
Okay. But I don't think it needs a discussion. I too disagree with anyone bringing religion as the cause for supporting either side. That includes Jeremiah, she supports Israel because she thinks Jesus will come back and rule but she also hates Muslims and its the only reason she's on one side. I think both of them should denounce their ways and leave their random rants out.

THE thread title is Jesus.

The thread title is " Jesus" but that still doesn't detract from the fact the only group of people this " Christian"is singling out for not believing are the Jews.

" Jesus" must approve of Christians being killed by Muslims. If it's O.K. with " him" it's O.K. with me :clap2:

WHAT I am doing is simply responding to posts. AND I do not think Jesus approves of any killing, I think it is all essentially equally evil in His eyes, whether it is the US killing Osama Bin Ladin and those surrounding him or Israel massacring children at Cana in Lebanon. ThE KILLINGS ARE EQUALLY EVIL!
I AM hated so much on this discussion board for following Jesus, it just brings a smile to my face every day pondering that! I LOVE THIS HATE!
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THE thread title is Jesus.

The thread title is " Jesus" but that still doesn't detract from the fact the only group of people this " Christian"is singling out for not believing are the Jews.

" Jesus" must approve of Christians being killed by Muslims. If it's O.K. with " him" it's O.K. with me :clap2:

WHAT I am doing is simply responding to posts. AND I do not think Jesus approves of any killing, I think it is all essentially equally evil in His eyes, whether it is the US killing Osama Bin Ladin and those surrounding him or Israel massacring children at Cana in Lebanon. ThE KILLINGS ARE EQUALLY EVIL!
It is very telling how Frau Sherri has left out the killings by her Muslim friends. Evidently she does not think these killings are evil. She would have made an excellent wife and advisor for Bin Laden and helped him in planning terrorist attacks against the Infidels. Perhaps she can go help that little runt in North Korea.
The thread title is " Jesus" but that still doesn't detract from the fact the only group of people this " Christian"is singling out for not believing are the Jews.

" Jesus" must approve of Christians being killed by Muslims. If it's O.K. with " him" it's O.K. with me :clap2:

WHAT I am doing is simply responding to posts. AND I do not think Jesus approves of any killing, I think it is all essentially equally evil in His eyes, whether it is the US killing Osama Bin Ladin and those surrounding him or Israel massacring children at Cana in Lebanon. ThE KILLINGS ARE EQUALLY EVIL!
It is very telling how Frau Sherri has left out the killings by her Muslim friends. Evidently she does not think these killings are evil. She would have made an excellent wife and advisor for Bin Laden and helped him in planning terrorist attacks against the Infidels. Perhaps she can go help that little runt in North Korea.

I CANNOT possibly mention all of the killings, I do not even know about most of them!
WHAT I am doing is simply responding to posts. AND I do not think Jesus approves of any killing, I think it is all essentially equally evil in His eyes, whether it is the US killing Osama Bin Ladin and those surrounding him or Israel massacring children at Cana in Lebanon. ThE KILLINGS ARE EQUALLY EVIL!
It is very telling how Frau Sherri has left out the killings by her Muslim friends. Evidently she does not think these killings are evil. She would have made an excellent wife and advisor for Bin Laden and helped him in planning terrorist attacks against the Infidels. Perhaps she can go help that little runt in North Korea.

I CANNOT possibly mention all of the killings, I do not even know about most of them!
No one expected you to mention every killing by your Muslim friends. You just could have mentioned that they are murdering Christians, Hindus, Buddhist, and Muslims of different sects in many locations in the world and that they are evil for doing that. Just that statement would have served. Say, I wonder if Bin Laden met Frau Sherri and proposed to her, what name would he have given her. Would he have given her the name of one of Mohammed's wives?
"We have Freedom to choose to believe in Jesus."

not in Libya they don't. God helps me not to HATE them and their backward country too much.........

"The 'Christian" Hypocrite' speaks again"

This place, a bad place to talk about religion - in a stupid message box. OK ok...

