Jewish leaders tell Trump he's not welcome in Pittsburgh until he denounces white nationalism

Jewish leaders tell Trump he's not welcome in Pittsburgh until he denounces white nationalism

A group of Jewish leaders told President Trump that he is no longer welcome in Pittsburgh until he denounces white nationalism following the shooting at a synagogue there over the weekend.

Eleven members of the Pittsburgh affiliate of Bend the Arc: A Jewish Partnership for Justice penned a letter to Trump following the Saturday shooting at the Tree of Life Synagogue.

“Our Jewish community is not the only group you have targeted,” the group wrote. “You have also deliberately undermined the safety of people of color, Muslims, LGBTQ people, and people with disabilities. Yesterday’s massacre is not the first act of terror you incited against a minority group in our country.”


Looks like these Jewish folk have a good bead on Trump's bullshit technique.

Well, I guess POTUS Jackass fvcked up that opportunity.

Why do people confuse nationalism with 'white nationalism'? It's BS. Just another way to label people the way you want to. So everyone who is white now and happened to be patriotic is a white Nationalist? Of course the jist of of it all is to label people as racist, so you can delegitimize half the population and or a political party. I guess our military cemeteries are all filled with white racist nationalists because they just happened to be white.

How is Trump anti- Jewish again? His son and daughter are now Jewish, and his grandkids are being raised Jewish. Libs don't really want Trump to denounce Racist White groups... wha they really want is Trump to denounce himself. He doesnt support White racist groups so why should he take their bait? The problem with these political activists telling Trump who he needs to denounce is that they are disingenuous in their motives. Trump just doesnt feel playing their game is necessary IMO

Good; they can ALL go to Hell
Jewish leaders tell Trump he's not welcome in Pittsburgh until he denounces white nationalism

A group of Jewish leaders told President Trump that he is no longer welcome in Pittsburgh until he denounces white nationalism following the shooting at a synagogue there over the weekend.

Eleven members of the Pittsburgh affiliate of Bend the Arc: A Jewish Partnership for Justice penned a letter to Trump following the Saturday shooting at the Tree of Life Synagogue.

“Our Jewish community is not the only group you have targeted,” the group wrote. “You have also deliberately undermined the safety of people of color, Muslims, LGBTQ people, and people with disabilities. Yesterday’s massacre is not the first act of terror you incited against a minority group in our country.”


Looks like these Jewish folk have a good bead on Trump's bullshit technique.

Well, I guess POTUS Jackass fvcked up that opportunity.

Do the Jews own Pittsburgh?

I thought Jews were White, or at least part White. Apparently Jewish Nationalism like you know Zionism is "Kosher" but not White Nationalism??????

The U.S.A is a Vassal state.

3% of America is Jewish, and yet 77% of American males are Circumcised, and 41% of foods are certified Kosher in the U.S.A. (Probably the majority of foods are in fact Kosher in the U.S.A, just the certification is a little lower)

I'm not so sure about what they'd do with Polish Kielbasa, I suppose they'd Circumcise it to make it Kosher.

Most Jews do not consider themselves “white”. Many of the lefty racist types consider whites “goyim”.

That's a pretty ignorant set of statements right there. And all that crap is projections of you own biases and racism.. Don't think you're ever had a Knish or know the story of Chanukah, let alone the definition of "goyim".

There are non-white Jews. Even African black Jews. Vast majority of Jews are white. Where'd you get the idea they "dont consider themselves white" ??

Probably from you 2nd misconception about the word "goyim".. It refers only being non-Jewish. Not to just whites. If you didn't ever go to Jewish Sunday School, you're probably a goyim. Regardless of your race. And it's not quite as derogatory and demeaning as the Muslim equivalent of Kafir. It's more a cartoonish poke at folks who do stupid things..

