Jewish leaders tell Trump he's not welcome in Pittsburgh until he denounces white nationalism

I was watching Fox and they were making a bid deal that Nancy Pelosi didn't go.

No mention of Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell.


Because they didn't want to go.

And what percentage of the population do Muslims comprise, moron? Less than 3%. Idiot!
And the left is half the country fool.
I was watching Fox and they were making a bid deal that Nancy Pelosi didn't go.

No mention of Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell.


Because they didn't want to go.

And what percentage of the population do Muslims comprise, moron? Less than 3%. Idiot!
And the left is half the country fool.
Consider the source, 'etard, anti defamation league is like the ACLU and Southern Poverty, biased Leftie organizations.
And the arrogant bastard shows up any fuckin jew is gonna tell the Aryan what to do...besides, right across town awaits his most prized visit....WOUNDED FIRST RESPONDERS..WHO ARE WHITE!!!........its like fodda to a racist......80 minutes of feeling comfy.
And besides folks....Trump's gotta walk a thin line....can't get to comfortable around the jews and minorities, his racist supporters will be turned off and we got an election coming up.
You didn't see his truck with all his praising the pos trump pasted on the outside,,,and with all trumps enemies in the x hairs ?
what's that have to do with the price of chocolate in November? what the fk are you talking about? I tell you what, you post one link with Trump talking about this guy and telling him what to do. Come on brave boi, let's see your fking material. otherwise you are a useless punk trying to cause more problems than are needed. but you know what? that's who you are kkk man.
He's a trump supporter no matter how far you want to distant yourself from him and you you worthless piece of trump are on the same side and this AH
Yes, he was a Trump supporter and he sent fake bombs to prominent Democrats who were no long part of the government, but where was your outrage when William Clyde Allen III was inspired by hate speech from these same Democrats to send real ricin to the President, Secretary of Defense Mattis, Chief of Naval Operations Richardson, FBI director Chris Wray, CIA director Gina Hapel and Air Force Secretary Heather Wilson in the beginning of Oct?
I know that when that guy that shot at Republicans during a baseball game and said he was a Bernie Sanders supporter that Bernie Sanders got up in front of the Senate and apologized and said this guy was not a supporter of his and He, Bernie, denounced his actions.

Trump on the other hand, said CNN was the enemy of the people the day after they had to evacuate because of a bomb threat.
So to your mind shooting real guns at Republicans or sending real ricin to assassinate the President and other high government officials is not worth mentioning but sending fake bombs to prominent Democrats whose hate speech inspired those acts and criticizing CNN is unforgivable.
It wasn't "real ricin." It was ground castor beans. Kinda like the bombs that didn't detonate.
what's that have to do with the price of chocolate in November? what the fk are you talking about? I tell you what, you post one link with Trump talking about this guy and telling him what to do. Come on brave boi, let's see your fking material. otherwise you are a useless punk trying to cause more problems than are needed. but you know what? that's who you are kkk man.
He's a trump supporter no matter how far you want to distant yourself from him and you you worthless piece of trump are on the same side and this AH
Yes, he was a Trump supporter and he sent fake bombs to prominent Democrats who were no long part of the government, but where was your outrage when William Clyde Allen III was inspired by hate speech from these same Democrats to send real ricin to the President, Secretary of Defense Mattis, Chief of Naval Operations Richardson, FBI director Chris Wray, CIA director Gina Hapel and Air Force Secretary Heather Wilson in the beginning of Oct?
I know that when that guy that shot at Republicans during a baseball game and said he was a Bernie Sanders supporter that Bernie Sanders got up in front of the Senate and apologized and said this guy was not a supporter of his and He, Bernie, denounced his actions.

Trump on the other hand, said CNN was the enemy of the people the day after they had to evacuate because of a bomb threat.
So to your mind shooting real guns at Republicans or sending real ricin to assassinate the President and other high government officials is not worth mentioning but sending fake bombs to prominent Democrats whose hate speech inspired those acts and criticizing CNN is unforgivable.
It wasn't "real ricin." It was ground castor beans. Kinda like the bombs that didn't detonate.
Like they weren’t real bombs?
What I just said about the left tying itself up in their own "tar baby" they created is on full display in this thread.

Where the OP gleefully hurls Jews as political weapons just as they hurled women at Kavanaugh. But not far beyond the surface of their "caring, tolerant, compassionate" beings lurks an anger and a hate just as dark as any other political cornered animal. That's comment about Zionists from Kid Caddo was not an isolated slip-up apparently..

