Jewish bankers hate Trump!

Oct 25, 2015
Jewish bankers and zionists were behind the wars in Iraq, Afghanistan,Libya and Syria and they are also against Iran. They want to destabilize the Middle East so that there is no real threat for Israel. ''But ISIS will take over'' some people might say. Even if ISIS controlled the Middle East they could not pose any serious threat because the vast of majority of ISIS fighters and leaders are useless and uneducated cockroaches. All Muslim states that were against Israel now they don't even have a government. For example Libya is not even a country right now.

Donald Trump is the guy that speaks the truth with no fear. When he becomes the president he will withdraw the troops not only from the Middle East but from Europe also. Countries like Germany are strong enough to deal with Ukraine. Guys like Bush and Hillary are warmongers and if you elect Hillary USA will become a third world country. You spend trillions for what? You should worry about your country that is a mess right now and leave Muslims to kill each other. Who cares?
But let's say that you have to help Christians from ISIS and you must send troops. At least take the fucking oil from Iraq. Why help them and get nothing?

Some might say that i am from Greece and i shouldn't care about USA. Hey i have relatives there and i do care. Don't make the same mistakes we Greeks did. Don't elect puppets like Bush, Hillary, Obama. For once vote for a guy that nobody controls. MAKE USA GREAT AGAIN!
jewish bankers love everyone. everyone who works hard as they do.
not that many jews in prison.:) good thread, from anywhere. Trump doesn't judge people in any way except their character.
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"I have black guys counting my money! I hate it. ... The only kind of people I want counting my money are short guys that wear yarmulkes every day."

Don't kid yourself. Dump is a self-infatuated joke. And that's all he'll ever be.

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