Jewish paper removed Woman for MODESTY

A small Jewish ultra-Orthodox newspaper in Israel......

Big fucking deal!!

Yes that's right, since woman are so sleazy, and Jewish men so modest. Its dishonest, underhanded, and well they could of left the picture out completely, but no, they had to fake the pic.
A small Jewish ultra-Orthodox newspaper in Israel......

Big fucking deal!!

Yes that's right, since woman are so sleazy, and Jewish men so modest. Its dishonest, underhanded, and well they could of left the picture out completely, but no, they had to fake the pic.

Why do you care?
Because its dishonest and sick.

A small town newspaper got you all upset? Wow!!
She was not immodest. She has a business suit on fer crissakes. They took her out because SHE IS A WOMAN. Women belong in the kitchen, barefoot, pregnant and in a sheet.
Fucktard men. Jeez.
It's ridiculous. They are no better than extremist muslims that insist their women wear hijabs.
The difference is the muslims kill women who don't wear the hijab. It's really no different than an Amish man making his wife wear a long dress and cap.

If an orthodox hasidic woman or an Amish woman refused to abide by the religious restrictions they would both be cast out of their communities. No one would be killed over it.
"man MAKING his wife...."

Just pisses me off, lol.
I worked at a ladies shoe store one time and I was surprised at how many women tried on shoes, loved them, but had to "ask" their husband if he "liked" the shoes before she would buy them. Or rather, ASK him if he would buy them FOR her. I always asked "is HE wearing them?" and they were just deer in headlights look every time I asked.
"man MAKING his wife...."

Just pisses me off, lol.
I worked at a ladies shoe store one time and I was surprised at how many women tried on shoes, loved them, but had to "ask" their husband if he "liked" the shoes before she would buy them. Or rather, ASK him if he would buy them FOR her. I always asked "is HE wearing them?" and they were just deer in headlights look every time I asked.

Some women just don't trust their own opinion. They want to make sure their husbands find the shoes just as attractive as they do. I doubt it has anything to do with permission.

I was on my own from 1975 to mid 1990s. I was so used to thinking of me when I did get married again my husband complained that I never thought in terms of we. I once got all new living room furniture without even thinking to tell him. But when he bought something for me, that made it extra special.

My daughter in law asks my son everything. She asks him if he likes the lipstick color before she gets it at the drugstore. He doesn't particularly care that she calls him when she's getting her nails done to ask whether the new polish should be pink or red. She likes doing it.

There is nothing more complicated than interpersonal relationships.

Nancy Pelosi's husband picks out all her clothes and shoes and tells her what to wear every day.
Oy. Never.
I do what I want, when I want. So does Mr. Gracie. The only time we confer is if we want to spend on something that is kind of expensive. I will discuss with him if I want something that costs 100 bucks, and he will with me. But other than discussion.

One lady at the shoe store bought a pair. She brought them back the next day because her husband thought them ugly. She stands on her feet all day..they were Danskos. Perfect for arch support and comfort for what she did for a living (nurse). But HE didn't like them. Was he wearing them? NO.
It disgusted me.
Ultra Orthodox Jews are usually fairly crazy types so this isn't new. They got butthurt recently when they were forced to serve in the reserves like all other Israelis that come of age.
Oy. Never.
I do what I want, when I want. So does Mr. Gracie. The only time we confer is if we want to spend on something that is kind of expensive. I will discuss with him if I want something that costs 100 bucks, and he will with me. But other than discussion.

One lady at the shoe store bought a pair. She brought them back the next day because her husband thought them ugly. She stands on her feet all day..they were Danskos. Perfect for arch support and comfort for what she did for a living (nurse). But HE didn't like them. Was he wearing them? NO.
It disgusted me.
Well. I don't blame you there. I cannot imagine being overruled by anyone.

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