There is no racial connotation to any of that. Why would a Jew make fun of whites? Even a "leftist racist types".. Unless you didn't know that Jews aren't a race, they are people bonded by common religion and culture. Only mysterious things they possess is the "jewish cookbooks" handed down thru the matriarchal sides of their families...
U first. Topic ain't about Richard Spencer and his band of merry pranksters and their bank account. I'm TOTALLY correct on that.

It's about "Jews" who hate Trump enough to make a mass shooting at a synagogue into a political hand grenade..

Guess you don't want to elaborate on why Zionists are threatening the world as you inferred in that quote of yours from another active thread.

YOU are the one that brought some concept from some other thread into this thread, which is nothing more than you deliberately going OFF TOPIC.

You know what I have to say about that?

Fvck off & stay on topic, bitch.

I'm completely on YOUR topic. You don't seem to want to defend it. Thought you'd toss a Jew hand grenade like your tribe tossed women as hand grenades during the SCt nomination vote.. None of those things are "toys" to advance political power as you PERCEIVE them to be. And most of the wounded from those skirmishes seem to be the Dems tossing out these group division attacks.

Not really much traction on the politics of division any more.. Think that trick has been snuffed out..

Sure there is. The Republicans are utilizing it as well. Instead of dividing us by inclusion they practice the politics of exclusion.

Which citizens are THEY excluding? I think election night is gonna be another bad day for you and yours. Have you checked the race in Michigan --- Minnesota? Repubs don't hurl their minority constituents like hand grenades. No women hurling like in the Cavanaugh hearings. No Jew hurling like in this thread. No Cherokee hurling either. :113:

ANY of those minorities who DARES to leave the Dem plantation are open targets for the Dems. Everyone is welcome as INDIVIDUALS.. Kind of refreshing actually..

There's no "inclusion" on the Dem bus. It's all predicated on your group being politically useful to them. Blacks for instance are not a big enough constituency, so then if youre a Dem strategist, you have to find another leverage angle. And that is -- that Repubs are RACIST and you start accusing all white people of being racist --- UNLESS they vote correctly.. That multiplies the advantage of being the party of Black America.

It's tired. Needs a rest. The damage being done is to the folks hurling the human grenades...

Future of the Repub party is in candidates like John James. Go look him up.. Then go see how he is being attacked --- not by REPUBS, but by your party...

Democrat Candidate El-Sayed Attacks Trump-Backed Vet John James, Made To Regret It

Well, like we said, out of nowhere El-Sayed tweeted, “Thrilled @DonaldJTrumpJr coming to stump for @JohnJamesMI. Nothing describes @MIGOP better than a man who has done nothing of value but mooch off his daddy–who mooched off *his* daddy. No action, just words. Oh, & @KidRock, a Confederate flag wrapped has been. G’luck John!”

The Democrats, like Abdul El-Sayed, are angry, and they are now randomly attacking GOP candidates for fun. But, John James is exactly the kind of senator we need in Washington, DC. The hatred and viciousness on the left is ramping up, and that’s why we must stay strong and counterpunch every disgusting attack. Thank God, we have awesome candidates like John James, who embody our American values and are ready and willing to humbly serve our nation.

As the OP has demonstrated here -- the Dems are the most UNRELIABLE protectors of minorities. Give them the opportunity and the ugly racism, anti-religous, anti-semitism comes oozing out..

They LIVE to stereotype Southerners and West Virginnies with vile hateful speech. EVEN THO -- by doing so -- they are mocking some of their own... They know no shame at hypocrisy...
It will be what it will be but the right and Republicans sure are getting a massive free pass from you and yours.

Can't help that. Trump is annoying, crass, narcissistic, and a meglomaniac. But it's the larger part of the left making the most personal fouls and irritating performances of the season. This concept where y'all sit back, arms folded and PRETEND to be the ONLY compassionate, caring, tolerant game in town whilst at the same time you ATTACK anyone who does not vote your way as morally, ethically, intellectually INFERIOR --- is REALLY irritating.

(for prime examples of this see most of the panel on "The View" or the Joe & Mika sourpusses, or most any panel on CNN/MSNBC). No humility or tolerance in the room..)

