Jets Rookie Speaks at Extreme Anti-Israel Conference

P F Tinmore, et al,

Like the UN Secretary General says: "Nothing can justify terrorism — ever. No grievance, no goal, no cause can excuse terrorist acts."

What part do you disagree with?

I disagree with:

  • "combat foreign occupation and aggression by whatever means"
  • "advancement of an individual or collective criminal agenda"

By "whatever means" is Machiavellian era thinking. Humanity (less some cultures) has developed much farther than that. The Arab Convention ignores the "principle that States shall refrain in their international relations from the threat or use of force against the territorial integrity or political independence of any State, or in any other manner inconsistent with the purposes of the United Nations."

The second issue is that most terrorist actions are undertaken to support a religious or political agenda. While it is true that Hamas, Fatah, and several other Palestinian and Jihadist agencies, are criminal enterprises, with an established history, in the several hundreds (if not thousands), of terrorist events, these actions serve to further both religious and political opposition to the decisions of the international community.

Most Respectfully,

What means of self defense do you consider acceptable?

...shall refrain in their international relations...

Israel is in Palestine. Where do you get "international?"

... territorial integrity or political independence of any State,...

This one is always good for a laugh. :lol: :lol: :lol:
Tinmore, I am curious about your attitude. When was the last time you were in Palestine?
P F Tinmore, et al,

Like the UN Secretary General says: "Nothing can justify terrorism — ever. No grievance, no goal, no cause can excuse terrorist acts."


I disagree with:

  • "combat foreign occupation and aggression by whatever means"
  • "advancement of an individual or collective criminal agenda"

By "whatever means" is Machiavellian era thinking. Humanity (less some cultures) has developed much farther than that. The Arab Convention ignores the "principle that States shall refrain in their international relations from the threat or use of force against the territorial integrity or political independence of any State, or in any other manner inconsistent with the purposes of the United Nations."

The second issue is that most terrorist actions are undertaken to support a religious or political agenda. While it is true that Hamas, Fatah, and several other Palestinian and Jihadist agencies, are criminal enterprises, with an established history, in the several hundreds (if not thousands), of terrorist events, these actions serve to further both religious and political opposition to the decisions of the international community.

Most Respectfully,

What means of self defense do you consider acceptable?

Israel is in Palestine. Where do you get "international?"

... territorial integrity or political independence of any State,...

This one is always good for a laugh. :lol: :lol: :lol:
Tinmore, I am curious about your attitude. When was the last time you were in Palestine?

Never, and you?
So, as of yet there is no evidence that Aboushi is a "radical Muslim", or associated with "extremists" or spoke at an "extremist" conference.

I seriously hope he does not lose his career because of hateful targeting and malicious lies.

It is the same slime that kind dumps on everyone who stands up for the Palestinian's legitimate rights.

Destroying the State of Israel is not ANYONE's "legitimate right". And that's exactly what the 'from river to the sea' sloganeering the map crap is all about.

There ARE indeed legitimate Palestinian aspirations - but none of that will be met by murdering Israelis. HAMAS advocates genocide, so does the PFLP, Islamic Jihad and any number of other groups - and whoever is supporting them is supporting genocide.
So, as of yet there is no evidence that Aboushi is a "radical Muslim", or associated with "extremists" or spoke at an "extremist" conference.

I seriously hope he does not lose his career because of hateful targeting and malicious lies.

It is the same slime that kind dumps on everyone who stands up for the Palestinian's legitimate rights.

Destroying the State of Israel is not ANYONE's "legitimate right". And that's exactly what the 'from river to the sea' sloganeering the map crap is all about.

There ARE indeed legitimate Palestinian aspirations - but none of that will be met by murdering Israelis. HAMAS advocates genocide, so does the PFLP, Islamic Jihad and any number of other groups - and whoever is supporting them is supporting genocide.

There ARE indeed legitimate Palestinian aspirations

Such as?
Hamas wasn't giving the conference.
Six of this and a dozen of the other. Same terrorist shits, different name. Maybe you should read the OP article again then:

His latest infraction was made as he gave a speech at a radical Muslim conference sponsored by a group denying Israel’s right to exist and associated with blatantly anti-Semitic and terrorist propaganda.

Aboushi’s problem is an unusual one for pro sports. He’s a Muslim extremist.

Aboushi praised a conference sponsored by Islamic Relief (IR), a charity that the Israeli government has labeled a front for Hamas and that has been cited for both receiving and giving huge sums of money to al-Qaeda related groups.

