Jets Rookie Speaks at Extreme Anti-Israel Conference

P F Tinmore, Roudy, et al,

Think about this carefully.

Who decided that this was a radical Muslim conference? Was that how it was advertised?
In the US of A, Hamas is considered a TERRORIST organization. You live in the USA and respect its laws don't you?

Is that a law or just third grade political name calling?

And besides, this was not a Hamas event.

Many pro-Palestinians use the theory under The Arab Convention on the Suppression of Terrorism that the cause or end justifies the means (Machiavelli):

The Arab Convention on the Suppression of Terrorism said:
Preamble said:
AFFIRMING the right of peoples to combat foreign occupation and aggression by whatever means, including armed struggle, in order to liberate their territories and secure their right to self-determination, and independence and to do so in such a manner as to preserve the territorial integrity of each Arab country, of the foregoing being in accordance with the purposes and principles of the Charter of the United Nations and with the Organization's resolutions.
Article 1 Paragraph 2 - Terrorism said:
Any act or threat of violence, whatever its motives or purposes, that occurs for the advancement of an individual or collective criminal agenda, causing terror among people, causing fear by harming them, or placing their lives, liberty or security in danger, or aiming to cause damage to the environment or to public or private installations or property or to occupy or to seize them, or aiming to jeopardize a national resource.


It is very craftily worded. But essential, as long as the Arab/Palestinian see themselves as if in a war of liberation (foreign occupation and aggression), they don't consider themselves as pursuing a "criminal agenda." Therefore, none of the following events, as far as they are concerned, establish a past pattern of criminal behavior:

  • United States Senator Bobby Kennedy was assassinated by Sirhan Sirhan, a Arab-Palestinian. 5 June 68 in Los Angeles.
  • Palestinian Liberation Organization terrorists open fire on a busload of pilgrims killing Barbara Ertle of Michigan. 23 February, 1970, Halhoul, West Bank.
  • Olympic Games, Black September (a front for Fatah), 9 killed, including David Berger, from Cleveland, Ohio. 5 September, 1972, Munich.
  • Fatah claimed responsibility for the bombing, which killed six people and wounded 38. 14 November, 1975, Jerusalem.
  • The Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) attacks on the Air Port terminal airline counter area of El Al Airlines. Four people killed, including Harold Rosenthal of Philadelphia. 11 August, 1976, Istanbul.
  • Gail Rubin, niece of U.S. Senator Abraham Ribicoff, was among 38 people shot to death by Palestinian Liberation Organization terrorists on an Israeli beach. 11 March, 1978, Tel Aviv.
  • Eli Haze'ev, from Alexandria, Virginia, was killed in a Palestinian Liberation Organization opened fire on Jewish worshippers walking home from a synagogue. 2 May, 1980, Hebron, West Bank.
  • Two American citizens, Anne Van Zanten and Grace Cutler, were killed when the Palestinian Liberation Organization bombed a Jewish restaurant in Paris. 19 August, 1982, Paris.
  • Palestine Islamic Jihad detonate a van full of explosives 30 feet in front of the American Embassy Annex, killing two servicemen. Twenty Americans were injured, including U.S. Ambassador Reginald Bartholomew and visiting British Ambassador David Miers. 20 September, 1984, Aukar, Lebanon.
  • A Fatah bomb exploded on a TWA flight from Rome as it approached Athens airport. The attack killed four U.S. citizens who were sucked through a hole made by the blast, although the plane safely landed. 30 March, 1986, Athens.
  • Nachshon Wachsman, 19, from New York, was kidnapped and then murdered by Hamas.
  • 9 October, 1994 Gaza.
  • Hamas and the Palestinian Islamic Jihad claimed responsibility for the bombing which injured included Julie K. Negrin of Seattle, WA. 4 March, 1996, Tel Aviv.
  • Dov Driben, a 28-year-old American, was killed by Fatah terrorists near the West Bank town of Maon. 19 April, 1998, Maon, Israel.
  • A Hamas suicide bombing at Sbarro's, killed Americans Judith L. Greenbaum, 31, of New Jersey, and Malka Roth, 15, from New York. 9 August, 2001, Jerusalem, Israel.

Who can forget the October 7, 1985, when the very brave Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) team hijacked the Italian cruise ship Achille Lauro. The PFLP murdered a disabled American in a wheelchair, Leon Klinghoffer, by throwing him in the ocean. This example, and the sample list above, are what the pro-Palestinians call: "by whatever means." Most of the rest of the world knows it better as "terrorism."

You cannot talk intelligently or rationally to the pro-Palestinian community on such matters as terrorism. They have themselves painted as the victim. They see all these actions as some type of martyrdom or heroic action.

(REMEMBERING) What is obvious to you and me is not to the Palestinian.