And the hypocrisy is so stinky from both sides, but the left right now is tying itself up in knots attacking too many of their reliable "pets". And the whole "more moral than thou" thing has SURPASSED the "moral authority" that the right has claimed in the past. Just had a demonstration of USING their pets as weapons in this thread.

Sorry -- neither one is a role model of compassion, caring, and tolerance. What really STINKS is the by and large the right TRIES to keep itself in check with religion, while the left just reads more sewage from Noam Chomsky and the NY Times and the Atlantic without a whole lot of action or contemplation or humility.
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A Texas fire department terminated a volunteer firefighter after he wrote a Facebook post praising Dylann Roof, the suspect in a mass shooting at a historic black church in Charleston that left nine people dead.

Kurtis Cook wrote that the alleged gunman "needs to be praised for the good deed he has done," according to screenshots of Cook's comments making the rounds on social media.

The Associated Press also reported that Earl Holt — leader of the Council of Conservative Citizens, a white supremacist group cited by Roof — has donated $65,000 to several Republican candidates, including Ted Cruz, Rand Paul, Rick Santorum and Mitt Romney.


I don't really see Democrats doing this kind of thing. They need to go to the GOP if they want to promote this kind of hate.


Trump calling himself a "nationalist" is like the Klu Klux Klan calling themselves the "Klux Klan" and saying they aren't racists.

So you have a picture of trump in a racist newspaper and you think you have what?
I dread to think of what your IQ test would reveal if you are serious about that post.
Alternately you could just be a dishonest bullshit artist. I'm not sure which applies... But I am sure that it's one of them.

That's the only one you saw because it has a picture?

Self-described Nazis and white supremacists are running as Republicans across the country. The GOP is terrified.

The GOP's 'Nazi problem': What can the Republican Party do about it?

Even Fox News knows it:

Nazis and anti-Semites slip through GOP primaries, causing headaches for party

‘I snookered them’: Illinois Nazi candidate creates GOP dumpster fire

Denounced by His Party as a Nazi, Arthur Jones Wins Illinois G.O.P. Congressional Primary

The list just goes on and on and on.........

When I say the American Nazi Party, the KKK, the Alt White, White Nationalists and the Aryan Nation have all joined the GOP, I wasn't kidding.

Neither were they.

s0n....that stuff plays with the fringe left only. Regular Americans think its laughable when Trump is called a Nazi. I mean....c'mon now does have been on this for near 3 years and it hasn't done dick ro Trump approval #s. You fringe guys need a beer and a Plan B.

Why do you think CNN has 174 viewers/night? Duh....regular Americans dont fo for the fakery!

What should we call Nazi SS soldier Bowman? The home run hitter in the twisted game of the United Stated world of chaos? In every story is a protagonist and they can be the perpetrator. You are mixed up Caddo because psychopath Bowman was so delusional that he saw himself as an elite commando on a white supremacy mission. Bowman made sure to make it clear that he dislikes Trump and I can assume he was not a Trumpster. I am sure he is going to fry. Bowman is the perpetrator. These ARC people are having cognitive dissonance as they were already anti Trump. Here in Arizona there are many ethnicities of people and only a small segment here have Trump derangement syndrome.

Who is "Bowman?"

If you are referring to the GOP Trump gun man that slaughtered the Jews in Pittsburgh, I believe his name is Bowers.

And, NO; I am NOT fvcking "mixed up" but I believe you may be on drugs.
You are full of shit. Save your bullshit statements against Trump for Democratic Underground. They're happy to masturbate to them.
What I just said about the left tying itself up in their own "tar baby" they created is on full display in this thread.

Where the OP gleefully hurls Jews as political weapons just as they hurled women at Kavanaugh. But not far beyond the surface of their "caring, tolerant, compassionate" beings lurks an anger and a hate just as dark as any other political cornered animal. That's comment about Zionists from Kid Caddo was not an isolated slip-up apparently..

