Jets Rookie Speaks at Extreme Anti-Israel Conference

P F Tinmore, et al,

Yes, this question is asked and answered a lot.

What means of self defense do you consider acceptable?

That is exactly the issue. The West Bank and Gaza Strip are quarantined because they engage, as part of an organized effort condoned by their elected leadership, in crimes against humanity and war crimes.

  • Part II, Article 7, Para 1(a): Murder (Crimes against humanity) Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court
  • Part II, Article 7, Para 2(a):
"Attack directed against any civilian population" means a course of conduct involving the multiple commission of acts referred to in paragraph 1 against any civilian population, pursuant to or in furtherance of a State or organizational policy to commit such attack;​

If the Palestinian has a legitimate grievance, then it needs to pursue the grievance through the International legal process.

Israel is in Palestine. Where do you get "international?"

This is the "grievance." The claim alleges that the Jewish People took control of a portion of Palestine by force of arms.

The first part of the counter claim is that Israel declared Independence (right of self-determination) pursuant to General Assembly Resolution 181(II), and as recognized as legitimate by Palestinian Authority. The second part of the counter claim is that subsequent areas brought under Israeli control were a result of repelling armed aggression, on multiple occasions [Chapter VII, Article 51, UN Charter (Self-Defense)], by Hostile Arab/Palestinians (HoAP) who were aided and abetted by the multiple Arab Armies.

  • Part II, Article 8, Para 2a: Invasion (Crime of Aggression) - Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court
The invasion or attack by the armed forces of a State of the territory of another State, or any military occupation, however temporary, resulting from such invasion or attack, or any annexation by the use of force of the territory of another State or part thereof;​

This one is always good for a laugh. :lol: :lol: :lol:
  • Reference: "... territorial integrity or political independence of any State,..."

This is a grievance. It claims that the territorial integrity and political independence of the "State of Israel" is a legal fallacy or fiction on the Part of Israel and the United Nations. This needs to be argued by the Court.

Of course the counter claim is that the Jewish Agency (acting on behalf of the Jewish People in Palestine) accepted the Partition Plan passed by the UN General Assembly, formed an Interim Government and Declared Independence; then, applied for membership to the UN, which was review and favorably recommended by the UN Security Council (S/RES/69), and subsequently approved by a full vote of the General Assembly [A/RES/273(III)].

Inherent in the Palestinian Claim is the accusation that the UN had no such authority, and that the Palestinians had some prior claim of sovereignty.

This needs to be litigated in court with a final resolution which should include:
  • War Reparations [Money that one or the other party (Israel 'v' Palestinian) has to pay to another because of damages caused during the last 65 years.]
  • War Restitution [An equivalent or compensation (loss, damage, or injury caused); war, terrorist attacks, and act of aggression.]

Most Respectfully,
It's a lot more believable than some of the whoppers you've posted, Tinny!

Israel still has the whopper award.
Why, Tinnie, many of us know that the Arab propaganda machine (of which you seem to be a part of) tells whoppers all the time. Gee, maybe it wasn't your relative with whom I had dinner in Gaza City. It could have just been a close friend of yours.

So did you have falafel?
Israel still has the whopper award.
Why, Tinnie, many of us know that the Arab propaganda machine (of which you seem to be a part of) tells whoppers all the time. Gee, maybe it wasn't your relative with whom I had dinner in Gaza City. It could have just been a close friend of yours.

So did you have falafel?
Just as in Korea and Vietnam, I didn't ask what I was eating but I did recognize the collard greens and grits. Yum yum.
Why, Tinnie, many of us know that the Arab propaganda machine (of which you seem to be a part of) tells whoppers all the time. Gee, maybe it wasn't your relative with whom I had dinner in Gaza City. It could have just been a close friend of yours.

So did you have falafel?
Just as in Korea and Vietnam, I didn't ask what I was eating but I did recognize the collard greens and grits. Yum yum.

Wise not to inquire to closely as to protein ;)
P F Tinmore, et al,

Yes, this question is asked and answered a lot.

What means of self defense do you consider acceptable?

That is exactly the issue. The West Bank and Gaza Strip are quarantined because they engage, as part of an organized effort condoned by their elected leadership, in crimes against humanity and war crimes.