Following are UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon’s remarks to the Security Council open debate on threats to international peace and security caused by terrorist acts said:
First: the critical links between development and security. Nothing can justify terrorism — ever. No grievance, no goal, no cause can excuse terrorist acts. At the same time, we must remove the conditions that feed the problem. Terrorism festers where conflicts are endemic and where human rights, human dignity and human life are not protected and impunity prevails.

SOURCE: No Policy to Fight Terrorism Can Succeed without Addressing Conditions Promoting Its Spread, Secretary-General Tells Security Council Debate
The Secretary-General condemns the Palestinian terror attack that caused the death of six Israeli civilians and injury to four others at the Karni crossing between Israel and the Gaza Strip yesterday evening. He wishes to express his deepest condolences to the families of those killed and injured.

The Secretary-General hopes that this terrible incident will not be allowed to undermine the recent positive steps made by both parties. He also calls on the new Palestinian leadership to make all possible attempts to bring to justice the organizers and perpetrators of this attack.

The Secretary-General emphasizes again that violence cannot provide a solution to the conflict, and that only through negotiation can peace be achieved.


Most Respectfully,
Check out Post #185,then read this article,Harold.

Year Formed: 1993

Website: Islamic Relief USA - Working Together For A Better World

2010 Revenue: $182,595,129

Address: 3655 Wheeler Ave, Alexandria, VA 22304

Islamic Relief USA (IRUSA) says it “strives to alleviate suffering, hunger, illiteracy, and diseases worldwide regardless of color, race, religion, or creed, and to provide aid in a compassionate and dignified manner. Islamic Relief USA aims to provide rapid relief in the event of human and natural disasters and to establish sustainable local development projects allowing communities to better help themselves.”[1]

IRUSA is the American branch of Islamic Relief Worldwide (IRW), based in the United Kingdom.

The IRW leadership has numerous Muslim Brotherhood links, including one official that used to be the Minister of Religious Affairs in Sudan.[2] IRW was founded by Hani Al-Bana, a former trustee of a group called Muslim Aid.[3] The British government cleared Muslim Aid in 2010,[4] raising objections[5] from some terrorism researchers.[6]

Link: Islamic Relief USA | #1 News Site on the Threat of Radical Islam

More info: Charity Navigator Rating - Islamic Relief USA

Sounds like they are a good charity.
This is the site I quoted but lost the link and found it again. This Islamic Relief has some good intentions but some shady people.

Islamic Relief USA | #1 News Site on the Threat of Radical Islam

I think the important bit is that British government cleared Muslim Aid in 2010 of any terrorist affiliations ...
Its downright comical how hard some peoplevare working to pretend that this conference was innocuous. Never mind the evidence... just deny, deny, deny.

I have no interest in conversing with people who deliberately ignore facts.

And I'm done with this thread.

The problem is - you aren't supplying facts, you're making them up and then flouncing away from the debate spouting insults. Facts and sources that would earn your scorn (or your insistance on proof) in one debate are suddenly acceptable in another. Make up your mind.

You have yet to substantiate your claims against this conference beyond what the article claims and there are no links to any primary sources.

How about we deconstruct the OP?

Let's look at the title: NY Jets Player Speaks at Extreme Anti-Israel Conference

The beginning of the OP states: "His latest infraction was made as he gave a speech at a radical Muslim conference"

That paragraph ends with the statement "Problems in the NFL usually revolve around drugs or alcohol abuse or players being bad influences in the locker rooms. Aboushi’s problem is an unusual one for pro sports. He’s a Muslim extremist."

So in JUST the first two paragraphs we have claims that this is an "Extreme Anti-Israel" conference" and a "radical Muslim conference" and the young man is a "Muslim extremist".

Personally when I see that kind of red-flag language, I am skeptical. But let's go on.

What evidence does the article use to show Aboushi is a "Muslim extremist"?
- he posted a picture on his twitter account of an old woman and 4 young Jewish men with the "“88 year-old Palestinian evicted from home in Jerusalem by Israel authorities to make room 4 Orthodox Jews.” (some would see this as a commentary on housing policies/permits particularly in Jeruselem others as anti-semitic but no rational person would call it "extreme")

- the article then attempts to bolster this "Muslim extremist" image by claiming he may have gotten this idea from a relative who posted an anti-semitic cartoon concerning the same issue. Now, that cartoon is more accurately labeled anti-semitic but it has nothing to do with Aboushi - he didn't post it nor did he comment on it. So what the article is doing is "guilt by association" using a relative, however distant.

Definative proof he is a "Muslim extremist"?

Not yet because the article then states: From there, Aboushi’s conduct has continued to get more extreme.

Ok so a tweet with a picture is not extreme enough.