A few decades back I was already convinced that US sources were fighting Israel's battles; it's pretty obvious to anyone that actually pays attention.
The US reaction to 9/11 was a great benefit to Israel, to a point.
The Zionist have the US by the balls; I currently reside in The Jewnited States, formerly the US.
The Zionist infiltration of the US has no political monopoly; both the Dems & the Reps are complicit.
The really bad thing is; it won't end. At least it won't end well, if it does end.

Samson Option - Wikipedia

There it is. Your modern leftist. All they care about is the POWER and the GLORY. Not really selling tolerance, compassion, nor caring... They'll torch their own in a heartbeat.. If there IS a war, I'm gonna have a hard time choosing a foxhole to crawl into. But it's probably not gonna be with the tribe that has lost its way...
Now tell me --- who has more "in common" with the Pittsburgh Synagogue shooter? Trump? Or the OP of this thread?
OP, but I can't really tell him what I think as long as this thread is upstairs. :rolleyes:

I see he managed to bash your kind for..well idk what.. :dunno:

Last post here unless I can roam free.
What should we call Nazi SS soldier Bowman? The home run hitter in the twisted game of the United Stated world of chaos? In every story is a protagonist and they can be the perpetrator. You are mixed up Caddo because psychopath Bowman was so delusional that he saw himself as an elite commando on a white supremacy mission. Bowman made sure to make it clear that he dislikes Trump and I can assume he was not a Trumpster. I am sure he is going to fry. Bowman is the perpetrator. These ARC people are having cognitive dissonance as they were already anti Trump. Here in Arizona there are many ethnicities of people and only a small segment here have Trump derangement syndrome.

Who is "Bowman?"

If you are referring to the GOP Trump gun man that slaughtered the Jews in Pittsburgh, I believe his name is Bowers.

And, NO; I am NOT fvcking "mixed up" but I believe you may be on drugs.
You are full of shit. Save your bullshit statements against Trump for Democratic Underground. They're happy to masturbate to them.

People like the OP really think a large majority view the president is a nazi.....

But where is there any evidence this strategy ( after 3 years btw) is at all effective? Doy......are they looking at polling from members?:bye1:
Jewish leaders tell Trump he's not welcome in Pittsburgh until he denounces white nationalism

A group of Jewish leaders told President Trump that he is no longer welcome in Pittsburgh until he denounces white nationalism following the shooting at a synagogue there over the weekend.

Eleven members of the Pittsburgh affiliate of Bend the Arc: A Jewish Partnership for Justice penned a letter to Trump following the Saturday shooting at the Tree of Life Synagogue.

“Our Jewish community is not the only group you have targeted,” the group wrote. “You have also deliberately undermined the safety of people of color, Muslims, LGBTQ people, and people with disabilities. Yesterday’s massacre is not the first act of terror you incited against a minority group in our country.”


Looks like these Jewish folk have a good bead on Trump's bullshit technique.

Well, I guess POTUS Jackass fvcked up that opportunity.

Shame on those liberal Jewish leaders for politicizing an act of terror! Donald Trump has NEVER targeted Jewish people. His favorite son in law Jarod Kushner is Jewish and his beloved daughter Ivanka has converted to the Jewish faith!
LOL...what a dope

Some people don't realize they are very dumb & very brainwashed.

There are Anarchist Communists despite Anarchy & Communism being incompatible.

There are also Capitalist Nationalists despite Capitalism being incompatible with Nationalism.

The natural fit for Nationalism is Fascism.
Why are antisemites some of the most ignorant, undereducated, mentally ill morons you will ever find?

In fact nationalism and capitalism go hand in hand! What a fucken' idiot!

