
The Jews have not stolen 94% of Palestine. Are you insane??!! The land of Israel belongs to the Israelis - the history of the Jews and Israel is over 4,000 years old! Islam didn't even exist 4,000 years ago. Muhammad was born in 570 A.D. - do the math! The arabs own 99.4% of middle east while the Jews own .06% of the middle east. A literal dot on the map over there. ........and you are accusing who of being thieves??? OPEN YOUR EYES!!! - Jeri

Jeremiah----beginning in the 1800s the jewish project of PURCHASING
land in palestine -----got them 6% of that land as PRIVATELY OWNED
by 1948 Islamo nazis simply subtract that figure from the ENTIRE
palestine mandate area and claim "JOOOOOOS 'STOLE' THE REST"
ie the fact that muslims invaded, pillaged and raped there ---made
ALL THE REST 'owned' by muslims Its sophistry Really
stupid lawyers so engage--------there is one with whom I had a minor
involvement whose use of sophistry was so idiotic ----that I am inclined
to report the slut to the bar association-------but another lawyer with whom
I spoke said-----"forget it----its just shit"
The Jews have not stolen 94% of Palestine. Are you insane??!! The land of Israel belongs to the Israelis - the history of the Jews and Israel is over 4,000 years old! Islam didn't even exist 4,000 years ago. Muhammad was born in 570 A.D. - do the math! The arabs own 99.4% of middle east while the Jews own .06% of the middle east. A literal dot on the map over there. ........and you are accusing who of being thieves??? OPEN YOUR EYES!!! - Jeri

Jeremiah----beginning in the 1800s the jewish project of PURCHASING
land in palestine -----got them 6% of that land as PRIVATELY OWNED
by 1948 Islamo nazis simply subtract that figure from the ENTIRE
palestine mandate area and claim "JOOOOOOS 'STOLE' THE REST"
ie the fact that muslims invaded, pillaged and raped there ---made
ALL THE REST 'owned' by muslims Its sophistry Really
stupid lawyers so engage--------there is one with whom I had a minor
involvement whose use of sophistry was so idiotic ----that I am inclined
to report the slut to the bar association-------but another lawyer with whom
I spoke said-----"forget it----its just shit"

No one has the right to own another human being and call them their slave -sexual or otherwise. That includes the followers of Islam.
The Jews have not stolen 94% of Palestine. Are you insane??!! The land of Israel belongs to the Israelis - the history of the Jews and Israel is over 4,000 years old! Islam didn't even exist 4,000 years ago. Muhammad was born in 570 A.D. - do the math! The arabs own 99.4% of middle east while the Jews own .06% of the middle east. A literal dot on the map over there. ........and you are accusing who of being thieves??? OPEN YOUR EYES!!! - Jeri

THE UN Says that, in 1947 Jews owned only 6 percent of the land. THEY have stolen the rest. JESUS does not call His followers to support land thefts.
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Who are you guys talking to? :lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:


Okay. But I don't think it needs a discussion. I too disagree with anyone bringing religion as the cause for supporting either side. That includes Jeremiah, she supports Israel because she thinks Jesus will come back and rule but she also hates Muslims and its the only reason she's on one side. I think both of them should denounce their ways and leave their random rants out.

THE thread title is Jesus.
You mean " Jesus" doesn't believe in Freedom of Religion? Does"Jesus" hate Muslims, Hindus, and others? How does"Jesus" feel about Muslims killing Christians? Aren't you the Christian Hypocrite who quotes the Bible? Where does it say "Jesus" wanted those to suffer the " consequences" for not believing in "Jesus?" You learned your religion well

I believe in the truth of what is written in John 3:16, what those written words fully mean only God knows!

We have Freedom to choose to believe in Jesus, once the Holy Spirit convicts us of our sin and shows us our need for Jesus and who Jesus is, and there are consequences that flow from our choices.

Jesus does not hate any person.

Jesus hates all killing!

Hypocrite is defined by Matthew 23.


The " Christian" Hypocrite speaks again; She first states that " Jesus" does not hate anybody. However in her prior post she stated that the Jews will be judged for what they do today which is not believing he is the Son of a Virgin Birth ! That is Hate. That means her " Jesus" hates Jews, Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists, Agnostics, etc. etc. Woops; Forgot to mention Atheists

How does " Jesus" feel about Muslims killing Christians? Apparently he doesn't mind that.

This " Christian" learned her lesson well from her " Church":clap2:

YOU have a reading comprehension problem. SAYING people shall be judged by God is not saying God hates people. WE will be judged by the choices we make based on the knowledge we had. WHERE IS HATE there?
I believe in the truth of what is written in John 3:16, what those written words fully mean only God knows!

We have Freedom to choose to believe in Jesus, once the Holy Spirit convicts us of our sin and shows us our need for Jesus and who Jesus is, and there are consequences that flow from our choices.

