Jewish Supremacy From the Jordan River to the Sea

We should be able to call this what it is...

‘NY Times’ and ‘Washington Post’ have still said nothing about B’Tselem’s finding a month ago that Israel is an ‘apartheid regime’ – Mondoweiss

"One month after one of Israel’s leading human rights organizations declared that the country is ruled by an 'apartheid' state, liberal Zionists in the U.S. are breathing more easily.

"The New York Times and the Washington Post have still published nothing on the landmark finding by the human rights group B’Tselem, nor have any of their editorial writers or main columnists chimed in."

Jewish apartheid is the source of most of the violence across the Middle East; anyone seriously interested in bringing peace to that blood-soaked domain should start in the Jordan valley.
Eh, put some ice on it.
What a fucking lie.

Another liar for Allah.
Your link

"Medical studies in Sderot, the Israeli city closest to the Gaza Strip, have documented a post-traumatic stress disorder incidence among young children of almost 50%, as well as high rates of depression and miscarriage.[9][10][11"

How did the Heroic Jews come to steal Sderot, Stooge?

Najd, Gaza - Wikipedia

"According to Benny Morris, the villagers of Najd were expelled by soldiers from the Negev Brigade on 12–13 May, during the 1948 Arab–Israeli War.[7]

"Following the war the area was incorporated into the State of Israel and the city of Sderot was founded in 1951 on village land, a few miles to the south of the village site,[16] while Or HaNer was founded in 1957 also on village land, to the northeas"

If you don't want to get shot at, stop stealing the land and water of other people.
How much larger would their economy be if they gave up terrorism?
How much land did non-Jews own in Palestine when European Jews began the Zionist project in Palestine.

Balfour Declaration - Wikipedia

"The opening words of the declaration represented the first public expression of support for Zionism by a major political power.

"The term 'national home' had no precedent in international law, and was intentionally vague as to whether a Jewish state was contemplated.

"The intended boundaries of Palestine were not specified, and the British government later confirmed that the words 'in Palestine' meant that the Jewish national home was not intended to cover all of Palestine."

How much land did non-Jews own in Palestine

Cool maps!!!

Now subtract out all the Ottoman land and repost.

the British government later confirmed that the words 'in Palestine' meant that the Jewish national home was not intended to cover all of Palestine."

Obviously. Arabs got 77% of the mandate for Jordan.

Jews owned 6 per cent of the land in 1948.
Jews owned 6 per cent of the land in 1948.

How much did the Ottomans own in 1917?

Before the British and the Arabs ran them off? Most of it.. Their rule over Palestine was pretty benign and loose. They let the Muslims, Jews and Christians govern themselves. The Jewish population was quite small.

Before the British and the Arabs ran them off? Most of it..


Why does George's fake map claim that the Ottoman land magically became "Palestinian" land?
Jews owned 6 per cent of the land in 1948.

How much did the Ottomans own in 1917?

Before the British and the Arabs ran them off? Most of it.. Their rule over Palestine was pretty benign and loose. They let the Muslims, Jews and Christians govern themselves. The Jewish population was quite small.

Before the British and the Arabs ran them off? Most of it..

View attachment 458226

Why does George's fake map claim that the Ottoman land magically became "Palestinian" land?

Because the Arabs fought with the British to oust the Ottoman Turks... and in 1917 the Jewish population of Palestine was tiny. The Muslims, Christians and Jews who lived there for 2000 years called themselves Palestinians..

All the old Bible maps called it Palestine.
What a fucking lie.

Another liar for Allah.
Your link

"Medical studies in Sderot, the Israeli city closest to the Gaza Strip, have documented a post-traumatic stress disorder incidence among young children of almost 50%, as well as high rates of depression and miscarriage.[9][10][11"

How did the Heroic Jews come to steal Sderot, Stooge?

Najd, Gaza - Wikipedia

"According to Benny Morris, the villagers of Najd were expelled by soldiers from the Negev Brigade on 12–13 May, during the 1948 Arab–Israeli War.[7]

"Following the war the area was incorporated into the State of Israel and the city of Sderot was founded in 1951 on village land, a few miles to the south of the village site,[16] while Or HaNer was founded in 1957 also on village land, to the northeas"

If you don't want to get shot at, stop stealing the land and water of other people.

Don't wage war against people - don't lose territory.
Before the British and the Arabs ran them off? Most of it.. Their rule over Palestine was pretty benign and loose. They let the Muslims, Jews and Christians govern themselves. The Jewish population was quite small.

You were corrected on your lie about Arabs opposing the Caliphate already.

A few rebel tribes sided with the Allies. Most were loyal to Islam.
Before the British and the Arabs ran them off? Most of it.. Their rule over Palestine was pretty benign and loose. They let the Muslims, Jews and Christians govern themselves. The Jewish population was quite small.

You were corrected on your lie about Arabs opposing the Caliphate already.

A few rebel tribes sided with the Allies. Most were loyal to Islam.

Nope.. every Arab states signed on with the Allies by 1939.

The Arabs did NOT want another Caliphate because the last one was such a dud. During the Ottoman Empire the Arab world stagnated..

Ibn Saud chased the Turkish garrisons off the Arabian peninsula BEFORE WW1. The British bet on the wrong horse namely the Emir of Mecca who had NO following.
Because the Arabs fought with the British to oust the Ottoman Turks... and in 1917 the Jewish population of Palestine was tiny. The Muslims, Christians and Jews who lived there for 2000 years called themselves Palestinians..

All the old Bible maps called it Palestine.

Dude, that is a lie.

Sharif rebels of the House of Saud (Sharif of Mecca) joined the Brits. The overwhelming majority of Arabs fought with the Ottomans.
Jews owned 6 per cent of the land in 1948.

How much did the Ottomans own in 1917?

Before the British and the Arabs ran them off? Most of it.. Their rule over Palestine was pretty benign and loose. They let the Muslims, Jews and Christians govern themselves. The Jewish population was quite small.

Before the British and the Arabs ran them off? Most of it..

View attachment 458226

Why does George's fake map claim that the Ottoman land magically became "Palestinian" land?

Because the Arabs fought with the British to oust the Ottoman Turks... and in 1917 the Jewish population of Palestine was tiny. The Muslims, Christians and Jews who lived there for 2000 years called themselves Palestinians..

All the old Bible maps called it Palestine.

Because the Arabs fought with the British to oust the Ottoman Turks...

So what?

and in 1917 the Jewish population of Palestine was tiny.

Again, so what?

Your landlord gets killed, goes to jail, moves don't
suddenly, magically own the building.

All the old Bible maps called it Palestine.

And Israel. With areas called Samaria, Judaea.
Before the British and the Arabs ran them off? Most of it.. Their rule over Palestine was pretty benign and loose. They let the Muslims, Jews and Christians govern themselves. The Jewish population was quite small.

You were corrected on your lie about Arabs opposing the Caliphate already.

A few rebel tribes sided with the Allies. Most were loyal to Islam.

Nope.. every Arab states signed on with the Allies by 1939.

The Arabs did NOT want another Caliphate because the last one was such a dud. During the Ottoman Empire the Arab world stagnated..

Ibn Saud chased the Turkish garrisons off the Arabian peninsula BEFORE WW1. The British bet on the wrong horse namely the Emir of Mecca who had NO following.

Nope.. every Arab states signed on with the Allies by 1939.

World War 1......DURR

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