On April 19th, just one week prior to the draft, Aboushi praised a conference sponsored by Islamic Relief (IR), a charity that the Israeli government has labeled a front for Hamas and that has been cited for both receiving and giving huge sums of money to al-Qaeda related groups.

Now, I'm expecting to see something like a speech here - about the glorious Palestinians crushing of Israel, driving those wicked Jews to the sea and all that. It's very disappointing.

It's a single tweet: "Beautiful NJ fundraiser event for the kids of Palestine in refugee camps. We are beyond blessed just for the lill things."

WOW!!!! How extreme! The dude's scary!

Now this isn't actually a conference he praised (looks like the OP got that wrong) but a fundraiser sponsored by: Events ? Islamic Relief USA to raise money for kids.

The article then claims that this charity is "a front for Hamas" and giving huge sums of money to Al Quada. It negates to say that Britain cleared it of any terrorist associations in 2010. It also offers no sources to support it's allegations.

So, we now have an "extreme Muslim" based on two tweets and a relative's cartoon and inaccurate information about a charity.

Now we have another bit of evidence from the article that this man is an extremist - another tweet: "65th anniversary of the Nakba and palestinians all across the world are still thriving". Nakba is contentious for Israeli's but important to Palestinians. How it is regarded depends on which lense you are viewing it through.

We are up to 3 tweets and a relative's cartoon.

We are now into the meat of the articles claim - Aboushi gave a talk at a "radical Muslim" conference given by El-Bireh Palestine Society, a group "associated with blatantly anti-Semitic and terrorist propaganda."

Really now?

Thing is...this is a really small group that appears to have been largely inactive until recently when they decided to start up again. A look at their facebook page reveals little that is scary or concerning. So what evidence does the OP provide to show this is an extreme group?

Speaking at the Society’s August 1986 Fifth National Convention held in Dearborn, Michigan was Fouad Rafeedie. Two years later, the INS charged Rafeedie with being a high-ranking member of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP), a terrorist group.

1986? They have to dig back almost 30 years? And the "evidence" is a speaker who, at the time hadn't done anything wrong but was charged with something two years later?

The rest of the article follows along these lines - guilt by vague and undocumented associations. In fact - the only actual links provided are a few web page images posted by people on facebook with no other information and no way to deduce their authenticity. When you go to their website - there are tons of photos - skimming through page after page shows nothing horrific - mostly people having fun. I couldn't find the image of Hitler but I stopped after a while.

I see no further point in going further on in this article - it is more of the same.

So, we have 3 tweets, a relative's cartoon, a debunked claim that an Islamic Charity is associated with Al Queda, and an unproven claim that a conference supporting Palestinians is "extreme Muslim".

Why on earth should anyone take this source seriously and write in in order to ruin a good young man's career? I find this sleazy and disgusting.
Its downright comical how hard some peoplevare working to pretend that this conference was innocuous. Never mind the evidence... just deny, deny, deny.

I have no interest in conversing with people who deliberately ignore facts.

And I'm done with this thread.

The problem is - you aren't supplying facts, you're making them up and then flouncing away from the debate spouting insults. Facts and sources that would earn your scorn (or your insistance on proof) in one debate are suddenly acceptable in another. Make up your mind.

You have yet to substantiate your claims against this conference beyond what the article claims and there are no links to any primary sources.

How about we deconstruct the OP?

Let's look at the title: NY Jets Player Speaks at Extreme Anti-Israel Conference

The beginning of the OP states: "His latest infraction was made as he gave a speech at a radical Muslim conference"

That paragraph ends with the statement "Problems in the NFL usually revolve around drugs or alcohol abuse or players being bad influences in the locker rooms. Aboushi’s problem is an unusual one for pro sports. He’s a Muslim extremist."

So in JUST the first two paragraphs we have claims that this is an "Extreme Anti-Israel" conference" and a "radical Muslim conference" and the young man is a "Muslim extremist".

Personally when I see that kind of red-flag language, I am skeptical. But let's go on.

What evidence does the article use to show Aboushi is a "Muslim extremist"?
- he posted a picture on his twitter account of an old woman and 4 young Jewish men with the "“88 year-old Palestinian evicted from home in Jerusalem by Israel authorities to make room 4 Orthodox Jews.” (some would see this as a commentary on housing policies/permits particularly in Jeruselem others as anti-semitic but no rational person would call it "extreme")

- the article then attempts to bolster this "Muslim extremist" image by claiming he may have gotten this idea from a relative who posted an anti-semitic cartoon concerning the same issue. Now, that cartoon is more accurately labeled anti-semitic but it has nothing to do with Aboushi - he didn't post it nor did he comment on it. So what the article is doing is "guilt by association" using a relative, however distant.

Definative proof he is a "Muslim extremist"?

Not yet because the article then states: From there, Aboushi’s conduct has continued to get more extreme.

