she stated that the Jews will be judged for what they do today which is not believing he is the Son of a Virgin Birth ! That is Hate. That means her " Jesus" hates Jews, Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists, Agnostics, etc. etc. Woops; Forgot to mention Atheists

How does " Jesus" feel about Muslims killing Christians? Apparently he doesn't mind that.

This " Christian" learned her lesson well from her " Church":clap2:
You mean " Jesus" doesn't believe in Freedom of Religion? Does"Jesus" hate Muslims, Hindus, and others? How does"Jesus" feel about Muslims killing Christians? Aren't you the Christian Hypocrite who quotes the Bible? Where does it say "Jesus" wanted those to suffer the " consequences" for not believing in "Jesus?" You learned your religion well

I believe in the truth of what is written in John 3:16, what those written words fully mean only God knows!

We have Freedom to choose to believe in Jesus, once the Holy Spirit convicts us of our sin and shows us our need for Jesus and who Jesus is, and there are consequences that flow from our choices.

Jesus does not hate any person.

Jesus hates all killing!

Hypocrite is defined by Matthew 23.


The " Christian" Hypocrite speaks again; She first states that " Jesus" does not hate anybody. However in her prior post she stated that the Jews will be judged for what they do today which is not believing he is the Son of a Virgin Birth ! That is Hate. That means her " Jesus" hates Jews, Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists, Agnostics, etc. etc. Woops; Forgot to mention Atheists

How does " Jesus" feel about Muslims killing Christians? Apparently he doesn't mind that.

This " Christian" learned her lesson well from her " Church":clap2:

Don't forget Taoists, Shintoists, Jains, Wiccans, Sikhs, Bahai's, followers of Zoroaster and Confucius, etc, etc.
Who are you guys talking to? :lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:


Okay. But I don't think it needs a discussion. I too disagree with anyone bringing religion as the cause for supporting either side. That includes Jeremiah, she supports Israel because she thinks Jesus will come back and rule but she also hates Muslims and its the only reason she's on one side. I think both of them should denounce their ways and leave their random rants out.

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