A few decades back I was already convinced that US sources were fighting Israel's battles; it's pretty obvious to anyone that actually pays attention.
The US reaction to 9/11 was a great benefit to Israel, to a point.
The Zionist have the US by the balls; I currently reside in The Jewnited States, formerly the US.
The Zionist infiltration of the US has no political monopoly; both the Dems & the Reps are complicit.
The really bad thing is; it won't end. At least it won't end well, if it does end.

Samson Option - Wikipedia

There it is. Your modern leftist. All they care about is the POWER and the GLORY. Not really selling tolerance, compassion, nor caring... They'll torch their own in a heartbeat.. If there IS a war, I'm gonna have a hard time choosing a foxhole to crawl into. But it's probably not gonna be with the tribe that has lost its way...
The Left is just really good at pretending they are tolerant and compassionate. They want to own these labels as political weapons so they can demonize and smash their opponents on their heads with them. It worked for a few decades until Trump (a Democrat previously) came along and turned the tables on them.

Trump radicalized politics, made the radicalization of politics in America acceptable, and thus we are on a collision course
with destiny, down in some deep, dark hole.
You guys will never get it. Trump is a reaction to eight years of Obama, one of the most divisive, radical, anti American antisemtic presidents in history.

Actually YES; we DO GET IT.

You assholes are bigoted racist, that are all snowflakey when it comes to the idea that AmeriKKKa had a BLACK POTUS for EIGHT years.

Yeah, we got that.
What I just said about the left tying itself up in their own "tar baby" they created is on full display in this thread.

Where the OP gleefully hurls Jews as political weapons just as they hurled women at Kavanaugh. But not far beyond the surface of their "caring, tolerant, compassionate" beings lurks an anger and a hate just as dark as any other political cornered animal. That's comment about Zionists from Kid Caddo was not an isolated slip-up apparently..

A few decades back I was already convinced that US sources were fighting Israel's battles; it's pretty obvious to anyone that actually pays attention.
The US reaction to 9/11 was a great benefit to Israel, to a point.
The Zionist have the US by the balls; I currently reside in The Jewnited States, formerly the US.
The Zionist infiltration of the US has no political monopoly; both the Dems & the Reps are complicit.
The really bad thing is; it won't end. At least it won't end well, if it does end.

Samson Option - Wikipedia

There it is. Your modern leftist. All they care about is the POWER and the GLORY. Not really selling tolerance, compassion, nor caring... They'll torch their own in a heartbeat.. If there IS a war, I'm gonna have a hard time choosing a foxhole to crawl into. But it's probably not gonna be with the tribe that has lost its way...
The Left is just really good at pretending they are tolerant and compassionate. They want to own these labels as political weapons so they can demonize and smash their opponents on their heads with them. It worked for a few decades until Trump (a Democrat previously) came along and turned the tables on them.

Trump radicalized politics, made the radicalization of politics in America acceptable, and thus we are on a collision course
with destiny, down in some deep, dark hole.
You guys will never get it. Trump is a reaction to eight years of Obama, one of the most divisive, radical, anti American antisemtic presidents in history.

Actually YES; we DO GET IT.

You assholes are bigoted racist, that are all snowflakey when it comes to the idea that AmeriKKKa had a BLACK POTUS for EIGHT years.

Yeah, we got that.
You still don't get it.
what's that have to do with the price of chocolate in November? what the fk are you talking about? I tell you what, you post one link with Trump talking about this guy and telling him what to do. Come on brave boi, let's see your fking material. otherwise you are a useless punk trying to cause more problems than are needed. but you know what? that's who you are kkk man.
He's a trump supporter no matter how far you want to distant yourself from him and you you worthless piece of trump are on the same side and this AH
Yes, he was a Trump supporter and he sent fake bombs to prominent Democrats who were no long part of the government, but where was your outrage when William Clyde Allen III was inspired by hate speech from these same Democrats to send real ricin to the President, Secretary of Defense Mattis, Chief of Naval Operations Richardson, FBI director Chris Wray, CIA director Gina Hapel and Air Force Secretary Heather Wilson in the beginning of Oct?
I know that when that guy that shot at Republicans during a baseball game and said he was a Bernie Sanders supporter that Bernie Sanders got up in front of the Senate and apologized and said this guy was not a supporter of his and He, Bernie, denounced his actions.