El-Bireh Palestine Society’s logo, found atop the organization’s website, contains a graphic of the entire nation of Israel covered in a Palestinian flag – a patent denial of Israel’s legitimacy and right to exist. Worse still, the Facebook page for the conference – which is administered by the same individual who created the Society’s website, Ashraf Abed – is accompanied by horrifically anti-Semitic, anti-Christian and terrorist propaganda.

On the same El-Bireh Facebook site as the conference, there are contained different images of Hitler and rabid anti-Christian cleric Ahmed Deedat, who authored the infamous work CRUCIFIXION OR CRUCI-FICTION? There are terrorist memorials for Hamas leader Abdel Aziz al-Rantisi, PLO leader Yasser Arafat, Hamas founder Ahmed Yassin and Hamas bomb maker Yahya Ayyash. About Arafat and Yassin, the site states in Arabic, “The martyr leader Yasser Arafat with the Mujahid Sheikh Ahmed Yassin. G-d have mercy on them.”

The OP links to no sources for it's claims and some of it's claims (for example the one about Islamic relief) were blatently false.

You can highlight and bold all you want but you are only regurgitating the OP's unfounded claims and guilt by vague association. Please - show me the "different images of Hitler" that are supposed to be there - I couldn't find it.

It's really pathetic. Why don't you route out actual terrorists for a change?
But your selective inability to find or verify doesn't disprove those claims, does it? It merely confirms your bias.
P F Tinmore, Roudy, et al,

That was only a sample example list. And that list was limited to ones involving Americans. It was by no means a complete list.

About 70 people killed in about 40 years.
Israel has done more than that in a day.
Thanks for bringing this up.:clap2::clap2::clap2:

The IDF is defending against Hostile Arab-Palestinian aggressors. Those organizations that sponsored those kinds of events (but not limited to those) I listed.

It would take several pages to list all the terrorist attacks made by Palestinians in the last 60 years.

The point I was making is that there is no way the Palestinian can deny they have and established history of conducting terrorist actions on an international scale.

Most Respectfully,

Still a drop in the bucket compared to Israeli terrorism.

Israel "defending itself" against the people it attacks. That is rich.:lol::lol::lol:
Nah that's just the repetitive propaganda and lies you keep spreading.

Ya sure, those "innocent" Palestinians never committed terrorism or suicide bombings or blew up buses or shot rockets. Those evil Zionists are the aggressors. Got anything new to say or is it the same old same old lies and terrorist worshipping garbage?
Six of this and a dozen of the other. Same terrorist shits, different name. Maybe you should read the OP article again then:

His latest infraction was made as he gave a speech at a radical Muslim conference sponsored by a group denying Israel’s right to exist and associated with blatantly anti-Semitic and terrorist propaganda.

Aboushi’s problem is an unusual one for pro sports. He’s a Muslim extremist.

Aboushi praised a conference sponsored by Islamic Relief (IR), a charity that the Israeli government has labeled a front for Hamas and that has been cited for both receiving and giving huge sums of money to al-Qaeda related groups.

El-Bireh Palestine Society’s logo, found atop the organization’s website, contains a graphic of the entire nation of Israel covered in a Palestinian flag – a patent denial of Israel’s legitimacy and right to exist. Worse still, the Facebook page for the conference – which is administered by the same individual who created the Society’s website, Ashraf Abed – is accompanied by horrifically anti-Semitic, anti-Christian and terrorist propaganda.

On the same El-Bireh Facebook site as the conference, there are contained different images of Hitler and rabid anti-Christian cleric Ahmed Deedat, who authored the infamous work CRUCIFIXION OR CRUCI-FICTION? There are terrorist memorials for Hamas leader Abdel Aziz al-Rantisi, PLO leader Yasser Arafat, Hamas founder Ahmed Yassin and Hamas bomb maker Yahya Ayyash. About Arafat and Yassin, the site states in Arabic, “The martyr leader Yasser Arafat with the Mujahid Sheikh Ahmed Yassin. G-d have mercy on them.”

The OP links to no sources for it's claims and some of it's claims (for example the one about Islamic relief) were blatently false.

You can highlight and bold all you want but you are only regurgitating the OP's unfounded claims and guilt by vague association. Please - show me the "different images of Hitler" that are supposed to be there - I couldn't find it.

It's really pathetic. Why don't you route out actual terrorists for a change?
But your selective inability to find or verify doesn't disprove those claims, does it? It merely confirms your bias.

americans presume innocence.
LOL, the only thing extreme here is this hilarious 'article' written by the lunatic Jewish extremist David Horowitz, who is quite laughable and not to be taken seriously.

