Jew assaulted at Yale

The video you posted earlier confirms Tartak's version of events. We see what the camera that Tartak, the Jewish student, was holding, filmed during the incident. We clearly see the flag pole being directed at the student's face that was right behind the camera.
I don't clearly see that. Like I said, maybe that looks like a horrible assault to you fragile fuckers but to me it looks like an accident.
When I left my community Seder last evening, I saw the ex-military man we had hired to protect us in case antisemites decided to descend on us. (They especially like to attack on sacred Jewish holidays.)

Scary times to be a Jew, living in a Democrat city.
Why can't minority get ahead segregated? Why do they need white to help them up all the time? Maybe minorities should stop being victims and make their own way.
That argument makes no fucking sense. How are people supposed to get ahead when the government implements policies to prevent them from doing so? Do you understand the history of segregation and Jim Crow or are you just pretending to be this stupid because I'd prefer to imagine you're only pretending. The problem is I can't fathom why you'd do so. Who'd pretend to be this stupid in purpose?
Except that commentary is belied by the actual data that shows its white people more than black people who run around crying about being victims of racism.

Whites Believe They Are Victims of Racism More Often Than Blacks
From your link:
"Whites believe that they have replaced blacks as the primary victims of racial discrimination in contemporary America, according to a new study from researchers at Tufts University's School of Arts and Sciences and Harvard Business School."

Recent events proved that Harvard is not trustworthy. Have a more reliable source?
That argument makes no fucking sense. How are people supposed to get ahead when the government implements policies to prevent them from doing so? Do you understand the history of segregation and Jim Crow or are you just pretending to be this stupid because I'd prefer to imagine you're only pretending. The problem is I can't fathom why you'd do so. Who'd pretend to be this stupid in purpose?

Jim Crow ended 60 years ago, the only way you were 'affected' by it is if you are 78+ years old. If you couldn't 'get ahead', that's your own damn fault.
I don't clearly see that. Like I said, maybe that looks like a horrible assault to you fragile fuckers but to me it looks like an accident.
Insults don't work with me.

Hold a camera, and ask someone to poke you in the eye with a pole while you're filming. Then watch the video. Hope you enjoy the experience.
Jim Crow ended 60 years ago, the only way you were 'affected' by it is if you are 78+ years old. If you couldn't 'get ahead', that's your own damn fault.
Especially considering that anyone 60 and under benefitted from Affirmative Action. In most cases, blacks who went to a prestigious university or professional program got in BECAUSE they were black.

I worked in admissions for a few years. The ratio is 2:1.
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From your link:
"Whites believe that they have replaced blacks as the primary victims of racial discrimination in contemporary America, according to a new study from researchers at Tufts University's School of Arts and Sciences and Harvard Business School."

Recent events proved that Harvard is not trustworthy. Have a more reliable source?
No. That's my source. If it triggers you why don't you present one that your frail ass thinks agrees with you so we can see where your mind is at. :dunno: :laugh:
I'm talking forced segregation from economic opportunities and advancement. I don't know what you're talking about because it's a poorly defined argument.
Plenty of economic opportunities and advancement today that go beyond reparations.
Insults don't work with me.

Hold a camera, and ask someone to poke you in the eye with a pole while you're filming. Then watch the video. Hope you enjoy the experience.
Your cosplay doesn't work on anyone. :laugh:

No one is getting charged with assault over this.
That argument makes no fucking sense. How are people supposed to get ahead when the government implements policies to prevent them from doing so? Do you understand the history of segregation and Jim Crow or are you just pretending to be this stupid because I'd prefer to imagine you're only pretending. The problem is I can't fathom why you'd do so. Who'd pretend to be this stupid in purpose?

So immigrate to a successful country governed by black people.
No. That's my source. If it triggers you why don't you present one that your frail ass thinks agrees with you so we can see where your mind is at. :dunno: :laugh:
Why would I find a source for your claim? You have to prove your assertions yourself.
Plenty of economic opportunities and advancement today that go beyond reparations.
I know. Me and my immigrant family took great advantage of those opportunities. That however is not an argument against reparations for prior injustice nor does it address the fact that economic opportunities for advancement today are much different for the people for whom home ownership was subsidized as opposed to the people who's neighborhoods and communities were red lined from those same economic opportunities.

A Jewish girl was assaulted with the end of a Palestinian flag as it was used to poke her in the eye with.

No idea who it was because these people wear those ridiculous Antifa type scarfs to hide behind.

But violence and injuries were bound to happen at universities around the country that refuse to stop these protests.

It will just get worse. In fact, the parent of this student should sue Yale for allowing these sort of hate parades to continue.
and eye for an eye just makes the whole world blind.


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