Ok so a tweet with a picture is not extreme enough.

On April 19th, just one week prior to the draft, Aboushi praised a conference sponsored by Islamic Relief (IR), a charity that the Israeli government has labeled a front for Hamas and that has been cited for both receiving and giving huge sums of money to al-Qaeda related groups.

Now, I'm expecting to see something like a speech here - about the glorious Palestinians crushing of Israel, driving those wicked Jews to the sea and all that. It's very disappointing.

It's a single tweet: "Beautiful NJ fundraiser event for the kids of Palestine in refugee camps. We are beyond blessed just for the lill things."

WOW!!!! How extreme! The dude's scary!

Now this isn't actually a conference he praised (looks like the OP got that wrong) but a fundraiser sponsored by: Events ? Islamic Relief USA to raise money for kids.

The article then claims that this charity is "a front for Hamas" and giving huge sums of money to Al Quada. It negates to say that Britain cleared it of any terrorist associations in 2010. It also offers no sources to support it's allegations.

So, we now have an "extreme Muslim" based on two tweets and a relative's cartoon and inaccurate information about a charity.

Now we have another bit of evidence from the article that this man is an extremist - another tweet: "65th anniversary of the Nakba and palestinians all across the world are still thriving". Nakba is contentious for Israeli's but important to Palestinians. How it is regarded depends on which lense you are viewing it through.

We are up to 3 tweets and a relative's cartoon.

We are now into the meat of the articles claim - Aboushi gave a talk at a "radical Muslim" conference given by El-Bireh Palestine Society, a group "associated with blatantly anti-Semitic and terrorist propaganda."

Really now?

Thing is...this is a really small group that appears to have been largely inactive until recently when they decided to start up again. A look at their facebook page reveals little that is scary or concerning. So what evidence does the OP provide to show this is an extreme group?

Speaking at the Society’s August 1986 Fifth National Convention held in Dearborn, Michigan was Fouad Rafeedie. Two years later, the INS charged Rafeedie with being a high-ranking member of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP), a terrorist group.

1986? They have to dig back almost 30 years? And the "evidence" is a speaker who, at the time hadn't done anything wrong but was charged with something two years later?

The rest of the article follows along these lines - guilt by vague and undocumented associations. In fact - the only actual links provided are a few web page images posted by people on facebook with no other information and no way to deduce their authenticity. When you go to their website - there are tons of photos - skimming through page after page shows nothing horrific - mostly people having fun. I couldn't find the image of Hitler but I stopped after a while.

I see no further point in going further on in this article - it is more of the same.

So, we have 3 tweets, a relative's cartoon, a debunked claim that an Islamic Charity is associated with Al Queda, and an unproven claim that a conference supporting Palestinians is "extreme Muslim".

Why on earth should anyone take this source seriously and write in in order to ruin a good young man's career? I find this sleazy and disgusting.
OK. Let's get on Facebook and Twitter and ask him personally where his sentiments lie.
I'll break my silence on this one last time to make a simple point.

If anyone here believes that the depiction of the entire map of Israel as a "Palestinian" flag is not highly offensive to Israelis and Jews everywhere, you're kidding yourself.

If I knew nothing other than the fact that Oboushi spoke at a seminar that used this depiction of the map of Israel as its logo:

that would be more than enough for me to conclude that he engaged in highly questionable behavior for a semi-public figure.

By the way.... yesterday Oboushi posted on his Twitter page something that vaguely suggested that he had been wrongfully criticized. Some other Twitter person then asked him to simply come out and say whether he advocates for the elimination of Israel. He then (I'm betting at his agent or the Jets suggestion) deleted his tweet.
Last edited:
I'll break my silence on this one last time to make a simple point.

If anyone here believes that the depiction of the entire map of Israel as a "Palestinian" flag is not highly offensive to Israelis and Jews everywhere, you're kidding yourself.

If I knew nothing other than the fact that Oboushi spoke at a seminar that used this depiction of the map of Israel as its logo:

that would be more than enough for me to conclude that he engaged in highly questionable behavior for a semi-public figure.

By the way.... yesterday Oboushi posted on his Twitter page something that vaguely suggested that he had been wrongfully criticized. Some other Twitter person then asked him to simply come out and say whether he advocates for the elimination of Israel. He then (I'm betting at his agent or the Jets suggestion) deleted his tweet.

and i would find that war crimes, crimes against humanity, administrative detention without charge, apartheid like conditions, the failure to deal with the regugee problem israel caused, settlements and land theft far more offensive to palestinians and justice loving human beings everywhere than some little logo.

if that is what drives you and israelis and american jews into a friggin' furor than you should thank your lucky stars because your lives are good.

and ya wanna know something. muslims are increaasing in america and your behaviour, the behaviour of jews and zionists, is not going without notice...they will learn...and that is what democracy looks like.

boo friggin' hoo...the palestinians didn't make a logo with a star of david...get real, whiner.
Its downright comical how hard some peoplevare working to pretend that this conference was innocuous. Never mind the evidence... just deny, deny, deny.