Like defending their country.

  • Part II, Article 7, Para 1(a): Murder (Crimes against humanity) Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court
  • Part II, Article 7, Para 2(a):
"Attack directed against any civilian population" means a course of conduct involving the multiple commission of acts referred to in paragraph 1 against any civilian population, pursuant to or in furtherance of a State or organizational policy to commit such attack;​

Even when the definition of protected persons is set out in this way, it may seem rather complicated. Nevertheless, disregarding points of detail, it will be seen that there are two main classes of protected person: (1) ' enemy nationals ' within the national territory of each of the Parties to the conflict and (2) ' the whole population ' of occupied territories (excluding nationals of the Occupying Power).

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That argument is based on false premise.

Most Respectfully,
Israel still has the whopper award.
Why, Tinnie, many of us know that the Arab propaganda machine (of which you seem to be a part of) tells whoppers all the time. Gee, maybe it wasn't your relative with whom I had dinner in Gaza City. It could have just been a close friend of yours.

Taqiyyah, hudna, turnspeak to name a few. Plus the fact that an Arab leader will say one thing in a speech to the public and the opposite to the Arab audience, giving people of your stripe incentive to say the translation was a lie or taken out of context. Much like the Jet's rookie and his innocent little speech. Over.
Why, Tinnie, many of us know that the Arab propaganda machine (of which you seem to be a part of) tells whoppers all the time. Gee, maybe it wasn't your relative with whom I had dinner in Gaza City. It could have just been a close friend of yours.

Taqiyyah, hudna, turnspeak to name a few. Plus the fact that an Arab leader will say one thing in a speech to the public and the opposite to the Arab audience, giving people of your stripe incentive to say the translation was a lie or taken out of context. Much like the Jet's rookie and his innocent little speech. Over.

You still have not provided any examples.
Taqiyyah, hudna, turnspeak to name a few. Plus the fact that an Arab leader will say one thing in a speech to the public and the opposite to the Arab audience, giving people of your stripe incentive to say the translation was a lie or taken out of context. Much like the Jet's rookie and his innocent little speech. Over.

You still have not provided any examples.
Just whom do you think you are kidding, Tinnie? There is so much Arab propaganda being spread around the world, and you appear to have no problem with spreading some of it. I think by now many of the viewers have your number, but keep on trying, Tinnie? It is very amusing to see how hard you try. As an aside, let me say that it is pathetic how much Arab propaganda is spread against the Jews and/or Israel, but those who spread this propaganda are very, very quiet about the Arabs and other Muslims killing others (even each other) in the name of a religion.
Taqiyyah, hudna, turnspeak to name a few. Plus the fact that an Arab leader will say one thing in a speech to the public and the opposite to the Arab audience, giving people of your stripe incentive to say the translation was a lie or taken out of context. Much like the Jet's rookie and his innocent little speech. Over.

You still have not provided any examples.
Just whom do you think you are kidding, Tinnie? There is so much Arab propaganda being spread around the world, and you appear to have no problem with spreading some of it. I think by now many of the viewers have your number, but keep on trying, Tinnie? It is very amusing to see how hard you try. As an aside, let me say that it is pathetic how much Arab propaganda is spread against the Jews and/or Israel, but those who spread this propaganda are very, very quiet about the Arabs and other Muslims killing others (even each other) in the name of a religion.

Holy smokescreen, Batman!

All that blabber and still no examples of Palestinian "whoppers."
Taqiyyah, hudna, turnspeak to name a few. Plus the fact that an Arab leader will say one thing in a speech to the public and the opposite to the Arab audience, giving people of your stripe incentive to say the translation was a lie or taken out of context. Much like the Jet's rookie and his innocent little speech. Over.

You still have not provided any examples.
Seriously? You want us to bring up all those times you posted bullshit things like "here is a flag of 'Palestine' from atop a movie theater in Jerusalem before 1948'" When it was proven that it was a flag of Jordan / Arab League.

Funny part is you've posted that stupid flag like 100 times, despite the fact that each time you do, it is disproved and you are embarrassed exposed as a liar and false propagandist.