The Bigoted Attacks on Palestinian NFL Player Oday Aboushi - The Daily Beast

It was no surprise, then, that his website would publish a hatchet job article on Aboushi alledging that he is anti-Semitic and involved with clandestine terrorist activity. Of course the article, typical of the sort, was filled with wild exaggeration, outright lies, and the sort of guilt by association that is more embarrassing for the author than for the target. It stops just short of telling you that Aboushi’s sister’s boyfriend’s neighbor’s dog once urinated on a fire hydrant a block from a Jewish community center and thus, Aboushi is an anti-Semite.

Among the outlandish accusations in the FrontPage piece was the claim that Aboushi was anti-Semitic for tweeting an image of a Palestinian woman standing outside her house, in the Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood in Jerusalem, after she'd been evicted so Israeli settlers could take it. Even the State Department deplored such actions by Israel as violations of their obligations. The author even went so far as to try to connect Aboushi to a speaker who the INS charged with being part of a terrorist group. How can the the INS, which dealt with immigration and doesn’t exist anymore, charge people with involvement in terrorism? By doing this in 1988, years before Aboushi was even born, and violating constitutional rights. Perhaps most insidious was the claim that Aboushi was anti-Semitic for using the term Nakba, which Palestinians use to describe the period of their expulsion and disposession from 1947 to 1949. Well, the author probably never learned that it was likely Israeli military who propelled the term into its modern usage. So there you go, the Israeli military is anti-Semitic too.
The article was penned for no reason other than to create a smear campaign against Aboushi and give the Jets a public relations headache so big that they might not find it worth keeping Aboushi on the team. We should hope that this is not what happens, but it's undoubtedly the intention.

This, however, is the level of slime we’ve come to know and expect from FrontPage. What made matters worse was a post by Adam Waksman, a journalist for Yahoo! Sports, which has a reach that is, let’s say, a bit greater than FrontPage. Waksman reprinted many of the worthless accusations in the FrontPage hit job and did not bother to reach out to any of the maligned for comment. He closed by cautioning the Jets organization that this “is a potential disaster that needs to be dealt with before it becomes anything real.”

For a glimpse into what sort of hate these articles conjure up, look no further than the comments. “"Who Is Oday Aboushi?" I think he's a sandn|gger,” wrote one erudite interlocutor. “Send the piece of garbage back to the sand dunes and let him molest goats for a living," said another.

Furthering the hate, a newly hired social media coordinator of, Jonathan Mael, tweeted that the Jets “are a disgrace of an organization” and likened Oday Aboushi to Aaron Hernandez, the former Patriots’ tight end now facing murder charges in Massachusetts. Now, many might argue that the Jets organization leaves lots to be desired—anyone watching the implosion of the franchise over the past two seasons could make that argument. But to do so simply because they drafted a Palestinian-American?


This proves some members of the American Jewish community work as outsourced extensions of Israel's campaign to censor the Palestinian Idenitity through their propaganda.

Israel's so called 'values' get tossed in garbage bin once you realize Jews and Zionists worldwide actively try to censor Palestinian identity and even going so far to try to destroy a Palestinian's career through made up accusations and pressure.

Those intentions are the intentions of an extremist and reveal some Jewish Americans and Jews worldwide aim for. Which blatantly makes us understand their occupation and its instincts and makes us not fall for their crocodile tears.
Six of this and a dozen of the other. Same terrorist shits, different name. Maybe you should read the OP article again then:

His latest infraction was made as he gave a speech at a radical Muslim conference sponsored by a group denying Israel’s right to exist and associated with blatantly anti-Semitic and terrorist propaganda.

Aboushi’s problem is an unusual one for pro sports. He’s a Muslim extremist.

Aboushi praised a conference sponsored by Islamic Relief (IR), a charity that the Israeli government has labeled a front for Hamas and that has been cited for both receiving and giving huge sums of money to al-Qaeda related groups.

El-Bireh Palestine Society’s logo, found atop the organization’s website, contains a graphic of the entire nation of Israel covered in a Palestinian flag – a patent denial of Israel’s legitimacy and right to exist. Worse still, the Facebook page for the conference – which is administered by the same individual who created the Society’s website, Ashraf Abed – is accompanied by horrifically anti-Semitic, anti-Christian and terrorist propaganda.

On the same El-Bireh Facebook site as the conference, there are contained different images of Hitler and rabid anti-Christian cleric Ahmed Deedat, who authored the infamous work CRUCIFIXION OR CRUCI-FICTION? There are terrorist memorials for Hamas leader Abdel Aziz al-Rantisi, PLO leader Yasser Arafat, Hamas founder Ahmed Yassin and Hamas bomb maker Yahya Ayyash. About Arafat and Yassin, the site states in Arabic, “The martyr leader Yasser Arafat with the Mujahid Sheikh Ahmed Yassin. G-d have mercy on them.”

The OP links to no sources for it's claims and some of it's claims (for example the one about Islamic relief) were blatently false.