I have no interest in conversing with people who deliberately ignore facts.

And I'm done with this thread.

The problem is - you aren't supplying facts, you're making them up and then flouncing away from the debate spouting insults. Facts and sources that would earn your scorn (or your insistance on proof) in one debate are suddenly acceptable in another. Make up your mind.

You have yet to substantiate your claims against this conference beyond what the article claims and there are no links to any primary sources.

How about we deconstruct the OP?

Let's look at the title: NY Jets Player Speaks at Extreme Anti-Israel Conference

The beginning of the OP states: "His latest infraction was made as he gave a speech at a radical Muslim conference"

That paragraph ends with the statement "Problems in the NFL usually revolve around drugs or alcohol abuse or players being bad influences in the locker rooms. Aboushi’s problem is an unusual one for pro sports. He’s a Muslim extremist."

So in JUST the first two paragraphs we have claims that this is an "Extreme Anti-Israel" conference" and a "radical Muslim conference" and the young man is a "Muslim extremist".

Personally when I see that kind of red-flag language, I am skeptical. But let's go on.

What evidence does the article use to show Aboushi is a "Muslim extremist"?
- he posted a picture on his twitter account of an old woman and 4 young Jewish men with the "“88 year-old Palestinian evicted from home in Jerusalem by Israel authorities to make room 4 Orthodox Jews.” (some would see this as a commentary on housing policies/permits particularly in Jeruselem others as anti-semitic but no rational person would call it "extreme")

- the article then attempts to bolster this "Muslim extremist" image by claiming he may have gotten this idea from a relative who posted an anti-semitic cartoon concerning the same issue. Now, that cartoon is more accurately labeled anti-semitic but it has nothing to do with Aboushi - he didn't post it nor did he comment on it. So what the article is doing is "guilt by association" using a relative, however distant.

Definative proof he is a "Muslim extremist"?

Not yet because the article then states: From there, Aboushi’s conduct has continued to get more extreme.

Ok so a tweet with a picture is not extreme enough.

Now, I'm expecting to see something like a speech here - about the glorious Palestinians crushing of Israel, driving those wicked Jews to the sea and all that. It's very disappointing.

It's a single tweet: "Beautiful NJ fundraiser event for the kids of Palestine in refugee camps. We are beyond blessed just for the lill things."

WOW!!!! How extreme! The dude's scary!

Now this isn't actually a conference he praised (looks like the OP got that wrong) but a fundraiser sponsored by: Events ? Islamic Relief USA to raise money for kids.

The article then claims that this charity is "a front for Hamas" and giving huge sums of money to Al Quada. It negates to say that Britain cleared it of any terrorist associations in 2010. It also offers no sources to support it's allegations.

So, we now have an "extreme Muslim" based on two tweets and a relative's cartoon and inaccurate information about a charity.

Now we have another bit of evidence from the article that this man is an extremist - another tweet: "65th anniversary of the Nakba and palestinians all across the world are still thriving". Nakba is contentious for Israeli's but important to Palestinians. How it is regarded depends on which lense you are viewing it through.

We are up to 3 tweets and a relative's cartoon.

We are now into the meat of the articles claim - Aboushi gave a talk at a "radical Muslim" conference given by El-Bireh Palestine Society, a group "associated with blatantly anti-Semitic and terrorist propaganda."

Really now?

Thing is...this is a really small group that appears to have been largely inactive until recently when they decided to start up again. A look at their facebook page reveals little that is scary or concerning. So what evidence does the OP provide to show this is an extreme group?

Speaking at the Society’s August 1986 Fifth National Convention held in Dearborn, Michigan was Fouad Rafeedie. Two years later, the INS charged Rafeedie with being a high-ranking member of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP), a terrorist group.

1986? They have to dig back almost 30 years? And the "evidence" is a speaker who, at the time hadn't done anything wrong but was charged with something two years later?

The rest of the article follows along these lines - guilt by vague and undocumented associations. In fact - the only actual links provided are a few web page images posted by people on facebook with no other information and no way to deduce their authenticity. When you go to their website - there are tons of photos - skimming through page after page shows nothing horrific - mostly people having fun. I couldn't find the image of Hitler but I stopped after a while.

I see no further point in going further on in this article - it is more of the same.

So, we have 3 tweets, a relative's cartoon, a debunked claim that an Islamic Charity is associated with Al Queda, and an unproven claim that a conference supporting Palestinians is "extreme Muslim".