Let me ask you a question, is the reason you keep repeating these lies because you hope that maybe one day you'll get lucky and your lie will stick to a person who doesn't know better? You Hamas terrorist supporters have no shame, no shame at all. Always trying to prey on the ignorant and uninformed, like yourselves.
P F Tinmore, et al,

There are several different classes of targets to which the Palestinians are alleged to have assaulted. My sample list (previously published) was important. It gives a wide variety of criminal allegations, over an extended period, in multiple venues.
  • Murder and Assassination in multiple countries; multiple nationalities.
  • Unlawful Acts against the Safety of Civil Aviation and Unlawful Seizure of Aircraft.
  • Unlawful Acts relating to piracy on the high seas.
  • Multiple armed assaults in multiple countries, killing multiple nationalities.
  • The illicit trade in small arms and light weapons.
  • Taking of Hostages

I gave examples of each of these.

Even when the definition of protected persons is set out in this way, it may seem rather complicated. Nevertheless, disregarding points of detail, it will be seen that there are two main classes of protected person: (1) ' enemy nationals ' within the national territory of each of the Parties to the conflict and (2) ' the whole population ' of occupied territories (excluding nationals of the Occupying Power).

That argument is based on false premise.

If the "false premise" is a viable argument, then it should be a "slam-dunk" win in court. But I don't think that is the case. I don't know of any humanitarian law that condones:

  • 2nd Rosh Ha'ir restaurant bombing: Carried out by Palestinian Islamic Jihad together with Al-Aqsa Martyrs' Brigades.
  • Nablus school bus bombing: Hamas claimed responsibility.
  • Netanya school bombing: Palestinian Islamic Jihad claimed responsibility.

Nor, am I aware of any special dispensation that any International Law (Humanitarian or Criminal) provides for the Hostile Arab/Palestinian (HoAP) to target any civilian not party to the conflict.

The "protect persons" argument is based on "humanitarian law," as in the Geneva Convention. That is merely one aspect of law. I cited "criminal law," which doesn't depend on humanitarian law definitions - but criminal law definitions of which the HoAP is alleged to have violated. I did not cite the GCIV, or any other Humanitarian Law. Nor did I cite a law that distinguishes between nationalities.

If the argument holds that Israel is sovereign, than the argument also holds that the HoAP is a terrorist.

The "Occupation" is a protective measures to avoid further collaborative efforts on the part of the HoAP and the Arab League to undermine the sovereignty of the State of Israel. The HoAP and the Arab League have an established historical pattern of attempting to use armed aggression (a violation of International Criminal Law) to overthrow the sovereign nation.

The State of Israel is not in "Palestine the sovereignty." Israel is in "Palestine the former Mandate." And nothing short of a cool, calm, and collected litigation effort can change that.

Most Respectfully,
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NY Jets Player Speaks at Extreme Anti-Israel Conference | FrontPage Magazine

Glad I'm not a Jets fan. I don't think I could pull for a team with someone like this on the roster. I have no problem with people expressing their views, but this crosses the line. And for a player in New York (the city with the largest Jewish population in the US), this guy is making bad choices of who to associate with.

I wrote a letter to the Jets off the link on that article titled how to contact the Jets - you can send them an email and let them know how you feel about their team players being involved in promoting anti semitism. FFA has been very successful in convincing sponsors for Al Jazeera dropping them. Foster Grant dropped Al Jazeera advertising for them, so did Hershey and many more companies. It is through writing emails and making phone calls that these companies backed out from supporting the anti semitic Al Jazeera.

The same will be accomplished if everyone will take the time to write an email off of that link inside article. I sent my letter yesterday and then mass emailed the story out for others to do the same. If everyone does their part the Jets will move fast to fix this mess. - Jeri
NY Jets Player Speaks at Extreme Anti-Israel Conference | FrontPage Magazine

Glad I'm not a Jets fan. I don't think I could pull for a team with someone like this on the roster. I have no problem with people expressing their views, but this crosses the line. And for a player in New York (the city with the largest Jewish population in the US), this guy is making bad choices of who to associate with.