Trump on the other hand, said CNN was the enemy of the people the day after they had to evacuate because of a bomb threat.
So to your mind shooting real guns at Republicans or sending real ricin to assassinate the President and other high government officials is not worth mentioning but sending fake bombs to prominent Democrats whose hate speech inspired those acts and criticizing CNN is unforgivable.
It wasn't "real ricin." It was ground castor beans. Kinda like the bombs that didn't detonate.
How might I be exposed to ricin?
You can be exposed to ricin either by ingesting (swallowing) or inhaling (breathing) material containing ricin. In a few rare, past cases, injections of ricin have led to poisoning. This is a very unlikely method of exposure because it requires someone to actually inject the material into you

CDC | Questions and Answers About Ricin

It's not the same thing at all, and the media made quite a distinction between trying to kill the President, et. al. and trying to spook a few Democrats.
what's that have to do with the price of chocolate in November? what the fk are you talking about? I tell you what, you post one link with Trump talking about this guy and telling him what to do. Come on brave boi, let's see your fking material. otherwise you are a useless punk trying to cause more problems than are needed. but you know what? that's who you are kkk man.
He's a trump supporter no matter how far you want to distant yourself from him and you you worthless piece of trump are on the same side and this AH
Yes, he was a Trump supporter and he sent fake bombs to prominent Democrats who were no long part of the government, but where was your outrage when William Clyde Allen III was inspired by hate speech from these same Democrats to send real ricin to the President, Secretary of Defense Mattis, Chief of Naval Operations Richardson, FBI director Chris Wray, CIA director Gina Hapel and Air Force Secretary Heather Wilson in the beginning of Oct?
I know that when that guy that shot at Republicans during a baseball game and said he was a Bernie Sanders supporter that Bernie Sanders got up in front of the Senate and apologized and said this guy was not a supporter of his and He, Bernie, denounced his actions.

Trump on the other hand, said CNN was the enemy of the people the day after they had to evacuate because of a bomb threat.
So to your mind shooting real guns at Republicans or sending real ricin to assassinate the President and other high government officials is not worth mentioning but sending fake bombs to prominent Democrats whose hate speech inspired those acts and criticizing CNN is unforgivable.
It wasn't "real ricin." It was ground castor beans. Kinda like the bombs that didn't detonate.
what's happening to the dude with the fake pipe bombs? why isn't the same thing going on with the person and the fake ricin? same old same old. got it. only matters if you say so. LOL :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
I was watching Fox and they were making a bid deal that Nancy Pelosi didn't go.

No mention of Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell.


Because they didn't want to go.

And what percentage of the population do Muslims comprise, moron? Less than 3%. Idiot!
And the left is half the country fool.
not quite, but nice try to take something that really isn't yours.
He's a trump supporter no matter how far you want to distant yourself from him and you you worthless piece of trump are on the same side and this AH
Yes, he was a Trump supporter and he sent fake bombs to prominent Democrats who were no long part of the government, but where was your outrage when William Clyde Allen III was inspired by hate speech from these same Democrats to send real ricin to the President, Secretary of Defense Mattis, Chief of Naval Operations Richardson, FBI director Chris Wray, CIA director Gina Hapel and Air Force Secretary Heather Wilson in the beginning of Oct?
I know that when that guy that shot at Republicans during a baseball game and said he was a Bernie Sanders supporter that Bernie Sanders got up in front of the Senate and apologized and said this guy was not a supporter of his and He, Bernie, denounced his actions.

Trump on the other hand, said CNN was the enemy of the people the day after they had to evacuate because of a bomb threat.
So to your mind shooting real guns at Republicans or sending real ricin to assassinate the President and other high government officials is not worth mentioning but sending fake bombs to prominent Democrats whose hate speech inspired those acts and criticizing CNN is unforgivable.
It wasn't "real ricin." It was ground castor beans. Kinda like the bombs that didn't detonate.
Like they weren’t real bombs?
They were. Unless suddenly you are going to claim law enforcement is lying.
Yes, he was a Trump supporter and he sent fake bombs to prominent Democrats who were no long part of the government, but where was your outrage when William Clyde Allen III was inspired by hate speech from these same Democrats to send real ricin to the President, Secretary of Defense Mattis, Chief of Naval Operations Richardson, FBI director Chris Wray, CIA director Gina Hapel and Air Force Secretary Heather Wilson in the beginning of Oct?
I know that when that guy that shot at Republicans during a baseball game and said he was a Bernie Sanders supporter that Bernie Sanders got up in front of the Senate and apologized and said this guy was not a supporter of his and He, Bernie, denounced his actions.