Why on earth should anyone take this source seriously and write in in order to ruin a good young man's career? I find this sleazy and disgusting.
OK. Let's get on Facebook and Twitter and ask him personally where his sentiments lie.

Feel free to - it would be far more honest than this piece-of-crap article.
I'll break my silence on this one last time to make a simple point.

If anyone here believes that the depiction of the entire map of Israel as a "Palestinian" flag is not highly offensive to Israelis and Jews everywhere, you're kidding yourself.

If I knew nothing other than the fact that Oboushi spoke at a seminar that used this depiction of the map of Israel as its logo:

that would be more than enough for me to conclude that he engaged in highly questionable behavior for a semi-public figure.

By the way.... yesterday Oboushi posted on his Twitter page something that vaguely suggested that he had been wrongfully criticized. Some other Twitter person then asked him to simply come out and say whether he advocates for the elimination of Israel. He then (I'm betting at his agent or the Jets suggestion) deleted his tweet.

You "break your silence" and don't address a single actual point! Yes, a one-state covered by a Palestinian flag couuld be offensive to some - but that in and of itself no where near covers what the article claimed. Being offended does not equal being accused of being allied with terrorists, being a radical organization etc. none of which was proven in the OP. It was a disgusting bit of smear job.
P F Tinmore, Roudy, et al,

  • United States Senator Bobby Kennedy was assassinated by Sirhan Sirhan, a Arab-Palestinian. 5 June 68 in Los Angeles.
  • Palestinian Liberation Organization terrorists open fire on a busload of pilgrims killing Barbara Ertle of Michigan. 23 February, 1970, Halhoul, West Bank.
  • Olympic Games, Black September (a front for Fatah), 9 killed, including David Berger, from Cleveland, Ohio. 5 September, 1972, Munich.
  • Fatah claimed responsibility for the bombing, which killed six people and wounded 38. 14 November, 1975, Jerusalem.
  • The Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) attacks on the Air Port terminal airline counter area of El Al Airlines. Four people killed, including Harold Rosenthal of Philadelphia. 11 August, 1976, Istanbul.
  • Gail Rubin, niece of U.S. Senator Abraham Ribicoff, was among 38 people shot to death by Palestinian Liberation Organization terrorists on an Israeli beach. 11 March, 1978, Tel Aviv.
  • Eli Haze'ev, from Alexandria, Virginia, was killed in a Palestinian Liberation Organization opened fire on Jewish worshippers walking home from a synagogue. 2 May, 1980, Hebron, West Bank.
  • Two American citizens, Anne Van Zanten and Grace Cutler, were killed when the Palestinian Liberation Organization bombed a Jewish restaurant in Paris. 19 August, 1982, Paris.
  • Palestine Islamic Jihad detonate a van full of explosives 30 feet in front of the American Embassy Annex, killing two servicemen. Twenty Americans were injured, including U.S. Ambassador Reginald Bartholomew and visiting British Ambassador David Miers. 20 September, 1984, Aukar, Lebanon.
  • A Fatah bomb exploded on a TWA flight from Rome as it approached Athens airport. The attack killed four U.S. citizens who were sucked through a hole made by the blast, although the plane safely landed. 30 March, 1986, Athens.
  • Nachshon Wachsman, 19, from New York, was kidnapped and then murdered by Hamas.
  • 9 October, 1994 Gaza.
  • Hamas and the Palestinian Islamic Jihad claimed responsibility for the bombing which injured included Julie K. Negrin of Seattle, WA. 4 March, 1996, Tel Aviv.
  • Dov Driben, a 28-year-old American, was killed by Fatah terrorists near the West Bank town of Maon. 19 April, 1998, Maon, Israel.
  • A Hamas suicide bombing at Sbarro's, killed Americans Judith L. Greenbaum, 31, of New Jersey, and Malka Roth, 15, from New York. 9 August, 2001, Jerusalem, Israel.

Who can forget the October 7, 1985, when the very brave Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) team hijacked the Italian cruise ship Achille Lauro. The PFLP murdered a disabled American in a wheelchair, Leon Klinghoffer, by throwing him in the ocean. This example, and the sample list above, are what the pro-Palestinians call: "by whatever means." Most of the rest of the world knows it better as "terrorism."

You cannot talk intelligently or rationally to the pro-Palestinian community on such matters as terrorism. They have themselves painted as the victim. They see all these actions as some type of martyrdom or heroic action.

About 70 people killed in about 40 years.

Israel has done more than that in a day.

Thanks for bringing this up.:clap2::clap2::clap2:

Most Respectfully,
P F Tinmore, Roudy, et al,

That was only a sample example list. And that list was limited to ones involving Americans. It was by no means a complete list.