Nationalism at the centre and periphery of Capitalism

In the first section, I define nation as the form of society politically organized that is born with the Capitalist Revolution and leads to the formation of the nation-state, and nationalism as the corresponding ideology: its objective is the autonomy and the national economic development. In the second section, I distinguish the nationalism of the central countries from that one of the peripheral countries; while in the first the nationalism is implicit, in the peripherals is explicit or then turn to the cosmopolitism. In the third section I argument that the imperialism, even being inevitable between strong and week countries, will change its characteristics when this relation of forces is modified as a consequence of the nationalism of the dominated ones. Still in this section, I make one brief reference to Brazil. Finally, I come back to the ideologies of the capitalism to show that, differently from the others, the nationalism is a particularist ideology, which increases the resistance to it and facilitates the task of domination of the central countries. Yet, the nationalism does not disappear because it is an organizer principle of the capitalist society.

People can also write what they like too

Very bad article.

The Soviet Union was more Nationalist since it's collapse theres more immigrants & more foreigners buying up East Euro companies & properties.
Nationalism is borne out of Capitalism, idiot. It creates an environment beneficial to the citizens of a NATION, in a capitalistic system. What you are referring to are hyphenated nationalism i.e. Nationalist socialist.


But take the off topic to this thread.
Capitalism & Nationalism incompatible.
Oh great, you point me to your own stupid thread, which got a total of two responses! Ha ha ha! The topic last I checked was Trump and nationalism. It doesn't surprise me that antisemtic morons like you have a problem defining nationalism.
Jewish leaders tell Trump he's not welcome in Pittsburgh until he denounces white nationalism

A group of Jewish leaders told President Trump that he is no longer welcome in Pittsburgh until he denounces white nationalism following the shooting at a synagogue there over the weekend.

Eleven members of the Pittsburgh affiliate of Bend the Arc: A Jewish Partnership for Justice penned a letter to Trump following the Saturday shooting at the Tree of Life Synagogue.

“Our Jewish community is not the only group you have targeted,” the group wrote. “You have also deliberately undermined the safety of people of color, Muslims, LGBTQ people, and people with disabilities. Yesterday’s massacre is not the first act of terror you incited against a minority group in our country.”


Looks like these Jewish folk have a good bead on Trump's bullshit technique.

Well, I guess POTUS Jackass fvcked up that opportunity.

Why do people confuse nationalism with 'white nationalism'? It's BS. Just another way to label people the way you want to. So everyone who is white now and happened to be patriotic is a white Nationalist? Of course the jist of of it all is to label people as racist, so you can delegitimize half the population and or a political party. I guess our military cemeteries are all filled with white racist nationalists because they just happened to be white.

How is Trump anti- Jewish again? His son and daughter are now Jewish, and his grandkids are being raised Jewish. Libs don't really want Trump to denounce Racist White groups... wha they really want is Trump to denounce himself. He doesnt support White racist groups so why should he take their bait? The problem with these political activists telling Trump who he needs to denounce is that they are disingenuous in their motives. Trump just doesnt feel playing their game is necessary IMO
The Left intentionally confuses / conflagrates nationalism with White Nationalism just as they intentionally confuse Russian interference in our elections with Russian collusion with Trump.
What I just said about the left tying itself up in their own "tar baby" they created is on full display in this thread.

Where the OP gleefully hurls Jews as political weapons just as they hurled women at Kavanaugh. But not far beyond the surface of their "caring, tolerant, compassionate" beings lurks an anger and a hate just as dark as any other political cornered animal. That's comment about Zionists from Kid Caddo was not an isolated slip-up apparently..

A few decades back I was already convinced that US sources were fighting Israel's battles; it's pretty obvious to anyone that actually pays attention.
The US reaction to 9/11 was a great benefit to Israel, to a point.
The Zionist have the US by the balls; I currently reside in The Jewnited States, formerly the US.
The Zionist infiltration of the US has no political monopoly; both the Dems & the Reps are complicit.
The really bad thing is; it won't end. At least it won't end well, if it does end.