Trump on the other hand, said CNN was the enemy of the people the day after they had to evacuate because of a bomb threat.
So to your mind shooting real guns at Republicans or sending real ricin to assassinate the President and other high government officials is not worth mentioning but sending fake bombs to prominent Democrats whose hate speech inspired those acts and criticizing CNN is unforgivable.
It wasn't "real ricin." It was ground castor beans. Kinda like the bombs that didn't detonate.
Like they weren’t real bombs?
They were. Unless suddenly you are going to claim law enforcement is lying.
The problem is not with law enforcement but with the media. If you blinked in early Oct. you missed the story about ricin being sent to the WH, and Democrats, who were busy screaming impeachment without any legal grounds for it, didn't seem to disapprove, but the fake pipe bombs have been treated like the announcement of the Apocalypse by the media and the Democrats.
Yes, he was a Trump supporter and he sent fake bombs to prominent Democrats who were no long part of the government, but where was your outrage when William Clyde Allen III was inspired by hate speech from these same Democrats to send real ricin to the President, Secretary of Defense Mattis, Chief of Naval Operations Richardson, FBI director Chris Wray, CIA director Gina Hapel and Air Force Secretary Heather Wilson in the beginning of Oct?
I know that when that guy that shot at Republicans during a baseball game and said he was a Bernie Sanders supporter that Bernie Sanders got up in front of the Senate and apologized and said this guy was not a supporter of his and He, Bernie, denounced his actions.

Trump on the other hand, said CNN was the enemy of the people the day after they had to evacuate because of a bomb threat.
So to your mind shooting real guns at Republicans or sending real ricin to assassinate the President and other high government officials is not worth mentioning but sending fake bombs to prominent Democrats whose hate speech inspired those acts and criticizing CNN is unforgivable.
It wasn't "real ricin." It was ground castor beans. Kinda like the bombs that didn't detonate.
Like they weren’t real bombs?
They were. Unless suddenly you are going to claim law enforcement is lying.
they had no way to denote, so it isn't a complete bomb. just saying.
I know that when that guy that shot at Republicans during a baseball game and said he was a Bernie Sanders supporter that Bernie Sanders got up in front of the Senate and apologized and said this guy was not a supporter of his and He, Bernie, denounced his actions.

Trump on the other hand, said CNN was the enemy of the people the day after they had to evacuate because of a bomb threat.
So to your mind shooting real guns at Republicans or sending real ricin to assassinate the President and other high government officials is not worth mentioning but sending fake bombs to prominent Democrats whose hate speech inspired those acts and criticizing CNN is unforgivable.
It wasn't "real ricin." It was ground castor beans. Kinda like the bombs that didn't detonate.
Like they weren’t real bombs?
They were. Unless suddenly you are going to claim law enforcement is lying.
they had no way to denote, so it isn't a complete bomb. just saying.
Yeah he just put shrapnel in those bombs to make them good looking Wasn't planning on blowing up anyone Do republicans here have anything but BS?
So to your mind shooting real guns at Republicans or sending real ricin to assassinate the President and other high government officials is not worth mentioning but sending fake bombs to prominent Democrats whose hate speech inspired those acts and criticizing CNN is unforgivable.
It wasn't "real ricin." It was ground castor beans. Kinda like the bombs that didn't detonate.
Like they weren’t real bombs?
They were. Unless suddenly you are going to claim law enforcement is lying.
they had no way to denote, so it isn't a complete bomb. just saying.
Yeah he just put shrapnel in those bombs to make them good looking Wasn't planning on blowing up anyone Do republicans here have anything but BS?
So far the FBI hasn't even told us there was any explosive material in the "bombs" let alone shrapnel. Where are you getting your information from?
I know that when that guy that shot at Republicans during a baseball game and said he was a Bernie Sanders supporter that Bernie Sanders got up in front of the Senate and apologized and said this guy was not a supporter of his and He, Bernie, denounced his actions.