Jesus does not hate any person.

Jesus hates all killing!

Hypocrite is defined by Matthew 23.


YOU have a reading comprehension problem. SAYING people shall be judged by God is not saying God hates people. WE will be judged by the choices we make based on the knowledge we had. WHERE IS HATE there?

I am curious sherri----from what line in the NEW TESTAMENT do you get
the impression "JESUS HATES ALL KILLING"? I am not accusing him of
liking killing----but from what do you draw your conclusion?

As to Matthew 23-----his lines are so typically PHARISEE RHETORICAL STYLE---
that you have no possibility of understanding them ----- He does not "DEFINE
HYPOCRISY" he addresses it as a vice unbecoming to people he considers
far far superior to you in that he demands that their behavior and demeanor
be -----more perfect than you could possibly comprehend
I believe in the truth of what is written in John 3:16, what those written words fully mean only God knows!

We have Freedom to choose to believe in Jesus, once the Holy Spirit convicts us of our sin and shows us our need for Jesus and who Jesus is, and there are consequences that flow from our choices.

Jesus does not hate any person.

Jesus hates all killing!

Hypocrite is defined by Matthew 23.


The " Christian" Hypocrite speaks again; She first states that " Jesus" does not hate anybody. However in her prior post she stated that the Jews will be judged for what they do today which is not believing he is the Son of a Virgin Birth ! That is Hate. That means her " Jesus" hates Jews, Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists, Agnostics, etc. etc. Woops; Forgot to mention Atheists

How does " Jesus" feel about Muslims killing Christians? Apparently he doesn't mind that.

This " Christian" learned her lesson well from her " Church":clap2:

YOU have a reading comprehension problem. SAYING people shall be judged by God is not saying God hates people. WE will be judged by the choices we make based on the knowledge we had. WHERE IS HATE there?
Nobody but nobody would want to be in your shoes on Judgement Day, Sherrikins. What say you?
The " Christian" Hypocrite speaks again; She first states that " Jesus" does not hate anybody. However in her prior post she stated that the Jews will be judged for what they do today which is not believing he is the Son of a Virgin Birth ! That is Hate. That means her " Jesus" hates Jews, Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists, Agnostics, etc. etc. Woops; Forgot to mention Atheists

How does " Jesus" feel about Muslims killing Christians? Apparently he doesn't mind that.

This " Christian" learned her lesson well from her " Church":clap2:

YOU have a reading comprehension problem. SAYING people shall be judged by God is not saying God hates people. WE will be judged by the choices we make based on the knowledge we had. WHERE IS HATE there?
Nobody but nobody would want to be in your shoes on Judgement Day, Sherrikins. What say you?

worry not about sherri on judgement day-----she is going to be evaluated in
JANNAH by isa-----for an ETERNAL JOB in the cathouse in the sky
she will have JOB SECURITY
The " Christian" Hypocrite speaks again; She first states that " Jesus" does not hate anybody. However in her prior post she stated that the Jews will be judged for what they do today which is not believing he is the Son of a Virgin Birth ! That is Hate. That means her " Jesus" hates Jews, Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists, Agnostics, etc. etc. Woops; Forgot to mention Atheists

How does " Jesus" feel about Muslims killing Christians? Apparently he doesn't mind that.

This " Christian" learned her lesson well from her " Church":clap2:

YOU have a reading comprehension problem. SAYING people shall be judged by God is not saying God hates people. WE will be judged by the choices we make based on the knowledge we had. WHERE IS HATE there?
Nobody but nobody would want to be in your shoes on Judgement Day, Sherrikins. What say you?
I SAY You are not my judge.
YOU have a reading comprehension problem. SAYING people shall be judged by God is not saying God hates people. WE will be judged by the choices we make based on the knowledge we had. WHERE IS HATE there?
Nobody but nobody would want to be in your shoes on Judgement Day, Sherrikins. What say you?
I SAY You are not my judge.
I didn't SAY I was, darlin'. I said I'd hate to be in your shoes.
Nobody but nobody would want to be in your shoes on Judgement Day, Sherrikins. What say you?
I SAY You are not my judge.
I didn't SAY I was, darlin'. I said I'd hate to be in your shoes.

Leave sherri alone----she is TRUE AND FAITHFUL to her "god" ---isa---and
confident of its favor. and very proud of the fact that the overwhelming
majority of the hundreds of millions of men, women and children murdered
in genocides in the past 1700 years have been murdered to glorify and honor
her ONE 'god' allah, isa and the rapist dog
YOU have a reading comprehension problem. SAYING people shall be judged by God is not saying God hates people. WE will be judged by the choices we make based on the knowledge we had. WHERE IS HATE there?

I am curious sherri----from what line in the NEW TESTAMENT do you get
the impression "JESUS HATES ALL KILLING"? I am not accusing him of
liking killing----but from what do you draw your conclusion?