So, who's in this box:

Kvetch person

naturally, there's alot of jewish people that post here...and people who don't believe in God...there's people here who make fun of ...God, Jesus......and i don't really know (besides sunniman) who may be a muslim ?

i guess the only way we're ever going to understand each other (ex: like, irose/LIPbush) to: Come with me to church, and i'll come with you to temple....(i really don't know if you go to temple)....

i love going to church...especially during the week-day when it's quiet. when you have God in your...gut/soul, you can deal better with ---> how many people make fun of you, or the sick world we live in, and what 'scientists' say....whatever i'm saying about God, what i...follow, i would hope there's a few people (out there) who understand.....

certainly Not lipbush
not hoss (you don't have a ...religion, from what you've said)
not proudvet (i know you like to "quote Jesus")
not irose.....(at least you're a bit gentler - no rapist pig for him)

as much as i love astrophysicists....especially these two...


Dr. Tyson....I have his autograph
- long ago, i used to write to him too...i always brought up God, would ask if he believed in God...

....and Dr. Michio.....

love, love him. he said the word God makes him and most people 'in his field' --

it still doesn't bother me.........

...God has taught me alot. especially to pray for people. people i don't even know. i have to pray for myself too. that i don't punch people in the face...LOL. sorry, where i live - it's a fantastic place to test your...EVERYTHING !

so, go ahead and ...make fun. i myself, as a Christian, don't blame the "JEWS" of today for years ago.

I believe in God. The architect. I believe that....Jupiter was set in place (where it is) for a reason. I always like to start there (even if Dr. Neil and Dr. Michio disagree)....
I AM hated so much on this discussion board for following Jesus, it just brings a smile to my face every day pondering that! I LOVE THIS HATE!

Trust me we don't hate you, we feel bad for you.

I (irose) dislike sherri intensely. Libels are at the base of ALL GENOCIDES----
and pogroms and lynchings Sherri promulgates libels ------I became
conscious of the issue
of genocide at a young age-----the first my mom told me about was the
ARMENIAN genocide-----I think she was trying to soften me up for learning
about the nazi genocide. -----but more important----they KEPT HAPPENING
during my lifetime. Nigeria, Uganda, Cambodia, East pakistan, etc
etc etc and they were on everyone's mind in the 60s regarding the
history of the USA and the slavery and the ONGOING garbage promulgated

considering the sea of blood in which those of her ADMITTED and DECLARED
lineage swim----that she PROMULGATES LIBELS is really sickening- Her
posts conjure up the genocide of biafran chidren and east pakistani children
in my mind-----starved to death in the name of her isa her "god" during my
own life time That and the fact that the same class of murder is still ongoing--
in the name of her "god" Even the SYRIAN civil war involves HER KIND
I AM hated so much on this discussion board for following Jesus, it just brings a smile to my face every day pondering that! I LOVE THIS HATE!

No, I don't hate you. I feel kinda sorry for are so misguided and lost and you don't realize it. You only think you're following Jesus. You're just a lost soul that Satan manipulates with ease because you're too weak to stop it.
Stop telling each other weird things, especially this 'You think you're following Jesus but Satan manipulates you'...

You all think you can make those accusations and allegations.
I AM hated so much on this discussion board for following Jesus, it just brings a smile to my face every day pondering that! I LOVE THIS HATE!

No, I don't hate you. I feel kinda sorry for are so misguided and lost and you don't realize it. You only think you're following Jesus. You're just a lost soul that Satan manipulates with ease because you're too weak to stop it.

I have come as a light into the world that whoever believes in Me should not abide in darkness. John 12:46
"You're all stupid."

ich. (you're just a rot and a lowlife...A.F.A.I.C.). . . .is what i'm thinking to myself.

Becawse: "No it's funny, it says: Mommy....I peed....come clean me. brother also peed, come clean him. Mommy.....we all peed! Ha Ha Ha!"


yeah, we're "stupid."
Wow you still saved that joke I told to Lipush, and you took it out of context. Ha Ha Ha Ha! We got a creeper. LOL
"Wow you still saved that joke I told to Lipush, and you took it out of context. Ha Ha Ha Ha! We got a creeper. LOL"

"took out of context." Get lost with that. it definately wasn't a joke. far from it. you're idea of funny is..."stupidity/nonsense/bathroom humor."

plus, you're the "creeper."
I AM hated so much on this discussion board for following Jesus, it just brings a smile to my face every day pondering that! I LOVE THIS HATE!
Another sign of this lunatic's mental illness. She actually believes she's hated, and that its because of "Jesus". Wow. This witch is certified looney tunes. How deep it goes nobody knows.

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