Samson Option - Wikipedia

There it is. Your modern leftist. All they care about is the POWER and the GLORY. Not really selling tolerance, compassion, nor caring... They'll torch their own in a heartbeat.. If there IS a war, I'm gonna have a hard time choosing a foxhole to crawl into. But it's probably not gonna be with the tribe that has lost its way...
The Left is just really good at pretending they are tolerant and compassionate. They want to own these labels as political weapons so they can demonize and smash their opponents on their heads with them. It worked for a few decades until Trump (a Democrat previously) came along and turned the tables on them.
Some people don't realize they are very dumb & very brainwashed.

There are Anarchist Communists despite Anarchy & Communism being incompatible.

There are also Capitalist Nationalists despite Capitalism being incompatible with Nationalism.

The natural fit for Nationalism is Fascism.
Why are antisemites some of the most ignorant, undereducated, mentally ill morons you will ever find?

In fact nationalism and capitalism go hand in hand! What a fucken' idiot!

Nationalism at the centre and periphery of Capitalism

In the first section, I define nation as the form of society politically organized that is born with the Capitalist Revolution and leads to the formation of the nation-state, and nationalism as the corresponding ideology: its objective is the autonomy and the national economic development. In the second section, I distinguish the nationalism of the central countries from that one of the peripheral countries; while in the first the nationalism is implicit, in the peripherals is explicit or then turn to the cosmopolitism. In the third section I argument that the imperialism, even being inevitable between strong and week countries, will change its characteristics when this relation of forces is modified as a consequence of the nationalism of the dominated ones. Still in this section, I make one brief reference to Brazil. Finally, I come back to the ideologies of the capitalism to show that, differently from the others, the nationalism is a particularist ideology, which increases the resistance to it and facilitates the task of domination of the central countries. Yet, the nationalism does not disappear because it is an organizer principle of the capitalist society.

People can also write what they like too

Very bad article.

The Soviet Union was more Nationalist since it's collapse theres more immigrants & more foreigners buying up East Euro companies & properties.
Nationalism is borne out of Capitalism, idiot. It creates an environment beneficial to the citizens of a NATION, in a capitalistic system. What you are referring to are hyphenated nationalism i.e. Nationalist socialist.


But take the off topic to this thread.
Capitalism & Nationalism incompatible.
Oh great, you point me to your own stupid thread, which got a total of two responses! Ha ha ha! The topic last I checked was Trump and nationalism. It doesn't surprise me that antisemtic morons like you have a problem defining nationalism.

Nationalism is in fact Incompatible with Capitalism.

A system which values the freedoms of Capitalists to allow foreigners to buy your companies, and buy your property, and allows Capitalists to ship jobs to foreigners by outsourcing, and allows the freedoms of Capitalists to hire who they please including foreigners who work cheaper, is NOT NATIONALISM, it's CAPITALISM, the Exact OPPOSITE.

Of course Fascists nearly 100 years ago got this aspect correct.

Trump, and his Republicans still are struggling in this aspect.
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It's a made up group of Democrats who happen to be Jews. There are plenty of Jews who are conservatives and Trump supporters.
True, what do these nutjobs call themselves? The arch? Jewish revolutionaries? The letter is ridiculous and looks like it was written by a couple of stoners at a peace march in the 60s.
Why are antisemites some of the most ignorant, undereducated, mentally ill morons you will ever find?

In fact nationalism and capitalism go hand in hand! What a fucken' idiot!

Nationalism at the centre and periphery of Capitalism

In the first section, I define nation as the form of society politically organized that is born with the Capitalist Revolution and leads to the formation of the nation-state, and nationalism as the corresponding ideology: its objective is the autonomy and the national economic development. In the second section, I distinguish the nationalism of the central countries from that one of the peripheral countries; while in the first the nationalism is implicit, in the peripherals is explicit or then turn to the cosmopolitism. In the third section I argument that the imperialism, even being inevitable between strong and week countries, will change its characteristics when this relation of forces is modified as a consequence of the nationalism of the dominated ones. Still in this section, I make one brief reference to Brazil. Finally, I come back to the ideologies of the capitalism to show that, differently from the others, the nationalism is a particularist ideology, which increases the resistance to it and facilitates the task of domination of the central countries. Yet, the nationalism does not disappear because it is an organizer principle of the capitalist society.