As to Matthew 23-----his lines are so typically PHARISEE RHETORICAL STYLE---
that you have no possibility of understanding them ----- He does not "DEFINE
HYPOCRISY" he addresses it as a vice unbecoming to people he considers
far far superior to you in that he demands that their behavior and demeanor
be -----more perfect than you could possibly comprehend

BEING A REJECTOR of Jesus, you have no abilty to understand Matthew 23. AS TO killing, we have His example, He never killed and His dealings with others and His words/commands to love. Love God. LOVE our neighbors. LOVE our enemies. LOVE one another as I have loved you. WHO is there left to hate and kill?Noone. EXCEPT SATAN! HE is not a person to hate or kill but He is a force to oppose and there may be other evil spiritual forces. I AM not really that knowledgeable about angels but I just bought this huge beautiful picture of an angel and I am sure they do exist.
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I am curious sherri----from what line in the NEW TESTAMENT do you get
the impression "JESUS HATES ALL KILLING"? I am not accusing him of
liking killing----but from what do you draw your conclusion?

As to Matthew 23-----his lines are so typically PHARISEE RHETORICAL STYLE---
that you have no possibility of understanding them ----- He does not "DEFINE
HYPOCRISY" he addresses it as a vice unbecoming to people he considers
far far superior to you in that he demands that their behavior and demeanor
be -----more perfect than you could possibly comprehend

BEING A REJECTOR of Jesus, you have no abilty to understand Matthew 23. AS TO killing, we have His example, He never killed and His dealings with others and His words/commands to love. Love God. LOVE our neighbors. LOVE our enemies. LOVE one another as I have loved you. WHO is there left to hate and kill?Noone. EXCEPT SATAN!

you are quite a silly joke sherri I am not a "rejecter of Jesus" I recognize him
for what he was-----a jewish preacher of the pharisee pursuasion who spoke the language
of his audience----the jews of Israel/judea. You go from silly to idiotic He never
Again---I am not denying the possibility that he did hate all killing----
but your "logic" borders on psychotic. It is a well known fact that pharisees
always managed to find a way out of capital punishment---contrary to the filth
YOU LEARNED from the easter bunny. In fact finding the loophole
for LENIENCY was their FORTE. The story of the adultress while silly
and historically impossible ---is one of the parts of the NT which marks
Jesus as a PHARISEE
Adolf abu ali never killed anyone either. --------then you go on to quote jesus quoting
RABBI HILLEL----who was ---actually virtually the founder of

look around if you open your eyes----no matter where you live in the USA if there
are jews around-----there is some organization that includes the name "HILLEL"
If Jesus saw the name HILLEL he would feel right at home

I am reminded a preaching on radio that I heard decades ago-----in which a very
jerky backwoods style protestant type guy quoted JOSEPHUS FLAVIUS ---and then
commented on the favorable comments that Josephus made about PHARISEES
as being simply "a mistake" Ie he liked something Josephus wrote----but absolutely
did not want his endorsement to extend to the opinion Josphus held of pharisee jews
so he excused that stuff as "MISTAKE" I laughed for weeks.

your interpretations are just as idiotic
Sherri da looney say:
being a rejector of Jesus...blah blah blah...drivel...vomit...garbage...

Okay. But I don't think it needs a discussion. I too disagree with anyone bringing religion as the cause for supporting either side. That includes Jeremiah, she supports Israel because she thinks Jesus will come back and rule but she also hates Muslims and its the only reason she's on one side. I think both of them should denounce their ways and leave their random rants out.

THE thread title is Jesus.

The thread title is " Jesus" but that still doesn't detract from the fact the only group of people this " Christian"is singling out for not believing are the Jews.

" Jesus" must approve of Christians being killed by Muslims. If it's O.K. with " him" it's O.K. with me :clap2:
Did anybody tell this lunatic that Palestinians are rejectors of Jesus? What the....

Did anybody tell this lunatic that Palestinians are rejectors of Jesus? What the....


Yes i've told her several times but she ignored those posts haha. I wonder why !

The woman is so full of herself
sherri ---is, according to consensus of pyschiatrists world wide ----NOT PSYCHOTIC-----nor was Adolf abu ali------in past times her condition was
called a "personality disorder"-----there are newer terminolgies for the
filth which she is-----in general ----a useful term is BITCH

Rosie, you have my sincerist apology for this individual named Sherri. She does not represent what I believe at all but still I feel the need to apologise for her. Because she claims to be Christian and her behavior reflects on the rest of us. Unfortunately. - J.
Jerry Mire you are a thousand times worse than Sherri knows how to be........

The worst so called Christian on this or any board............

Awesome! We true Christians were told we would be hated by people like you, and Sherri. One more prophesy fulfilled! Thank you!!

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