You can highlight and bold all you want but you are only regurgitating the OP's unfounded claims and guilt by vague association. Please - show me the "different images of Hitler" that are supposed to be there - I couldn't find it.

It's really pathetic. Why don't you route out actual terrorists for a change?
But your selective inability to find or verify doesn't disprove those claims, does it? It merely confirms your bias.

So you are saying that taking those claims one by one and debunking them (which I did in a prior post) - is proof of a bias? That the fact the OP ITSELF doesn't offer proof of those claims means I'm biased? That searching out the truth means one is biased? Are you nuts? Roudy - maybe this is one you should give up on and admit - it's a piece of crap OP. And you talk about other people making up wild claims and supporting them to the death:cuckoo:
I'm not sure why people don't research to be certain that there is verifiable proof prior to posting.

But then when I search for information I don't do a side search. I don't use keywords that support the post and simply look for valid sites that may contain this proof.

I search the site first. I used to do it the other way as well, but there's too much diatribe out there.

P F Tinmore, Roudy, et al,

That was only a sample example list. And that list was limited to ones involving Americans. It was by no means a complete list.


The IDF is defending against Hostile Arab-Palestinian aggressors. Those organizations that sponsored those kinds of events (but not limited to those) I listed.

It would take several pages to list all the terrorist attacks made by Palestinians in the last 60 years.

The point I was making is that there is no way the Palestinian can deny they have and established history of conducting terrorist actions on an international scale.

Most Respectfully,

Still a drop in the bucket compared to Israeli terrorism.

Israel "defending itself" against the people it attacks. That is rich.:lol::lol::lol:
Nah that's just the repetitive propaganda and lies you keep spreading.

Ya sure, those "innocent" Palestinians never committed terrorism or suicide bombings or blew up buses or shot rockets. Those evil Zionists are the aggressors. Got anything new to say or is it the same old same old lies and terrorist worshipping garbage?

One example of (too) many.

Israeli soldiers cleared over killings

On July 22, 2002, Israel dropped a one-ton bomb on a house in Gaza City, killing Hamas leader Salah Shehade along with 16 other Palestinians, including nine children.

PressTV - Israeli soldiers cleared over killings
I'm not sure why people don't research to be certain that there is verifiable proof prior to posting.

But then when I search for information I don't do a side search. I don't use keywords that support the post and simply look for valid sites that may contain this proof.

I search the site first. I used to do it the other way as well, but there's too much diatribe out there.


I admit - I've been guilty of using poorly researched sites before - it's bitten me in the butt. But generally I find the use of language keys and certain rhetorical strategies tend to red flag articles for me and I won't take them seriously or waste time on them.

Verbage includes: extreme, extremist, fascist, genocide, Marxist/Stalin/Hitler/Nazi comparisons, rabid, racist, anti-semite - adjectives that tend to be used carelessly (thus merit a closer look) and who's purpose is to inflame rather than inform. Nazi comparisons are usually the worst and cheapest shots. I am also very suspect of "guilt by association" strategies - especially if the articles claims are based almost entirely on that. That's a typical Conspiracy Theory tactic.
I think what I really hate is when someone pulls together a hate-piece defaming an innocent person, or trying to make it out he's not really "one of us" - he's done nothing to merit this other than supporting the Palestinian cause. There is no evidence he's supported or advocated extremist views or violence or terrorism. He's just an ordinary young man who's got the chance of a lifetime he's worked hard for and what the OP and it's supporters are doing are to effectively censor him from supporting the Palestinians. There is a difference between supporting the Palestinians and supporting terrorism. A considerable difference.

He's just a kid, a football player - an ordinary person and as American as any.
I'm not sure why people don't research to be certain that there is verifiable proof prior to posting.

But then when I search for information I don't do a side search. I don't use keywords that support the post and simply look for valid sites that may contain this proof.

I search the site first. I used to do it the other way as well, but there's too much diatribe out there.


I admit - I've been guilty of using poorly researched sites before - it's bitten me in the butt. But generally I find the use of language keys and certain rhetorical strategies tend to red flag articles for me and I won't take them seriously or waste time on them.

Verbage includes: extreme, extremist, fascist, genocide, Marxist/Stalin/Hitler/Nazi comparisons, rabid, racist, anti-semite - adjectives that tend to be used carelessly (thus merit a closer look) and who's purpose is to inflame rather than inform. Nazi comparisons are usually the worst and cheapest shots. I am also very suspect of "guilt by association" strategies - especially if the articles claims are based almost entirely on that. That's a typical Conspiracy Theory tactic.

Nothing will get me to disregard an article faster than name calling. There is no room for that in legitimate reporting.

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