I wrote a letter to the Jets off the link on that article titled how to contact the Jets - you can send them an email and let them know how you feel about their team players being involved in promoting anti semitism. FFA has been very successful in convincing sponsors for Al Jazeera dropping them. Foster Grant dropped Al Jazeera advertising for them, so did Hershey and many more companies. It is through writing emails and making phone calls that these companies backed out from supporting the anti semitic Al Jazeera.

The same will be accomplished if everyone will take the time to write an email off of that link inside article. I sent my letter yesterday and then mass emailed the story out for others to do the same. If everyone does their part the Jets will move fast to fix this mess. - Jeri

Why do you want to do that to him when the entire article is bunk? Is it just hate? Seriously?
NY Jets Player Speaks at Extreme Anti-Israel Conference | FrontPage Magazine

Glad I'm not a Jets fan. I don't think I could pull for a team with someone like this on the roster. I have no problem with people expressing their views, but this crosses the line. And for a player in New York (the city with the largest Jewish population in the US), this guy is making bad choices of who to associate with.

I wrote a letter to the Jets off the link on that article titled how to contact the Jets - you can send them an email and let them know how you feel about their team players being involved in promoting anti semitism. FFA has been very successful in convincing sponsors for Al Jazeera dropping them. Foster Grant dropped Al Jazeera advertising for them, so did Hershey and many more companies. It is through writing emails and making phone calls that these companies backed out from supporting the anti semitic Al Jazeera.

The same will be accomplished if everyone will take the time to write an email off of that link inside article. I sent my letter yesterday and then mass emailed the story out for others to do the same. If everyone does their part the Jets will move fast to fix this mess. - Jeri

Why do you want to do that to him when the entire article is bunk? Is it just hate? Seriously?

Has anybody quoted what he said at that conference? I found nothing else negative about him anywhere. Good Lord...leave the kid alone.
RoccoR said:
Israel is in "Palestine the former Mandate."

There is no in Palestine the former Mandate.

The Mandate owned no land and had no borders of its own. Palestine did not depend on the mandate for its existence and continued to exist after the mandate left Palestine.
P F Tinmore, et al,

Prior to the fall of the Ottoman Empire, the same could be said of Palestine. It had no borders of its own. It was a regional designation.

RoccoR said:
Israel is in "Palestine the former Mandate."

There is no in Palestine the former Mandate.

The Mandate owned no land and had no borders of its own. Palestine did not depend on the mandate for its existence and continued to exist after the mandate left Palestine.

Again, if any of these arguments had some validity to them, then the Arab/Palestinian should not be afraid to take the claim to court.

Palestinian is a region, not a sovereign nation. It is very much like the description of the Levant.

Most Respectfully,
I wrote a letter to the Jets off the link on that article titled how to contact the Jets - you can send them an email and let them know how you feel about their team players being involved in promoting anti semitism. FFA has been very successful in convincing sponsors for Al Jazeera dropping them. Foster Grant dropped Al Jazeera advertising for them, so did Hershey and many more companies. It is through writing emails and making phone calls that these companies backed out from supporting the anti semitic Al Jazeera.

The same will be accomplished if everyone will take the time to write an email off of that link inside article. I sent my letter yesterday and then mass emailed the story out for others to do the same. If everyone does their part the Jets will move fast to fix this mess. - Jeri

Why do you want to do that to him when the entire article is bunk? Is it just hate? Seriously?

Has anybody quoted what he said at that conference? I found nothing else negative about him anywhere. Good Lord...leave the kid alone.

Exactly - all of this is based on a few inoccuous tweets and a lot of guilt by association. no one capable of examining the actual evidence before trashing this man's future? :(
P F Tinmore, et al,

Prior to the fall of the Ottoman Empire, the same could be said of Palestine. It had no borders of its own. It was a regional designation.

RoccoR said:
Israel is in "Palestine the former Mandate."

There is no in Palestine the former Mandate.

The Mandate owned no land and had no borders of its own. Palestine did not depend on the mandate for its existence and continued to exist after the mandate left Palestine.

Again, if any of these arguments had some validity to them, then the Arab/Palestinian should not be afraid to take the claim to court.

Palestinian is a region, not a sovereign nation. It is very much like the description of the Levant.

Most Respectfully,

Not true.

A region is an undefined area.

Palestine is defined by international borders.

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