People can also write what they like too

Very bad article.

The Soviet Union was more Nationalist since it's collapse theres more immigrants & more foreigners buying up East Euro companies & properties.
Nationalism is borne out of Capitalism, idiot. It creates an environment beneficial to the citizens of a NATION, in a capitalistic system. What you are referring to are hyphenated nationalism i.e. Nationalist socialist.


But take the off topic to this thread.
Capitalism & Nationalism incompatible.
Oh great, you point me to your own stupid thread, which got a total of two responses! Ha ha ha! The topic last I checked was Trump and nationalism. It doesn't surprise me that antisemtic morons like you have a problem defining nationalism.

Nationalism is in fact Incompatible with Capitalism.

A system which values the freedoms of Capitalists to allow foreigners to buy your companies, and buy your property, and allows Capitalists to ship jobs to foreigners by outsourcing, and allows the freedoms of Capitalists to hire who they please including foreigners who work cheaper, is NOT NATIONALISM, it's CAPITALISM, the Exact OPPOSITE.
People without work living at home are not compatible with nationalism or capitalism. They need to go ask Mama if lunch is ready.
Jewish leaders tell Trump he's not welcome in Pittsburgh until he denounces white nationalism

A group of Jewish leaders told President Trump that he is no longer welcome in Pittsburgh until he denounces white nationalism following the shooting at a synagogue there over the weekend.

Eleven members of the Pittsburgh affiliate of Bend the Arc: A Jewish Partnership for Justice penned a letter to Trump following the Saturday shooting at the Tree of Life Synagogue.

“Our Jewish community is not the only group you have targeted,” the group wrote. “You have also deliberately undermined the safety of people of color, Muslims, LGBTQ people, and people with disabilities. Yesterday’s massacre is not the first act of terror you incited against a minority group in our country.”


Well, I guess POTUS Jackass fvcked up that opportunity.
I wonder who was that "group of Jewish people" (mentioned in your link). Must be Soros and a group of his liberal puppets who badly need dirty noise around Trump to sink him in midterms.

Eleven members of the Pittsburgh affiliate of Bend the Arc: A Jewish Partnership for Justice penned a letter to Trump following the Saturday shooting at the Tree of Life Synagogue.

Like I said. You assholes aren't going to spin your way out of this one.

And it's just Sunday night. Wait until the news cycles get going full blast this week. I'm sure there will be an outcry from Jewish organizations all over the world tomorrow calling for Trump to denounce white nationalists, and he's now got 8 days until the elections.

Tic toc bitches.
Wow eleven members. Now that's what I call a mass movement.
People can also write what they like too

Very bad article.

The Soviet Union was more Nationalist since it's collapse theres more immigrants & more foreigners buying up East Euro companies & properties.
Nationalism is borne out of Capitalism, idiot. It creates an environment beneficial to the citizens of a NATION, in a capitalistic system. What you are referring to are hyphenated nationalism i.e. Nationalist socialist.


But take the off topic to this thread.
Capitalism & Nationalism incompatible.
Oh great, you point me to your own stupid thread, which got a total of two responses! Ha ha ha! The topic last I checked was Trump and nationalism. It doesn't surprise me that antisemtic morons like you have a problem defining nationalism.

Nationalism is in fact Incompatible with Capitalism.

A system which values the freedoms of Capitalists to allow foreigners to buy your companies, and buy your property, and allows Capitalists to ship jobs to foreigners by outsourcing, and allows the freedoms of Capitalists to hire who they please including foreigners who work cheaper, is NOT NATIONALISM, it's CAPITALISM, the Exact OPPOSITE.
People without work living at home are not compatible with nationalism or capitalism. They need to go ask Mama if lunch is ready.

Unable, to anwser the question, eh?

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