About 70 people killed in about 40 years.
Israel has done more than that in a day.
Thanks for bringing this up.:clap2::clap2::clap2:

The IDF is defending against Hostile Arab-Palestinian aggressors. Those organizations that sponsored those kinds of events (but not limited to those) I listed.

It would take several pages to list all the terrorist attacks made by Palestinians in the last 60 years.

The point I was making is that there is no way the Palestinian can deny they have and established history of conducting terrorist actions on an international scale.

Most Respectfully,
In the US of A, Hamas is considered a TERRORIST organization. You live in the USA and respect its laws don't you?

Hamas wasn't giving the conference.
Six of this and a dozen of the other. Same terrorist shits, different name. Maybe you should read the OP article again then:

His latest infraction was made as he gave a speech at a radical Muslim conference sponsored by a group denying Israel’s right to exist and associated with blatantly anti-Semitic and terrorist propaganda.

Aboushi’s problem is an unusual one for pro sports. He’s a Muslim extremist.

Aboushi praised a conference sponsored by Islamic Relief (IR), a charity that the Israeli government has labeled a front for Hamas and that has been cited for both receiving and giving huge sums of money to al-Qaeda related groups.

El-Bireh Palestine Society’s logo, found atop the organization’s website, contains a graphic of the entire nation of Israel covered in a Palestinian flag – a patent denial of Israel’s legitimacy and right to exist. Worse still, the Facebook page for the conference – which is administered by the same individual who created the Society’s website, Ashraf Abed – is accompanied by horrifically anti-Semitic, anti-Christian and terrorist propaganda.

On the same El-Bireh Facebook site as the conference, there are contained different images of Hitler and rabid anti-Christian cleric Ahmed Deedat, who authored the infamous work CRUCIFIXION OR CRUCI-FICTION? There are terrorist memorials for Hamas leader Abdel Aziz al-Rantisi, PLO leader Yasser Arafat, Hamas founder Ahmed Yassin and Hamas bomb maker Yahya Ayyash. About Arafat and Yassin, the site states in Arabic, “The martyr leader Yasser Arafat with the Mujahid Sheikh Ahmed Yassin. G-d have mercy on them.”

The OP links to no sources for it's claims and some of it's claims (for example the one about Islamic relief) were blatently false.

You can highlight and bold all you want but you are only regurgitating the OP's unfounded claims and guilt by vague association. Please - show me the "different images of Hitler" that are supposed to be there - I couldn't find it.

It's really pathetic. Why don't you route out actual terrorists for a change?
RoccoR said:
Originally Posted by The Arab Convention on the Suppression of Terrorism said:
Originally Posted by Preamble said:
AFFIRMING the right of peoples to combat foreign occupation and aggression by whatever means, including armed struggle, in order to liberate their territories and secure their right to self-determination, and independence and to do so in such a manner as to preserve the territorial integrity of each Arab country, of the foregoing being in accordance with the purposes and principles of the Charter of the United Nations and with the Organization's resolutions.
Originally Posted by Article 1 Paragraph 2 - Terrorism said:
Any act or threat of violence, whatever its motives or purposes, that occurs for the advancement of an individual or collective criminal agenda, causing terror among people, causing fear by harming them, or placing their lives, liberty or security in danger, or aiming to cause damage to the environment or to public or private installations or property or to occupy or to seize them, or aiming to jeopardize a national resource.

What part do you disagree with?
P F Tinmore, Roudy, et al,

That was only a sample example list. And that list was limited to ones involving Americans. It was by no means a complete list.

About 70 people killed in about 40 years.
Israel has done more than that in a day.
Thanks for bringing this up.:clap2::clap2::clap2:

The IDF is defending against Hostile Arab-Palestinian aggressors. Those organizations that sponsored those kinds of events (but not limited to those) I listed.

It would take several pages to list all the terrorist attacks made by Palestinians in the last 60 years.

The point I was making is that there is no way the Palestinian can deny they have and established history of conducting terrorist actions on an international scale.

Most Respectfully,

Still a drop in the bucket compared to Israeli terrorism.

Israel "defending itself" against the people it attacks. That is rich.:lol::lol::lol:
So, as of yet there is no evidence that Aboushi is a "radical Muslim", or associated with "extremists" or spoke at an "extremist" conference.

I seriously hope he does not lose his career because of hateful targeting and malicious lies.
So, as of yet there is no evidence that Aboushi is a "radical Muslim", or associated with "extremists" or spoke at an "extremist" conference.

I seriously hope he does not lose his career because of hateful targeting and malicious lies.

It is the same slime that kind dumps on everyone who stands up for the Palestinian's legitimate rights.
P F Tinmore, et al,

Like the UN Secretary General says: "Nothing can justify terrorism — ever. No grievance, no goal, no cause can excuse terrorist acts."

What part do you disagree with?