Trump on the other hand, said CNN was the enemy of the people the day after they had to evacuate because of a bomb threat.
So to your mind shooting real guns at Republicans or sending real ricin to assassinate the President and other high government officials is not worth mentioning but sending fake bombs to prominent Democrats whose hate speech inspired those acts and criticizing CNN is unforgivable.
It wasn't "real ricin." It was ground castor beans. Kinda like the bombs that didn't detonate.
Like they weren’t real bombs?
They were. Unless suddenly you are going to claim law enforcement is lying.
they had no way to denote, so it isn't a complete bomb. just saying.
You know this how?
It wasn't "real ricin." It was ground castor beans. Kinda like the bombs that didn't detonate.
Like they weren’t real bombs?
They were. Unless suddenly you are going to claim law enforcement is lying.
they had no way to denote, so it isn't a complete bomb. just saying.
Yeah he just put shrapnel in those bombs to make them good looking Wasn't planning on blowing up anyone Do republicans here have anything but BS?
So far the FBI hasn't even told us there was any explosive material in the "bombs" let alone shrapnel. Where are you getting your information from?

Cesar Sayoc charged with five federal crimes, FBI says 13 IEDs were sent nationwide and that bombs mailed in packages are "not hoax devices" - CBS News
I know that when that guy that shot at Republicans during a baseball game and said he was a Bernie Sanders supporter that Bernie Sanders got up in front of the Senate and apologized and said this guy was not a supporter of his and He, Bernie, denounced his actions.

Trump on the other hand, said CNN was the enemy of the people the day after they had to evacuate because of a bomb threat.
So to your mind shooting real guns at Republicans or sending real ricin to assassinate the President and other high government officials is not worth mentioning but sending fake bombs to prominent Democrats whose hate speech inspired those acts and criticizing CNN is unforgivable.
It wasn't "real ricin." It was ground castor beans. Kinda like the bombs that didn't detonate.
Like they weren’t real bombs?
They were. Unless suddenly you are going to claim law enforcement is lying.
The problem is not with law enforcement but with the media. If you blinked in early Oct. you missed the story about ricin being sent to the WH, and Democrats, who were busy screaming impeachment without any legal grounds for it, didn't seem to disapprove, but the fake pipe bombs have been treated like the announcement of the Apocalypse by the media and the Democrats.
The ricin story was heavily reported. You would have to be asleep to miss it. Did anyone it was fake like you are the bombs?
So to your mind shooting real guns at Republicans or sending real ricin to assassinate the President and other high government officials is not worth mentioning but sending fake bombs to prominent Democrats whose hate speech inspired those acts and criticizing CNN is unforgivable.
It wasn't "real ricin." It was ground castor beans. Kinda like the bombs that didn't detonate.
Like they weren’t real bombs?
They were. Unless suddenly you are going to claim law enforcement is lying.
The problem is not with law enforcement but with the media. If you blinked in early Oct. you missed the story about ricin being sent to the WH, and Democrats, who were busy screaming impeachment without any legal grounds for it, didn't seem to disapprove, but the fake pipe bombs have been treated like the announcement of the Apocalypse by the media and the Democrats.
The ricin story was heavily reported. You would have to be asleep to miss it. Did anyone it was fake like you are the bombs?
That's simply not true. It was reported but not heavily reported. When I first brought up on here a few days ago, may people hadn't hear about before, or if they were Democrats, were sad it hadn't succeeded. Everyone around the world has heard about the pipe bombs because they have gotten so much play in the media.
It wasn't "real ricin." It was ground castor beans. Kinda like the bombs that didn't detonate.
Like they weren’t real bombs?
They were. Unless suddenly you are going to claim law enforcement is lying.
The problem is not with law enforcement but with the media. If you blinked in early Oct. you missed the story about ricin being sent to the WH, and Democrats, who were busy screaming impeachment without any legal grounds for it, didn't seem to disapprove, but the fake pipe bombs have been treated like the announcement of the Apocalypse by the media and the Democrats.
The ricin story was heavily reported. You would have to be asleep to miss it. Did anyone it was fake like you are the bombs?
That's simply not true. It was reported but not heavily reported. When I first brought up on here a few days ago, may people hadn't hear about before, or if they were Democrats, were sad it hadn't succeeded. Everyone around the world has heard about the pipe bombs because they have gotten so much play in the media.

It is, simply true. I read about it. Over several days. I am sure some assholes expressed the sentiments you mention. Just as some Republican assholes were bummed the bombs didn’t work. But they all represent a minority.

Bombs tend to get heavier coverage because they are bombs and in this case many more people involved.

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