I disagree with:

  • "combat foreign occupation and aggression by whatever means"
  • "advancement of an individual or collective criminal agenda"

By "whatever means" is Machiavellian era thinking. Humanity (less some cultures) has developed much farther than that. The Arab Convention ignores the "principle that States shall refrain in their international relations from the threat or use of force against the territorial integrity or political independence of any State, or in any other manner inconsistent with the purposes of the United Nations."

The second issue is that most terrorist actions are undertaken to support a religious or political agenda. While it is true that Hamas, Fatah, and several other Palestinian and Jihadist agencies, are criminal enterprises, with an established history, in the several hundreds (if not thousands), of terrorist events, these actions serve to further both religious and political opposition to the decisions of the international community.

Most Respectfully,
P F Tinmore, Roudy, et al,

That was only a sample example list. And that list was limited to ones involving Americans. It was by no means a complete list.

About 70 people killed in about 40 years.
Israel has done more than that in a day.
Thanks for bringing this up.:clap2::clap2::clap2:

The IDF is defending against Hostile Arab-Palestinian aggressors. Those organizations that sponsored those kinds of events (but not limited to those) I listed.

It would take several pages to list all the terrorist attacks made by Palestinians in the last 60 years.

The point I was making is that there is no way the Palestinian can deny they have and established history of conducting terrorist actions on an international scale.

Most Respectfully,
Tinnie doesn't want to hear that. His buddies are just angels in his mind, just like the other Sunni angels who have not a care in the world about killing Ahmadis, Shiites, Christians, Hindus, etc. By the way, the Egyptian army has just recently killed dozens of Hamas gunmen. I hope that Hamas has sent Tinnie word on his magic computer which really isn't there so that Tinnie can sit "shiva" for the gunmen.
P F Tinmore, Roudy, et al,

That was only a sample example list. And that list was limited to ones involving Americans. It was by no means a complete list.

About 70 people killed in about 40 years.
Israel has done more than that in a day.
Thanks for bringing this up.:clap2::clap2::clap2:

The IDF is defending against Hostile Arab-Palestinian aggressors. Those organizations that sponsored those kinds of events (but not limited to those) I listed.

It would take several pages to list all the terrorist attacks made by Palestinians in the last 60 years.

The point I was making is that there is no way the Palestinian can deny they have and established history of conducting terrorist actions on an international scale.

Most Respectfully,

Still a drop in the bucket compared to Israeli terrorism.

Israel "defending itself" against the people it attacks. That is rich.:lol::lol::lol:
When Tinnie's close pals wear out their haloes, Tinnie will get them some new ones. And it really is rich and follows the Arab line that Israel attacked first. Can we really expect anything different from Tinnie.

2013 Six Month Report: 5,635 Violent Attacks Committed Against Jews in Israel, West Bank | Jewish & Israel News
P F Tinmore; Coyote; et al,

Oday Aboushi is of Palestinian decent; but more importantly he is a US Citizen, having been born in NY.

So, as of yet there is no evidence that Aboushi is a "radical Muslim", or associated with "extremists" or spoke at an "extremist" conference.

I seriously hope he does not lose his career because of hateful targeting and malicious lies.

It is the same slime that kind dumps on everyone who stands up for the Palestinian's legitimate rights.

Political leanings and religious beliefs are mutually exclusive - of his career path - as a professional football player. I may not agree with a damn thing he says relative to American Foreign Policy, Middle East Politics, or religion. He has the same rights to express his views as any other American; and we are bound to protect those rights for him.

BUT, he does play good football.

Most Respectfully,
Last edited:
P F Tinmore, et al,

Like the UN Secretary General says: "Nothing can justify terrorism — ever. No grievance, no goal, no cause can excuse terrorist acts."

What part do you disagree with?

I disagree with:

  • "combat foreign occupation and aggression by whatever means"
  • "advancement of an individual or collective criminal agenda"

By "whatever means" is Machiavellian era thinking. Humanity (less some cultures) has developed much farther than that. The Arab Convention ignores the "principle that States shall refrain in their international relations from the threat or use of force against the territorial integrity or political independence of any State, or in any other manner inconsistent with the purposes of the United Nations."

The second issue is that most terrorist actions are undertaken to support a religious or political agenda. While it is true that Hamas, Fatah, and several other Palestinian and Jihadist agencies, are criminal enterprises, with an established history, in the several hundreds (if not thousands), of terrorist events, these actions serve to further both religious and political opposition to the decisions of the international community.

Most Respectfully,

"combat foreign occupation and aggression by whatever means"

What means of self defense do you consider acceptable?

...shall refrain in their international relations...

Israel is in Palestine. Where do you get "international?"

... territorial integrity or political independence of any State,...

This one is always good for a laugh. :lol: :lol: :lol:

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